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File: 178 KB, 935x596, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9377855 No.9377855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one break through to someone who is ideologically possessed? So many of my friends have bought into the musings of communism and find capitalism to be the worst system ever created. They further think social issues are so important, that any traditional notions are abhorrent and should be dismantled to make way for a more progressive outlook. How does one penetrate through their excuses, defense mechanisms and strike down the snake that's infested their mind?

>> No.9377860

this thread is also my favorite books

>> No.9377866

> doesn't even try and make this superficially /lit/ related by even mentioning a book.

I like your style

>> No.9377870
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You must go into the belly of the whale. You need to rescue your father.

>> No.9377877

The left is impotent and can't accomplish anything aside from self-flagellation over various -isms. it doesn't matter what they think. If they aren't reactionary they are stupid.

>> No.9377878

Go to the politics board, you fat retard

>> No.9377882

we must simply get women back in the kitchen where they belong

>> No.9377883


shoo shoo. skedaddle.

>> No.9377891

well women don't make good decisions

>> No.9377904

this, just see how they choose black men over me as white and rational and logical and inherently superior.

>> No.9377906

In order to criticize anything you should identify and attack their core of their beliefs: equality; It's not real and is easy to demonstrate how the idea is false.

>> No.9377910
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>> No.9377914

lol this is so accurate. Thank fuck I have disavowed women. Life is simply too short to have to deal with such inferior beings

>> No.9377921

Yeah sorry I thought it was a given considering the topic. Most of my friends have read Capital vol. 1-2.

>> No.9377926


>> No.9377928

Retain your semen, at all costs.

>> No.9377938

How the fuck one defends capitalism while defending traditional values? It goes way over my head, that. The mere concept of progress is industrial slang. Either go liberal or go nostalgic, but the heart bleeding defense of the two at the same time I see in here seem like the result of an uncritical person.

>> No.9377943

my semen is for pure and traditional women with dignity and honor, hence I must remain a virgin as leftism and its degeneracy has corrupted all women and made them worthless whores who are inferior to a man of virtue

>> No.9377946

> the gulag archipelago
>the clash of economic ideas
>anything by mises on the socialism calculation debate.

Show them where communism happens its always shit, and where grows so does the prosperity of the people.

>> No.9377949

>How the fuck one defends capitalism while defending traditional values?
4chan right-wingers are fucking retarded. They think that if only le Joos were not around, then we'd have capitalism without 'degeneracy'

>> No.9377951


>> No.9377952

Right. And when your "virgin" woman approaches you and you cum in a moment's notice, she'll tell all her friends and they'll giggle about it and she'll realize she married an idiot who can't even into sex. Won't be long until she gets redpilled by how weak white boys are and wakes up the the fact that she needs a good pounding.

Women are inferior and that is exactly why you shouldn't treat them as anything worthwhile. Because other cultures sure as hell don't and those men are the ones that are attractive to all these "traditional" women. Look up which States watch the most interracial porn.

>> No.9377963

Are we hating women in this thread?

Here's a list I was thinking up today. It's by no means complete

>they stop being pretty around 21~ but keep existing for another 40+ years
>opinionated despite being really fucking stupid
>cry over everything (even while adults)
>dumb, can't have good conversations
>no hobbies
>bad taste in everything
>really loud in groups
>talk about stupid shit in groups, not even sure they're actually "talking" it's more like they're just saying individual words and then screaming and laughing

>> No.9377964

No. You need a strong state to prevent degeneracy. The ideal would be a mix of Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

>> No.9377969


I'll just leave this here for anyone who thinks socialists aren't dangerous.

>> No.9377976

Shelley Garland looks suspiciously like a man desu

>> No.9377979

their simply inferior to you and me as men

>> No.9377985


>> No.9377988

of course the author has a Jewish name, lel

>> No.9377992
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>> No.9377993
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>> No.9377996

"hole"-poster is unironically my new favorite poster, it's literally a useful thing to have on the board, too many holes come here and post
and think anyone cares

>> No.9377999


>> No.9378004

>If they aren't reactionary they are stupid.

now that's what i call post-ideological

>> No.9378009

we must shut down females who have the audacity to chime in with their ludicrous and inferior thoughts (calling them thoughts seems like an insult to thinking itself).
What a dreadfully worthless class of people. Again, 'people' might even be too generous, seeing as women are barely self-conscious.

