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/lit/ - Literature

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9326970 No.9326970 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.9326995

Sound of Waves by Mishima
The Instructions by Levin
Child of God by McCarthy
Pride and Prejudice by Austen
Confederacy of Dunces by Toole or Freedom by Franzen

>> No.9327005

Ender's Game
Great Dialogues of Plato, WHD Rouse translation

>> No.9327016
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The Last Victim

Demons/The Possessed
One Hundred Years of Solitude

Not sure

>> No.9327034
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Ay so there are men here
Read Gulag Archipelago. It's almost 2k pages though

>> No.9327060

Pan by Knut Hamsun

The Brothers Karamazov (reread)

Either Spring Snow, A Hero of Our Time, or the Third Policeman.

>> No.9327068

Fellowship of the Ring
Probably growth of the soil

>> No.9327170
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America Alone by Mark Steyn
The Great Gatsby (Authorized) by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

Gun is a 1950 Tula Arsenal SKS before anyone asks

>> No.9327172



>> No.9327180

t. noguns

>> No.9327187


It's a meme cartridge. I'll stick to my G17 and 9mm.

>> No.9327207

Fuck, that was for you.

>> No.9327283
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>> No.9327322

There are bear, moose, and Somalians here

>> No.9327365

Jesus does everyone on this board have guns?>>9327283
best gun

Blood Meridian
Brothers Karamazov
Probably tackle something shorter like The Trial

This book is so good. What translation are you reading?

What do you think of child of god and what other mccarthy have you read?

>> No.9327380

Do you not have guns? Are you Yuro?
The Trial is really good btw

>> No.9327389

I'm reading the McDuff translation and loving it. On my next reread, I might read Avesy as I've heard good things about him. What translation are you reading?

>> No.9327393

I really love Child of God actually. Its pacing, I think is really wonderful because each chapter is only a couple of pages long, and it's cool how the story unfolds into something pretty fucked up. The only other McCarthy I've read is Blood Meridian. I like Child of God better because, while not as "deep" or whatever like BM, it is much more exciting, IMO.

>> No.9327395

Norwegian Wood
The Idiot
The Same Old Story by Goncharov
and probably
Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro

>> No.9327406

>not owning guns

>> No.9327408

murrican reporting in, what do you need a gun for? do you live in harlem?

>> No.9327410

>what do you need a gun for

because I can

Im a canuck too, you have no excuse

>> No.9327419

The Confessions of Augustine of Hippo
Evgenny Onegin
I'm gonna try to start In Search of Lost Time, but man is it daunting.

>> No.9327427

>because I can
I can buy a jackhammer if I wanted to, but that doesn't mean I have any good reason to buy one.

>> No.9327441

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

You disappoint the Founding Fathers son.

>> No.9327445

Nope I just haven't felt the need I suppose. Although some of the guns in this thread are damn sexy
Avesy, its great. I was gifted a P&V and I read the first paragraph and put it down, haven't touched since. How many times are you planning on rereading this book? I feel like I'll probably have to do another run through eventually, which is good and bad

very cool, I might have to give that one a go then because I thought BM was crazy but it did feel a bit slow at parts.

what do you think of the idiot?

>> No.9327454

The goberment came and took away our right to mustard gas and icbms so I don't know what kind of militia we'll make.

>> No.9327457

I'm Canadian. Our laws in Canada are fucked. In scholarship some nigger wanted to fight me because I knocked the wind out of him in practise. I couldn't even carry a knife on me for protection lmao.

>> No.9327460

Reread The Plague by Camus

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn

>> No.9327461

I'm not sure how many times I'll read it, but I really want to try Avesy in a few years time. TBK is one of my favorite books and the first time reading it was such a joy, I'm sure this reading and any following readings will provide an amazing experience. This is a book that just doesn't leave you lol

>> No.9327471


Nice pellet gun, looks like a crossman :^)

>> No.9327472
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So am I. Quit being a bitch. Our laws arent great but you can still own pretty much every gun you can buy in the US.

>> No.9327504

Yeah but if a guy tries to stab you in Canada yo can't shoot him dead in self defence. That gets you put in jail for murder. That fucking stupid.

>> No.9327518


>If you kill your enemies - they win

-Weed Man 2015

>> No.9327531

All The Pretty Horses
Infinite Jest

>> No.9327546

Not true, you'll be charged at first but usually charges get dropped in court if you were truly acting in self defence, especially if this is within the context of your home and someone breaking in.

>> No.9327577

No I live in the whitest state, I'm more afraid of animals.
Get that commie shit out of here
Siddhartha is really good

>> No.9327669
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Thanks, the only thing that sucks is that it's hard to find these odd shaped pellets.

>> No.9327693
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Various H.P. Lovecraft short stories (Under the Pyramids was the very last)

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti

Pick up where I left off in Wizard and Glass by Stephen King

>> No.9327729

>all these gun owners

wtf i love /lit/ now

>> No.9327756

The violent bear it away

A good man is hard to find

I'm thinking of reading heart of darkness, or maybe something in spanish like cien años de soledad. Or maybe the crying of lot 49.

