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/lit/ - Literature

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9347552 No.9347552 [Reply] [Original]

Over the past few months I've seen a couple of people refer to Ted Kaczynski as a critic of the left (and as a social critic in general, to be sure). Reference is made to a particular quote:

>When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights advocates, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities ... Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual, white males from middle-class families

Ted Kaczynski cites, for his analysis, Eric Hoffer's conception of a 'true believer'. Eric Hoffer, the American philosopher who prefered to be referred to as a longshoreman (guy who throws ropes and shit around boats), characterized the true believer as a particular person who follows a movement with a strong degree of conviction. He emphasized the following characteristics of the true believer:

>Identifying with a group and identifying personal achievement with the achievement of the movement.

People will, of course, have varying reasons for this: Hoffer cites as examples ethnic groups which struggle to assimilate, the chronically bored, unsuccessful people of all shades (particularly artists); Essentially, those who feel worthless and who feel their lives are meaningless.

>A tendency to focus the locus of control outside the self.

There are many levels to this, such as the need to demonize the toxic present and to glorify the prestigious past, the need for a devil (even in the absence of a God), the notion that their lives are irremediably spoiled and they must strive to correct whatever ills they perceive.

>> No.9347559

Not /lit/

>> No.9347573

cultural critique isn't /lit/? i'm not here to discuss any particular ideology, i just think that Eric Hoffer has some very interesting and fruitful ideas.

>> No.9347639
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If that is all you get after reading the unabomber, you are crazier than him

Also, you are underestimating, and awfully generalizing a lot of people

For what we can tell you are probably yet another degenerate sociopath that lives in his own world

>> No.9347815

The point of his manifesto was to get you against machines and industrialization, not to provide you with more sick burns against those darn SJWs. Kill yourself.

>> No.9348224

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.9348247

Earning my PhD made me want to run off to an isolated cabin in Montana and mail explosives to certain academics.

But I lack Ted's conviction.

>> No.9348256
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>tfw actually a commie
>tfw genuinely believe in most of the main progressive causes people always bitch about on 4chan

>tfw even though you genuinely believe in all of this, and find great pleasure in reading related literature and talking about them with people who really know their shit, you really can't stand 99% of the leftists I've met during my life. It is certainly a generalization, but it still makes sense to do it: I'm referring ot the clueless leftists, not the well-read, educated, active leftists

I don't know, I just want people to really get tougher, to get an edge. I get it, you're a victim, but should I really be okay with you being ONLY that? Why can't I expect any sort of harshness from you?

I want people to stop being offended and start being self-righteous, even arbitrary. Any sign of weakness in front of transphobia is a loss for the cause itself, I think that a real pragmatic leftist should remain neutral towards it while still fighting it viciously.
The collective goal is okay, but the means everyone is using to reach it are downright pathetic: no one should have the right of being weak.
The Unabomber was mostly right.

>> No.9348272

class struggle is a meme and the circumstances which inspired Marx were gone by the time of the first gommie revolution

>> No.9348280

Not him, but
>being this delusional and optimist

Class struggle is still real, even more if we leave our borders and start thinking about the relationship between the First and the Third world.
Society is still structured in classes, although there are some ways to escape them (it's not a chaste system).
Wether that's a bad thing in principle or not is debatable.

>> No.9348295

humanity is doomed. We're just the sex organs of our own machinery and tools.

>Class struggle is still real, even more if we leave our borders and start thinking about the relationship between the First and the Third world.
How's that class-consciousness developing in Central Africa?
>society is still structured in classes
explain what they are according to you and where we play into this.

>> No.9348306
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Who else made manifesto kino?

>> No.9348313
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William vollmann was under surveillance as a unabomber suspect

>> No.9348325

>How's that class-consciousness developing in Central Africa?
I honestly have no idea, I'm not the commie here.

>explain what they are according to you and where we play into this.
8 guys are as wealthy as 50% of the planet Earth
1% of the population owns as much wealth as the remaining 99%
countless stats on how (at least in the US and in Europe) most of that wealth never leaves certain families (which is also encouraged by the inherent nature of capital in capitalism)
Hardcore corporate lobbying virtually everywhere in the world
The fact that in a few years from now we will probably complain about how 99.5% of the automated factories in the world are owned by a handful of monopolies

I don't know what part do we play in it, if I have to guess I'd say none. I still have no political conviction strong enough to have a part in it, nor do I know what one should do in such a case.

>> No.9348344


youre literally repeating shit from a joe rogan podcast

>> No.9348345

Know that feel, my man.
>tfw commies in my campus will always be loser
I wish they could understand that it's not because they're trans or queer: it's just that they're fucking losers ffs. Even in a 100% trans world I woul hate them.

>> No.9348351

Getting this meme out of our heads is the best thing humanity can strive for right now. We're obsessed with wealth because in the 21st century having other people around you isn't enough to guarantee safety, you need money so that you'll always have food and shelter and people taking care of you. If we rebuild social networks/social capital or whatever you want to call it things will get better. It's a cultural problem we're experiencing right now, not an economic one. And I'm convinced that the answer is population control. Get humanity down to a cool billion and there's plenty to go around and nobody has to feel confined or pressured. All conflict stems from population pressure.

>listening to podcasts
Even I'm not that much of a lazy faggot.Some of us still have the decency to lift ideas from books.

>> No.9348353

>higher primate


>> No.9348436

So do I, fuck off

>> No.9348443
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>> No.9348463

Spouting retardation is no argumentation

All that noise for an argument is only worthy of a lesser intelligence

>I'm convinced that the answer is population control
/pol/ detected, no wonder he doesn't have rational arguments in place

This is yet another retarded proselytism, abandon thread

>> No.9348480

ITT: the lizard

>> No.9348523

It's too late. Nothing stops this machine... I just wonder how long it'll take for easy Asia to become the power/cultural hub of the world

>> No.9349071

Asians lack the testosterone

>> No.9349095

Thet make up in numbers

>> No.9349112

They are a race of followers. They could never be the global ruling elite, they have learnt to avoid it.

>> No.9349119

I can't tell if this is a meme or if you're this stupid actually. A little bit of both most likely.

>> No.9349122

God, you're a retard.

>> No.9349151

nice rebuttal, charle

>> No.9349169


I find it funny that retards like you believe every cretinous statement you make must be answered with a formal and well structured argument. I mean I could, but you probably wouldn't get it and it's more fun to tell you you're an autistic brainlet

>> No.9349185

Whatever. The future isn't coming from Asia, you'll see.

>> No.9349195

Yeah man, your argumentation, logic and dialectics have really convinced me.

>> No.9349229

I find it funny that retards like you believe every cretinous statement you make must be answered with a formal and well structured argument. I mean I could, but you probably wouldn't get it and it's more fun to tell you you're an autistic brainlet

>> No.9349230
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