>> No.9378015

Being too intelligent makes you less likely to get laid.
>tfw too intelligent for women
is a real thing.

>> No.9378017


>> No.9378021

to intelligent*

>> No.9378024

This. I am an intellectual and I would never want to be emotionally invested in the fleshy bag of inferior worthless shit that women are. They're beneath me

>> No.9378030

ITT: we observe the frustration of women confronted with their own inferiority and with the fact that they don't offer anything of value outside of their vagina.

>> No.9378036
File: 21 KB, 700x700, ackchyually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're close.
It's slightly mor ecomplicated though.
It's due to the fact that smarter people tend to think and over think and over analyze things and situations (social etc) that dumber people don't.

Sadly it goes
Smart and confident>dumb and confident>smart and paranoid

>> No.9378038

Fucking virgin. You'll never get laid with this attitude. I bet women LOVE you. I'm never having sex with you.

>> No.9378047
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Mozart, is that you?

>> No.9378048

oh no, what ever will I do without having to spend a substantial portion of my day entertaining a girl and proving my worth so that I can fuck them?

>> No.9378049

ITT: men who don't get any attention from women desperately try to get women to respond to them by posting the edgy things because that triggered (You) is these men's only respite from crushing loneliness and knowledge that they'll never experience romantic love

>inb4 someone desperately tries to get my attention by responding

>> No.9378055

Not part of this shitflinging party, but i'd like to offer that the very fact that you care means you're probably in the boat.

>> No.9378058

Random aside: Women make notoriously bad sailors.

>> No.9378067

Their not good at anything except destroying decency, integrity, value, honor, worth, and civilization.
The only thing they know how to do is lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, and hate

>> No.9378068
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He's memeing, but it's a good talking point regardless. There's being r9k-tier pathetic and painfully desperate for women, and then there's simply not caring.

>> No.9378073

*same boat


>> No.9378075


>> No.9378078


>> No.9378081

fanny-flustered female or feminist spotted

>> No.9378099
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>'notice me, notice me!'

Ok, I'll indulge you because I pity you

>> No.9378108
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It actually makes me feel kind of proud. It's nice that they think I'm important enough to disenfranchise, and this kind of hatred can only come from envy.

It reminds me of that Jewish joke, where the rabbi is reading Der Sturmer, and someone asks him why he's reading a Nazi rag, and he says it's good for his self-esteem.

>> No.9378111
File: 69 KB, 640x665, 1486872895966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /lit/ a moral nihilist board? I know we hate relativists, but in our core, I think we all suck Nietzsche's dick and since none of us can figure out the answer to nihilism and he didn't give us a way out, we've fully become moral nihilists.

>> No.9378113

Women are like those billboard monsters from the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror

Just don't look
don't give them attention, and they will wither away
so many guys stubidly worship these vapid women for absolutely no gain what so ever, to the point they plaster idols of them all over the place online, its incredibly silly.

>> No.9378115

There are a lot of different people here who believe different things. Stop trying to fit in and be reductive. This isn't the redpill boards

>> No.9378116

inside every /lit/izen is a Buddhist yearning to break free

>> No.9378119

I've noticed the one about hobbies. Why don't women have their own hobbies?

>> No.9378122

I'm just pretending I hate women to piss people off desu

>> No.9378124

True, there is still a leftist parasite contingent that hasn't migrated to /leftypol/.

>> No.9378128
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>> No.9378138
File: 60 KB, 921x300, nobodyimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask a woman for (You)s
>She gives them freely
>ask a woman for sex
this is almost too easy

>> No.9378164
File: 3.81 MB, 395x235, DEAD_INSIDE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is joined by a bunch of other /pol/ tourists and /lit/ is now /pol/

>> No.9378185

Notice how no men would ever want to be paid to do something this degrading. Women have no moral basis. They have nothing to ground themselves on except men. Paradoxically, that is likely the reason why some women engage in this shit, because it's men doing it to them and they subconsciously need that.