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/lit/ - Literature

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9377626 No.9377626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys do when you're not reading or writing? Other than consumption activities (movies/video games) I can seem to find anything realistic that interests me, everything fun is way to expensive. Any suggestions?

>> No.9377645

Shitposting, obviously

>> No.9377660


>browsing 4chan
>watching youtube vids
>listening to music
>going for /comfy/ walks
>having small gatherings with friends
>playing video games

>> No.9377681

Listening to music, playing guitar, sometimes I come up with pretty kwel chord progressions desu, try to sing but I suck at that, sometimes I draw, the only things I can draw decently are trees, I like movies but I'm too lazy to download them. Going for walks. I should get more hobbies, but my main thing now reading and writing... And shitposting, sadly. When is this cesspool going to get shutdown?

>> No.9377683


Make sure you do something physical, great for mental health. I'm acrobatics and contact staff.

>> No.9377688

>When is this cesspool going to get shutdown?
Hopefully never, because sometimes this place is really useful.

>> No.9377769

>listen to music
>walk the dogs

>> No.9377787

How can you possibly have time for hobbies? I work 9-5 and use the rest of my time to read before I go to bed.

>> No.9377818

listen to music, watch films, follow world politics, exercise, take walks, visit museums, check out thrift or antique stores, drink alcohol.

>> No.9377830

By not being a wagecuck lmao

>> No.9377836

Not that guy, what do you do?

>> No.9377839
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Rambling (AKA hiking but not as strenuous, AKA walking but more strenuous). I like to head out on a sunny weekend to the countryside with an Ordnance Survey map and a compass and walk up a hill. If there's any good weather this 4 day Easter weekend (doubtful) I'll probably head out into the Yorkshire Dales. It's a great contrast to an otherwise very desk+internet focused existence. I ended up doing a bit of a scramble last weekend and it made me feel like a real human being who is actually alive.

>> No.9377842
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Posting this picture with the text "Bane?"

>> No.9377937

Gardening, quilting, crochet, collecting a lot of stuff.

>> No.9378027
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>Reading isn't consumption

>> No.9378032

Contemplate exactly what criteria need to be met before I can commit suicide.

>> No.9378037

I read things related to my field of study, play video games sometimes, and lift.

>> No.9378051

Study math
Work out
Try not to commit suicide

>> No.9378060

>Study math

How do you motivate yourself to do this?

I think math is cool but every time I try to learn it (specifically real analysis atm) I start wondering about the purpose of it all.

>> No.9378070

this plus thinking about girls i like and how i shoukd ask them out.

>> No.9378071


Sounds like a very /lit/ passtime, like what Sebald would do.

>> No.9378074

I'm not really that mathematically advanced, I'm studying vector calculus at the moment. I enjoy the theory like you do, but it's hard to find motivation to study that. I mostly just enjoy doing a ton of problems since it prevents me from thinking about other things and gives me a little satisfaction each time I finish one.

>> No.9378079

You doing math at university or as a hobby?

>> No.9378080


Too bad I'm a beta. The girls I like always end up getting fucked by Chad.

>> No.9378082

Live the literary lifestyle

>> No.9378094

based NEET-kun

>> No.9378098

I have to take math courses up to linear algebra/differentials for my major but I never go to lecture and just teach myself from the book.

>> No.9378130

>I mostly just enjoy doing a ton of problems since it prevents me from thinking about other things and gives me a little satisfaction each time I finish one.
I agree. You can also be engaged when reading theory, too, by coming up with your own examples, modifying definitions and theorems and seeing what results, etc. Either doing that or solving problems is fun. But my problem is that I'm almost scared of being engaged - in that "flow" state. At the end of it, it just feels ultimately purposeless, somehow. I look back and I wonder if I was deluding myself; in hindsight, that math that I was interested in looks pretty boring. Maybe I just don't have the mindset to study mathematics. More creative pursuits like writing, music, programming, etc. feel more purposeful to me. At least, at the end of it, I have produced something tangible that other people can appreciate.

