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/lit/ - Literature

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9360296 No.9360296 [Reply] [Original]

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread (QTDDTOT)

Post your question here instead of making a thread just for that.

>> No.9360344

I'll start Kagan's "Introduction to Ancient Greek History" and noticed it has an assignment for the first lecture (Introduction), that is to read 40 pages of Pomeroy's book.

Now, I know this is an awfully dumb question, but I'm expected to read the assignment before or after watching that first video?
I'm not used to have this "tasks" for my classes at college.

>> No.9361073

Why is qtddtot thread not a thing on /lit/?

>> No.9361091

How did Pynchon manage to be so talented

>> No.9361099

I can't remember a word and it's bugging me. It means something like: achieving the same result but by using different methods. I think I heard Wes use it on the partially examined life before. Driving me crazy.

>> No.9361107

He didn't write any of the books. It was all Irwin Corey.

>> No.9361123

Anyone have an image for cyberpunk recommendations? Couldn't find any in the wiki.

>> No.9361812

Any recommendations for a short stories anthology? I'd like to read a variety of writers and styles

>> No.9361817

How do I get pseudo enough to get a gf and get off 4chan?

>> No.9361828

/lit/ isn't a board where 90% of the catalog are generals so if people want to ask a question they can just make a thread about it, as moot intended.

>> No.9362489

50 Great Short Stories edited by Milton Crane.

>> No.9362510

Getting a girlfriend won't magically make you get off 4chan. I've been married for four years and I've been on 4chan daily for well over 7.

>> No.9362521

Do people legit like DFW?

>> No.9362662

How do I got about getting noticed as an author

>> No.9362828
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Alright then, what are some books about schizophrenia and stalking people? I'm sure others would like to know.

>> No.9362829

How do I cope with the fact that even though I read fiction and non-fiction, I will never use the knowledge I acquire to make a better world, let alone better my self?

>> No.9362851

If you've been dead for two months why are still larping on lit pretending to be Pynchon? Dammit Irwin just rest already

>> No.9362885

Anybody got an ebook of either:
>The penguin book of Japanese verse
>One hundred poems by the Japanese
Can't seem to find them on bookz or libgen.

If nobody has an ebook,but someone has a physical copy of the penguin one, please tell me:
Does it have romanized versions of the original poems?

>> No.9362895

Capitalism and schizophrenia by Deleuze lol
Is stalking people really interesting? I don't think so. Read American Psycho instead

>> No.9362909

What I did this evening: find a stranger in your city who brags about his PUA success online, and message him asking to show your skills. Then accompany him to the bar and play the shy and hard to get weirdo, while he does his PUA thing and uses you as a prop. I got the #s of two girls this evening and will text them tomorrow apologizing on behalf of the PUA asshole. They probably won't text me back but it's better than nothing

>> No.9362913

What's the deal with a lot of "Young Adult" fiction? Why do authors of this sort of literature think so poorly of their readers?

>> No.9362917

And more importantly, why are they successful?

(Sorry for double-post.)

>> No.9362946


The same reason all garbage media is successful. It's easy to make and digest. the faster you can consume something the better.

>> No.9362965

Cheap,easy to read and most importantly,entertaining for the target demographic who refuses to let it go.
And they aren't hard on the author either.

If the author is even a bit self conscious,he will know his target audience.("Pretty father's girls")
And they don't require any more than this cheap romance and synthetic deepness.

This is the female side.
I consider fantasy to be the "male YA"

That is just escapism.
People want to feel exceptional,so they project themselves into the main character. (This happens on the female side too,but in traditional romance, I think it's more about the need for care)
They want to be catalisators,but being one in reality is too much effort.
I think the relationship of fantasy and video games is natural.

>> No.9363319

Improve. Start with learning about the question mark.

>> No.9363662

It isn't interesting. I want to know why other people do it. American Psycho was just OK.

>> No.9363879

What's a site like abebooks but for film?

>> No.9364621

You should ask /tv/, my friend.

Explain to them basically what is AbeBooks and then ask if there is a "kino" correspondent.

>> No.9364648

Yes. If you want to see for yourself how the man was turned into a member, as opposed to being a meme, watch some of his interviews on YouTube. And then maybe read something that is not infinite jest from him, like his essays or whatever.

>> No.9364707

No, he can't think, he can't write, he has no discernible talent.

>> No.9364901

I can speak russian just fine (russian speaking parents), but I'm having difficulties reading material more advanced than say newspapers. I never really took an interest in reading until recently. Any advice? I can read in russian , but it's quite slow.

>> No.9364913

How do you teach someone to appreciate literature on a deeper level than reading for the plot?

>> No.9364919

Doesn't exist, people don't buy films.

Read more. No really, just read more, that's how you get better at it.

>> No.9364927

Alrighty then. Should've guessed.

>> No.9365137
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Here you go, friendolino.


