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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 453x306, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
938197 No.938197 [Reply] [Original]

get this shit going


>> No.938200

op will be the first to post his list

>> No.938210

you giftin' OP?

>> No.938219
File: 144 KB, 350x602, 679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone post and see if op delivars.
potential epic awaits.

>> No.938227

fuck it, i'll take the plunge

if i get anything on the list, i'd be super grateful...so i'm hoping for the best, but not expecting anything

>> No.938237

did op delivar?

>> No.938245


always lookin for recommendations on linguistics and philosophy of language. i don't attend a university so it's hard to gauge my level of education and determine what to pursue next.

>> No.938248

either no, or not yet

>> No.938262


Just so you guys know, I'm in brazil, and there aren't many books, and one of them is comics, but these are the only ones I want to own, I'm usually a lend, borrow, library kind of guy.
It would mean a lot if someone could gift me one of these.

>> No.938275


I still don't know if Michael Ab. ever got the two books I bought him.

>> No.938276
File: 95 KB, 1234x824, sdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>938245 here
oh yeah here's my picture with a timestamp so you know it's real because I hear that works in here.

>> No.938288

how can you tell if someone has bought you a book?

>> No.938290

these threads are stupid

>> No.938295

there's a drop down box that usually says "Unpurchased"
move it to "Purchased" and see if anything is on the list

>> No.938303

not when someone buys you a book.

>> No.938305

besides the obvious beggars there is, from time to time, some good discussion to be had in these threads when people with similar interests see each others' lists.

>> No.938308

wishlists are fucking stupid

if you want a book so badly buy it.

if you don't have the money, go to a library.

wishing never accomplished anything

>> No.938315

aaawwwww snap someone bought me the man in the high castle! fuckin a, thanks so much. i don't even know when it happened, but i hope that whoever bought it for me is here.
that makes 2 books bought for me and ive only bought 1 for another anon - so ile be refraining from posting my wishlist anymore till i buy someone else a book.
fuckin a. i love this place.

>> No.938318
File: 27 KB, 500x328, buckley_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish some girl would award me with fellatio.

>> No.938328

I'm willing to suck dick, if someone buys a book for me.


>> No.938331


>> No.938334


>> No.938342


Bro most of these you can probably pick up for like £2 at your local second-hand bookstore. Go find one, have a dig, see what you uncover :)

>> No.938345


>> No.938349
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>> No.938353

sure is trollin' in this thread

>> No.938355

oh wow, the egyptian book of the dead. i might have to look into that. have you read the tibetan book of the dead?

>> No.938357

>have you read the tibetan book of the dead

not list owner, but i saw the movie. seriously, it was one of those weird trippy nfb numbers.

>> No.938359

This phenomenon is proof that /lit/ is the best board on 4chan


>> No.938361

List owner here - Nope. I would like to eventually though.

>> No.938362

Some of the books I still need for my "library".

>> No.938366

heh, whoah. that sounds really bizarre, probably terrible, but somehow... i am drawn to it.

>> No.938367

I like all of you

been interested in reading both books of the dead
so brofistan for mutual interests

>> No.938371


Never done this before, so if someone buys me a book or two I'll be more than happy to buy them some. Just got my paycheck on Friday, as well.

>> No.938372


it was, in fact, quite terrible. probably best enjoyed with some, uh, herbal enhancement.

>> No.938373
File: 25 KB, 478x468, 1263790092325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the image you are looking for, bro.
on a side note, i haven't read the tibetan book for some time now. i think im gonna go pick it up again now.

>> No.938376


Where is stephen pinkers Language Instinct?

>> No.938380

I'd rather compare tastes. I'd feel like a little bitch if someone bought me something and I didn't pay back in full.


And no one but a little bitch likes feeling like a little bitch.

