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/lit/ - Literature

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9355312 No.9355312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well lets see it

>> No.9355323



>> No.9355326

>interested in girls

The girl that served me at the pub last night said her favorite book is princess bride. I didn't even know it was a book (movie is good though)

>> No.9355337
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>> No.9355343
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She said: "it's 50 shades of grey. Me and Chad did everything that happens in the book, well, before he dumped me anyway".

Thanks OP. Now I know.

>> No.9355344

The only girl I have in my phone is this escort I call from time to time.

>> No.9355355
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Hey fat piece of shit, when will the inevitable suicide happen?

>> No.9355359

>being interested in girls
really draws one to ponder the current situation does it not

>> No.9355363

>falling for the oldest meme in the book

>> No.9355387

My ex blocked my number because I kept drunk texting her in a rage. I'm not interested in any other women

>> No.9355394

How much does she charge?

>> No.9355398

my gf said Nausea

>> No.9355403

Moby Dick

>> No.9355414

You can't just text a person out of nowhere.

>> No.9355416

Alot, I learned you need to spent alot to get a good one.I went cheap one time and got a shemale by accident.

>> No.9355424

She doesn't have a phone. She's a tulpa who has yet to receive recognition from others.

She said VALIS though

>> No.9355433

the master and margarita

should I ask her out?

>> No.9355603

>being interested in girls and books at the same time

lel whats next asking a deaf his favorite piece of music?

>> No.9355631
File: 95 KB, 611x768, 1481837870640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are women even interested in books?

>> No.9355643


>> No.9355648

Wait for the obligatory fat cunt response, friend.

>> No.9355657

She said "Far from the madding crowd" by Thomas Hardy. So?

>> No.9355661


>> No.9355664
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Your love interest isn't here femanon

>> No.9355679

All the book reviewers on the tube are female.

>> No.9355688

secret garden or love in the time of cholera

So its like cheese. Cheap cheese is the worst

>> No.9355692

I have exactly 5 girls phone numbers
>2 Aunts
Cousin is a hottie

>> No.9355693

The Idiot

so what was the point of this exercise?

>> No.9355699

do it

>> No.9355733

Post screenshots maricas.

>> No.9355735

incest taboo is a social construct

nothing wrong with fucking your cousin

>> No.9355738


sweet, she likes you back

>> No.9355747

>book reviewers
is such a thing even possible?

>> No.9355750


>> No.9355771

It has a biological base though. Reproduction and shit.

>> No.9355785

Use a condom.

>> No.9355796

Yeah, that solves it.

>> No.9355804

Diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules

Wat do

>> No.9355821

the sound and the fury
also they're not a girl

>> No.9355828

The risks of genetic defects in incestuous offspring are way overblown though. Unless it spans a few generations, the risk is similar to procreating with a woman in her 30s.

>> No.9355832

I find it really cute when they are, even if it is John Green or some such. There is such a placid simplicity and graceful sensuality about a healthy woman reading a book. Seeing a beautiful woman reading a book is among one of the most endearing sights a man can see.

>> No.9355842

LAMOE (laughing at my own expense)
2bh tho i think its the other way around

>> No.9355861
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>> No.9355879

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.9355882

stop being gay

>> No.9355924

Then don't have kids.

>> No.9355976
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Implying women can even read.

>> No.9356033


nut inside

>> No.9356058


>> No.9356072

why the fuck not?

>> No.9356075

he's memeing, there is no such thing as a texting a person at the "right time"

>> No.9356078

you can if you possess even an iota of self-confidence

>> No.9356101

>All of the men on here who pretend to be smart and then get confused and babble about their own superiority whenever confronted with the idea that women read books.


>> No.9356106

Please, learn to articulate a sentence.

>> No.9356107

/lit/ knows there are women who read books, the thing is most read YA, like virtually all the booktubers, hence all the threads poking fun at them.

>> No.9356114

"It's Infinite Jest anon you know that. :) Is this for something?"