It bothers me, though, because I know that I am probably missing out on some really beautiful mathematics.

>> No.9378151

I know what you mean, actually. Math and philosophy both detach me from reality and I often question if they have any real value, because I study them often. I tell myself that they are the best ways to increase your raw intellect, but I can't help wanting something tangible to show for all of my learning.

My dream job is to be a mathematics teacher for this reason.

You said you enjoy music and programming, so I should mention that one of my most brilliant professors said that those activities are very closely linked with mathematics, so it's possible they would help you in those pursuits.

>> No.9378153

I can't tell if this image is real.

>> No.9378157

>so it's possible they would help you in those pursuits.
I meant to say that math would help you with those hobbies of yours.

>> No.9378178

Drawing, running and guitar, I'm still shit at the first two and decent with the guitar

>> No.9378183

Hiking (usually combined with psychedelics)
Take shitty photos with my overspecced camera
Watch plays (I guess this is a consumption activity)
Tinder (also a consumption activity?)


Chad figures are a bogeyman. Get on tinder you fags. I was posting in feel threads a couple years ago now I'm integrated into normie culture. If you can shitpost on lit you are witty enough to """ banter"""

>> No.9378223

Op here, I'm a student with no job, I have a lot of time

>> No.9378225

you need pics of yourself being sociable and/or godly looks to succeed on tinder

currently trying my luck with /soc/

>> No.9378232

It is, it's staged but this is the Moscow skyline

>> No.9378238

I have two pictures of myself on tinder, one selfie and a cropped pic of me on a hike. I am little above average (7/10) and I do great on tinder

>> No.9378244

Wrong. I have 2 selfies and 2 "social" pics. I don't gave godly looks. I'm 23 and look barely 19. I am tall and white, though.

7/10 is well above average. Lrn2 bell curve. Have you met any literary cuties? I dated an English major last year but she turned out to be insane and clingy. Gfs are overrated.

>> No.9378245

well my 5/10 ass with a selfie taken at home and a pic of me at a punk show got 0 matches

>> No.9378246

you still have social pics though

>> No.9378250

Making music, analyzing music, active listening of music and I cook a lot and excersize early in the morning.

>> No.9378253

Are you telling me you have no friends? You don't need to be on a superyacht in the Mediterranean or partying on spring break my man. A beach or park does fine.

>> No.9378254

i have some, but we don't see one another often and never take pics when we do.

>> No.9378256

If I have friends where im living at the time, ill spend time with them. If not I like to cycle and go for walks. It gives me time to think and sort of meditate.

>> No.9378257
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well this was my selfie pic, I changed it a lot when I still had my account. personal ratings are useless so give me the rundown. Arab, 5'11", 19, would get maybe three matches a day but I live in a small town

>> No.9378259

Try harder. I'm also a 5/10 and with a short & witty bio plus a pic with a cute animal I get decent matches. Not as much attention as I get at a bar but nothing to be ashamed of either. There's shitloads of sub-normie girls on tinder. Im getting sick of them though. Please God, give me a hot Instagram slut for easter

>> No.9378260

>but she turned out to be insane and clingy
Hint: All women are like this. You are correct; being in a serious long-term relationship is not worth it.

>> No.9378264

>Are you telling me you have no friends?
Do acquaintances, coworkers, and grandma count as "friends"?

>> No.9378268

same, have friends but we aren't the type of people to take pics so I have barely any pictures of myself that I didn't take myself

>> No.9378270

i gave up on it. mostly because i wanted to delete my facebook, but i tried all of last spring and summer and only matched with a handful of bots.

like i said, i'm trying my luck on /soc/.

>> No.9378274

I think its obvious that you should take a group picture with them. Tell them what its for, laugh about it.

