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9334548 No.9334548 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the year we get a new pynchon novel?

>> No.9334556

Sometimes I fear he is already dead but his family doesn't want to tell anyone.

>> No.9334557

No one who has gotten through all his books would be saying that.

>> No.9334563

Saying what? That 2017 might be the year we get a new novel of his?

>> No.9334627

i feel like he's been working on one last great book while writing other shitty ones more quickly. With that said I don't think 2017 is the year it comes out

>> No.9334646

Hoping for this too.

I want something like gravity's rainbow again. Perverse, fractured, hilarious and harrowing.

Please pinecone, write us one last piece that blows us all away.

>> No.9334766

I don't know, he's really getting up there in age and it has been around 4 years since his last book. Can a man that age really afford to wait 5 or 6 or 7 years? Especially when his last book is bleeding edge, how fucked up would it be if he died with that at the end of his list

>> No.9334928

Someone described this video as "A very Pynchon video" and I have to agree:


B-but I haven't read Vineland, Against the Day, or Bleeding Edge yet.

>> No.9334977

I thought Bleeding Edge was pretty decent. I think it will go down well in history as an early internet novel.

But could see Pynchon currently writing a huge final book to be published when he dies. He also may be fairly healthy still. He's only 79, people live into their 90s reasonably frequently now.

>> No.9334984

Pynchon will write a book about death that will be released decades after he dies

>> No.9334996

Doubt it

>> No.9335052
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Not necessarily about death, but I wouldn't be surprised if pynchon does end up doing that.

>> No.9335073

He might release a book posthumously, maybe, but I don't see why he would.

>> No.9335090

To add to the mystery he's been creating since he decided to become invisible, seems like the logical next step

also crying of lot 49, maybe he'lll send us on a chase with his last novel too

>> No.9335319


>> No.9335446

we'll never get another gravity's rainbow because it's an era of pynchon we won't ever see again - his first era stuff. We're in third era Pynchon, starting with Inherent Vice, content to write 'pop' novels with an inner desire to have his work exposed to a wider audience. The big epic isn't out of his reach, but its not something I feel he wants to do anymore

>> No.9335447

William Gass is a young 92 while DeLillo is a decrepit 80.

>> No.9335467

Inherent Vice is a far cry from pop, unless you compare it to only other works of Pynchon, then some sort of argument could be made.

>> No.9335468

Inherent Vice City GTA mod when

>> No.9335471

Inherent Vice was fucking garbage. If it was written by anyone other than Pynchon nobody would care about it.

in my opinion.

>> No.9335477

wasn't COL49 already explained to you by not Bill Murray

>> No.9335486

Why is it so fucking garbage?

>> No.9335487

wouldnt that be a GTA san andreas inherent vice mod?

>> No.9335494

I don't know lol. I've read it thrice but I just don't like anything about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9335497


>> No.9335500

reads worse than a phillip marlowe novel

>> No.9335510
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>>I pray to God that when Pynchon dies

I pray to God that before Pynchon dies somebody will point out that the secret answer to The Crying of Lot 49 is "Torquato Tasso". Thurn & Taxis? Torquato Tasso? The image of the badger on his back? Get it?

Torquato Tasso was a famous literary artist who went mad and got locked away. In other words, Oedipa's experience of paranoia is a form of artistic madness. That's it. It's a puzzle book, just like Pale Fire expects you to work out the puzzle that the crown jewels are hidden in Kobaltana. This, incidentally, is why my good friend Tommy basically disowned Lot 49 in the preface to Slow Learner.

Again, the fact that no academic has noticed this about Pynchon---even men as bright as Edward Mendelson or Tony Tanner---shows more about the limitations of the academic mindset than anything else.

>> No.9335512

Shall I lay it out in lemmata? (That being the proper Greek plural.)
1. The "Taxis" in Thurn & Taxis is ascribed as being derived from the Italian word "Tasso" meaning "badger." Here's the passage....

"Soon he had added to his iconography the muted post horn and a dead badger with its four feet in the air (some said that the name Taxis came from the Italian tasso, badger, referring to hats of badger fur the early Bergamascan couriers wore). He began a sub rosa campaign of obstruction, terror and depredation along the Thurn and Taxis mail routes. Oedipa spent the next several days in and out of libraries and earnest discussions with Emory Bortz and Genghis Cohen". (If you don't believe me.)
2. Look up the Latin verb "torqueo, torquere". It means: to twist, turn, screw. "Torquato" is a Latin past-participle. Torquato Tasso = Turned Badger.
3. Of course "Thurn" is the German word for "tower", like the tower in Remedios Varo's painting.
4. Of course there is a famous poem about Torquato Tasso (besides Goethe's) by Shelley (Julian & Maddalo) which describe's Tasso as a madman locked away in a tower.