So, actual book discussion time: how was the latest Pullman novel, the one about Jesus?
I've been pretty disappointed with most of what he's written other than His Dark Materials so I'm kind of iffy about it.
I've also been meaning to read the Haruhi books but they look a little too similar to the TV series (or rather, vice versa. Egg came before the chicken and all).

>> No.938381

I'm not sure I understand the question. If you are looking to put it on your own list -
from your wishlist, there's a bar on the top of the screen you can type in. Just search for it there. Click on the title when it appears. Then on the right hand side there's a button that says "add to wishlist."

>> No.938386

the link to your wishlist isn't working

>> No.938396

Eh, worked when I tried it. Whatever.

>> No.938402


I would absolutely love anything.

>> No.938405

>i'm willing to suck dick

Name your time and place.

Post pics of yourself so I know it's worth it.

>> No.938409

yeah, I know this is probably true
The problem is that Im out of the country until the beginning of September, so unless I want these books in Japanese, going to a local 2nd hand store won't do any good.
I'd like to have some waiting for me when I get back though

>> No.938411
File: 72 KB, 288x362, rand3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah son, i see that rand in there. if i had money i would totally buy this for you, just for the trolling potential. we'll probably have a good shitstorm on our hands anyways.

>> No.938412


I wish I had the money to get you the Freud, Dante or Saki.

Stephen King and Ayn Rand on the other hand...

>> No.938416


Mostly language stuff, some of which are relics from years ago, but there are some novels, too.

>> No.938422

did you find it?

>> No.938439


Just started my list. Getting Pale Fire would rock.

>> No.938443

Has anyone actually bought anyone anything?

>> No.938448

Hi, I did get the books you bought - The Princess and the Goblin and Frankenstein, right? Already done with both XD

Thank you so much <333

>> No.938454

in this thread, i don't think so

>> No.938462
File: 23 KB, 349x400, 47572_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Putin looks badass in that picture.

Here's mine, as usual, recommendations are more than welcome.

>> No.938470 [DELETED] 

well since everybody else is doing it I just put this baby together today http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1QMI8VI3BGU3U

>> No.938474

You're linking us wrong. Notice how the format of that URL isn't the same as all the others posted here? Yeah.

>> No.938481

like it matters but thanks, the real link is http://amzn.com/w/1QMI8VI3BGU3U

>> No.938495

Damn Lynch, he does I wish he was my friend.

>> No.938497


no kind anons so far. doesn't matter; it's still fun.

>> No.938503

just putting the list together is kinda fun actually

>> No.938505

Some tasty things

>> No.938506

I got gifted Deathbird Stories recently. I've only read the first story so far (started it yesterday) but HOLY CRAP was that good. Smart move putting it on your wishlist.

>> No.938509
File: 62 KB, 463x499, 1278215942600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've bought a book for anon. I plan to start a thread next payday so I can gift more.

>> No.938513


Beggars cannot be choosers, but either one of the Buddhist books. Even if no one goes for my wishlist, it is amazing that Anons are doing this for one another. :3

>> No.938514


I'd love the audio engineering book, but that's expensive and I'd be happy to get anything at all.

>> No.938516
File: 16 KB, 300x300, mrs. Hoover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon is so dramatically overpriced.

Is there a way to do this kind of thing with bookdepository?

>> No.938531
File: 126 KB, 402x500, 47572_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh we're on the same boat there, dear anon. This guy is awesome.

>> No.938535 [DELETED] 

Bookdepository doesn't have $<1 used books, at least none that I'm interested in. On amazon You can find quite a few books for less than 50 cents. And then you pay maybe $4 for shipping. Even the new books tend to be about the same price.

>> No.938539

Unfortunately not. While you can make a wishlist, bookdepository are yet to implement a feature that would allow someone else to buy the books for you. I suggest emailing them and letting them know you'd like this feature - a few of us did so last thread.