>> No.9327767
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Freud - Civilization and its Discontents
Mier - Jung's Analytical Psychology and Religion

Jung - Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Plato - Symposium

I really don't know. I can choose between Inferno (I don't have the other 2 books), Carlyle's The French Revolution, V., 2666, Demons or The Idiot. Or I can focus on philosophy for a bit longer (Nietzsche and Plato)

>> No.9327806

Oh well, might as well get stabbed to death then. Better than being a criminal.

>> No.9327834
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Gotta stay prepared in case some guy on a beach blinds me with the reflection of the sun off his knife blade.

Friend says to do Atlas Shrugged next, might do.

>> No.9327851

Confessions by St Augustine
Complete Works of Joseph De Maistre
Meno, Timaeus and Critias - Plato
Fear and Trembling - Kierkegaard.

>> No.9327924

the sore throat and other poems

wittgenstein on rules and private language

wittgenstein's lecture on ethics

>> No.9327946

t. limp wristlet

>> No.9327982

>thinking Harlem is dangerous

It's not the 90s anymore

You're def some scrawny white boy and live in a flyover state and/or suburb

>> No.9327984

if harlem is so safe then go move there pal

>> No.9327996

>implying people DON'T live in Harlem
poor little white boi

>> No.9328020

4 3 2 1 / Paul Auster
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man / Joyce
Night Soul and Other Stories / McElroy
... and a bunch of poetry
White Teeth, by Zadie Smith, or maybe just White, by Kenya Hara

>> No.9328053

African Americans aren't people

>> No.9328075

Lady Chatterley's Lover / D. H. Lawrence
Sodome et Gomorrhe / Marcel Proust
The Gulag Archipelago / Alexandre Soljenitsyne

>> No.9328080

this shitposting is stale

>> No.9328084

the Bluest Eye
the Steppe by Chekhov
the Man in the High Castle

>> No.9328114

>tfw hiro chose /fitlit/ rather than /klit/

>> No.9328118

..do you live in Maine?

>> No.9328139


/klit/ general?

>> No.9328152
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Flowers for Algernon/The Bell Jar (read concurrently)

Tortilla Flat/City of God (Augustine)

The Veldt/Tortilla Flat

>> No.9328202

>based kharms

you're a good guy, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.9328534 [DELETED] 

Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse

Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West, Christopher Caldwell

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon

>> No.9328584
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>> No.9328596
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I am having a damn good week.

>> No.9328605
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with reasonable standards and not overdoing the whole gun thing that is propably the best /lit/izen.

>> No.9328640

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (Wallace)
Beyond Sleep (Hermans)
The Autumn of the Patriarch (Marquez)

>> No.9328644

Bhagavida gita
birth of tragedy
story of your life

>> No.9328650

This is getting out of hand.

>> No.9328790
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Just found my copy of The Magic Mountain by Mann, maybe I'll pick that back up. Made it about 1/4 way through on a reread.


>> No.9329066

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Hobbit


>> No.9329074

>all the alt right gun owning cucklets ITT


>> No.9329111
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Post books Bernout

>> No.9329367

Have you read any other Hamsun?

>> No.9329384

My man... nice to encounter another person with fine tastes

>> No.9329413
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Just got the Coatzee and Johnson ones from the library yesterday. Trying to read more contemporary lit.

>> No.9329454

try harder

>> No.9329458



If on a winter's night a traveler - Calvino


Kinda hopping back and forth between short story collections by Lispector and JG Ballard


Maybe The Tartar Steppe by Buzzati? Or that Godel Escher Bach book by Hofstater

>> No.9329517
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>> No.9329539

not really, no. you seem boring af

>> No.9329554

Whats the point of a normal knife when you have a gun?
Take a pocket knife if you just want something sharp and useful in your pocket.

>> No.9329602

Brave New World
La part de l'autre (I do not know the english name)

>> No.9329627

lmao nigga what are you going to do with that, you can't even get a slice out of cake with that butter cutter

>> No.9329846
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>Implying I dont have a folder too
You can't cut down trees or pry open car doors with a folder

>> No.9329892
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Dune / How to bomb the US Govt
I'm not sure.. my brothers friend told me to read The Castle but I haven't read any Kafka and I've heard he's someone that is best read in order

>> No.9330055

Why do you people buy guns even when you live in nice and safe cities and neighborhoods and would not probably need them any moment in your entire lifetime?

>> No.9330081

They are a hobby, same as working on cars is a hobby.

>> No.9330083


well, that makes sense.

>> No.9330085
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Why do you think it's safe to begin with? Like that's the norm, ever
Also its an enjoyable hobby too expensive for casuals

>> No.9330108

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Corrections
The Art of the Deal

>> No.9330130

>Why do you think it's safe to begin with? Like that's the norm, ever

You know that safety is not related to the owning of guns, right? It is due to many factors, mostly sociocultural. In a region or country where most of the people have the same cultural background, religious thought, social position and access to the basic needs of life and education, you will hardly see any crime, any violence.


