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/lit/ - Literature

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933879 No.933879 [Reply] [Original]

So there is 16 hours a day that I am awake. Since I spend 8 hours sleeping.
I also work. But I plan to be very productive with my life.
I already started most of what I said.

Reading 3 hours a day:
I own a lot of the books listed here in ebook form. It would take me 6.85 years to read them all.

Video Games 2 hours a day:
Playing good games 2 hours daily and finishing every single good game that exists. Finished most of these games.

Exercising 2 hours every other day, 1 hour daily:
1 hour: weight lifting every other day
1 hour: I run in the every morning
While I exercise I listen to music. So I listen to about 1-3 albums each day.

2 hours Watching movies:
Watching every movie on IMDB top 250, AFI top 100, and other lsts. I already watched 80% of these movies.
I guess I would have to start rewatching them.

This is how I plan to structure my days from now on. The rest of my hours are done doing other things such as socializing, grooming, etc. I usually

play games and watch movies with a friend(s).

Good plan? Any other things I can add to it? I don't want my plan to have flaws in it and realize 1 year later that I need to fix something.

>> No.933900


>> No.933902

You should have some time set aside just in case of emergencies out of control. (- 2 hours, perhaps). A new day can bring new problems you can't plan for.

>> No.933910


Damn not proofreading after posting...just take out out of control.

>> No.933916

Sleep less. 6 hours of sleep is more than enough. You might have trouble at first, but you'll adapt to it eventually.

>> No.933931


>> No.933975

im a bit like you OP, want to read books to expand my mind, and play worthwhile vidya and watch provocative movies.

however, shouldnt you be focusing your time on something that will actually get you somewhere, like an important skill or knowledge in an area that you can make a career and money out of?

>> No.933987

also, i think 2 hours to vidya is a bit too much. at vidya's current state, good games worth the amount of time put in are quite rare. most of the time you are doing mindless repetitive things which give a bit of hollow enjoyment. i think you should allocate 2-3 hours a day on weekends only for example. Until vidya expands itself and branches out as a medium, the other activities are more important.

>> No.934002

You seem to confuse having a productive life with appreciating more and more 'art.' While that is a good start, I would argue that it will not solely help to improve your life in any significant manner.

You should follow more academic pursuits, social pursuits and gain more practical knowledge.

>> No.934003
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Op.... there is a serious flaw in your system...
You fail to including masturbation time

>> No.934021

I concur. What is your end goal OP, just to have read a lot of books/played a lot of games/watched a lot of movies?

>> No.934058

I plan to enjoy my life

>> No.934125

This isn't a bad idea. Forget people saying you "need" 8 or 9 hours a night: anywhere between 5 and 8 is healthy. Obviously at first you'll feel as if it's not enough and you'll probably feel tired often, but you'll adapt to it.

>> No.934145
File: 103 KB, 497x468, MrMorse-i-am-the-voice-of-reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, while these are certainly noble pursuits, why not also set aside some time to learn a language, or a musical instrument, or another skill of some kind?

>> No.934153

>Forget doctors telling you what's good for you, listen to a random faceless voice telling you on the internet.

>> No.934169

Personally I'd cut the video gaming down. It's also more addicting and easy to get sucked into and spend more than 2 hours on.

>> No.934170
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Sleep uberman style.

Plenty of time for all that other stuff that way

>> No.934171

yeah this is just basically enriching through art, you should consider enriching through skill or knowledge

>> No.934172

I am learning how to play guitar and my keyboard. I just didn't include it in there. Because I'm not gonna write every detail of my life and all the random sporadic shit I do.

>> No.934180

if you want to be productive, then plan your life. if you want to actually enjoy life, fuck planning everything and just do stuff whenever you feel like doing them.

>> No.934235
File: 34 KB, 500x375, fryon4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know Stephen Fry told me that

>> No.934243

>I'm not gonna write every detail of my life and all the random sporadic shit I do.

Umm . . . >>933879

>> No.934244

no, he just plays one in V for Vendetta

>> No.934241

stephen fry is a faggot

>> No.934246

true dat nigga

>> No.934254
File: 19 KB, 384x241, 1271420619220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you fap?

>> No.934278

That's not every detail of my life faggot not even close. If I threw in all the other stuff I do it would take thousands of pages of page and make this thread 404.

>> No.934279

interesting. you consider this being productive but you're not actually producing anything.

>> No.934282

I fap occassionaly gtfo of my business
also because I'm awesome
gtfo troll he's gay in real life
look up the Christopher Hitchens debate with him in it

>> No.934285
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>> No.934336

What are you doing. Browsing /lit/ and being a pseudo-intellectual, unemployed. Yeah, real productive.

>> No.934364
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haters aside, this is pretty tight.

I would drop the video games because, Steven Johnson notwithstanding (see pic), its a waste of time.

I'd put khan academy in there (http://www.khanacademy.org/index.html)) and start learning some math you don't know, or biology or sumptin

>> No.934369

Just do what you enjoy. Structure is the enemy.

>> No.934375
File: 36 KB, 115x125, Bawks_Kid_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great thing about /lit/ isn't reading the books, it's showing everyone online that I did.

>> No.934384
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>> No.934397

okey doke

>> No.934406

I met Steven Johnson this past year. He's a pretty cool guy. Public reading, not his strong hand. However, Q & A sessions, a royal flush.

>> No.934442


>> No.934456

I'm supposed to review that motherfucker's book (Everything Bad is Good For You) for some paper. What's the dude like?

>> No.934481


>> No.934491

Jesus, calm the fuck down.

