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/lit/ - Literature

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9371634 No.9371634 [Reply] [Original]

>always hear that women are discriminated against in publishing
>start researching literary agents for my work
>like 80% of literary agents are women

what's going on here? most of them have 'feminist literature' listed as work they're interested in representing. how is it possible that women are discriminated against in publishing?

>> No.9371642
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>he hasn't figured out that identity politics isn't about equality or justice, it's about dispossessing the groups that have traditionally been in charge in the west

>> No.9371644

The feminists lied to you, anon. Now you must kill them. All of them.

>> No.9371652

They're New York women as well so it's a certain kind of woman.

>> No.9371681

I know. I'm not even going to bother submitting to them because i dont have a female rocket scientist in my cast of characters.

>> No.9371693

Women assume failure means they have been discriminated against when it reality it just means they suck.
A product of raising several generations of girls to think that they're princesses who can do no wrong.

>> No.9371703

scratch that. i'll probably submit to them anyways. it's a business. if they think they can make money off of me then that probably trumps whatever political objective they have. my work isnt political or offensive so if i get a mountain of rejections i wont be bitter about political motives holding me back.

>> No.9371711

The actual statistic is that ~75% of people in publishing are female. A classmate actually tried to tell me women are underrepresented in modern day publishing yesterday, I couldn't believe my eyes

>> No.9371716
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feminism does nothing to liberate the talk about psychological violence on men from women

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk of raped men inside a household

feminism favorizes the abortion whithout even the requirement to inform the father

feminism does nothing against coerced paternity

feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game

feminists actually do not promote intellectual independence as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions

do you still believe that the feminists fight for equality ?

>> No.9371730

>he actual statistic is that ~75% of people in publishing are female.
that's funny. i just took a stab at it with 80% based on all the female literary agents i've been wading through. honestly, it's probably a job that women are better at so i've got no problem that it's mostly women. i just find it hard to believe women are discriminated against when women are the gatekeepers of the industry.

>> No.9371759

>honestly, it's probably a job that women are better at so i've got no problem that it's mostly women.

Not sure I'd agree that women are just better at being literary agents in the same way they are for other fields like therapy. But the current market is aimed more at women, so it makes some sense that they're more numerous, although it could be a chicken-and-egg issue.

>> No.9371843

i think women are better at networking and when you get an agent you're essentially paying them for their network (i.e. connections to all the right people).

i'll have to see how it goes. seeing that all these agents that are hungry for 'feminist literature' raises my anxiety about how well i'll fare in the publishing process but i just have to keep reminding myself that publishing is a business. if they decide that i can't make them any money then they're probably right.

>> No.9371942

>I think women are better at networking

I generally agree that women are better at networking, but it's one of the problems with many careers, not just agency, that networking is held up as the most or one of the most important skills you can have, ie the ability to be superficially happy and kiss ass until you can access a person with power and seek their patronage.

What I would suggest, if these agents are looking for "feminist literature", is this: come up with a manner in which to frame your existing work, as is, as feminist or women-focused. It doesn't matter if it's total bullshit or a stretch of logic, but much of the time just selling an idea on the terms of your prospective customer, client, etc can go a long way in convincing them.

>> No.9371959

>waaa waaa feminism doesn't cater to a bunch of patriarchal men

sounds like one of those big, bad feminists hurt your privileged white male fee-fees ;_;

>> No.9371990
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Racial privilege is the spook that responds to the spook of racism.

>> No.9371997

women could be 99% of all living published authors and feminists would still cry about gender inequality

>> No.9372006

This. The so called egalitarian movements are simply an all out war against the white man.

>> No.9372012

>is this: come up with a manner in which to frame your existing work, as is, as feminist or women-focused. It doesn't matter if it's total bullshit or a stretch of logic, but much of the time just selling an idea on the terms of your prospective customer, client, etc can go a long way in convincing them.
i will do this if i start to see the rejections pile up. if i have to pander that hard there's probably something seriously wrong with my work and i'll have one foot in the self-publishing grave by that time.

>> No.9372016

Woman read and men don't. Also, more women take humanities in uni, which makes them only qualified for stuff like publishing.

>> No.9372035

Because the vast majority of books are shit only women would read.

>> No.9372039

i dont have any hangups about publishing being stacked with women. i've always heard that women writers have a harder time getting published than men and the implication is that men are discriminating against women. the reality of the situation, being that women make up the majority of gatekeepers in publishing, appears that women are discriminating against women writers.

>> No.9372040
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>always hear that women are discriminated against in publishing




This is utterly false. Above study shows publishing industry is dominated for and by white women.

>> No.9372098

>This is utterly false. Above study shows publishing industry is dominated for and by white women.
Not only that, but I have a good feel that literary content in school and studies is heavily feminized. It seems to me also that reading is more of a woman's hobby than ever - but oh boy, what they read on the other hand ...

>> No.9372108

>Above study shows publishing industry is dominated for and by white women.
that's OK. i'm going to send to both male and female agents and report back. if i get a ton of rejections hopefully i will get some thoughtful feedback, although maybe that's wishful thinking. im still optimistic that they make business oriented decisions so i have no problem being rejected on that basis. we will see though.