>> No.9365201
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Hey guys,

In "Julius Caesar," Portia is trying to get Brutus to reveal his secret plans to her and she says

>I have made strong proof of my constancy,
>Giving myself a voluntary wound
>Here, in the thigh. Can I bear that with patience
>And not my husband's secrets?

I don't get it. Did she cut herself at some point before the play to prove her mettle? Is this a Roman marriage rite? Is she cutting herself on stage during the scene?

These are lines 322-325 of Act 2, Scene 1.

Any ideas would be much appreciado, thanks!

>> No.9365249

Typically you do readings before class. But if for some reason you love the idea of doing them afterward, I don't see why you wouldn't do that instead.

Kagan roams around a lot though. I think having something more structured like the Pomeroy textbook might be better as a base for his lectures.

I hated Pomeroy, personally. Remember to get the full version, not the "Brief" one. If you want something denser, try Bury & Meiggs' History of Ancient Greece.

>> No.9365259
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Can you help rec some good non fiction for my upcoming wokeweek?

Also please don't plague this thread with rolls. If you know it's a problem, cut it out. Otherwise Google RNG

>> No.9365291


>> No.9365305

Let us roll

>> No.9365308

You're going to feel full of energy six days from now!

>> No.9365311

But, Varg would approve of CKII. . .

>> No.9365315
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>> No.9365323


>> No.9365332

Does anyone have an epub of "My Work Is Not Yet Done"? It wasn't on library genesis.

>> No.9365358
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Here you go, friendolino.


>> No.9365740
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>> No.9366368
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God bless you anon.
A thousand times,God bless you.

>> No.9366835

Maybe "Thoughts" by Blaise Pascal

>> No.9367828

Hi, can you recommend me some good literary critics?

>> No.9367835

Depends what you want criticism on.
Bloom, Samuel Johnson, Barthes, Matthew Arnold, Jarrell

good writers usually make good critics, your favorite author probably has some.

>> No.9367836

Thank you, man, that was great advice.
I'll sure look into Bury & Meiggs' book, especially since it can be downloaded freely at archive.com

>> No.9367842

Adding to the other anon's list, Northrop Frye too.

>> No.9368245

Yeah she cut her self at some point (typical woman desu)

>> No.9368269

why do French, German etc. books have the name on the spine backwards? if you put them in a pile face up the spines are all upside down and that seems just really dumb to me.

>> No.9368306

Why are there so many reviews in Arabic on Goodreads?
I pretty much never see the language on the internet unless I'm deep in Youtube somewhere, but it's all over Goodreads.

>> No.9368307

Man I need the best prose writers in spanish

>> No.9368375

Needing to do some namedropping ain't you, anon?
Want to impress that qt señorita don't you?

>> No.9368393


What are the best book publishers? My book closet is beginning to get filled with Everyman's and Oxford World Classics

>> No.9368397

DFW is really good. I was reading 'The Soul Is Not A Smithy' today. Didn't finish it, but I will - it's pretty good. Why is he a meme again?

>> No.9368401

roberto bolano

>> No.9368409

What do you guys think of the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude.

>> No.9368425

Why does Jesus refer to himself in 3rd person in the NT?

>> No.9368520

The affordable ones that I remember right now are, in no particular order:
Dalkey Archives, Pushkin Press, Oxford World Classics, New York Review Books, Norton, Penguin.

>> No.9368536

its one of the books i've read in the last two years that i was thoroughly impressed with

>> No.9368538

Where can I download Taschen's book 100 Contemporary Artists A-Z?

>> No.9368548

Thank you

>> No.9368563

You probably can't, my friend. Since Taschen doesn't put out ebooks you'd depend on somebody scanning the book you want and sharing somewhere.
Because scanning (and then editing) is really time consuming, you won't find a lot of Taschen's books in digital form out there.

>> No.9368607
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I just read "The captain's verses" and "The Peregrine".

Pls recommend me similar books.

>Pic not related

>> No.9368612

What are pants like this called? I had a gf you wore these and they drove me fucking nuts

>> No.9368614

Jeggings i think

>> No.9368623

>I consider fantasy to be the "male YA"
It sucks because Fantasy has a lot of potential

>> No.9368625

Damn, thanks for the info. I didn't know it.

>> No.9368737

It has potential when not made on a conveyor belt.

>> No.9368897

Thanks mister :)

>> No.9369068


>> No.9369236

What are some of your favorite poetry collections?

>> No.9369275


>> No.9369404

So, I'm reading a heavy book and it's giving me neck pain. What's the best posture for reading?

>> No.9369414

Read the tunel by Sabato.

>> No.9369506

I didn't like Gravity's Rainbow. Why do people like it?

>> No.9369557

Weird name, don't you think? :^)

>> No.9369561

How do I become a Zen Buddhist?

>> No.9369636

in fact I want some authors that I can study

>> No.9369643

thanks bros

>> No.9369691

I found extremely useful the lectures of Jauss and Iser on the aesthetic reception.

