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/lit/ - Literature

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9357377 No.9357377 [Reply] [Original]

What does your girlfriend read?

>> No.9357385


>> No.9357387

Dostoyevsky and other Russian literature.

>> No.9357392

I dont have one but my sister reads a lot of Tolstoy and Shakespeare

She was actually sad when I showed her Tolstoys opinion of Shakespeare

>> No.9357393
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my boyfriend loves hegel, kant, zizek, marx.. he likes oscar wilde a lot.

>> No.9357412


have you fucked her?

>> No.9357424

Not this shit again

>> No.9357426

Mo Yan at the moment, I think.

>> No.9357439

Last week was Sartre, Idées républicaines I believe, this week is Laozi.

>> No.9357449

I swear to god I punched in Voltaire. My phone changed it on me when I hit send. Wtf apple?

>> No.9357463

fuck this site is bad for my mental health. i can operate well enough usually but then i see this and feel like a FAGGOT.

>> No.9357468

What answer do you want to hear?

>> No.9357516

My gf reads true crime all the time. It makes sense because she's going into forensics but it's all she reads.

>> No.9357611

she can't read yet

>> No.9357629
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>> No.9357634

I made a doll that I lie in bed next to me and call my girlfriend. I read her parts 50 shades of gray each night and wish we could do those things. I cry a lot

>> No.9357635


>Sitting on the floor
>Barnes & noble "leather" edition
>Happens to be exactly half done the book.
>Reading with music on in the background

Stay in Brooklyn you fucking faggot. If I see you with your girl anywhere in the village I'm popping you in the jaw.

>> No.9357641

Pleb stuff like Gaiman and some feminist shit by black wymyn. Also meme books with titles along the lines of "ShakesPURRRR! Cats in Literature!"

>> No.9357648

This same exact pic was posted in another thread like this one? What you trying to pull anon

>> No.9357679


>> No.9357682


How... Absurd!

>> No.9357683

Im a khv autist I dont have friends so having a gf is beyond my comprehension

>> No.9357705

I am an autist too and I got a gf. Let me tell you, it will feel unnatural to you and it will probably not work because you are so divorced from the very idea of being in a relationship. It requires sacrifices you will not be willing to make or even understand understand the importance of.

Sure, the initial thrill will be great, but once it reaches even the earliest stages of something serious you will freeze and you will be anxious.

I am speaking this as a former robot. Well, rather a cyborg, because I am not a normie by no means

Been in my relationship for a year and a half and I am still stunned by all the problems relationships bring, because I'd never dreamed being with another person was anything more than just hanging out, fucking and cuddling.

God speed, anon.

>> No.9357709

Write more ples. I haven't seen this cyborg perspective described anywhere

>> No.9357714
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>> No.9357723


>> No.9357725

>falling for the woman meme

>> No.9357741

Let me say that girls need action more than robots do.

While a robot would be content with watching a flick with a cutie girl, she will want to go on a road trip tomorrow, and then see a movie on the weekend, and then to travel with you to another state.

She will need you to go out of your way and change your routine/plans, so that you can be with her. This is quite hard if you are a robot, because robots are used to having all the freedom to do what they want whenever they wan, especially if they are NEETs.

It's the same as those sacrifices I mentioned above: initially it is no problem because you finally have a gf and you are pumped because you are experiencing something new, but when you realise you are no longer the protagonist in your own life, but rather a part of a duo, you start to feel anxious and slowly your dates become a routine too, just another entry in your daily plan that you cross after it's done. Like going for groceries.

And it can be even harder if you fuck up sexually. If you are a porn addict, you are very likely to find her body completely boring and you are likely to have a limp dick, or a semi at best. No matter how cute she is she will not look like your favourite cam girl when she takes her clothes off. Hell, even the cam girl would be boring if you saw her in real life. You will be disillusioned and you will lay there naked with her thinking about how your arm is not comfortable or how she's pressing your stomach too hard.

>> No.9357745
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>> No.9357755
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>> No.9357758


>> No.9357766

A girl that is craving my dick says she loves reading altough I believe she is pretty pleb. She has a nostalgia boner for Hunger games bc it was her first novels but she admits to it being a guilty pleasure. She likes Oscar Wilde and is starting to peek into literature. I may gave her a taste of my knob, show her this hellhole and turn her into a litizen who posts DFW's and Pinecones.
Ill keep you guys posted.

>> No.9357818

At the moment, White Noise.

>> No.9357822

That is one ugly woman. Not feminine at all.

I don't have a gf, Thank God.

My ex used to read lot of Dosto and some Pushkin.