>> No.9356120

Oh you haven't killed yourself yet. Shame I'd gotten my hopes up n' all

>> No.9356128
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1487331335485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.9356139

>tfw don't have a crush
it's kind of liberating

>> No.9356148

i havent had one in 6 years feelsgoodman
im starting to doubt whether or not im actually human though

>> No.9356199

>One Hundred Years of Solitude

Okay lit, what does this tell me?

>> No.9356206

Never had one. Have had infatuations, but I think they're different.

>> No.9356208


>> No.9356211

even when you 14/15/16?
mind explaining how you distinguish between a crush and an infatuation?

>> No.9356220

My girl said In Cold Blood by true man capote

>> No.9356231

crush is when you actually know and connect with the individual but haven't taken the relationship to the next level. infatuation is when you admire them from afar but that admiration is contingent upon an idealized version of them that exists solely within your head. that's how i understand it, anyway.

i was too hateful a person at 14/15/16 to have either but by 17 i had a first infatuation.

>> No.9356249

don't have a woman in my life honestly

are there any good women on youtube talking about books or did they all get chased away by weirdos?

>> No.9356251

you are probably the male version of this

>> No.9356254

yes, idiot, leave your basement

>> No.9356272

ok fair enough
that sucks but not really.
sucks in the sense that you wont get what other people are talking about but doesnt suck in that all you ever 'missed out' on was more unrequited love

>> No.9356284

Greentexting in sentence fragments is a normal and accepted part of 4chan discourse.

>> No.9356297
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Or just attracted to them.

>> No.9356319

Just sent it out. She's religious so if it's something Christian-fiction tier I might kill myself.

>> No.9356344

I don't have a phone or female acquaintance. Pretty useless post but a good opportunity to vent my woe's.

>> No.9356356

im a bit jealous
on the first point at least. having one female object to submit queries to is useful, and also a bit of a boost for the ego.

>> No.9356370

>arthur pym
>mine is moby dick

I think I should ask her to go out at sea.

>> No.9356372
File: 62 KB, 372x457, tumblr_novoygOjkd1uvq3s5o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''Jungle Fever... since then I've been pumped only by black, ebony bulls! I love gazzling their cum!!!''

wtf I hate the normalization of sex now

>> No.9356470

The Little Prince

>> No.9356479

Tell her to go to sleep, it's way past her bed time.

>> No.9356544
File: 51 KB, 287x205, 1411912815269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw you doing this over a month ago. You get points for consistency.

>> No.9356545

The FBI has been notified good sir.

>> No.9356560

but what is her favorite book?

>> No.9356582

>create tulpa
>it's a pleb tulpa


>> No.9356610

thanks for making me laugh for the first time in months

>> No.9356614

I'm in-love with two separate women who like to read, both are in relationships. I think it is hopeless as I just harass them through text constantly anyway.

>> No.9356616

Ive never talked to a girl before. 20 yo aspie neet

>> No.9356623

don't... don't do this.

>> No.9356626

Pointlessly blog about my gay life or harass women that will never return my feelings over text ?

>> No.9356628
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>she said 'just kids' by patti smith

>> No.9356631

Not him but the latter.

>> No.9356632
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>> No.9356638

I can not help it, I am emotionally incompetent and I want her to like me. She thinks I'm a weakling.

>> No.9356640

Please leave.

>> No.9356661

it's White Noise

>tfw patrician oneitis

>> No.9356674

>She thinks I'm a weakling.
No shit. Continuously bugging her is an inherently submissive act. You come across to her as someone who *needs* her. Therefore, you are handing all of the power to *her* to determine how this relationship will turn out. First, people in general don't like having this kind of power over a fragile individual like this, because if they make the wrong move, said person could snap. Second, women don't like being the dominant - they want to be dominated. They don't feel any excitement for beta men. If you want her to like you, then you will keep your distance and put yourself back into a position of power and autonomy, signaling as best as you can that you do not need her, and that you are an emotionally-
stable individual. But if you don't want her, then you will continue to be the needy cuck that you currently are.

>> No.9356679

I know all this anon, it is too late anyway. If anything I should just kill all ties.