>> No.9370270


>> No.9370915


>> No.9370936

Read poetry until you figure out that the mastery over the language matters in prose as well.

"Son of man" is a literal translation of the Aramaic word (bar 'ěnoš) for human.


>> No.9370984

Are there any good books or online resources for writing exercises?

>> No.9371368

My favorite is the Norton Anthology of Poetry.

There are HUGE editions, there's also shorter ones, and the best thing is if you're American apparently you can get the older editions dirt cheap.

>> No.9371390

Worth a roll

>> No.9371391

Reroll bc impractical at the minute

>> No.9371469

Can some anon rec me something on the philosophy of experience?

>> No.9371492

If you're talking about empiricism, then Hume, Locke, Aristotle, Lewis etc. If you're talking about 'experience', as in the reason why people go backpacking, then a self-help book like The power of Now. The latter isn't my field of expertise though.

>> No.9372685


>> No.9372809
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>> No.9372827
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>> No.9372836

Get off of the computer and pick up a book.

>> No.9372842
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>> No.9372852

Why is /lit/ extra shit today? So many trash threads...

>> No.9374058

What are your favorite translations of the Greek tragedies?

>> No.9374097

Standing at a lectern

>> No.9374724


>> No.9374843

Free me

>> No.9375066

tfw dead grand parents

>> No.9375694

Was the abandonment of hunter gatherer living the fall of man, the original sin?

>> No.9375784

What's the difference between post-irony and satire? Or rather, what's the difference between post-ironic satire and other forms of satire?

A modern proposal is post-ironic and is usually held as a great example of satire. Is there satire that isn't trying to make an earnest point?

>> No.9375788

Brainfart, obviously I meant a modest proposal.

>> No.9376085

Is there a book that discusses the difficulties of translating? Like certain words that just don't exist in other languages and so in transting you have to decide authors intent v. authors meaning.

>> No.9376148

How do I translate things better?
Whenever I want to translate something,I want to do a literal translation and the result is horrible to read.

>> No.9376178

That's one way of looking at it, yeah

>> No.9376966

In what order should I read Aristotle?

>> No.9377003
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Hey /lit/, could you please reccomend me an author/book/story that is very pleasant to read. Someone with masterful prose, and poetry is more than welcome too. I'm burnt the fuck out from non-fiction and dry scholarly articles.


>> No.9377035

Translation is an art. You need to master two languages, and read the literary classics of each. For example:
>How can I be a better translator?
>Whenever I go for a literal translation, the result is horrible.
As a general rule, minimize syllabes and words, it improves the flow. If you deal with Americans, nuke any unnecessary character.

>> No.9377039

Ethics>Politics>On Poetry>The Organon>Physics>On the Soul>Metaphysics>Rhetoric, from his easier works to his harder works.

>> No.9377076

Thanks senpai.

>> No.9377097


>> No.9377103


>> No.9377107

Will l like DeLillo if l liked Pynchon?

>> No.9377117

Currently reading Demons, is it just me or do sentences sound strange in Russian novels?
noticed this in Gulag archipelago too.

>> No.9377745


>> No.9377751

should I read the first Jack Reacher novel for the lolz? It's only £3....

>> No.9377841


>> No.9378623

worth a try at least.

>> No.9378637

Best Russian novels that aren't by Tolstoy or Dostoevsky?

>> No.9378697

Someone have the McDuff translation of Notes from the underground?

>> No.9378708

Petersburg by Andrei Bely. I recommend the McDuff or Elsworth translation

>> No.9378746
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does anyone know of a good comprehensive book of the history of the HRE?

pic related is the only half decent one I'm thinking of getting

>> No.9378752

i've been looking for one too, but preferable one that has an audiobook version so i can wonder around aimlessly while zoning out

>> No.9379218

i'm looking for some good fiction audiobooks to listen to in my car. i like westerns/medieval fantasy/post apocalypic stalker type stuff. anyone know any good books?

>> No.9379222
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Probably a long shot but ill ask anyway. Is it recommended to read A Garden of Sand before Tattoo? Picked up the latter in a used book store today and don't know if its worth reading before having never even read the first.

Pic related

>> No.9379495

23year old
I've written poetry my whole life, several notebooks full., I write poetry for therapeutic reasons (It helps with anxiety) I have only a high school education, as you can probably tell... I've gotten better at writing, and it's fun to read how much my style has changed. But I am a very self taught person, and very unorthodox poet.

>Who are some poets that didn't have traditional teaching / and use unconventional form?
(English/american and preferably in the 20th century.)

>How do I avoid cliches? Angsty teenager, 2deep4me, and edgelord.
I might be too hard on myself, but that's what I notice with some of my stuff.

>> No.9379597

>How do I avoid cliches?
If you've heard a certain metaphor or description of something somewhere else, don't use it. Unless you want to allude to that other instance.