>> No.9335581


>> No.9335591

Maybe the reason such bright critics dont talk about it because claiming there is a single answer or clue to a work like this is stupid and very boring and they would rather concentrate on actually interesting elements. In the same way the crown jewels is an interesting subplot it isnt the most important element and only true autists try to diminish it to one puzzle.
Literally the most autistic extension of reading for plot.

>> No.9335594

What you should do.. is go down the rabbit hole of not-Bill Murray's posts: >>/lit/thread/S667543#p667619

There are more posts by him in other threads that are linked at the bottom of that archived thread

>> No.9335599

are you just pissed off the academics that suck your work off constantly?

>> No.9335657

it was archived post i copypasted into the thread take your pills schizoid

>> No.9335666

Isn't Against the Day like this?

I haven't read it either.

>> No.9335807
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>He might release a book posthumously, maybe, but I don't see why he would.

I meet Jackson Pynchon occasionally through some mutual friends... Last time I saw him we were a bunch of people out drinking together. Naturally, it didn't take long for us to get a little tipsy and start discussing literature. Jackson did in fact hint to me that this is something his father has thought about for a while --- I guess mainly because of this >>9335090

yours sincerely,
james franco

>> No.9335838

Thanks, James! Good luck with your Bukowksi film.

>> No.9335852

Both Inherent Vice and Bleeding Edge are great novels. If you actually read the books like you should (take notes, research the references, map out plot/characters) you'd be blown away by what he does with both novels.

BUT...you're a hack who likes novels to be obviously difficult and then you say "Wow. Amazing 5 stars. Oh, yeah, did I mention you're not supposed to 'get it'?"

civil war novel when

>> No.9335885

who is this punctured vessel of salty goo and blood and poo?

>> No.9335912

>civil war novel when

I don't think the Civil War jibes with Pynchon's zaniness.

>> No.9335944

I haven't read IV but it makes me really mad that people dislike Bleeding Edge just because it's new Pynchon. It really contains the millennial spirit in a way that's amazing for a 70 y/o

>> No.9335956

reconstruction era is zany

>> No.9336011

True, so there's potential after all.

>> No.9336231

readers are lazy and while it does seem like he's not breaking new ground, pynchon knows exactly what he's doing, this isnt vollman we're talking about

i wouldnt advocate researching every novel you read, but with pynchon that's kind of the point

>> No.9336248

Go to bed Pynchon.

>> No.9336249

I don't think he has another GR in him to be frankly honest.

I'd like him to do something fun and different. Like a kids book or a first person novella.

>> No.9336519 [DELETED] 

Oh man! You guys crack me up!

I'm working on a little something-something but I can't promise that it'll come out this year! There's still a lot of kinks that I gotta sort out!

I'm feeling really good about this one, though!

>> No.9336564

reported and saged. Never quote that many people ever again, attention whore

>> No.9336752

Oh jeez, I didn't mean to upset you!

>> No.9336796

did you seriously just report thomas pynchon? you fucking autistic newfag bitch

>> No.9336842
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Me? Attention whore?

>> No.9337068

youre bothering the one spook you dont meme on

>> No.9337109


ah those were good times.

>> No.9337147


>> No.9337150

what do you guys think is Pynchon's interpretation of reality?

>> No.9337166

I'll admit Bleeding Edge wasn't great, but if a new book was announced this year I'd be excited nonetheless, even if it was the same quality as BE.

>> No.9337192

Usually he has a couple of inferior books in between his masterpieces. but then it takes a decade or so to publish it. he's done those (BE and IV).
Expect a new masterpiece around 2020-2025

>> No.9337227
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>Actually interpreting instead of just being an interpreter of interpretations

>> No.9337231

I don't think of them as inferior. I think of them as his comfies

>> No.9337236
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>Isn't Against the Day like this?
I think ATD and M&D are better than GR.
I also think they're warmer and more humane. You can feel him being a father when he writes those books. He wrote GR before he was a father.

>> No.9337268

surely you think he has a point of view, no?
just because he's not explicit about it, doesn't mean he doesn't have it.

>> No.9337290

Why does the civil war not do this but WWII does?

>> No.9337451

>tfw Pynchon dies and a great new book is released
>tfw book's main character is named Tim Pimkin
>tfw Tim Pimkin YouTube channel appears
>tfw 1000+ videos of Pynchon playing point and click detective adventure games with full commentary

>> No.9337483
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My life is finally complete

>> No.9338322

what was this post that got reported?

>> No.9338327

Thomas Pynchon posted in the thread and replied to every single post. The autist got triggered and reported him.

>> No.9338332

Oh man, I wanted to see pinecones post.

>> No.9338334

Pynchon should do a cold war crisis novel or something regarding the whole Fake News thing and Trump's presidency but the last one sounds incredibly lazy. actually I hope he doesn't cash in with a shitty LOL TRUMP novel.

>> No.9338340

He'll most likely do some futuristic space colonization novel.