>> No.934513

Steven Johnson is cool as a cucumber. He wears crazy plaid pants that his wife purchased for him. Mostly he is relaxed. With the exception of The Invention of Air, every story he writes he immediately stops following after completion of the text. The Invention of Air came out of something he discovered while writing Ghost Map. I would read the book.

During the Q&A he discussed what piques his interest. He said he does a lot of "skim and plunge" which is more or less him skimming the internet, finding something interesting and then plunging deep into the source material (usually this means he travels to the library, checks out some books, and then begins a new work).

>> No.934514

Wow, I totally haven't seen hundreds of 18-year olds decide that they're going to structure their life like this and do that every single day.

Ignoring the fact that it always falls apart sooner than later, watching a movie because you "have to" and then moving on to read a book because you "have to" and then playing a video game because you "have to" is not going to earn you any appreciation for art or for what you like, it's just going to me you soulless.

I also like how you leave out theatre, music, painting, plastic arts/sculpture, etc., but include video games, which have only produced a handful of worthwhile experiences in my opinion.

What is it with this "I want to hack life" attitude from 4channers?

>> No.934532

I dont have I want to hack life stupid attitude. Also I've actually been doig this for more than a month now. I just wanted to see what you guys thought of it. Also I do not systematically do this so you fail.

>> No.934534

>With the exception of The Invention of Air, every story he writes he immediately stops following after completion of the text
I've read this like five times and it still doesn't make sense.

>> No.934550

Sorry. I guess it makes sense to me since I wrote it. What I was trying to say is that after he finishes a book, he will no longer follow the "science" aspect of it. People often ask him if he's discovered anything new or interesting about the material, and he always has to say no (because he is no longer interested upon completion).

>> No.934558

Sounds like hipster bullshit to me
op here now fuck off

>> No.934562


Wow, more than a month!

And you ARE doing it systematically. You just said you're looking at top 100 or whatever lists and going from there, and then allotting a certain number of hours a day to certain activities. If that's not a system I don't know what is.

Watching Ingmar Bergman's "Persona" "because it's on the list" without watching it again, or reading about others' take on it, or reflecting on it, is not going to do shit for you. Reading Hemingway's short stories without sitting down, reading them again, reading about Hemingway, and thinking about them isn't going to do shit for you. Playing through Riven without playing it again to understand the many hints left throughout the game world towards the final puzzle, marvelling at the game's testament to the power of knowledge, isn't going to do shit for you.

A person who finds things he likes and truly explores and savours them is infinitely wiser than a person who watches a bunch of movies because they're "on the list".

>> No.934570

at what point did he say he isn't going to do these things.

>> No.934574

Not hipster, but fact. The internet (4chan) over uses the term and has deemed anything that is knowledge outside a Google search as hipster shit. I'm helping a guy out by clarifying a confusion by my original statement. If you're going to be a dick about it, which you obviously are, maybe you should pat yourself on the back, because congratulations are in order - you were successful.

>> No.934582

I've played things multiple times faggot. This is for discovery which is phase 1. I remember playing Broken Sword 2 plenty of times and one day I noticed something odd in the speech. The Girl in the chest was dead...all along. A ghost. I didn't feel too swell for the rest of the day. FUCKING BRILLIANT

>> No.934586

>phase 1



Have fun with your plan.

>> No.934589

Also you think of what I'm doing is too rigid and stuff. They are guidelines not rules of my life. I do this daily because I want to. I have a real passion for movies. I LOVE FUCKING MOVIES. I LOVE GAMES. I LOVE BOOKS. I LOVE FUCKING EVERYTHING.

>> No.934605

Then I keep whatever I like faggot. I ought to cockslap you bitch. Know your place. Also before this more systematic approach I saw the movies over the span of years and the video games years. Before this I was not spending my time as productively. So fuck off.

>> No.934609

Casablanca is my favorite movie :)

>> No.934617


>> No.934619
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>> No.934625


>> No.934645

you fucking pedo

>> No.934671

Sleep less and enjoy life. Fuck that plan.

>> No.934676


>implying we read at /lit/

>> No.934681

So you guys come here and pretend to read books to impress eachother?

>> No.934682



>> No.934693

Lol, why don't you just do whatever you what to do, when you want to do it?

>> No.934712

That's how I spend my days. I want to structure my life like this and I am.

>> No.934764

I haven't read all the responses so this may have already been said.

Fuck planning all this shit! Just do what you feel like at the time. Be spontaneous and do what feels right. You sound like a robot

>> No.934779

They are guidelines.
Do you think I watch a clock and I'm like alright 4:00:00 time to read for 3 hours. NO. It's just to make myself more productive the only thing I've organized into my day is exercise, reading, gaming, and watching movies. I didn't do this with hygiene, shitting, eating, etc, 4chan browinsg, the billions of things i do. ITS JUST SO I CAN DO THESE MORE EVENLY. I need some GUIDE LINES OR IM NOT GOING into an direct path. Fuck your spontaneous bullshit. Do you think you'll get anywhere without goals?

>> No.934792

You seem to be focused on finishing and completing things like books and movies. Try to enjoy them instead.

I applaud you though, I can't follow schedules or plans at all. Some days I just feel like taking a nap at 6 PM. What can you do.

>> No.934795

I enjoy them. if I didn't enjoy reading them I wouldn't be doing this. Oh god not structure oh god not STRUCTURE its impossible to enjoy an entertaining book if there's structure. You haven't done this yet so you don't know what it's like. THEY ARE GUIDE LINES. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.934800

I do a similar schedule as well OP. Mine is pretty hectic though, I also have to schedule in practicing the piano, art, and writing.

>> No.934801



>> No.934807


>> No.934824

Pretty much what I said. 2 hours of reading, an hour writing, hour to art, that sort of thing... I suck at holding myself to it. Netflix is not my friend.