>> No.9372114

we should round up all women and kill them

>> No.9372163

wtf that black guy is spot on

>> No.9372174

I hope to get that job in publishing so I can be surrounded by women who chastise my problematic taste until that tension sublimates into a domineering sexual explosion, them doing the domineering of course.

>> No.9372197

The thing you have to realize is that there is probably very little difference between the men and women working in the industry. If they're not outright homosexuals, they're still New York "men" liked well enough by ultra-liberal New York women to be given employment in a feminized industry.

Sometimes I wonder if Blood Meridian could be published today as a debut novel by an unheard-of author.

>> No.9372202
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This is for you, faggot... SHUT UP, BETA!

>> No.9372212

One Directions is doing the exact opposite of this, and won two bookers in a row, in addition to publishing Laurus in the US.

>> No.9372213

It's overcompensating for the lack of equality in the past. Unfortunately, it doesn't denote equality either - it's still power to the powerful but instead most of them are women now.

It's difficult and a double standard: equality shouldn't be about representing one gender or race other another but it should be about the quality of the work.

>> No.9372215

>One Direction
One World, got autocorrected

>> No.9372226

>overcompensating for the lack of equality in the past

Bullshit. They identify bored white women and uppity educated minority females as the greatest consumers of books, and hire staff and publish books that cater to them'

Never assume ideology or conspiracy over greed

>> No.9372227

Marlon James is honestly one of the best writers of the 21st century and he understands his craft and industry like the back of his hand.

>> No.9372235

Its too bad his political leanings are almost a stereotype of buzzfeed social-progressives. Being unironically supportive of BLM and the current antifa climate on campuses (or what he feels are the tendrils of antifa) is noxious.

Im glad his garbage ideologies dont seep into his books.

>> No.9372260

it's still too early for me to get jaded. my work isnt overtly offensive or anti-woman. i guess the only thing they could ding me on is a lack of diversity

>> No.9372292

>Never assume ideology or conspiracy over greed
this is my view. making money is first on the agenda but naturally anyone that gets an inbox full of rejections is going to think it's not about money. for every agent that would reject you for being a fucking white male there are probably ten that will accept you if your content is up-to-par.

>> No.9372294

He is one of the most talented fiction writers out there currently, A Brief History of Seven Killings is excellent, but I'm disappointed with his heavy use of buzzwords here desu, "unpacking", "game changing", "pandering" (I know that it's the title of the essay he's responding to), "we _____ of color". Thankfully he sort of drops this lingo towards the end of his post.

>> No.9372352

His first novel is really great too. Fucking dueling preachers in the mountains of jamaica fighting over the souls of a bunch of shack living monkeys? Great shit

>> No.9372369

>>always hear that women are discriminated against in publishing
who the FUCK told you that?

>> No.9372374

>psychological violence on men from women
>raped men

>> No.9372396


>> No.9372406 [DELETED] 

woah charlie murphy just died

>> No.9372590
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you're right and we know you're right.

>> No.9374294

>women hold all the publishing jobs because they are better

>> No.9374315

wtf, a progressive author recommended by /lit/? I would expect this post to be controversial, I'll have to read a book or two of his. What would you suggest I start with?

>> No.9374451

He won the award with Brief History, but Night Women is better. John Crow's Devil is a weird religious novel

The reason he is excellent is that he never resorts to identity, or white guilt, or post-colonial whining, but rather his conflicts exist between Jamaicans individuals, who do much more evil to each other than some "Man" ever could.

>> No.9374658

>Woman read and men don't
That is true if you want to count historical romance books with NotFabio on the cover.

>> No.9374694

Who uses social media to follow their favorite writers? Hint: it's white women and he just pandered to them.

>> No.9375538

its also true if you just count numbers of books sold, which is what publishers care about. Men dont read. Its fucking disgusting, but aside a once a year pop non-fiction book, how many men do you know who are aggressively well read

>Marlon James books
>Liked by white woman

he actually engages in a violent sexual assault right out of blacked in his second book

>> No.9375747

There, the last three answers should tell you why men ought to never complain they're being wronged. Because they will immediately be accused of being weak. That leaves only one outlet, doesn't it? The use of force. Wake up bother.

>> No.9375773

I'm the only male that reads during my lunch hour at work. It's me reading Gaddis and three women reading The Hunger Games or some YA shit.

>> No.9375812

I ask this every time people make a thread worrying about whether or not their work will be published. I'm starting to think none of you actually have any work to publish. I've never received a satisfactory answer to my question, so I'll ask it again.

Why, when I could just link a pdf containing my novel to you RIGHT NOW, do you need a publisher?

>> No.9375855

>Wah why does no one take my shitposting seriously?
You're delusional is why. Your first comprehensive and satisfactory answer, you're welcome.

>> No.9375914

Name ONE (1) thing wymn add to the world aside from birth.

>> No.9375934

>he actually engages in a violent sexual assault right out of blacked in his second book
Women love strong, aggressive males you cuck

>> No.9375956


Women are also better at getting their food in the door because of their ability to convey their emotions more easily. I honestly find it really fucking hard to write a cover letter for job that isn't 'I did x, y and z before which is very relevant so I can obviously do this'.

I've read through a few female friends job apps and they're much simply better at expressing themselves. It's annoying because as a guy I feel you're taught your feelings/interests don't mean shit so you naturally don't value them when you enter the world as a [working professional].