>> No.938546

Does bookdepository carry used books? I couldn't tell, but lots of books on amazon can be had for pennies (literally) and the shipping is maybe $4. I've purchased quite a few used books for about $4.01. The only cheaper way to acquire these books would be at a physical location, like a thrift store or something.

>> No.938554

Ausfag here. It's worth a shot!


>> No.938563

>Does bookdepository carry used books?

Nope. Try betterworldbooks or thriftbooks for that. It'd be sweet if abebooks had something like it (I suppose based on ISBNs).

>> No.938564

Enjoy Snow Crash, bro. And you didn't even have to suck dick for it.

>> No.938568
File: 109 KB, 426x600, Hans_Moleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bookdepository has the cheapest new books. As for used books, it really depends on where you live and what the shipping to there will cost. Here in Canada, I'm often better off buying new at bookdepository than buying used on Amazon or eBay.

>> No.938570

>Here in Canada, I'm often better off buying new at bookdepository than buying used on Amazon or eBay.
Seconded for Australia.

>> No.938571
File: 31 KB, 694x530, picard_win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when this shit happens

>> No.938587

Don't expect anything, but will be grateful for anything. Just quit my soul-sucking retail job to attend school fulltime, so I can't afford books anymore.

>> No.938597


Soon I will be able to buy people shit in these threads.

>> No.938598


now lets see. who can I buy shit for...

>> No.938601
File: 37 KB, 453x604, 1279431059668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes, have yet to get anything.


>> No.938604

The prices still come out to be about the same. Shipping is free on those sites, but the cheapest books come in at about $4. Thank you for the link though.

>> No.938607

Here's mine.


>> No.938609

is that you tyler?

>> No.938613
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>> No.938616


I always late to these threads

>> No.938628

Ah, you have The Divine Comedy, fantastic. I would gift this if I had any money. I recommend 'The Dore Illustrations' for it too, which is on my list if you'd like to take a look at it. They are brilliant.


>> No.938674

Uhm no.
Just a good looking girl to get your attention.

>> No.938675

I love looking through other peoples and adding their stuff to my list.

>> No.938682
File: 178 KB, 1000x1014, 1278220587078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is just my "to buy" list. I'm also taking suggestions for books to add to my list. So if you want to take a look and suggest something then please do.

Most of the stuff is scifi, books on conciousness, AI, religion, and reality.

>> No.938708

>Most of the stuff is scifi, books on conciousness, AI, religion, and reality.
Oh hey, these sound like my list of interests!
>opens link
>Ayn Rand
>closes tab

>> No.938758

The synopsis to atlus shrugged seemed interesting. Is author really that terrible?

>> No.938783


Don't judge a book by it's synopsis. shitsux.

>> No.938786

Oh, yeah! Terrible philosophy, and terrible characters used solely for the purpose of proving her own theories regarding capitalism and "success" via glorification of material goods for the sake of objectivism.

>> No.938811


I removed the books from my list then. Maybe anon will read my list and give suggestions.

>> No.938826

/lit/ LOOOOOVESS her

>> No.938827

failed wishlist thread.

>> No.938830

Australian. Any suggestions are also appreciated


>> No.938837

Oh look, it's almost as if a huge wall just vanished right before my eyes!
I see you've been checking that cyberpunk thread, eh?

>> No.938849


Ha, I love Ligotti. I would've gotten you that if I had money.

>> No.938858


It's actually my thread. I recently purchase an ebook reader so plan to just #bookz most of these. At the rate that I read, I should be good on books for about a year.

>> No.938878

I'm going to bed now but I'd like to thank anyone who gifts in advance.

>> No.938885

Ohh, that'd explain it. I've been taking notes on some of the titles mentioned there, not too shabby on the mangas though.

>> No.938891


Thanks for the thought, mate. Reposting for luck:


>> No.938944

If an anon would be so kind as to buy me a book, I would be greatful, or if anyone as any suggestions on other books I should add to my list, I would also be appreciative: http://amzn.com/w/1EMEBC8AJ8ANG

>> No.938949

China Mieville's The Scar and Iron Council.