Wow, you fucking faggot. You are much better looking than I am. But your selfie game is horrible. That pic makes you look like an insufferable douchebag. This is why you get no matches. Try again. You're not even a dark Arab, you're at no disadvantage. I hope you're trolling me because I'm 3 points worse off than you but have still fucked 3 girls off tinder in the past year.

>> No.9378282

what can I do not to look like a douchbag I don't like taking selfies so I'm not very experienced when it comes to this lol

>> No.9378284

Alright man, best of luck. Meeting people from 4chan, specifically women, sounds like a recipe for disaster though.

They do not. Sorry anon. I would hang with you if we lived in the same city.

>> No.9378292

love this board lmao, you fuckin goofs

>> No.9378296

1. Look directly into the lens. Squint a little, as if you are genuinely laughing.

2. Don't angle your face. At all.

3. Clean white background. No clutter. Outdoors also works.

4. Smile, with teeth. If you think you have shitty teeth, a subtle smile without teeth will do.

Remember you need at least 2 pics for your bio- 1 for close detail of face, 1 for full length portrait to show your body.

You can also claim you're 6 foot btw, dudes lie about it all the time so you're safe.

>> No.9378298

Stop squinting your eyes like a fucking Disney prince.

Don't put your arm behind your head.

Take that smug look off your face.

>> No.9378304

extend your arm all the way out and hold it slightly above eye level
take selfies candidly while something else of interest can be in the picture, it makes you seem self centered to take a picture of just yourself as a guy. I know it's a double standard but whatever girls care more about your identity than your looks so you need to seem interesting

>> No.9378305

>I think its obvious that you should take a group picture with them. Tell them what its for, laugh about it.
i'm >>9378270. might have worked while i was still on it, but that ship has sailed.

at this point i'm content with any recipe i can manage to cook. plus i feel like it would be easier to connect with a girl off this site than one off tinder. thanks though.

>> No.9378307

OK thanks for this anon, I don't like looking directly at the camera because I don't like my nose... but I'll try something different

>> No.9378315

I'm not squinting... but I agree with you on my arm I have long hair and I was trying to get it out of my face

>> No.9378323

>plus i feel like it would be easier to connect with a girl off this site than one off tinder
I think you underestimate the amount of mental illness and crazy you encounter on this site. I wish you luck.

>> No.9378329

No worries man. I'm serious, you are a good looking guy. You will match with better looking girls than I ever will. Just fake it till you make it. And irl shitpost. Girls love that shit. Just don't go overboard.

>> No.9378331

Music, read news (dunno if that falls under normal reading), faggy ass Chinese cartoons, watching movies and television, vidya with faggot gaymer friends, fucking around online and shitposting on the chans. That's about it, wanna start working out pretty bad so I can escape being full skelly mode. In the end reading is where I spend most of my time though.

>> No.9378333

>plus i feel like it would be easier to connect with a girl off this site than one off tinder

Youre wrong. I've been there. Be very careful dude, and set your expectations at an all time low.

>> No.9378334
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>"tfw too attractive to get girls"

REEE I hate /fit/. You will never understand the suffering of the unattractive.

>> No.9378339

Woe is me. Youre probably not even that ugly. Keep making excuses

>> No.9378341


I'm 145 lb, I'm skinny af

>> No.9378346

I'm 132.

>> No.9378353

>And irl shitpost. Girls love that shit. Just don't go overboard.

lol thanks anon, its nice talking to a decent person on this site every once in a while

>> No.9378359

I was 130 up until a couple months ago, GOMAD. It's disgusting after a few days but it's the only thing that does the job

>> No.9378360
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/lit/, help me woo her

>> No.9378364
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makin likker

>> No.9378365

I'm not clever enough to come up with a pun, but mention peanut butter

>> No.9378366

just do it dog you can start with empty milk jugs filled with water or sand as dumbells and do presses laying down and curls it's great you'll feel great you'll have a lot of energy it's worth it trust me

>> No.9378376

>Stop squinting your eyes like a fucking Disney prince.
top kek

>> No.9378379

I hate when people put in shit that's a deal-breaker and qualify it with sarcasm ("just casually mentioning"). If it's a deal-breaker, make point of it, say "I won't date anyone shorter than myself." At least that would prevent idiots who don't understand sarcasm from thinking "Oh, she's just mentioning her height for no reason," when obviously if she'd had no reason to mention it she wouldn't have.

