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9339426 No.9339426 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write good characters?

>> No.9339431

I want to breed with this woman.

>> No.9339461

came to say this

>> No.9339477

I will tell you if you can tell me how to stop masturbating to hot as fuck Asian women.

>> No.9339480
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Found higher resolution
Ai Shinozaki

>> No.9339496

Slice your cock off with a butter knife

>> No.9339509

this girl only does softcore OP you fucking traitor

>> No.9339512

Be talented

>> No.9339515

Use an ASCII character map. Make sure you encode as UTF-8.

>> No.9339516

I want to live inside her belly button!

>> No.9339598
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>> No.9339614

If you could take 3 books with you and live in Ai Shonozaki's belly button, what would they be?

>> No.9340995

Citizen Kaine, The Dark Knight Returns, and Pulp Fiction.

>> No.9341224

She looks so soft I love her

>> No.9341231

hardcore is degenerate. Go have sex with real women or at least use your god damn imagination.

>> No.9341297
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>watching some dumb roastie talk about writing great characters
>only talks about characters clothes, haircut, piercings, tattoos and her bedroom
>99.9% likes

>> No.9341321

Link please
I want to feel the sweet rage

>> No.9341324


>> No.9341344

>cut after every sentence
Why can't these ADHD roasties ever do a video in one take? It makes me so fucking mad

>> No.9341351


>> No.9341353
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Blame this fucking hack

>> No.9341378

>tfw no Bela Tarr booktuber to do a 2 hour video on Sartre's Nausea in a single take but then the camera keeps following him around the house as he does boring work for the rest of the day

>> No.9341407
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>> No.9341435

>It doesn't take a lot to change something as simple as skin color without changing a whole character
What an idiot. Can we just ship every liberal off to the middle-east already

>> No.9341684
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I'd read a book about Shinozaki-tan.

>> No.9341693

Those are some big boobs.

>> No.9341698

>Fell for the relate-able character's meme.

>> No.9341706

Just write yourself, but inexplicable likable and succesful

>> No.9341716

If it's just the color of their skin and the character is no different otherwise, then what's the point?

>> No.9341748
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I've never thought about this before but when girls buy bathing suits do they have to buy the top and bottom separately?

>> No.9341750

no they usually buy them together
t. has watched girls buy bikinis online

>> No.9341756

its like suits
you can buy separates but more often they come together

>> No.9341775

You get your story idea. Great.
It usually comes with a vague idea of the main character. Good.

Forget about him for now.
Make your world. Set the stage. Start the rivers. Harvest the wheat. Dance at the town. Kiss the children. Etc.

Where does your character come into this world?

Make a little list of various possibilities. Read through them and feel out which one makes your gut tingle.

Then set him on his path.
From the little bit you know about him, how will he react to the world around him? Keep him true to himself. Don't overthink it.

First you ask why is he there.
Then you ask how he got there.
Then, if you know, you wonder where he is going. If not just push him along and perhaps he will tell you where he wants to go.

A character develops as you write your story. He unfolds as you put new obstacles in his way. Many times he will surprise you with what he does. It'll seem obvious afterwards and it becomes a part of his personality.
The more you throw at him. The more he will develop. And don't be afraid of hiding parts of him away from the story. keep secrets. You don't have to bare his soul for all to see.

>> No.9341776

What's up with these colors?
The photo looks like someone cartoonized it.

>> No.9341786

It's airbrushed on photoshop or some other image editor.

>> No.9341788
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I don't know, does look kinda weird.

>> No.9341789

What if someone wants to do the opposite?
What if they want to take characters and drop them into shit?

>> No.9341812

What do you mean?

If you want to write a tragedy for a character, you still have to go through the motions of developing them first. If you want the tragedy to have an emotional impact anyway.

If you just wanted to spring characters out of thin air and just kill them. then it is silly to think anyone would even care. or even notice.
However, if you have a character who plays a big part in your tales events, you need to take time to flesh them out. Then, when you drop them in shit, people will care about that person.

Even if it's a villain. Each major character should be explored equally.
Equally does not mean page time however. It means that those characters should still be living their lives behind the scenes.

Again I didn't understand your question.

>> No.9341852

I can't explain anymore or else you'll steal my stolen idea and it will lose what little novelty it has

>> No.9341872

What characters do you want to drop into shit? Are they minor characters or are they characters that change the tale in a scene?

