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9341074 No.9341074 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the Right wing equivalent of Chomsky?

>> No.9341077


>> No.9341101


>> No.9341111

Right wing and intellectual are mutually exclusive terms

>> No.9341117


>> No.9341126


>> No.9341156

The Right has a fundamentally different basis than the left.
Essentially, people like Chomsky take Utilitarianism assume it and roll with it using data. Right wing thought generally strays from that quite a lot, something exemplified by Evola completely disregarding the good of the people and favoring traditions etc with some exceptions in center-right.
Ultimately, having a great right wing intellectual would be hard.

>> No.9341164

He didn't publish any books.

>> No.9341167

he doesn;t publish his books... he publishes his mind....

>> No.9341174

I live in an extremely right wing country and there are many right wing intellectuals in it. Famous example is Japan.

>> No.9341181

No he doesn't. He's a cult leader through and through.

>> No.9341182

Evola and Schmitt.

>> No.9341198

Considering Chomsky is the father of modern linguistics, and all his most noteworthy students are also liberals - there is no right wing Chomsky.

>> No.9341212


>> No.9341261

nice digits, bad post

>> No.9341332


>> No.9341413

nice digits, great post

>> No.9341421
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Chesterton, probably.

>> No.9341432

Western Culture has become so left-wing our formerly left-wing intellectuals are so well situated in right-wing discussions you can get called a nazi for quoting British socialists, what a riot.

>> No.9341439
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>> No.9341443
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>> No.9341468

You obviously don't keep up to date with Chinese academia.

>> No.9341474

Please give some examples of right wing chinese academics. I'd love some new reading material.

>> No.9341475

Look at that hair. How do you have to use the comb to achieve that?

>> No.9341486

How was that film by the way

>> No.9341494

oh i thought that was houellebecq from the thumbnail, till i zoomed in

>> No.9341496

I believe he was capable of making his hair form that shape through sheer force of will alone, no hands required. It was apparently quite draining for him, however, and he would only be able to regain his strength after several dishes of fresh fruit, a bath in scalding hot water and being lightly tapped in each testicle with a small wooden mallet.

Life is, after all, only aesthetically justified.

>> No.9341522

pure ideology

>> No.9341574

There isn't really any outstanding individuals, Its the current trends in Chinese academia that are interesting, religion are now universally praised, interest and support of nationalism has exploded, nihilism is lambasted, etc.

Its actually way easier to operate as a Tradionalist/Monarchist than a Liberal or Marxist in China now.

>> No.9341590

That's really neat. I'll have to look into that.

>> No.9341601

bad digits, nice post

>> No.9341616

Keith Preston

>> No.9341618
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this guy

>> No.9341621

Abdal Hakim Murad

>> No.9341625
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>no mention of this man
come on, he's pretty good on his own field but retarded when it comes to politics but still somehow is really popular, accessible and agreeable for normies and people who dont concern themselves too much with politics, hates the establishment on his side but is somehow liked by them, published books that everyone on his side has read at some point

>> No.9341635


>> No.9341641

>comparing Molyneux's rant pamphlets to the works of Chomsky

>> No.9341644

because he is a libertarian, a fucking idiot.

>> No.9341648


>> No.9341663
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bomb the muzzies, drone war now!

>> No.9341675


Islam is a saving grace for the Right wing but they don't see it yet

>> No.9341679

how so?

>> No.9341681

unfortunately Chomsky can't really be compared to anybody who has actually had success outside of the classroom.

And unlike Chomsky Sowell didn't bend at the knees in the recent election.

>> No.9341685

They espouse right-wing ideas of traditionalism, yet are immune from liberal criticism because that would be "racist."

>> No.9341701

Why wouldn't they oppose Islam? either they win and win or they lose and win, they literally cant lose.

>> No.9341705

roger scruton? oldish "public intellectual" working in broadly analytic phil tradition but vocal about contemporary politics with recourse to old traditions in political theory.
chomsky is deeper i think philosophically and maybe more famous and scruton is a bit silly but think there are some parallels

>> No.9341711

Nick Land

>> No.9341720

he's been advocating for socialism lately, in the context of AI/automation and massive job loss

>> No.9341722

True. It's a powerful weapon. I wonder if/when any of this madness will stop. Probably not...

The terrorists come along and set the bombs, but the rest of the time people seem adept at terrorizing themselves in conditions of peacetime.

>> No.9341728

The western Right only opposes islam because they hate all cultural foreigners. But if they took some time to analyze what they stand for and what Islam stands for, they'd find their ideologies aren't so different.

>> No.9341733

Why are people worried about automation, AI, massive job loss? Humanity has no issue with it. It's a self regulating organism. Poor and jobless will be gone from this world through social eugenics more ro less

>> No.9341734


>right wing
>left wing

>> No.9341736

This desu

>> No.9341744

They're worried about not being needed. In a society where all your hard work and persistence means nothing and the next generation just gets 100% leisure, people tend to have existential crises. Not that socialism's a bad thing though, it'll just take some getting used to.

>> No.9341761

I guess my point is that we are compatible with it. Not unlike getting hit with a meteor or a thermo nuclear war.

>> No.9341784

we'll all just make art, do drugs, and chill out. it's funny to me that some people have been so buttfucked by capitalism that they think this kind of life would be a nightmare.

>> No.9341791
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/lit/'s lack of knowledge of British philosophy disappoints me.

>> No.9341810

He's a communist you retard

>> No.9341827


>> No.9341829

Eh, he is totally outside of the right/left paradygm, and so is his influence on the intelllectual world.

He is right wing only if you consider a presocratic Athene democracy (which is also consciousnof the root of its traditions) right-wing.

>> No.9341839

Unironically Steve Bannon, if he's as erudite as Politico and other interviews portray him to be.

>> No.9341847

Their opposition to Islam derives primarily from its followers being stupid Arabs and from not being Western. This is probably for the best because I don't particularly want to see Islam with Aryan values.

Even Hitler was a fan of Islam while disliking the Arabs and viewing them as an inferior race.

>> No.9342147

Athenian democracy was about as right wing as it gets. It was tons of tiny, decentralized ethnonationalist states.

>> No.9342193

>dude weed lmao
Not everyone is a loser like you, bub.

>> No.9342209


>> No.9342214

Chomsky might even be considered right wing by today's standards

>> No.9342221

how? chomsky is even against pornography

>> No.9342222



>> No.9342231
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>Who's the Right wing equivalent of Chomsky?

>> No.9342235

That's considered very right wing
The biggest thing though, is that he's what most liberals would call him a "biological essentialist"
He's also defended holocaust denial

>> No.9342298

Quads of absolute truth

>> No.9342441

where can I learn more about this?

>> No.9342547

What's wrong with his face? He looks ill.

>> No.9344104
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Digits confirms it.

>> No.9344119

Terrible post. Chomsky continues to complain about how America has moved further and further to the right over recent decades, and how the Republican party has become an extreme right wing group not to be taken seriously, while the Democrats, no longer on the left, are now slightly right of center. To Chomsky even Sanders is a little too far to the right on some issues. To your average American, who knows very little about politics, Sanders is on the far left.