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/lit/ - Literature

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9346144 No.9346144 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, traveler from /pol/ here - Post your recommendations please

>> No.9346148
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>> No.9346151
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>> No.9346162
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>> No.9346177

- Barbarians by Lauren Southern
- The Death of Cool by Gavin McInnes
- Gorilla Mindset and MAGA mindset by Mike Cernovich
- Forbidden Thoughts by Milo Yiannopoulos
- Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
- The Consuming Instinct by Gad Saad

>> No.9346184

>Gorilla Mindset and MAGA mindset by Mike Cernovich
Baboon Brainwaves? Unironically?

>> No.9346187

No more books, precious.
Sweet lick of the seventeen,
Put this guy to zleep.

>> No.9346205

I know I'm in the kingdom of hurty pooper's troopers, nobody forces you to reply

To everyone else, is the Gattopardo worth reading? I just watched the movie and it was astounding

>> No.9346224

Is it you again OP?
Your threads are never about literature.

>> No.9346231

just read Elders of Zion

>> No.9346232

This is my first time posting on /lit/ I seriously only want some recommendations, I'm not a missionary. You don't want to reply, then don't.

>> No.9346234

Something more sophisticated than muh jooz please

>> No.9346239

You should really specify what you are looking for.
Economics? Human nature? Political ideologies? Etc.

>> No.9346240

De Maistre, Cortes, de Jouvenel, Spengler, Guenon, Schmitt, Hoppe, Heidegger, Gomez-Davila and then more De Maistre.

>> No.9346245

This desu.

>> No.9346246
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Excuse me then Sir.
However, I have never seen any right-wing literature discussed here.

My rec.
>I do not agree with righ-wingers.

>> No.9346253

No economics or ethics please, I'm currently reading Hayek, Keynes, Mises, Hoppe and Rothbard

Something that tells a story but is political and intelligent

>> No.9346254

to see political theory as left or right wing is idiotic. start with the Egyptian book of the dead

>> No.9346263
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>The nazbol book is in there

>> No.9346267
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>first time on /lit/

Start with the Greeks, or you will set yourself up to get meme'd.

>> No.9346275

>De Maistre, Cortes, de Jouvenel, Guenon, Gomez-Davila
Have to check them out, thank you
His theories are very strange and "prussian socialism" is a very crude construct in my opinion. Don't like him that much
>Schmitt, Hoppe
Read them, they're very smart.
Always wanted to but never felt that temptation to read him

>> No.9346276

Starting with the greeks is a meme

>> No.9346277
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>Something that tells a story but is political and intelligent

>> No.9346279

Duly noted

>> No.9346283

How is it political?

>> No.9346284

Ludovici is good also. You should seriously check out Heidegger at some point though, believe the hype.

>> No.9346295
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>Precursors of Ancap
>Adam Smith
He was a proto-socdem if anything

> It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.
>The Wealth of Nations, Book V, Chapter II, Part II, Article I, p. 911.

>> No.9346296

>How is it political?
It includes theological and philosophical ideology

The Aztec believed they were in the last age of humans and should sacrifice enemy soldiers to keep the teotl, the energy of the universe, going

>> No.9346306
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shoo shoo

>> No.9346308

*that they

>> No.9346309

For contemporary conservatism start with Roger Scruton, Charles Murray, Michael Oakeshott, Russell Kirk

>> No.9346315
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muh safe space no fash allowed!

we are antifa
we do not forgive
we do not forget
expect us

>> No.9346324

Thank you, will do that
I don't stand behind these pics, just picked them up on /pol/ once and thought they'd be useful to placate this thread. Wealth of nations is good for starters though, Hayek probably best to continue then
Sounds interesting, thank you
Why not both? >>>/pol/119778073
Thank you, added them to my list

>> No.9346382

The Aztec book was more of a joke but I did find it interesting.

I recently read two books on conservative thinkers in Dutch, if you are interested I could see if I can find the list of thinkers that were mentioned. It includes some that are already listed here such as Hayek, Cortes and De Maistre.