>> No.938955


>> No.938957

So are "lol buy me books" threads bannable yet on /lit/? Because they sure as fuck should be.

>> No.938984

I love the style. Might be relevant to your interest in Asimov.

>> No.939090

Looks quite interesting, thanks for the recommendation!

>> No.939279

hope not, i have scammed like eight people for $90 in amazon credit :3

>> No.939286

people gifting you things != scamming
even if you just return the books for credit. they are still giving you something, you are just liquidating it.

>> No.939315

Bah, I'm always at work when these threads start.

I'm a little late, but anyone want to help out a previously generous anon?


>> No.939477

I came up with a list of books I want to read a few months back in a text document a while back. Been slowly chipping away at it. Here's what I have currently, though the list keeps getting added to.


I'll see how generous /lit/ is, though I'm expecting nothing. I tend to give back though, so I guess time will tell.

>> No.939773

Here's mine! I've posted in these threads 4 times now...I can still hope. Would love Norwegian Wood.

>> No.939845

>Would love Norwegian Wood.
I see what you mean. Tee-hee.

>> No.940041
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>> No.940089

Enjoy Altered Carbon, bro. I bought a copy of it for someone else already, but based on your obvious interest in the genre (I can see that you were camping that cyberpunk-ish thread too) I think you'll fucking love it.

>> No.940104


>> No.940117

>Ship-to: No address entered
Son, we need to have words.

>> No.940126

Wishlist share eh?


Questions? Comments? Concerns?

>> No.940133


Anything on there would be appreciated :)

>> No.940147

>copy wishlist link
>browser tells me it's been entered before
>Greedy Motherfuckers.

>> No.940150
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1233661246418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NSFW List
>Books on domination, sexual photography

>> No.940160

So... Norse mythology.

>> No.940163

I'll tell you what he is, he's either a nutcase or an illegal immigrant, one or the other!

>> No.940164

maybe in other threads?
I haven't gotten anything.
been posting in these for like 5 days now.
I bought a few books for anon so it's alright.

>> No.940166


>> No.940173

Yeah. I'm slowly learning more about paganism, and the Norse gods fascinate me.

>> No.940181


This is what advertising is all about :D

>>938380 here, good to see someone else w/ Fitzpatrick's War on their wishlist. :D

>> No.940188

I respect modern Paganism for being one of the more benign religions.

If a pagan ever got political power it would start to suck though.

>> No.940193

It got recommended to me as a great "steampunk" style story. I'm trying to write one myself, and I thought if I read one it might make the process a bit less daunting.

>> No.940196


I can save you, or some generous anon, a bunch of money by just TELLING you what's in those screenwriting books. Start another thread on that topic, if you like, cause this isn't the place to do it.

>> No.940202

Will give this a go.


>> No.940203

Several people. Not listing them all.

>> No.940206

Not greedy, /lit/ is a small community, were like 10 or 20. I've seen plenty of these lists before.

>> No.940211

Really now? I uh, I guess I could do that. Thing is, I'm not really writing any stories I'd like to adapt at this time.

I'm not evening getting my film making equipment until the end of the year.

>> No.940218

*not even

Ugh, brain needs more caffeine.

>> No.940221


I would buy you one of those... but i'm poor. pretty good list, though.

>> No.940224

Never actually run into a physical copy of it anywhere, but the concept sounds pretty awesome.

On the other hand, it could suck. The Johannes Cabal series was on my wish list for a pretty long time before I actually picked up the books and realized I hated the writing style.

>> No.940237

Oh. Well I've definitely posted my list before, but never been gifted. *shrug*

>> No.940278

hey guys, here's mine :)

>> No.940289

>opens link
>Ayn Rand
>closes tab
again and again and again

>> No.940290
File: 29 KB, 273x394, Far Side--gifted school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never been gifted

I see what you mean.