>> No.9357826

Last book she bought was Chekhov but she didn't finish it. Has been saying she wants to read White Noise now

She's v cute

>> No.9357830
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>not finishing Chekhov
Dump her like a bag of African dirt.

>> No.9357832

This thread sure doesn't make me want to off myself at all haha

>> No.9357839

My ex-girlfriend read ultra-pleb shit like Eragon, Hunger Games, and Harry Potter. Our first date was ironically at a bookstore, where I spent the entire date explaining to her the significance of the Greeks and why her taste is shit because she told me she didn't know who Plato is when were browsing the philosophy section. I'm surprised she liked me enough after that autistic flareup of mine to continue dating me.

She cheated on me a year later, and I can't help but feel my elitism was part of it.

Fuck this thread

>> No.9357843

She just finished Machen and is going on a Le Fanu binge. She'll read Clark Ashton Smith after that.

>> No.9357850

>She cheated on me a year later
Wait, you kept seeing her after you saw who she was at the bookstore? Laughing out loud at you're life, my friend.

>> No.9357852

>You will be disillusioned and you will lay there naked with her thinking about how your arm is not comfortable or how she's pressing your stomach too hard.

Jesus dude, do you jerk off thrice a day? Just lay off the porn for a while and that issue will sort itself out.

>> No.9357859


My GF also though she reads popular stuff like Stieg Larson also.

>> No.9357871

My partner - it calls itself non-binary - reads the same books as I and at the same time. I call it my hand.

>> No.9357873

I want to shove my dick right up in her hairy pits and pluck the hairs out one by one - foreskin tongs.

>> No.9357875

Does it have a bagoo

>> No.9357876

Yes, but we don't talk about it.

>> No.9357877

A bagoo's a bagoo amirite

>> No.9357879

Why not? If you expect to find an intelligent woman and wait for her, you are going to be lonely your whole life. At least she was literate. Women all have pretty much the same personality, just find one that looks attractive and fucks well.

>> No.9357880

what the fuck is a bagoo

>> No.9357882

The opposite of a benis :DDDDD

>> No.9357883
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>> No.9357921

>If you expect to find an intelligent woman and wait for her, you are going to be lonely your whole life.
Suits me.

>At least she was literate.
>Women all have pretty much the same personality, just find one that looks attractive and fucks well.
Then you should know what you're getting yourself into with these ""literates."" I mean this girl was probably borderline obsessed with Harry Potter, wasn't she? That type is inherently unstable. That isn't to say all girls who read are like that, but if they're on the ultra-pleb protein like you said that one was then why even bother?

>> No.9357949

Nabakov, Pasternak, and Russian poetry.

>> No.9357959

What letter does her first name start with?

>> No.9357964

kek sadly many girls are like this. I remember dating a girl in her mid 20's still obsessed with children's cartoons, books, and so on.

>> No.9357971


>> No.9358005

In Russian?

>> No.9358247

Would be worse if kneeling as daintily as possible with the book at chin level.

>> No.9358299

I am also currently turning a girl into a patrician with my penis. I noticed that whenever I mentioned a book or an album she'd inevitably start posting about it on her tumblr blog. Much to my pleasant surprise she was able to answer most of my probing questions- she was actually reading the books I mentioned.

She seems a lot sadder now, I've put her through in six months what took most of us agonising years, and I think there is an implicit understanding between her and I that we will never so much as kiss and that I view her purely as an experiment.

>> No.9358361

>lonely cunt
>google images

>> No.9358378

Mostly sociological theory and religious histories. She occasionally reads literary stuff I hand her and she seems really into feminist drama after I showed her "Top Girls," so I think I'm going to rec her more of that.

>> No.9358389

Marguerite Duras

>> No.9358403

Take it from an actually healthy male who isn't scared of porn and isn't addicted either: I can jerk off three times a day and still fuck my wife three or four times a day on average. She's thankful I'm self-aware enough to masturbate (only sometimes to porn) as an outlet, and while she has some insecurities about porn she seems to understand how unfounded they are in my case. Some days I have no desire for porn and indulge myself on her pretty mercilessly, she enjoys it and says it's really fulfilling. On the other hand she freely admits it's hard on her body and is glad I'm not constantly drilling her with that frequency, making it something that happens maybe three or four times a month.

Basically, people demonize porn but it's a tool, like anything else. People poison themselves with food, too, but the blame is often squarely with the people and not with the food.

>> No.9358428

she doesn't read. all the books in our apartment are mine.

>> No.9358459

The girl I am seeing has borrowed Lolita from me and is reading that.
Before that, she read Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari.