>> No.9341892

>characters that change the tale in a scene
These actually

>> No.9341942

If you need them to change a positive situation into a negative situation. The characters should to be treated as main characters.
If you don't. Then the transition into a negative situation will be weak and the reader will be unfazed by it.

Any characters you use for a story's turning point, ideally should be familiar with the reader, to some degree.

If you just pull a random character out of thin air, like a random soldier for example, and get him blown up by a missile in a town square. The reader wont care as much as they would if your main protag's best friend who's been with them from the start gets shot in the leg by a slightly dirty blowdart.

If your story's energy shifts are relying on minor characters. You may want to backtrack a little and change the series of scenes leading to that point. Otherwise your climaxes are always going to be underwhelming and ineffective at getting the desired effect across.

So in a nutshell. Characters that you make that are supposed to change a scenes energy, be it positive or negative, should usually be major characters.
Is that of any use? I am not very good at explanations.

>> No.9341950

That's actually what I wanted to say

>> No.9341969

Good luck with the scene :)

>> No.9341978

Ty <3

>> No.9341997
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>tfw you will never impregnate a soft asian girl with big boobs

>> No.9342001
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>tfw tfw

>> No.9342029
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>> No.9342041

>implying anyone here, including me, would have the balls to actually conceive a child

>> No.9342055

Read more Shakespeare.

>> No.9342060

>wif big bobs n everything

>> No.9342084

Fuck off normalfag

>> No.9342098

Fuck off, newfag.


>> No.9342105


>> No.9342263


>> No.9342333

On the subject of female beauty, I'm taking my crack at writing a description of an extremely beautiful woman.

An experimental line I'd like feedback on

'In all she effected potent girlish femininity, so impossibly potent that subposited beneath was a terrific aura of masculine threat. It gave a similar contradictory effect as when one runs their hand beneath extremely hot water and thinks for a small moment that it feels cold instead.'

>> No.9342384

extremely autistic. makes me assume you are a virgin

>> No.9342394

Thanks, that's exactly what I was going for

>> No.9342404

I would just be careful with the word pairing.
>girlish femininity
>impossibly potent
>terrific aura
>extremely hot
>small moment
Just kinda felt strange to read. That might just be me though, but maybe reword one or two of those so it flows better.
Also you used potent twice.
I do like the idea though.

>> No.9343072

You fill your prose with throat-clearing garbage words.

>> No.9343193

>good characters

>> No.9343209

let me try

"Every time I saw her my asshole clenched. I never was quite sure why, until my psychiatrist told me it was because of gender dysphoria. At his request I started taking pills to become a girl with a penis. Then I had the penis flipped backwards and into my pelvis. Now, here I am, a girl with a reverse penis, all because the lumps in that woman's shirt excited my sphincter."

>> No.9343214

Cook that down into simpler words and more concrete sentences, like:

"She was girlish, so overly girlish that she seemed almost masculine, like very hot water that feels cold at first."

Also nice trips

>> No.9343235

That's awful too.

>> No.9343735
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You are ultra-pleb.

>> No.9343947

base them on good, real people.

>> No.9343980


>> No.9344077

I'm really autistic so this will help me to have more normal conversations in real life. Thanks

>> No.9344326

You rewrite it so

>> No.9344367

That is utterly awful. That other anon's, while not perfect, has a sort of poetry to it. This one is just juvenile.

>> No.9346073

awful fetish

>> No.9346099
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>> No.9346108

try not being autistic


>> No.9346152

I don't think anything on the right is true, those all seem socially ambiguous to me.

>> No.9346215


Came here to say basically this.

I would say start with the basic confict. Then the setting. Then have the character move through it and react.

The best characters are the ones where in the most general sense you know how they are going to react ahead of time to a given situation even though you may not know exactly what they are going to do.

Will this character react violently? Will this character run and hide? Will this character curl into a fetal position and start crying, maybe this character was already expecting it and already has a plan. Give some background on why they are the way they are even though you don't necessarily have to explain all of their background in absolute detail.

The reader should already have an idea orfhow they are going to react ahead of time and if they don't react that way it should be due to a really good and justified reason and thoroughly explained.

If the reader has not even a general idea of how they are going to react then it's not a great character.