>> No.9378383

I'm 6'4. I could give a fuck about women's heights

>> No.9378387

If you are that tall, and aren't lanky nor socially inept, you should have no problem "wooing" her.

>> No.9378393

I'm 6ft exactly and about 125lb

>> No.9378398

I'm a little lanky and a little socially inept

>> No.9378402

GOMAD is a bad idea. Don't fuck with your body like that. Wolf down oats and white rice, add olive oil to make up for calories.

>> No.9378403

Would you happen to be a manlet, by any chance? You seem quite ass-blasted.

>> No.9378407

getting stoned at the beach
starting a garden

not sure if i'm "happier" after cutting out video games, but i feel more connected to the physical world.

>> No.9378412

I agree, I only did it for 2 weeks, but those 2 weeks I gained 8 lb and jumpstarted me to keep going

>> No.9378416 [DELETED] 

Handball and moderate physical training.
If I didn't live where I live I'd be at a loss for what to do.
I used to play a few games but it is difficult to maintain that and a positive outlook on existing

>> No.9378418

Well, I can't do anything about your lankiness but I can tell you that the best thing to do in a situation like this is to not go into it with courtship in mind. Just engage her as you would any other person and if you pick up on positive body language (that which hints at a desire for greater intimacy) go with it.

No shit.

>> No.9378473

Oh, I tend to impress on the first date. Probably cause I'm usually on amphetamines and don't take things seriously. I don't know how to get my foot in the door nahmean? Most of my tinder convos go nowhere or don't get any response

>> No.9378480

Boxing if you're a real nigga like me

>> No.9378511

>listen to music
>spend too much time online

how do i break out of my rut and read more like i used to

>> No.9378518

You're me. Though I also have new interests in biking, ornithology, and dendrology as well

>> No.9378630

>not brown rice

>> No.9378650

Painting/drawing, learning spanish and photography. My camera isn't very good but I'm saving up for a better one. I tried cooking but my SO said he didn't think it tasted good so that kind of turned me off that. This keeps me pretty busy.

>> No.9378652

go for a walk outdoors with music or whatever and stop somewhere nice and secluded and read something

>> No.9378663

Gongfu tea

>> No.9379315
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>going /out/ (hiking, hunting, fishing, etc.)
> /fit/
> a/k/tivities
>drinking beer with friends
>rebuilding cars
>fucking thot on tinder
>learning a third language
>shitposting (see pic related)

Life is really awesome.

>Gongfu tea
ma nigga

>> No.9379353

I have no hobbies nor activities besides university. I don't even study that much and I read about 70 pages every day. No sport, no vidya, no going out. I browse 4chan a bit and watch AoE 2 streams sometimes, and I do have a drink with a life long friend every once in a while but we aren't close and the relationship is fading away. I have no relevant memories from the past 5 years but it feels as if I were still 17. The future looks grim.

>> No.9379361

I powerlift, play guitar, piano, and study japanese

But im so depressed I dont really do any of them to the fullest.

Feels pretty bad.

>> No.9379401

powerlifting three times a week

>> No.9379414

>metal detecting
>collecting things
>playing guitar/violin/keyboard
too bad i'm living on campus at a university in the city and can't do much. now mostly i just read, write, study, and play video games

>> No.9379627

>that fucking haircut
What were you thinking.

>> No.9379630
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>How much for shipping/transport?
>Mail order bride, yeah? I need you

>> No.9379835

There is no nice way to say
>if you are below this height you can't get on the ride

I think she did phrase it as politely as she possibly could. Apparently manlets get angry anyway.