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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.12 MB, 860x6317, Faith_brain_expansion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9358446 No.9358446[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My first time creating a brain expanding meme, let me know what you guys think.

>> No.9358458

I think you should probably reevaluate your life.

>> No.9358466

No thanks. I like to live with morals which I can justify and they are never mistaken.

>> No.9358492

You're right about that being the supreme trajectory, but as a meme it's too bloated to have any viral potential.

>> No.9358500

I'm Jewish and I regularly correct my girlfriend on points of Church doctrine and scriptural authority. Where does that place me?

>> No.9358502

Forgot to mention she's Catholic.

>> No.9358513

Believing in God, Believing in God and reading Christian literature...

>> No.9358521


>> No.9358534
File: 8 KB, 236x231, f73fda8f498b6037ef679ebbf23fbffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dogma

>> No.9358540

I like the subtlety and impartiality of this meme. Was a great use of your time.

>> No.9358544
File: 136 KB, 583x701, atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9358545

Don't forget reading the bible and, strictly speaking, preaching the bible

>> No.9358547

I mean because you clearly spend quite some time to produce a chart which has no value whatsoever solely to shitpost on a literature subsection of an anime board for autistic teens.

>> No.9358553

You're literally doing it... BACKWARDS. In every way possible.

>> No.9358554

Christians:"Atheists are so in your face and smug about their beliefs."

Also Christians: >>9358446

>> No.9358556

e tu, brute

>> No.9358557

This is what terminal autism looks like. Seek help, my man.

>> No.9358560

That doesn't even make sense. Are you actually a bit touched or mentally challenged?

>> No.9358561

You bombed this meme harder than Kissinger did Cambodia.

>> No.9358563

If I made this meme the other way around, you would've praised me

>> No.9358564

touched in my private parts by an angle of G-d

>> No.9358568

don't you know that neoplatonism is the pinnacle of religious belief?

>> No.9358572

Okay, you're 14. It's time to fuck off. Site is 18+.

>> No.9358575

Wow, as OP I thought /lit/ would comprehend this meme better than /b/

>> No.9358582

well I'm a good nicean Christian so 3 = 1 therefore 14 = 42 so whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you, cunt

>> No.9358584

I'm not him, but probably not. Were just emerging from a five year period of reactionary religious shitposting, in response to the year of reddit atheist shitposting in 2012. If you did it the other way, it'd still be stupid, but people would still be calling you a man-child fedora.

>> No.9358595

True. You can't win no matter how good you deliver your opinion.

>> No.9358596

Everyone understands it. It's retarded teenage babble. Not because it's about religion, but because it's pointless in the extreme. You should keep it to your kindergarten buddies.

>> No.9358597


I wouldn't praise a shitposter regardless of their religious beliefs. Your post is essentially this:

"Hi guys I'm a spectacular dickmuncher who likes to make overused and unoriginal one-sided memes on highly controversial topics to bait some replies because I need to consume some form of drama to distract me from my miserable existence."

>> No.9358607

No more like: "I'm a Christian, and I think the meme is funny so I decided to create this and post on /lit/ because I honestly thought you would all react intelligently and mature to it."

>> No.9358617

>I think the meme is funny
Not even an actual clinical retard would find it funny.
>thought you would all react intelligently and mature
What exact reaction did you expect to your 9gag maymay picture?

>> No.9358618

OP didn't deliver his opinion well, though. It wasn't funny, insightful, or origional. Stuff like this is spammed all the time.

The subject matter wasn't the weak spot, it was its stale and heavy handed delivery.

>> No.9358634


Oh Im sorry is the picture suppose to be funny in itself?

Why is it funny then? because it isn't true? Is that the joke?That Christianity doesn't make you smart?

Explain to me how this is suppose to be funny in itself and once you've done that tell me if you think this joke is original in anyway.

>> No.9358651

I thought /lit/ would have Christians

>> No.9358674

>morals [...] they are never mistaken
This is the epitome of Unsinn.
It doesn't mean anything.

>> No.9358677

It is a Christian board.

>> No.9358678


>> No.9358682

Clearly not, because that's a long discussion. In short, my morals are Biblical.

>> No.9358684

Preaching the bible makes you a bible because all bible preachers are just parrots?

>Not reading the Qur'an

>> No.9358685

Good meme OP. I'd download and share it if it didn't have so many typos.

>> No.9358701


>> No.9358702

>extremely tiny brain: ready player one is good
>tiny brain: ready player one is bad
>normal brain: ready player one is an indicator of what art under capitalism must turn into
>glowy brain: ready player one is good for getting mouthbreathing vidya players to read something
>extremely glowy brain: ready player one is a satire of silicon valley tech culture's infantilization and lack of authentic ideas

>> No.9358704

>over 40 replies to this underage retardation

>> No.9358705

No its just that if your brain is filled with true bible, then you will end up preaching it if you're a true Christian.

>> No.9358709

Don't get it

>> No.9358711


>> No.9358712

Bible is from the same as the Torah and Qur'an, so should have put them in as well.

>> No.9358715

Thanks, I'll reupload

>> No.9358722


>> No.9359112
File: 1.16 MB, 860x6317, Brain_expansion_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone passing by, reupload

>> No.9359133

Thanks. I'll share it.

>> No.9359838
File: 100 KB, 1234x815, IMG_4921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you kids still believe in the tooth fairy, too?

>> No.9359879
File: 555 KB, 645x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my OC

>> No.9359884

this is nice autism spectrum disorder

>> No.9359901

wheres the bottom text from?

>> No.9359907

Not funny or interesting.
0 points my friend, try harder next time.

>> No.9359944
File: 533 KB, 692x645, lepa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this slobvenian mem

>> No.9359957

You're an unfunny piece of deluded shit. Go do something useful, cunt.

>> No.9360053


hahahahahahahah top kek

>> No.9360106

How do you justify morals? Lmao

>> No.9360113

These need be flipped

>> No.9360134

this is nice autism spectrum disorder