>> No.940299

Brb, adding Farside books to my wishlist.

>> No.940302

Oh I'm not the only one who does that.

>> No.940310


I do that too.

>> No.940311
File: 241 KB, 467x700, 1275283827179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright one last shot.


>> No.940323
File: 25 KB, 350x251, 47572_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Tyler again... Sup bro?

See what I mean? Small community.

>> No.940325


>> No.940326

Dissenters will inevitably abhor.

>> No.940337

Hey man, you don't want that edition of City of Saints and Madmen. You want the most current (3rd I think) edition because it includes several stories that weren't in the earlier ones.

>> No.940339

What's with the absurd amount of vuvuzelas?

>> No.940340

>>Really now? I uh, I guess I could do that. Thing is, I'm not really writing any stories I'd like to adapt at this time.

Well, then no need to post now. It's just....the basic screenwriting structure is about as simple as the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet. In other words, I can teach you how to do it competently in about 20 minutes, and save you the trouble of buying any one of the zillion books on the subject, let alone 350 bucks for a Robert McKee seminar.

>> No.940345

It's a wishlist.

It's for making my wishes come true.

>> No.940346

Just lookin' to start a collection of classics. Surely there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.940347

is anyone even buying?

i'd be super gald if someone did and decided that they wanted to buy me something, so i'll repost:

sage is because it's not necessarily contributing to the /lit/ society, but i want to post anyway

>> No.940348

Ah ok. Well feel free to keep in touch then. My email is mwglc@yahoo.com

>> No.940352

>is anyone even buying?
At least one guy. I've bought two people some stuff from list thread so far.

>> No.940358

>Everyone (including myself) immediately checks their wishlists

>> No.940363

Your wishes are a bit bizarre, I should say.

>> No.940364

Nah, I'm not expecting gifts. I just posted mine to share. I've already been gifted by JP and another Anon. I'm lucky enough.

>> No.940365

well then i don't feel too bad for reposting

>> No.940367


>> No.940392


>>0 items

>> No.940398


Here's mine. Suggestions are welcome. Looking to expand my sparse collection.

>> No.940410

The reason I keep buying for others is that SOMEHOW people keep buying stuff for me. I only posted in the first few jp threads and he awesomely gifted my Deathbird Stories. So, I bought a couple of other people some books, then the day before last somehow I received Pale Fire and The Unincorporated Man. I don't know if someone bookmarked my wishlist or what, but I hadn't posted it for ages.

>> No.940417
File: 10 KB, 251x251, banfootball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.940523

If someone could get any of these for me it would be absolutely amazing. If you please, lit, I'd greatly appreciate any of these.

>> No.940564


Make my day Anon

>> No.940572

You haven't read Sirens of the Titans?
If I had money, today would be your day.
But I don't, it's not, sorry anon.

>> No.940581

>Sirens of the Titans

>> No.940583


Man, that's like blue-balls, dude. What the fuck. I'm not that guy, but still, I feel sorry for him.

>> No.940587


>> No.940590

the only people who like vonnegut are hipsters

>> No.940593


Vonnegut was a wannabe Twain-lite.

>> No.940600


If I had any money at the moment, I would definitely buy you a copy of Memento Mori. I fucking loved that book when I first read it, and actually wrote my college admissions essay about it. Good taste.

>> No.940602

>Man, that's like blue-balls, dude.
>Man, dude.

>the only people who like vonegugt are hipsters

There you have it.

>> No.940615
File: 134 KB, 396x594, mick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.940621


Mostly Fantasy novels for me. Looking for some suggestions too, if anyone has any.

>> No.940642
File: 19 KB, 400x300, dale-cooper-twin-peaks-coffee-3004-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Hero of Our Time

Damn fine choice, damn fine. I wish I had the money to shell out to get you that.

>> No.940644 [DELETED] 

Also, fuck. Someone besides me who actually knows about the Brave Little Toaster books!