>> No.9356681

One said: "All that is lost between us"
The other gave a list:
Man's Search for Meaning
Running Wild
The Hunger Games

>> No.9356685

I agree. It is probably best to start over with other women. Of course, your chances with other women are predicated on the assumption that betaness is not an inherent trait. You'd better hope it's not.

>> No.9356691

I know it is not, there is no inherent trait to the self. Or at least that is my mantra. I value strength, it was just this one woman in particular has seen me at my lowest, she understands me past how others do and it deeply effects me. I hate that she sees me as weak because I am weak, for her. That is all, I hate loneliness but I am used to it, she just upset everything and I constantly self-sabotaged.

>> No.9356692

"This is where it ends"
What does this mean

>> No.9356695

She said between Fictions and A Void so yeah, not only do I have a gf, her taste is better than yours as well.


>> No.9356697

"Fifty Shades of Grey"

>> No.9356705

My gf said Fifty Shades was her first masturbation experience and now she thinks all sex should be BDSM. Fuck that book.

>> No.9356720


>> No.9356723

Schopenhauer's essays. Now go away.

>> No.9356728

"War and Peace"

>> No.9356743

Give her 120 Days of Sodom.

>> No.9356772

maybe I'm the cuck who fell for it, but you wouldn't correct the Devil's grammar in this situation due to bot pronunciations being the same.

>> No.9356816

You'd probably have the opposite opinions if you met them in person.

>> No.9356833

Maybe they're texting each other.
It's a joke.

>> No.9356842
File: 148 KB, 1193x992, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted this on her twitter :3

>> No.9356860

Between that picture and you using emojis, I know you're part of the reason why I hope the US gets in a war.

>> No.9356863

looks like the run of the mill, bland overweight tumblr girl
nice taste, retard

>> No.9356881

I love how natural and ~quirky~ she looks in this photo XD XD XD

>> No.9356893

She has great taste in literature and is capable of reading semi-challenging prose. See if she likes Love in the Time of Cholera and attempt to take her on a qt date accordingly.

Mine said Dune, what the fuck do I make of that?

>> No.9356902

I really hope you're being ironic. For your own sake.

>> No.9356905

Goth Girl
I don't mind. Reading is more my hobby.

>> No.9356910


It means she's into autists. It's your lucky day anon.

>> No.9356930



>> No.9356953

Hey OP, what is your favorite book?

>> No.9357100

Nietzsche by heidegger

>> No.9357106

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

>> No.9357109

I know that game

>> No.9357111


>> No.9357117
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>> No.9357125
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Those kind of necklaces are lewd

>> No.9357130

Some of us have no hope

>> No.9357140


She's cute and she has good taste in books. Go for it anon.

>> No.9357147

How are some people able to listen to music I never got that. Or are the listening to music and have the book in order to look smart

>> No.9357158

Listen to music and read and they instead of the

>> No.9357166


Anything with lyrics or too much of a beat makes reading impossible, but ambient-ish instrumental music, whether classical or not, is great.

>> No.9357208

I was reading Nietzsche's "Peoples and Fatherlands" today while listening to Beethoven. If you can match the themes and the music is quiet and predictable it serves to heighten your emotional state and therefore increase your memory capacity.

>> No.9357216

You provide water in the desert

>> No.9357223

raise standards.

>> No.9357246

Les Fleurs du mal

>> No.9357250



>> No.9357251

Just don't listen to distracting music, which means anything in a language you can comprehend or is overly jarring.

>> No.9357272

>"I don't like to read much, anon"
What do?

>> No.9357279

have better standards

>> No.9357294

The are interested in the social aspect of it.

>> No.9357296


>> No.9357314

She likes Marlowe

>> No.9357346


>> No.9357348

>the devil whispered a text into my ear
I believe you're a woman.

>> No.9357360

She's lying or exquisite. Either way, put babies in that womb.

>> No.9357443

>female booktubers
>actually reading

hehehehe hohoho

>> No.9357810

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

>> No.9357825

>the bible ;)