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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 604x453, DDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9385880 No.9385880 [Reply] [Original]

I grew up listening to bands like DDT, and I liked their sound as somewhere between Western rock and folk music. But apparently, Russian music is known for its poetic lyricism, and DDT is especially accomplished as a popular rock band. Reading the Google translations makes me want to learn Russian so I can appreciate the music more. Are Russian rock bands the poets of the modern era?


>> No.9385886

/lit/ = redpill, capitalism, Christ, female virginity, white superiority

Which of these do Russian bands share with us?

>> No.9385893


Fuck off to /pol/. And I mean this as a staunch Donald Trump supporter. You're not going to fuck up my thread about the lyricism of Russian bands.

>> No.9385894

you're dumb

>> No.9385917

Donald Trump is going to save the white race and get women back in the kitchen where they belong.

To be redpilled is to be the new punk movement. We're radical; we're anti-establishment; we're driven by extreme logic and rationality; and we're here to stay

>> No.9385925


I don't give a shit. You're fucking with my thread.

>> No.9385929

Egor Letov is pretty cool

>> No.9386059

Finally the one thread where I can post about Nol

>> No.9386078
File: 22 KB, 400x269, russian3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9386095

Of course Russian bands are /lit/

Trump can't, and isn't trying to stop America from having a white minority in 2050 through lawful non-European migration. If Trump didn't win, things could've gotten bad enough and fast enough for a revolution to form. Instead, we got stale le god emperor memes while making 0 progress on stopping Europe from becoming Pakistan in 150-300 years.

>> No.9386109

>tfw trapped in an absurd meme reality brought into existence by Alexander Dugin's dabblings in chaos magick.

>> No.9386157


>Trump can't, and isn't trying to stop America from having a white minority in 2050 through lawful non-European migration.

Depends on how 2018 goes. He definitely needed to run to expose just how corrupt and fake our politicians are on an organized level.

>If Trump didn't win, things could've gotten bad enough and fast enough for a revolution to form.

I'd rather have a peaceful transition than a violent revolution where people get hurt.

>Instead, we got stale le god emperor memes while making 0 progress on stopping Europe from becoming Pakistan in 150-300 years.

That's not our responsibility. That's their own doing. Germans are so fucking stupid that when they get pissed off at Merkel for doing what she does best, they threaten to vote for Schulz, somebody who will do the same shit but with even greater intensity.