>> No.940647

>Mostly fantasy novels

Read a real fucking book for once.

>> No.940660

Someone besides me who actually knows about the Brave Little Toaster books!

I have fond memories of the Lone Wolf books as well, a used bookstore in the small town I used to live in had somehow gotten a collection of those. I loved fantasy and loved owning a book that was part second-person novel and part tallying shit up with a pencil. Closest thing I had to DnD or other tabletop games. Was isolated from society a lot at that age because I'd taken a lot of sick days and my school wasn't sure whether or not to kick me out half the time. There weren't any other fantasy geeks in my town, so I figured a single-person pen and paper game/book wasn't too shabby.

>> No.940661


Reposting :D I'm open to suggestions for stuff to add, too.

>> No.940662


>> No.940669


>fantasy novels


It would be a little more accurate if you'd actually chosen actual fantasy NOVELS and not childrens' stories and Choose Your Own Adventure shit.

Anyway, suggestions:

The Elric sga by Michael Moorcock seems pertinent to your interests. So does Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe, and the Fahrfd and the Grey Mouser short stories by Fritz Leiber.

>> No.940672

Also, not sure how I forgot it, but if you're into medieval fantasy with swords and wizards, this is a pretty decent series that you'll get through in a couple weeks or less:


>> No.940678

The Johannes Cabal series needs to go off your wish list immediately.

Howard's writing is shit tier.

>> No.940684

Just from your wish list I can tell you smell horrible.
You're probably teenaged, incredibly greasy and have never heard of deoderant. You probably enjoy playing DnD in your neckbeard friends' cockroach-infested rathole of an apartment pretending to be a sexy elf chick. Just guessing.

>> No.940687

I can think of plenty of suggestions for things you to remove: like every single Roger Zelazny book. People who sit through his novels and like them must be masochists.

>> No.940691

Thanks, I'll look into them. That list was pretty much made from shit that I started reading some book of and have been meaning to finish, that's why it lacks substance at the moment. The only stuff that was added that I've been meaning to START was Romance of the Three Kingdoms and The Divine Comedy, which I've been meaning to read for ages (Sherlock Holmes was on there as well, but I got that recently)

Oh, and Lone Wolf books are great and I'm sure you've never even checked them out, so fuck you on that front.

Also, can someone tell me the names of two book series I keep forgetting. One is about a somewhat post apocalyptic wasteland where everyone rides on mobile cities that eat each other for supplies and such, the other I believe has a book called "The Knights of the World" in it (I think that was the title anyway, but nothing comes up on google that matches.)

>> No.940697

Hey, wow! OP has a pic of me!

Theologus Autodidactus. The gay local bookstores don't stock it and I don't use Amazon.

>> No.940701

>the gay local bookstores

You frequent homosexual-themed bookshops?

>> No.940712

Yeah, the selection is usually better. The Hetero bookstores around here don't stock things written by Moslems at all, or anything but the Aryan master race. The homo bookstores stock all the cool stuff, if you're willing to dig through the chilling erotica.

Why, do you shop at bookstores NOT run by homos?

>> No.940720

A friend recommended it, the synopsis sounds entertaining. I'll have to go to a book store or something and read a few pages.
I love me some Roger Zelazny.
I'm 22, clean-shaven, smooth as fuck, shower twice a day, and have never played DnD(though I won't deny I'm slightly interested).

>> No.940722

Oh come on, everybody knows that Barnes and Noble are a gay couple. Ed Barnes and Fred Noble. That's why they have so many copies of the Twilight novels.

>> No.940726


Please help a kindanon out! I've given in the past (I swear) and I can always use new material

>> No.940730

The trouble with the Johannes Cabal books is that they try too hard to be funny.

A much better experience can be had from just about any Terry Pratchett novel.

>> No.940734

Humanities major much?