>> No.9358485

>turning her with your penis
>not actually using your penis
You sad, disgusting little pretender.

>> No.9358494

I imagine she reads the Bible everyday, or at least Sunday mornings. I'll ask when I actually meet her.

>> No.9358531
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>> No.9358548

She writes stories about witches, but hasn't been published yet.

She also has a rape fetish.

>> No.9358631


Those sound like some green flags anon, that's nice.

>> No.9358719

the italian neorealism of literature

>> No.9358736

>an actually healthy male who isn't scared of porn
show me one
if you look at porn and experience anything other than disgust or non-arousing curiosity you're fucking up

>> No.9358738

d&d manuals and 40k books. i'm waiting for her to self identify as a dragon but the sex is good.

>> No.9358748

So did you rape her?

>> No.9358754

How so?

>> No.9358759

Haven't read this pasta before.

>> No.9358806

The same is true for men as well. I recently went on a date with a 35 year old who asked me unironically what Harry Potter house I belonged to or if I was a Jedi or a Sith. Wtf.

Dude owned like 300 pop movies and read the most entry level pleb shit, but fancied himself an intellectual.

>> No.9359093

>all this sublimated envy

>> No.9359097

that is too old to have grown up with Harry Potter
what the heck

>> No.9359099

>being envious of someone pathetic
Haven't heard that one before.

>> No.9359117
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>> No.9359136
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Nothing. She doesnt read

>> No.9359159

Shit like Twilight and books by John Green. I'm not even kidding. Sometimes she reads Bronte and Jane Austen, but that is as far as she can get.
I always try to show her good stuff, sometimes she likes it, but without getting invested. I introduced her to Pessoa last week. She read two of his poems, liked them, but then went back to YA shit.

>> No.9359196
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>this is a comeback

>> No.9359293

Lit suff, she just had a bias againt russian writers and anything that's longer than 500 pages. I guess that's the consequence of working in visual arts

>> No.9359334
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>> No.9359361

Blind gf?

>> No.9359369
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>asked me unironically what Harry Potter house I belonged to or if I was a Jedi or a Sith.

>> No.9359372

You'll have to try better than that, LAPD!

>> No.9359383

>being gay

>> No.9359400
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>35 year old who asked me unironically what Harry Potter house I belonged to or if I was a Jedi or a Sith

>> No.9359407

Indie comics, linguistics / philology / etc., 20th century stuff, albeit she's been getting a lot into "foundational" stuff (Gargantua, Don Quijote, etc.) lately

>> No.9359584

John Green

>> No.9359623

Mostly literary fiction. She doesn't liek DFW or Tao Lin.

>> No.9359651

John Greene.
that's all.

>> No.9359659
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John Greene

>> No.9359715

PK Dick, Dune, Joyce, various classic novels

bretty comfy desu

>> No.9359864

>Assuming I'm not a girl.

>> No.9359878

>"""girls""" with feminine penises on 4chan

>> No.9359882

That's worse

>> No.9359890


>> No.9359896

/lit/ - Books, Cams & Meetups

>> No.9359902

good girl

>> No.9359908


>> No.9359921


>> No.9359966

Sci-fi and mystery

>> No.9360164

The girl I'm seeing right now is all over the map, she's just finished reading the Master and Margarita, now she's reading some B list 80s fantasy paperback.

We talked about books and reading for like two hours on our second date.

>> No.9360208

To kill a Mockingbird is her favorite book, and I think it has a sequel she sort of likes.

>> No.9360216

Bought matching copies of Don Quixote guess who never touched the first page. Atleast i loved it

>> No.9360234


>> No.9360239

The one that can be adapted into screenplay or preferably doujinshi

>> No.9360269

Why do girls pretend to like Russian literature?

>> No.9360790

Because it gets them where they need to go.

>> No.9360988
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Rupi Kaur.

>> No.9361040

She's into Dosto, also enjoys Rohinton Mistry, Conrad, Tolkien, and an assortment of mid-tier stuff. I plan on getting her into the good stuff, and she seems receptive, although she likes what she likes and that's entirely okay.

>> No.9361053

But where are they going

>> No.9361069

Depends on the woman.

>> No.9361075

But why is Russian lit popular for this particular road trip

>> No.9361128

if she literally lies about being into reading just to appeal to you then she wants the dick pretty bad, senpai. give it to her unless shes gf material then get to know her first

>> No.9361153

>exclusively YA
>Twilight is her favorite series
>She's 33
>Teaches high school

I don't think she ever mentally developed beyond 16 to be honest.

