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9377331 No.9377331 [Reply] [Original]

Was Ophelia pregnant?

Did Hamlet want to fuck his mother?

Was old king Hamlet a cunt?

Did old king Hamlet get cucked by his brother and Hamlet is actually Claudius's son?

>> No.9377422

>Ophelia pregnant
There's nothing in the text to support this
>Oedipus complex
There is sexual tension in the closet scene but you wouldn't assume Hamlet wanted the succ had it not been for Freud's shit theory

>Old Hamlet a cunt
Yep, the ghost is an asshole and literally in hell. He's a military man, no place for humanism like his son.

>Hamlet Claudius' son
Nice theory, but doesn't really explain why Claudius was so willing to kill Hamlet instead of just telling him the truth.

>> No.9377431





>> No.9377438
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>> No.9377453

>literally in hell
he is in purgatory until Hamlet can avenge him

>> No.9377505

>nothing to support it

>ophelia mentions its been two months since the father died
>Ophelia could have pity fucked hamlet then
>or four months prior before he left for university
>if Ophelia was pregnant it would explain why Gertrude let her drown, she know shed be useless in that society if she had a bastard child of a dead prince and without any support of her father
>death of her father and hamlet going away would have made her mad, but add in being pregnant with nobody to turn to youve got real madness, she wouldn't have told her brother, her brother warned her of hamlet

Also I was taught studying this in school that hamlet took her virginity, no real contraception back then why is it to unthinkable that she got pregnant the first (presumably only) time they have sex?

>> No.9377529

I'll admit it's logical that she could be preganant, but my point is that theory is too divorced from the text.

>Hamlet took Ophelias virginity
Possibly prior to to the events of the play, but there's no mention of them having sex in the play.

>> No.9377537

It seems to be the accepted thing that Hamlet took Ophelia's virginity because of her ravings and innuendo about 'tricked maids" in her little songs

>> No.9377559

>There's nothing in the text to support this

Except for the flowers that make up her 'bouquet' are, among other things, ingredients in herbal abortives, and her songs are allusions to the fact that she and Hamlet did the deed and now she's in a fallen state.

>> No.9377563

She also hands out flowers [de-flowering, ho ho ho nice one Shakey]. And Hamlet makes that country matters comment while reclining on her cunt.
None of that means that Ophelia and Hamlet necessarily did the deed. Just that the possibility is on everyone's mind. Especially Laertes. He thinks about his sister's virginity a lot.
Her rants could suggest that she is no longer a virgin. Or they could suggest that she remained tragically pure while all of the men around her did not.

>> No.9377567

>Just that the possibility is on everyone's mind.

Is it merely a possiblity for Ophelia when she sings:

Quoth she, "Before you tumbled me,
You promis'd me to wed."
He answers:
"So would I ha'done, by yonder sun,
An thou hadst not come to my bed."

>> No.9377569

>And Hamlet makes that country matters comment while reclining on her cunt.
Ah Shakespeare, about as subtle as a 2x4...

>> No.9377579


the joke isn't just in the homophony, my dude.

>> No.9377720

Well, yeah. It's a song. If she's the girl in the song, is that what happened or is that what she feared what would happen?

It's clear that everyone thinks Ophelia is no longer a virgin. But Hamlet, the only other one who would know, curses her
>Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny.
followed by the nunnery line. But is he telling her to reject marriage, or that marriage has rejected her (as an unwed mother)?
This is immediately after a rather famous speech in which Hamlet suggests that no traveler has ever returned from the land of the dead-- despite having just spent most of the play talking to a fucking ghost seen by two witnesses. For my money the ambiguity is intentional.

>> No.9377864

Ophelia lost her virginity to Claudius

>> No.9378411

>For my money the ambiguity is intentional.

The claim was that there is no textual support for the hypothesis 'Ophelia was pregnant', not 'lol, it's left ambiguous', which is, for Shakespeare, tantamount to claiming water is wet.

>> No.9378425


Further, the force of Hamlet's curse is in its ironic conditionality: 'Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow' i.e. EVEN IF you were thus 'thou shalt nut escape calumny'. The implication being that, as she is NOT pure as snow, she is condemned.

>> No.9378604

good catch.

>> No.9378618
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>thou shalt nut

>> No.9378673

Why was Gertrude such a cunt?

>> No.9378677

Read more in Hogans class you pathetic pseud

>> No.9378812

First post best post

>> No.9379743


>> No.9379760

Don't bump it if you have nothing to say.

>> No.9379828

>Did old king Hamlet get cucked by his brother and Hamlet is actually Claudius's son?
What proof is there for this?

>> No.9379852

Hamlet just had daddy issues and projected them on Claudius

>> No.9379998

Sorry 4chan police

>> No.9380657

he's satan

>> No.9381789
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great game

>> No.9381941

Acrobat I see. It is really nice, is that you?

>> No.9381953

>tfw this is more exciting than ass-ass man's creed
where did everything go so wrong?

>> No.9382096

>Did Hamlet want to fuck his mother?
No, but a lot of modern critics want to fuck theirs

>> No.9383368
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>> No.9383472
File: 49 KB, 407x300, 1492053237046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play Skyrim
>play CRPG/ARPG from 1990s
>actual roleplay, great story, mechanics so complicated they have emergent complexity

Capitalism is consuming us