>> No.940735

>>Please help a kindanon out! I've given in the past (I swear) and I can always use new material

If I wasn't broke, I'd buy some of those for you, just because you're a fellow Scorpio.

If this wasn't 4chan, I'd suggest you find some way to give me your mailing address, and I'd just send you my copies of some of those books, since I've read them.

So I guess all I'm doing is bemoaning the fact that we can't organize some kind of bookswap thing because this is 4chan and we'd probably be giving our addresses to pedophiles, aspies, and the cyber police.

>> No.940736

Anything in particular you'd recommend?

>> No.940742

Night Watch is the best way to start with Pratchett.

Also, look into Neil Gaiman's work. Start with American Gods and avoid Neverwhere like the plague.

>> No.940752

Added, thanks :D

>> No.940759

Neverwhere is fantastic, if you are into that kind of thing.

The only work of Gaiman's I don't like is The Graveyard Book. He's definitely my favourite living authour. Favourite dead one's got to be Steinbeck.

>> No.940788


Haha, indeed. I'm a lit and Creative Writing major. All I do is read/write.

>> No.940794


I look forward to your writing about reading and writing appearing in McSweeney's.

>> No.940819


Dave Eggers here. Please spell it correctly. It's McSweeny's. You added an extra E.

And yes, I know it's 4am in Brooklyn, I'm wasted and have nothing better to do with my time than post here.

>> No.940844


Kudos for giving a flying one, Dave.

>> No.940863


Well look at you being clever.

>> No.943037

Bumping this for an answer to my question:

>Also, can someone tell me the names of two book series I keep forgetting. One is about a somewhat post apocalyptic wasteland where everyone rides on mobile cities that eat each other for supplies and such, the other I believe has a book called "The Knights of the World" in it (I think that was the title anyway, but nothing comes up on google that matches.)

>> No.943047

Go into some shitty dump of a used bookstore, you'll probably find them there for like 25 cents.

>> No.943069
File: 57 KB, 784x800, girl-crying_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woke up this morning
>Add books to list that I plan to buy
>Notice a book is missing from my list and I know I
>Put it there.
>Check Purchased
>Someone gifted me Altered Carbon
>My face when

Thanks anon. And just FYI I've gifted to anther anons too. The cycle really works. I'll continue to gift.

>> No.943081

Congrats anon. I, too, have both gifted and been gifted. It's a fabulous thing. That trolls gravitate towards these threads may be evidence of their worth.
The funny thing is that some of the people posting their wishlists are undoubtedly also some of the same people trolling in here. Oh well, it's all fun and games I guess.

>> No.943117

I'm asking what the names of the series are, not where I can get the books.

>> No.943123

I have a wishlist but don't feel like posting it til I have money to actually carry the favor.

>> No.943147


Recommendations welcome!

>> No.943155


Recommendation: don't read Proust ''A la recherche du temps perdu''. Find some great art exposition instead, you'll save time.

>> No.943209


Care to explain why?

>> No.943225


Yup. Because you'll read a 1200 pages and will have no idea of what happened in the whole book, but will have lots of Provence's paysages perfectly described in your mind, which you can find in an art gallery.

>> No.943254


Samefag here: I retire what I just said. I truly got bored a lot of times while reading it, but I don't regret it at all. Read it once, you won't reread it, but he truly masters descriptions, making it a good read.

>> No.943437


So not a particularly enjoyable read, all in all.

>> No.943455


Depends of what you like. You'll daydream for sure, but no, I wouldn't call it an ''enjoyable read''.

>> No.943461


Are there better Proust reads then?

>> No.943483


There MUST be. But I can't tell, I never read anything else from him since A la recherche du temps perdu really bored me. I heard he was a heck of a genious though, so I might do that witthin the next weeks. I still suggest you A la recherche du temps perdu if you're yourself a writter. My writting skills really improved since I read it (I'm a frenchfag, so it might not show when I write English though).

>> No.943505


Thanks for the insight.