>> No.9361154

There is no particular road trip. The question was "Why do girls pretend to like Russian literature?" It's general. If you want a specific answer, ask a specific question.

>> No.9361176

I don't think dats a girl anon sama

>> No.9361180

I mean, it's understandable if you have kids. It's good to pre-screen a bit of that before you let your children go at it.

>> No.9361188

My husband reads a lot of anime fanfic and some hard sci-fi. Sometimes military-related fiction.

>> No.9361201

Could be worse. I remember my 5th grade teacher would shop at hot topic and buy twilight merch from there.

>> No.9361204


Fiction; I think things like HP Lovecraft and 3spookie stuff about the supernatural.

She's cute as shit though and I've yet to meet a woman with a sufficient Nietzsche fetish like myself...soo...

>> No.9361241

I mean, a normal person would have understood I was asking you to elaborate, either with your metaphor or without it, because "it depends" is not an answer

"Why do girls pretend to like Russian literature?" is parameter plenty, shithead. You aren't cool for having a crippling inability to process things I don't explicitly spell out to you

>> No.9361319

they don't pretend to like it. they do like it. it's long winded and personifies christianity as a thoughtful whore; you might as well ask why /r9k/ doesn't understand underground man is a comedy.

>> No.9361327

My dog can't read.

>> No.9361337

>my GF reading
Not likely unless an author is working on a novelization of The Real Housewives of _____.

I'm afraid to Google because I bet someone is indeed doing that.

>> No.9361349


Tolstoy's opinion only went strange as he got to be an old fuck with no brain.

>> No.9361362

Sure, you can't express yourself and it means I'm abnormal and at fault lol. Good luck improving yourself with that toolbox.

I explicitly understand everything you're getting at, and I was trying to nose you in a direction where you would start to understand some of the underlying concepts that will enable you to grok the answer to your question. But sure, blame others character and abilities and quit. This attitude will get you super far in life, and win lots of respect.

>> No.9361384
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I found a really neat used bookstore on a trip to chicago a couple weeks ago and bought her a 1936 edition of John Milton's complete poems with Gustave Dore's illustrations for PL.

>> No.9361396

What's the store named, anon?

>> No.9361420

Selected Works Books or something along those lines. It was really cool, probably smaller than my apartment but floor-to-ceiling with good shit. There was a cat who lived there and it was in some kind of huge old fine arts building with different voice coaches, instrument repair places, stuff like that.
After I found that for her I got myself a two-book set with all of In Search of Lost Time from 1932 (an older translation that still called it Remembrance of Things Past). It was only $20, the Milton was only $10 I think.

>> No.9361439

Thanks senpai, I'll look into it

>> No.9361503

the epic of gilgamesh

>> No.9361516

Sith, Slytherin, Nazi, in that order.

>> No.9361518

My girlfriend can't read yet.

>> No.9361540

murakami, bukowski, ellis, oates

plebby but she reads a lot.

>> No.9361644

Basic shit like Calvino, Márquez, Kundera, Tartt.

She's the only person I've met to have finished Infinite Jest.

>> No.9361738

Why Nazi desu? Fascists aren't /lit/.

>> No.9361750


>> No.9361793
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>Dude owned like 300 pop movies and read the most entry level pleb shit, but fancied himself an intellectual.

How do you know that?

Did you go home with him, you harlot?

>> No.9361897

Did seriously nobody get this joke? No girlfriend -> use hand instead -> what can a hand "read" -> braille

>> No.9361916

That's nice, honey. Be back by dinner.

>> No.9362136

Well of course she read Michael Murpugo as a kid so she got me to read that stuff which was g

But also recently she got me to read this trap book 'Every Heart A Doorway', literal LGBTQZW69etc propaganda, still a decent little book tho

>> No.9362141

My ""girlfriend"" """reads""" my """"stories"""" iywim

>> No.9362160

How does a fairly /lit/ guy, who is not deformed, get a gf?
Where do you find them? What do you say? How does this part of society work?

>> No.9362175

>anime fanfic
My condolences.

>> No.9362190

>well can you pretend you did and greentext it for us?

>> No.9362611

I have no idea man.

>> No.9362684

blind gf that's so hot

>> No.9362686


>> No.9363283

This is a very nice edition

>> No.9363304
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Mfw when Dore was pro-palestine even back in the day

>> No.9363312

If you have a gf you're not welcome on 4chan

>> No.9363359

fascists are /lit/, just not most of the Nazis. some of the Nazis were /lit/ but none of them to the extent Stalin was /lit/. daily reminder killing people doesn't affect your prosody but gives you an excuse to use the word staccato .