>> No.9346387
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>Starting with the greeks is a meme
Fuck off /pol/, we don't want your proselytism

>> No.9346399

Yes please that would be great
It's not a meme but reading like a fourth of the books mentioned in the pic is adequate enough I'd say

>> No.9346437

I agree but is not the case, /pol/ is clearly raiding /lit/ like he is doing with /qa/ and pretty much every board and this faggot says he's never been here

The ((((containment)))) board is not working

>> No.9346448
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So is he right-wing or just a guy who can't be memed into submission by the left?

>> No.9346450

/qa/ is something different, I would not go there

>> No.9346454
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>> No.9346458


>> No.9346459

1. Montesquieu (1689-1755)
2. David Hume (1711-1776)
3. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
4. Publius (1787-1788)
5. Edmund Burke (1730-1797)
6. Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) en Louis de Bonald(1754-1840)
7. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
8. August Wilhelm Rehberg (1757-1836)
9. Juan Donoso Cortes (1809-1853)
10. Felicite Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)
11. Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)
12. Friedrich Julius Stahl (1802-1861)
13. Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer (1801-1876)
14. Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)
15. Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897)
16. John Henry Newman (1801-1890)
17. Henry Adams (1838-1918)
18. Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920)
Second book:
- Irving Babbitt (1865-1933)
- Johan Huizinga (1872-1945)
- Nicolai Hartmann (1882-1950)
- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
- José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)
- C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
- T.S. Eliot (1888-1963)
- Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966)
- Christopher Dawson (1889-1970)
- Leo Strauss (1899-1973)
- Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977)
- Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987)
- James Burnham (1905-1987)
- Michael Oakeshott (1901-1990)
- Otto Friedrich Bollnow (1903-1991)
- Friedrich von Hayek (1899-1992)
- Christopher Lasch (1932-1994)
- Robert Nisbet (1913-1996)
- W. Aalders (1902-2005)
- Alasdair MacIntyre

It includes some Dutch thinkers of course.

>> No.9346463

I would say he is center right, maybe a classical liberal

>> No.9346472
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>> No.9346477

Wew that's quite a list, thank you
I've read some of them like Montesquieu, Hume, Hayek and Burke but many of them I haven't

>> No.9346478
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>this whole thread

>> No.9346495

damn....... really made me think. i'm going to join the communist party now, these posts really got my noggin a joggin!

>> No.9346509

> right wing

>> No.9346516

Why not? People are notoriously skilled at morphing ideas into their ideology

>> No.9346532

Freud/Lacan seems much more associated with the left (no?) but it's true, it doesn't necessarily mean Jung is on the right.

>> No.9346553

Some more ideas:
- Political philosopher John Gray
- Nassim Taleb
- Peter Turchin (it is not political but testable theories about how war shape societies, how societies collapse)

>> No.9346583

Moderate conservative I'd say. He is very much critical of the cultural left but I always gathered he was slightly at odds with the right wing side of the culture war as well.

>> No.9346696


The Mises Institute has a ton of books on their site, including certain audiobook versions of
>Human Action by Mises
>The Law by Bastiat
>A Short History of Man by Hoppe (I highly recommend it.)
>History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II by Rothbard
>Man, Economy, and State by Rothbard
>Anatomy of the State by Rothbard

And also a lot of pdfs.

>> No.9347469


>> No.9347486
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Reading pic related right now. I like it. Seems pretty relevant today. Also the 4th chapter is basically one long racist rant against the Irish, so that was entertaining.

>> No.9347599
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Just read Mussolini's complete works faggot

>> No.9348933

Requesting gentle redpills for my GF, on any topic.

>> No.9349832

The Fourth Turning.
I haven't read it yet, but planning on to, one of Bannons well liked books I guess.

>> No.9349841

Starship Troopers. Or probably anything by Heinlein.

>> No.9349853
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red pills are to truth what cookery is to medicine

>> No.9349949

I would advice to go for the more credible books on cycles:
- Secular cycles by Sergey Nefedov and Peter Turchin
- The Great Leveler by Walter Scheidel
Or better: read them all and come to your own conclusions.

>> No.9350059

Thank you