>> No.9346221



>> No.9346225


This is the sort of shit-tier understanding of body language that gave us Trump handshakes, which are objectively autistic.

>> No.9346251
File: 32 KB, 585x794, 17155623_1378177792204912_1336336283946823590_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply your character must reflect the evolution or opposition of notion, on which ur opus is based idk; The rest must intrigue the reader, enough to identify with it

>> No.9346650

I don't take advice from semicolon users.

From a colon, semi or otherwise, comes only faeces.

>> No.9346849

This, they are degenerates.
I want her to piss in my mouth.

>> No.9346867

shakesper used semicolons

>> No.9347209

Just Iike a semicolan users to mispell somethings.

>> No.9347648

The only way to truly learn how to write good characters is to get out in the world and spend lots of time around people in social settings.

>> No.9347655

Imagine those bouncy tits resting on the gape of your mouth and every time you bit down she would eek out a moan, and her fluffly nipples harden in your tongue.

>> No.9348372

This is literally a list of cliches.

>> No.9349617

Nuh un

>> No.9350047

Only if you're writing characters who are normal human beings. If you're writing weirdos, lack of social experience is a strength.

>> No.9350114


Be one.

>> No.9350123

And if you want insane characters you have to put yourself in a setting that breeds insanity. My ex-girlfriend is helping me out with that

>> No.9350124


>> No.9350248

thank you based god

>> No.9350486
File: 778 KB, 4000x2662, abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

describe one of the girls so that other anons can recognize her, without knowing her position in the pic

>> No.9350499

A gilded mantle that flowed down her stout form, she had; with eyes and visage that cast dread down on those who entered her realm of subjugation: Vishnylakk, eater of souls, she was called.

>> No.9350641

#5 ?

>> No.9350650

She had, and likley still has, in the visual, and also all other non visual ways of communicating feeling, though here as we are looking at a picture it is only visual and all other senses and stimulus must be only imagined given the visual information we do have, the distinct, as distinct as something can be that is conveyed through old one image which is devoid of all but visual information, as stated earlier, aura of being, at that exact moment, and likley still, the only person in the room who wasn't a smug overly confident bitch, assuming the person taking the photograph is also a smug overly confident bitch.
are you annoyed?

>> No.9350653

Women really are terrible arn't they.

>> No.9350672

Come on it's obviously #2

>> No.9350673

five them depth, give them flaws and contradictions.

>> No.9350687

> if you want insane characters you have to put yourself in a setting that breeds insanity
> I cannot separate myself from what I write
> hurr writing a retarded character means I have to b ratarded too!

>> No.9350694

Nah, it's just hard to know what true insanity is like until you've been there. If you try to write an insane character without understanding insanity, you'll just be meming.

>> No.9350706


There's researching a character and intentionally shooting yourself in the leg to write about it.

>> No.9350738
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Characters should be flawed, perfect characters are boring, this is the jist of why people dislike mary sues.
Also dont give them perfect imperfections.
They must have a real flaw thats debilitating or causes them make mistakes, mistakes can lead to tragedy which can lead to change, which leads to a story or character arc, which makes a good story.

Also remember, the characters are not you, they are their own people, with own history and own outlooks. No self inserts.

You should map out the characters history from birth till death.
How do they start out in the story, how do they end, what purpose do they serve if any.
What are their interests, are they religious?
How did they grow up?
What happend to them when they were kids?
Did they get raped and now want revenge on all pedos?

>> No.9350752

Go ahead and write about sex when you've never experienced it. I'm sure that will go well.

>> No.9350782
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>go ahead and write about aliens when you've never experienced it

>> No.9350786

Everything involving aliens is shit. I wonder why.

>> No.9350795

human beings in general are flawed, human nature and psychosis put up against the rules of society and world the character inhabits.
That should be explored.

>> No.9350807

That analogy only holds in a world where everyone except you has seen aliens before and youre like the only niggah around who hasn't.

>> No.9350819

how hard is it to write about sex, oh you try to get it up and you pump a few times, and one of you orgasms, and you wonder if the other is finished yet, and actually this was pretty overrated by porn and teenagers.

>> No.9350820

The thing about writing about aliens is that we will anthropomorphise the fuck out of it.

Oooh its using English to talk ooooh

>> No.9350837


Your mom taught me everything I know about sex

>> No.9350932

She was a middle school teacher that had to hold sex-ed classes every now and then, so that sounds accurate.