>> No.9363378

Could be worse m8.

>> No.9363390
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Philosophy mostly. She is the chosen One.

>> No.9363406

I don't understand this view. What if he grew up with a franchise similar to Harry Potter, and saw what he loved in the former in the latter? Or do you think the only reason people like things from their childhood is nostalgia?

>> No.9363418
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>things I said on /b/ when I was 14

>> No.9363421

She reads a lot of things fiction and non-fiction. Currently she's reading Color: A Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay. Some other things from her bookshelf are Droll Stories by Balzac, Three Men in a Boat by Jerome, a really nice collection of Shakespeare we found at a charity shop, The Black Swan by Taleb, and a bunch of other stuff. Oh she also loves Harry Potter.

>> No.9363427

my husband doesn't read

>> No.9363429

She used to like to read Kafka but as a law student she doesn't really have the time and energy to read
I got her Stoner which probably was a bad idea, she didn't like it

>> No.9363443

>kids unironically believe this
Whatever makes you feel like you belong to our secret club, I guess.

>> No.9363499

Either supernatural or period piece "romance" books. Basically it has to be as saturated in sex as a HBO/Showtime show.

>> No.9363510

My girlfriend reads a scattershot of stuff but Fight Club is here favorite literary work of all time.

>> No.9363514

Those are some hallmarks of good pussy. I hope you give it to her good.

>> No.9363532

you have a cute girlfriend

>> No.9363536

Thank you. I do.

>> No.9363539


who here wants a blind girlfriend too?

>> No.9363566

She spends most of her time studying for residency but outside of that enjoys reading sci-fi novels. We both climb a lot too so reading guides and whatnot together is nice when planning a trip.

>> No.9363573

My bf mainly reads right-wing history and philosophy books.

>> No.9363578

dubs and i magically stumble upon a gf later today

>> No.9363582

>exclusively reading institutionalized opinions
>not even reading the opposing side
I'm so sorry.

>> No.9363585

ah fuck one off

>> No.9363633

Well it's mainly, not exclusively.

>> No.9363644

Are we talking 85%-15% mainly? Anyway, I suppose that's not important. Is he a good boyfriend?

>> No.9363669

Yeah 85%-15% sounds about right. And he's a pretty good boyfriend most of the time.

>> No.9363707

kys nigger for not even sitting in a big leather armchair

>> No.9363711

Fuck you I love Top Gun

>> No.9363734

I do not have a girlfriend lads

>> No.9363752

There is a qt working in in a book store I visit should I talk to her, maybe ask her what she reads? I wanted to, but am shy, but If dubs I will

>> No.9363776

How is this relevant at all? Also what the fuck are you talking about, there was no israel.

>> No.9363826

My GF pretty much only reads novels published by Virago Press and then has the cheek to complain that I don't read enough novels by women. I read more novels by women than she does novels by men.

>> No.9363862

Tolstoy, Murakami, Camus, Delilo, Solzhenitsyn, anything Beat Generation

>> No.9363870

Don't approach women while they are working.

>> No.9363876

women are gay, don't fall for the meme

>> No.9363894

Please listen to this anon >>9363870, Anon. If you approached me at work I would despise you and dislike having to sell you things in future.

>> No.9363964

Im dating her Wednesday. She is pretty shy and pure and all. Her daddy wont even let her go into the city by herself. Im going for a hug and kiss first date but it may take longer than expected.
Golden coyote signing out.

>> No.9363967

Christian devotionals

>> No.9363971

(and the bible)

>> No.9363972
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>Her daddy wont even let her go into the city by herself.

>> No.9363978
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She's big on Hardy & Tolstoy. Just got her a copy of Narcissus and Goldmund by Hesse b/c it's right up her alley

>> No.9364099

Don't hit on her in an obvious and moronic fashion, but there's nothing wrong with asking her what she reads. A smile and innocent conversation are enough. It's up to her to show interest (of any kind) at that point, if she doesn't then don't push it obviously.

But the idea that you can't approach a woman when she's working is foolish, whether it comes from women or not. I've met lots of women while they were working.

>> No.9364132


It's pretty cool that she's doing something she's so passionate about. I hope your gf does great work and helps lots of people and makes you proud.

>> No.9364159

yeah, my gf is really into Russian lit right now. Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Akhmatova, Checkov.

She also reads a lot of poetry in general.

