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/lit/ - Literature

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9354143 No.9354143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is right wing literature so despised by /lit/? Not even explicitly political literature is hated, but any author that leans right seems to be on /lit/'s shitlist.

>> No.9354153

Why does this one autist keep spamming the same shitty thread? Not even changing the pic, but reposting the exact same one with similarly retarded question and presuppositions.

>> No.9354166

Case in point, a shitposter shitting up a right wing lit thread with zero coherent objections to it.

>> No.9354194

like who

>> No.9354222

Elliot, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Evola, anyone isn't a lefty really.

>> No.9354248

Are you new here? Nabokov and Dostoevsky are some of the most popular authors here, and if we don't like Evola it's mostly because of his wacky mysticism.

>> No.9354256

You've been making this same exact thread over and over for months now, it's time to stop

>> No.9354259

Literally same question and response that in the last thread

>> No.9354293
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>> No.9354300

Even replying the exact same way like the last thread. Fucking kys yourself, autistic piece of shit.

>> No.9354303

>wonders aloud why /lit/ doesn't like any right-wing authors
>is asked to provide some examples of right-wing authors
>rolls out a short list of some of the most discussed authors on /lit/

wow it's like the shit is coming right at me

>> No.9354305

Popular to shit on them, sure, but actual discussion is forgone for Marxist meme authors.
If you aren't going to contribute then just fuck off, you are proving my point you mongoloid brainlets.

>> No.9354315

Most discussed does not mean well liked, all discussion of right wing lit here is shallow and dismissive, just like your post. Again, another crystallization of the problem pointed out in the OP.

>> No.9354317

someone photoshop this to make him look fat

>> No.9354325

Moreover Dostoevsky is met with cries about his faith, Nabokov is reduced to a pedophile, Evola is dismissed with a crude "hurr go back to /pol/", and when was the last time you saw anyone discussing Elliot? Get some perspective man.

>> No.9354343

>fell for the hitler youth meme
>uses a shit-colored shirt

You can this guy is a retard from 10 miles away

>> No.9354382

>Dostoevsky is met with cries about his faith
>Nabokov is reduced to a pedophile
Never happened.
>Evola is dismissed with a crude "hurr go back to /pol/"
Because 90% of the time it's some illiterate retard who starts giving out redpills in the same thread and generally annoy people. Every once in a while a decent discussion comes around. It could have been started by you for example, but we all know you're just a terminal autist fishing for (you)'s at every pretense, posting the exact same garbage thread again and again, completely disinterested in genuine discourse. Now fuck off.

>> No.9354396

OP is right, the left wing bias on this board is ridiculous frankly.

>> No.9354404

>nabokov isn't respected
Nigga if you're just trying to get raped you can go to London and contact >>>/fit/