>> No.9338364

Was he or was he not in Inherent Vice, was there any concensus on that?

>> No.9338368

I don't think Pynchon can really work in the future. All of his books are set in the past so he can throw zany references in

>> No.9338515


Seeing the rise of social media culture would be pretty interesting from Pynchon's POV.

>> No.9338588

Yeah, good point. Pynch can write whatever he wants to write.

>> No.9338637
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>> No.9338708

I've never read a Phillip Marlowe novel so I can't dispute this.

>> No.9338829

Probably because millennials are predictable

>> No.9338923

inherent vice city

>> No.9338927

>still no disaster artist trailer
fuck you, james

>> No.9338968

Emmanuelle Seigner in The Ninth Gate

>> No.9339183

A real comfy film.

>> No.9339201

Hopefully we'll finally get Pandemonium of the Sun

>> No.9339258

> dey warm n shieeeet

worst reason for preferring a book. you realize farina died in weird circumstances and that's why he's so fucking mad in GR? apply yourself

>> No.9339262

>Pynchon should do a cold war crisis novel

already contained in GR

>or something regarding the whole Fake News thing and Trump's presidency

already contained in Bleeding Edge

maybe you should actually read his books

>> No.9339326

Hijinks and conspiracies

>> No.9339423


you're a hijink and conspiracy

>> No.9339436
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>> No.9339470



>> No.9339508

Never say never. He supposedly tossed the basic idea that later turned into Mason & Dixon around even back in the 1970s, so who's to say that the old trickster isn't cooking up something grand and just published IV and BE to cover his bills?

>> No.9339777

i don't get it...

>> No.9339904


>> No.9340150
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Thank you.

>> No.9340181

I dreamt of Pinecone being a family friend of mine, and we hung out; Me, Tommy, his wife and Jackson, and he - without a warning - injected some hallucinogenic drug on my neck and i started tripping pretty hard. He just laughed a fatherly laugh and dosed himself and his wife. Then we watched massive, red eagles soaring in the blue sky and bathing in a nearby pond. It was truly magical. I still sometimes miss his company. Even if it was just a dream...

>> No.9340525

the necro bump disguised as a joke wasn't funny, hence the sarcastic image

>> No.9340734

ah ok

>> No.9340817


fight me

>> No.9340828

i just spoke with thomas and unfortunately he is experiencing some delays. he sounded hopeful for 2018 however

let us all pray

>> No.9342191

The world had become mechanized to a global scale by WWII.

>> No.9343905


>> No.9344124

What's the new book about?

>> No.9344139

About roleplaying.

>> No.9344177

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9344196

It's called Pandemonium of the Sun and it's about the days leading up to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre from the perspective of a soldier under Reginald Dyer.

>> No.9344293

Sounds good to me.

>> No.9344307

It's better than Bleeding Edge and Inherent Vice but not quite up to his masterpieces, I don't think. Still really good, though, don't get me wrong

>> No.9344361

You're right. Millennials are just like every other generation which came before.

>> No.9344635


>> No.9345120

>but not quite up to his masterpieces

That's fine. He has already released quite a few of those.

>> No.9345330

Too simple for Tommy P.

>> No.9345336 [DELETED] 


>> No.9345356

Is that you, Tom?

>> No.9345416

Was Pynchon really here for a while? ;-;

>> No.9345630

Yeah, he confirmed the plot of Bleeding Edge before it was released.

>> No.9346298

Don't you worry, he'll find a way.

>> No.9346671

I trust you. Ever use Pynchon-L?

>> No.9346896

No, in fact this is the first I've heard of it.

>Archive dates back to 1992


>> No.9347969

He said he wasn't going to publish Pandemonium of the Sun. Let it go

>> No.9348008

>I couldnt understand gravity's rainbow but thankfully there's Pynchon-lit XD
the post

>> No.9348171

Let me dream, man

>> No.9349048

Bleeding Edge is good desu

>> No.9349472


>> No.9349769

Pynchon has been dead for fourty years

>> No.9350037

Then who wrote Mason & Dixon?

>> No.9350116

the rev

>> No.9350648

no shit? damn...

>> No.9351006

Am I the only person that just ends up feeling dumber every time I come here?

>> No.9351121
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>> No.9351158

I always thought it would be funny if he wrote an autobiography with his picture on the cover and it was released after he died.
Also lots of the biography is mixed with fiction

>> No.9351700

hell be fine

>> No.9353373


>> No.9353730

Domas Bynchon :D:DD

>> No.9354552
File: 33 KB, 600x600, ae983dd69a1157ab7f7342a6037b38f10d652402_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomppa piikone :DDDD

>> No.9355012


>> No.9355067

anyone got a link to the thread where pynchon announced the plot of bleeding edge?

>> No.9355297

Taavi Posteljooni Valas :DDDDDDDD