>> No.9364184


>THG was published in 2008
>If this girl isn't underage she'd have been about 10 years old when she read it
>She'd have gone through school, reading books for class, learning about ancient and modern day literature, and being exposed to some great writing and great ideas.
>She'd have access to a school library, with plenty of books to support a budding love for reading.
>Instead, she spent her time learning how to pretend to be the type of girl the guys she likes, want to fuck
>The only reading she ever enjoyed in any depth happened when she was 10 years old, which is why she can only enjoy reading in a childlike manner


>> No.9364219

I want to fuck her so I guess it worked

>> No.9364225

>Facebook and Snapchat

>> No.9364241

Ask her what's selling the most currently, or if there's a new big "thing" that's popular or something like that to get started off.

>> No.9364262



Or deaf or without arms.

>> No.9364509

I swear to god I have read this post before. Please tell me if this is a pasta. All of the phrases are deeply familiar.

>> No.9364525

Sure thing, you little thug you.

>> No.9364530


Why don't you post this shit on reddit ?

>> No.9364542

Because this is a public imageboard, dufus.

>> No.9364721

should I stop reading exclusively manga?
can I keep reading, watch jordan peterson, and not be a complete pseud?

>> No.9364727


>> No.9364733


>> No.9364736

Keep reading your cartoons, anon.

>> No.9364762

>should I stop reading exclusively manga?
undoubtedly yes. nothing wrong with continuing to read manga alongside literature, but you should expand your horizons.

>> No.9365059

>reading exclusively manga
Why would you do this?
t. manga lover

>> No.9365607
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Thanks buddy, she already makes me proud and I know she'll do great!

>> No.9365641

No love deep web

>> No.9365657

She's currently reading a book called The Sweets of Sin. I really do worry about her intellectual development, but for all that I try leaving out actually good books for her she never picks them up. What do you think I should do, /lit/?

>> No.9365851

>do you think the only reason people like things from their childhood is nostalgia?


>> No.9365916

My GF doesn't read shit but tweets and Tumblr posts. That doesn't stop her from pretending to have knowledge about politics and history and trying to argue her dumbass out of any conversation with strangers who have differing opinions.

>> No.9365942
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de sade

>> No.9366333

>reading a racist bigot

>> No.9366340

That's even worse. Not really liking the franchise, but liking the fact that it gave you good memories a long time ago.

>> No.9366371

I think liking a children's fantasy book series to the extent that you make it part of your identity, as an adult mind you, is far worse than fondly remembering something that gave you joy in childhood.

I read Harry Potter, Eragon, Redwall, you name it as a kid, and I loved them all then. By the time the last book in the Eragon series came out I was in high school and I couldnt get past the first chapter because it was too juvenile by that point. My tastes changed and I found more enjoyment in reading things with more depth.

Why would you want to remain a child mentally when there is so much more to explore as an adult?

>> No.9366397

My ex had a shit-tier taste in """"literature"""" - the last thing I saw her reading was Mr Mercedes from Stephen King. One of the many reasons why she's a former.

>> No.9366412
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Oh boy, you got her. No matter how inane someone is, if he's handsome she will hop in his dick the second they're in private.

There's a German saying that goes:
>"Dumm fickt gut"
which translates into
>"Stupid fucks well"

Case closed.

>> No.9366413


Top or bottom?

>> No.9366424


>> No.9367135

>I think liking a children's fantasy book series to the extent that you make it part of your identity, as an adult mind you, is far worse than fondly remembering something that gave you joy in childhood.
It's pretty harmless. Sportsball fans do the exact same thing.

>Why would you want to remain a child mentally when there is so much more to explore as an adult?
I get that your tastes change as you get older, and I had similar experience with Inheritance, couldn't get past the first 10 pages although I was obsessed with the previous books. But I think Adults can still enjoy franchises made for children for what they are, creative, fun, light hearted worlds full of wonder and amazement. I don't think there's an age limit for these kinds of things, especially when you look at how prevalent myths and fairy tales are throughout the world.

>> No.9367226



>> No.9367245

>Why would you want to remain a child mentally when there is so much more to explore as an adult?
Because it's fun and epic, anon, come on live a little just have some fun, okay?

>> No.9367261

My gf comes from a poor family in a small town, so she didn't grow up reading like me, but as soon as she came to my house and saw my collection, she started getting interested, so I gave her Stranger in a Strange Land and Brave New World, and she won't stop texting me to tell me how cool this part she's reading is, and how excited she is to read the next part, and so on. Feels amazing, man.

>> No.9367266

>haha im so depressed wow so tired of fuck thousand of girls and hav family and kids and a good job so lonelyh XDD

>> No.9367341
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>Because it's fun and epic, anon, come on live a little just have some fun, okay?
The pretentiousness and wording is unbearable - the cringe is too strong.

