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/lit/ - Literature

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9380501 No.9380501 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read manga, /lit/? I think most of it is shit and only for weebs but I read three mangas by Inio Asano last year and I think he is very lit.

>> No.9380508

Manga is for manchildren. You know the fat loser kids who collect comic books into their 40s? Same with these weebs. Read a book please.

>> No.9380513


What if I do both?


Asano is a pretty good writer, I recommend Yoshihiro Tatsumi or Migeru.

>> No.9380517

You are a much bigger faggot than any of those manchildren ever could be.

>> No.9380521

Then you are only half wasting your time.

>> No.9380528

I agree but I also think there are some with literary volume, ofc it'd be a waste of time to read tons of them to try to find one that is good. Maybe I got lucky and Asano is the only /lit/ manga author.

I'm currently reading Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino btw.

>> No.9380530
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FKMT is the best.

>> No.9380531

Way to betray the fact that you are underage. Go back to your safe space on /a/ or even /co/, this is a literature board.

>> No.9380535

I liked it. definitely /lit/, however not literature. Its got some literary dimensions.
anyways Asano's characterization is great. And his background art is fuckin ridiculous.

>> No.9380542

Thank you, anon. I'll check it out. Solanin, Girl On the Shore and Punpun were pretty good.

>> No.9380565

Those are filtered photographs, anon.

>> No.9380597

Keiichi Arawi is kind of like an extremely subtle Laurence Sterne.

>> No.9380614

Possibly the most offensive thing I've read on /lit/.

>> No.9380617

20th Century Boys was a decent mystery story, but I feel it dragged on too long and petered off at the end. The twist in the final chapter felt like an asspull. Billy Bat was worse in that it started off with an even more interesting premise and was a slog in the last third with an absolutely terrible ending.

>> No.9380637

You didn't like Tristram Shandy?

>> No.9380700

I like the one where that teen boy eats a turd straight from the source.

>> No.9380716
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What is the /lit/ equivalent of SZS?
>inb4 Kafka's Metamorphosis

>> No.9380735

I've read very few manga but I want to check out some eroguro and cyberpunk material, got any recs?

>> No.9380763
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>> No.9381002

I read manga for cheap entertainment when i don't feel like reading.

>> No.9381018

Forgeting that you are on a indigenus cavepainting tribe

>> No.9381020


>> No.9381028

I like vagabond
I don't read most manga though desu it's usually shitty

>> No.9381077

> eroguro
Muh nigga! Definitely try stuff by Hayami Jun who manages to make eroguro feel like a high poetry. Maruo Suehiro's and Kago Shintarou's works are a must-read in the genre.

For cyberpunk try Koukaku Kidoutai, Abara, Haisha, Levius and possibly Ressentiment.

The thing with Urasawa's stories is that they catch reader's attention with the mystery premise but then through the progression of the plot it intentionally renders it obsolete. In 20 seiki shounen it doesn't matter who is the friend since in reality it can be anyone. The mask itself became a symbol and who dons it is unimportant in the grander matter of things. Same with Billy Bat, it starts as a thriller which seemingly connects various terrorist acts of history with one another into the collective will of "the bat" which spokes to humans through art. And while the characters are on the search for the bat and the truth it's suddenly not so clear what exactly are they chasing after. Maybe everything is just one big conspiracy theory. Is the art shaping human history or is it the other way around and art simply reacts to current events? And maybe what saves the world won't be crazy theories, or prophecy, or art, or political schemes or a hero but an act of simple kindness.

I mean, I have my share of problems with Urasawa's stories but sometimes it seems to me that people see only the "big" mystery at the beginning and nothing more.

>> No.9382137

Haven't read manga in years, but I read a lot back then. Here's some recommendations.
Yotsuba was a favorite of mine, very comfy and fun. Would recommend to everyone.
Berserk is great, you probably know that.
Devilman and Devilman Lady (which is a sequel) are very fun, as is a lot of Go Nagai. The original is a classic.
Evangelion Manga is as good as the show.
Narutaru and Bokurano, by the same guy, are both good and bleak stories.
Onanie Master Kurosawa is good kinda psychological like Punpun story.
Kodomo no Jikan is fun and deals a good bit in the psychology of the characters, and handles it well, but it's also total pedo bait so maybe not.
KissxSis for qt incest.

>> No.9382205

I only read manga if it has decent art. I can't do the huge fucking shoujo eyes. I liked Gantz.

>> No.9382383
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>> No.9382400

Boys on the Run
Kokou no Hito
Eden: it's a Endless World

>> No.9382701

Lmao I liked it but I would never recommend it, it's an incoherent disgusting mess that feels like the mangaka had a mental breakdown between volumes 6 and 7.

>> No.9382723

Shit. Read VN's in Japanese instead.

>> No.9382803

guaranteed to be /lit/

Eden (Hiroki Endo)
Eternal Sabbath
Kamisu Reina Series
Oyasumi Punpun
Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa
Tsumi to Batsu: A Falsified Romance

>> No.9382897
File: 131 KB, 804x1200, MARS v01 c001 047 [TFT].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 'Mars' while listening to Isn't Anything by My Bloody Valentine on repeat for the entire thing. The experience was pretty /lit/.

>Devilman and Devilman Lady
Great to see Devilman Lady getting some love. It's Go Nagai making a tribute to his own career while simultaneously BTFOing all of his imitators by showing them how you really do a straight modernization of the Devilman formula.

I haven't heard of the rest but this is enough to out you as a pleb. Monster is like reading 20 of Dario Argento's mediocre movies end to end.

>> No.9383089
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Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

>> No.9383113

>raunchy sex comedy

Chuck Tingle books

>> No.9383115

Has Shirow done anything good since GiTS 1.5?

>> No.9383135

Asano is bae, still not lit tho. Even if I love weebshit I still recognise that it belongs on its own board just like /co/ shit or /tv/ shit. Even though anyone who hates weebshit doesn't belong on 4chan, leave /a/ discussions on /a/.

>> No.9383165

I really liked What a Wonderful World by Asano, it's a shame it's not more popular.
Oyasumi Punpun is also good.

>> No.9384031

Ultra Heaven

>> No.9384039

Takemitzu Zamirai

>> No.9384041

Currently reading Lone Wolf and Cub, it's fun.

>> No.9384046

Franken Fran