>> No.9350952

She taught me how to get a girl and how to make her squirt using two fingers.

>> No.9352114

In literature maybe, but Giger did well.
Aliens should take shape from the oddities of reality, the absurd nature surrounding us. Be they wasps that lay eggs on their prey or deep sea creatures with no strict form.

>> No.9352264

porn ruined you desu

>> No.9352428
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>be grade 7 or 6
>qt chinese girl in my class
>she is cute
>loves rabbits
>go to her house with my mate
>we're both pretty muscular but she beats us both in arm wrestling
>graduate from primary school and go to a high school on the other side of the city
>never see her again

>> No.9352496

The turned down the quality too much on the image when they encoded it. The colour banding is pretty gross.

>> No.9352513

I've got 2 that I'm raising with their mother. Grow the fuck up, loser.

>> No.9352523

>people think this is hard

>> No.9352528
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>> No.9353970

There's nothing particularly bad about the use of cliches if they're done well in the correct context.

>> No.9354648

If they're well implemented, it's not a cliché in the context anymore is it? At least not in the dictionary sense of cliché.

>> No.9354713
File: 54 KB, 600x583, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever gone inside a Dept. Store

>> No.9354918

t. cynical virgin.

Sex is overrated if it's casual, but not with somebody that you love.

>> No.9354926

>he lost to a qt chinese girl in arm wrestling

>> No.9355073


would like

for her

to peg me

>> No.9355149

This is pretty bad, but about what i'd expect from a reddit tier writer. They just genuinely cannot fathom anything beyond surface-level. All I thought about the entire time was how pretty her eyes are, though...desu.

>> No.9356318

These are my favourite mixtapes too

>> No.9357724


Hey man, thanks for writing that up. Now I don't need to buy a grater!

>> No.9357733

it was originally a writer challenge by flaubert, so...

>> No.9358749

i gotchu anon
>the bitch was fine w big titties n shiet

>> No.9358831

she was a big girl

>> No.9358848

if youre white your children will look messed up.

If you're asian or black, breed away!

>> No.9359351


>> No.9360404

I came here to look at hot Asian chicks.

>> No.9360532

le ebin Carl jung archetypes

read random internet blogs

eavesdrop on strangers conversations

take psychedelic drugs

>> No.9360564


But what if their tits are disproportionately big, like Shinozaki?


Only the men's section.

>> No.9362000

>perfect imperfections

What are these?

>> No.9362182

this is great advice. Build a world for the characters to exist in -- don't just use them as devices to further the plot.

and that doesn't just mean fantasy worldbuilding.

>> No.9362487
File: 1.64 MB, 928x1080, ai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9362495

She had a big 1 above her head

>> No.9363947
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>> No.9363985

I think he means an imperfection that doesn't hinder a person or change them in any major, or even minor way, and exists solely to make the character appear more tragic, or deep.

Like if I had a character who was great at everything, but had a phobia of spiders or some shit because of something from childhood, and one page focused on that, it would add "depth" to the character, but ultimately wouldn't change anything. It would be problem in name only. An imperfection only because you don't want a perfect character.

>> No.9363990

A big one? Big hand? Number 4.

>> No.9364123


It sucks that white people like to jerk themselves off about how 'open minded' they are, when for a lot of them, they see skin color/racial identity as something on par with hair color in how trivial it is. I understand that there is no one set of 'fixed' traits for any race, culture, or ethnicity. But saying you can change a character's race without it changing the character is stupid. You can have an American character of any race, sure, but someone Chinese-American in the south is going to have a different experience than someone Indian. You can make your character black, but there are black people who can't trace their roots out of the US, and black people who have African parents that immigrated 15 years ago. If you make your character Latino, cool, but the Latino kid who was adopted by a successful gay couple is going to have a very different life than the Latino kid that has undocumented family that only speaks Spanish at home.

The idea that you can write a white character and just swap out the skin color at the end, without it meaning anything about the character, is wishful thinking, at best. Even in the United States. Maybe you can get away with it in minor/supporting roles, where the character doesn't really do or say much that affects the story. But in that case, why go to the trouble of patting yourself on the back? It's basically like saying 'non-white people are unimportant and interchangeable'

>> No.9364147

I want her to bounce on my lap