>> No.9367405

>those things are the font of happiness
Loser detected. If you're not a youngfag, you should be embarrassed.

>> No.9367476

>t. white dude who lose himself into a television serie

>> No.9367515

There are fun and epic fantasy books written for adults. Usually they leave out all of the pre-teen garbage in YA fantasy novels.

>> No.9367524

Great, you understood!

>> No.9367543

Mostly fantasy and "women's lit". It's kind of sad really. She has over 4000 books, many of which are beautiful hardbound classics. But she never reads anything older than Terry Pratchett. It's good for me. When I decide to read a classic, we usually have it already.

I think of her as a horder, but at least she's organized. If it doesn't fit on a shelf, she has the boxes all labeled with a number, and I can go to her Librarything profile and she'll have the box it is in as a tag on the title. She even has boxes for "Read books" labeled with a year and letter. It's how she keeps track of what she's read. Anything that goes back on one of our sagging shelves just gets the year for a tag.

>> No.9367547

I'm not saying that adults can't have fun or read something epic. But the ones who make something like Harry Potter such a huge part of their life that they go so far as to decorate according to their "house" colors, or something like that is just absurd. I would think and say the same for any sports fanatic as well.

>> No.9367552

>gets butthurt about how someone is reading instead of simply being happy to see people reading in 2017.

Stay hipster, my friend.

>> No.9367696

no matter what you do, this post makes you a pseud for life

>> No.9367704

How many of those 4,000 are displayed and not in boxes? Any pictures?

>> No.9367717

RWBY fan fiction

Kill me

>> No.9367754

You're so wrong lol...

>> No.9367809
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Very few anymore. We had to move across the country a few years ago, and I tossed all of the cheap Target bookshelves because the particle board was all dying from all of the book weight anyways. We bought an old farmhouse built in 1900 and I refuse to buy cheap shelves this time around, so until I find some nice hardwood shelving at some estate sales, that will match the vibe of the place, almost all of the books are currently in rubbermaid totes from the move. The kitchen has a built in shelf, and our cookbooks are all there. It might convey something about her obsessive collecting. To be fair quite a few of the cookbooks are mine. I like to cook. I would love to have built-ins int he rest of the house, but I don't think it's feasible. So estate sales work well. I'm looking for early 1900's hard wood shelves, and a bit of mix and match in styles actually works for old houses.

>> No.9367812

damnit. this phone rotates everything. But you get the idea.

>> No.9367817

Nice beer mugs

>> No.9367934

nice blog, subscribed

>> No.9367970

thank you, senpai.

>> No.9368004
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>> No.9368017

Why does anyone in the world needs that much cookbooks? Is your girlfriend a cooking show host or something?

>> No.9368023

>having a plebeian gf

>> No.9368029

It literally says in the post that he likes to cook.

>> No.9368033
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Harry Potter and similar trash

>> No.9368047

I like to cook too, senpai. I don't have 100 cookbooks though.

>> No.9368054

We both cook a lot. We host a lot of parties. It's actually why we bought this house. It's got an open 3rd of an acre that used to be a horse paddock. We use it to host pretty big parties. Live music, The barn has been converted to allow people to crash out when they've had too much to drink. We even have a few portapotties behind the barn.

>> No.9368055

I don't know, generally cooking-people have some sort of fetish for them.

>> No.9368061

Are you rich or something?

>> No.9368064

Also true. I love to hit the cookbook section of used bookstores and just grab anything that interests me. We'll cook a few recipes out of each book and we mark up the pages with what we've tried and liked, and any changes we would make.

>> No.9368069

Do you really need to ask

>> No.9368070

I guess I do, yes?

>> No.9368079

The bands are all friends that come for the party and happen to play. For the 4th of July we actually pay a band because it's a bigger turnout. The city fireworks are easily visible from the paddock People tend to chip in on the food, and everyone brings their own alcohol.

We both have decent paying jobs, and no interest in having kids, so disposable income isn't really a problem. But it's not like it costs us much to throw a party. All of my friends tend to bring food, or ask if there's anything that we need before they show. My biggest expense on any given party season is the whole hog roast on the 4th of July.

>> No.9368084


>> No.9368119

>Stranger in a Strange Land and Brave New World, and she won't stop texting me to tell me how cool this part she's reading is, and how excited she is to read the next part, and so on. Feels amazing, man.

This is the first time I can say this and it be actually content-laden, are you a cuck? Otherwise why would this feel amazing.

>> No.9368131

How to find a hairy /lit/ gf?

>> No.9368144

How the fuck is bonding with your gf over her newfound interest equivalent to cuckoldry?

