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9388441 No.9388441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Define and defend equality.

>> No.9388450

A spook

>> No.9388463

Liberals and communists want to destroy the family unit, gay "marriage" will bring ruin to our nation.

>> No.9388470

In response to OP, I simply cannot take the liberty to defend equality, not even as a devil's advocate.

>> No.9388495

Equality = Equal opportunity to be loved by God

My defense: The Holy Bible

>> No.9388497

It can either be understood as an equality under the law or as being the same. These two meanings are very different and get mixed all the time, which leads to much confusion

>> No.9388498

Most Hindu children have never seen a Bible. How is that equal?

>> No.9388525

Kill yourself you dipshit hick.

People are not equal. However we all could do something amazing and if we expect society to function in any lasting way, we should be given equal opportunity.

>> No.9388536

>The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

>Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

>> No.9388538

>Kill yourself you dipshit hick.
Did he say anything wrong? Calm down, coastie.

>> No.9388545

Communists have written mountains of academic literature about destroying the family. Gay marriage was planed a long time ago. He may be a hick, but he isn't wrong.

>> No.9388555

If that's true, then why has his message only been spread with the word? And more abstractly, why is the word so important? Why is Jesus the word made flesh if the world itself makes it superfluous?

>> No.9388558

Equal oppurtunity to develop yourself, create art, and engage in intellectual as well as political discource and society in general. Also freedom to do whatever that does only affect you and other consenting indiviuals.
Now you attack it first.
I also want to note that trying to compensate for inequality does not amont to equality, even if only because one can not possibly measure diffrence in oppurtunity accurately.

>> No.9388563

>Define and defend equality.
At least ask nicely if you want anon to do all the work.

>> No.9388582

>Also freedom to do whatever that does only affect you and other consenting indiviuals.
In other words, absolutely nothing because everything always effects everyone.

>> No.9388587

>recognize that people are different
> expects people to act the same

>> No.9388595

You're literally telling me that you think homosexuality is a plot by the communists to attack the christian's definition of the family unit?

William of ockham is spinning in his fucking grave.

>> No.9388598

suck my faggot dick

>> No.9388606

oh god you don't even trying. not homosexuality but the gay (sub) culture and gay marriage.

ps: don't even that anon and don't even believe this, just understood what he meant

>> No.9388617

The LGBT movement should stop pretending that "born this way" is a real slogan. Sexuality is fluid and context-sensitive and everyone with a brain knows this, including psychologists and experts in the field.

The fragmentation of the concept of the "nuclear family" and the liberation of the burden to reproduce will be the crowning achievements of human society. Finally free of social obligations brought about by biological imperatives, humans will dedicate themselves to living beautiful lives.

Some idiots while whine, "but what about the survival of the human species!" Aside from the fact that it is very unlikely that the majority of humanity will one day decide to stop reproducing, even if they did, there would be nothing intrinsically wrong with that. The propagation of life as its own final purpose is meaningless. Humanity may well disappear peacefully into oblivion along with the rest of the universe.

>> No.9388619

Oh okay then my mistake, it all makes fucking sense now.

>> No.9388628


>> No.9388635

it doesn't have to, but if you're trying to refuse someone's point you should at least understand what his point is

>> No.9388644
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Jesus is 'The Word' through whom creation was made. As in, "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

When the Bible says "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us" it doesn't mean that Jesus is the Bible. The Bible isn't the Word. Jesus never refers to the Bible as 'The Word', but as "All the Law and the Prophets"

>> No.9388649

Like >>9388606 said, the cultural institutions, not the proclivity. I'm a gay man. I enjoy jacking it to gay porn and fucking gay men. I'm still going to settle down and have kids. Homosexuality is an activity, not a lifestyle or identity. Communists (feminists) invented the idea of an LGBT community to fight the patriarchy.

What they didn't plan on was gays domesticating. Gay marriage was a useful wedge issue, but the original plan of overturning bourgeoisie values was turned on its head. Gays joined the moderate progressives, who seek reconciliation between Protestant Capitalism and Revolutionary Communism.

>> No.9388655

dumb judeo-utopianist


>> No.9388659

>I enjoy jacking it to gay porn and fucking gay men.

>> No.9388661

No, Jesus embodies the Word. The Word came first, as did the Father.

The Bible is a manifestation of the Word for mankind, who is incompetent to understand the majesty of God without it. Those who never hear it are damned. This was understood through all of Christian History before equality was invented in the Enlightenment.

>> No.9388668

>The propagation of life as its own final purpose is meaningless.
"Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it"

>> No.9388672

I'm sick and fucking tired of you arian pretenders passing off your crypto-gnosticism for Christianity. Accept the true message of God: spoken truth.

>> No.9388681
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>In 2011, internet journalist Daniel Villarreal advocated queer acceptance by writing: "I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT." [26]

yep. It's well documented and obvious to anyone with at least half a fucking brain. The 'LGBT movement' has a always been a marxist political ideology, of course they are free to do whatever they want, but an anti-propaganda law like Russia's seems entirely reasonable. People have a right to just say no to leftist social engineering.

>> No.9388684

>Jesus embodies the Word. The Word came first, as did the Father.
please tell me how this isn't the Arian heresy

Also plenty of Biblical figures lived and died without ever experiencing the Word. Abram made his covenant with the Father, long before Moses wrote down the Pentateuch. Likewise, Noah built his Ark at God's behest long before the covenant at Mt. Sinai, and even before the covenant with Abram.

>For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves

>> No.9388690


>> No.9388692

You can be gay without succumbing to your lust. I too have struggled with the sin of pornography, though I am straight.

Not sure why you're so mad. Your post also makes no sense.

>> No.9388699

>Homosexuality is an activity
No, it is an attribute.
>I'm a gay man.
> I'm still going to settle down and have kids.

>> No.9388712

>In 2011
>internet journalist
what a conspiracy

>> No.9388723

also, the early Church existed in the absence of the New Testament, even after the ascension.