>> No.9368151

>get gf
>tell her you like her hairy
>she gets hairy
Hope this helped.

>> No.9368154

find posts about Italian classics. Look for females.

>> No.9368158

because everything is cuckoldry now. have you been in a coma for 5 years?

>> No.9368169

She's reading stranger in a strange land and brave new world and she's excited to keep going and going.
Have you not read either of these?

>> No.9368184

no shit, brave new world was an awesome read regardless of when you specifically pick it up

>> No.9368197

I'd find anyone who is new to reading sci-fi not gushing over how Huxley relates to our world today to be odd. I just don't find it odd for someone to be bonding with his gf over it.

Certainly nothing relating to her love of another man's cock.

>> No.9368205

I am so fucking tired of the cuck meme, jesus christ
Can we go back to calling each other fags or something

>> No.9368233

I think we're stuck with frogs and cuck obsessives until the alt-right takes some real hits.

>> No.9368333

Implying people who take pictures of themselves holding an open book in their hands actually read.

>> No.9369402

Why does that boy wear a bikini?

>> No.9369562

is that a doorknob emoji?

>> No.9369611

Are you actually fucking stupid? Giving your girlfriend a manual on fucking everything that moves and having her tell you how great it is is the a surefire way to getting her to cheat on you. And she's going to think you're ok with it.
It's one of the only times where calling someone a cuck makes sense. This board is so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.9369623


Because it's 2017 and gender is a social construct?

>> No.9369737

Stranger in a Strange Land is a manual on fucking everything? I've never read it.

>> No.9369877

Tolkien-everything. Fucking beta males on here all have cringy-ass girlfriends.

>> No.9369898

I wouldn't say that. It is a manifesto on how attractive young women should have sex with weird old men by a weird old man.

>> No.9369903

My girlfriend reads lots of Russian lit as she's learning Russian, as well as a lot of philosophy (the greeks etc.). She also reads things like Camus and Sartre for her French, and lots of English literature (George Elliot, Shakespeare, Austen, Orwell, Wilde etc.) and some American like Keroac and Vonnegut, Steinbeck and Hemingway.

There's also a smattering of other writers from other countries like Marquez, Borges, Milan Kundera, Calvino, Cervantes etc.

I think she's reading Lovecraft at the moment.

>> No.9369908

yeah, and if she reads the stranger she'll think you want her to kill some arabs

>> No.9369950

I read much more than my boyfriend, and mostly the classics and philosophy.

I started on Austen etc. when I was 11 and never looked back. I read lots of English, Russian and French literature because I'm a native English speaker and am leaning those languages.

I don't mind American stuff, and enjoyed Steinbeck and Hemingway and some of Fitzgerald and Heller, but it's not really my cup of tea.

I grew up surrounded by classics because my parents are a librarian and an English teacher, so I never really went through a YA phase.

My boyfriend barely reads, and it's honestly kind of annoying. I suggest things and he just turns them down because they're too long.

>> No.9370000


>> No.9370232

Am I to understand from this thread that girls that read good books actually exist? Or are you all roleplaying?

>> No.9370242
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>dem quads

>> No.9370306

Only the girls who read crime fiction and self help books are real

>> No.9370332

What about >>9369950

>> No.9370368

Not a grill (girl)

>> No.9370381

Uh, yeah I am. 100% girl (girl) not a trap.

>> No.9370399

Sure thing, Michael.

>> No.9370464
File: 367 KB, 1436x1920, 798a9b1e8b5e2dc4d375c951f2a1e2f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Matter

>> No.9371548

Remember when people used to call them 'emoticons'? Those were good times... simpler times... I kinda miss Limewire.

>> No.9373707
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Yes. My girlfriend is obsessed with Kierkegaard. Another friend keeps asking me to read Nietzsche so she can discuss him with someone. I convinced my ex to read The Recognitions because she studies art history and she called me back after being pissed at me for weeks because Stanley's death made her cry.
You shouldn't take your opinions on vast swaths of humanity from the wailing of frogposting /pol9k/ autists like >>9370306. Most girls are fairly normal people as varied as men. They have their own version of the mouthbreathing autists, fat tumblrinas, who engage in conversations just like this asking why "all men" exclusively care about football and videogames.
The answer to both is that you're talking about the behavior of billions of people and your sweeping generalizations are fucking retarded.

>> No.9374220

that chick has some fat tits. it's a shame they hide them in the show.

>> No.9374296

Fuck that wax whore.

>> No.9374483

i can barely talk to women

>> No.9374735

gotta be like David Caruso in Jade