See here the gun politics of Iceland:

A license is required to own or possess firearms. National government safety course required before applying for a license. Special license required to own pistols. Pistols may only be used for target shooting at a licensed range. Semi automatic firearms have caliber restrictions. Automatic firearms not permitted.


Much more restricted than in the US, and yet:


>> No.9330146
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>> No.9330188

Sick gun dude! How much can it hold?

>> No.9330193

A decent amount.

>> No.9330198

Nice, how was Ivan? That and cancer ward are on my list

Homogeny, the constitution, common law, sub 200k population, and guns to enforce all of the above creates peace.
Herd immunity is also a thing. Compare home invasion when people are home rates in US to UK

>> No.9330221

One in The Life of Ivan Denisvich-Solzhenitsyn

Herzog-Saul Bellow

Fear and Trembling-Kierkegaard

>> No.9330238

You don't NEED a computer, you don't NEED a chair, You don't NEED a smartphone...

>> No.9330250


I actually have that Herzog book, but never got around to it. How are you liking it?

>> No.9330258

It's a very good portrait of someone confined to mediocrity, yet it's still lively to read

>> No.9330267

>Nice, how was Ivan?

He's very descriptive, to put it shortly. You could tell he's had experience in gulag camps and there's even a Christian theme if I understand it correctly.It was enough to get me to read The Gulag Archipelago next.

>> No.9330281

I'm looking to get a light for my glock 20, how do you like your surefire?

>> No.9330308

I really enjoyed the conversation Shikhov had with Alyosha towards the end

>> No.9330335


>> No.9330345

Some pages were hard to get through like that wall building part. But the conversation with Shikhov and the Baptist made it worth it.

>> No.9330367

good taste and well armed. nice

>> No.9330369

Night Falls Fast
Pale Fire, or
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

>> No.9330970

I've read Hunger and I plan on reading Mysteries and Growth of the Soil later on this year.

>> No.9330978

Hunger, A Doll's House
Swann's way, Beyond Good and Evil

post recs.

>> No.9330982

Is that the full Gulag Archipelago. I've finished the 1st volume and I'm having problems finding the rest

>> No.9330994

Grave Peril
Summer Knight
Death Masks
Yes, I just started the Dresden Files.

>> No.9331010

The Trial

The Bible

Probably Paradise Lost

>> No.9331094

Man I really want to read the Death of The West. I'm just worried it's /pol/ the book. Is it? Also how 'American' is it? I'm a Finn that's not terribly educated on American politics. Would I understand it?

>> No.9331191

Great thread. Your taste heartens me.

>> No.9331274

All Quiet on the Western Front
War and Peace
The Lime Works

>> No.9331310


Le Mythe de Sisyphe.
Los siete locos.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

Los lanzallamas.

>> No.9331391

Have you gotten into Bolaño yet?

>> No.9331446

Extortion, Peter Schwietzer

Twilight of the Idols, Nietzche
Persuasion, Austen

The Essential Mystics: Selections From the World's Great Wisdom Traditions

>> No.9331449

It kind of is /pol/ the book, doesn't make it wrong, however. The book is quite prophetic about Trump and other things IMO.

On your other question, there might be some terms about American politics thrown around, but it isn't terribly involved. It is written for the masses, and you would understand it (this goes for other aspects of the book as well, still provides great evidence).

All in all, even if you don't agree with most of the ideas, if you want to, read it. You won't regret it.

>> No.9331510

The Urth of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon

>> No.9331531

Nice, can't wait. I watched the movie, was meh.
Any of the big 5 by Dostoyesky should be read concurrently with Nietzsche
No they're in 3 books, some on Amazon but more expensive than book 1.
Not sure it's next. Him and Trump were in the Reform party together back in the day. He was too extreme for 90s/00s Trump, called him a Nazi which I find hilarious
Check out Charles Murray

>> No.9331595

Hey, i'm trying to write a 2000 word (compare & contrast) essay on traditional and CGI Animation. Is there a way to make it reach the word count (without being redundant)?

>> No.9331632

Just talk about Akira

>> No.9331642

I read it back in like 2007 when the entire internet was one big leftist echo chamber, so I found its content pretty shocking. But due to the everything that happened in real life and on the internet in these past ten years, you'll probably find it boring since you've already heard all those arguments here on 4chan a million times over.

>> No.9331657


Thanks! I'll try to find something to use for my essay.

>> No.9331689
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>In a region or country where most of the people have the same cultural background, religious thought, social position and access to the basic needs of life and education, you will hardly see any crime, any violence.

Sounds like the opposite of America m8.

>> No.9331767
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>tfw i get /lit/ references now

>> No.9331825

God bless you

>> No.9331845

Last: Mysteries - Knut Hamsun/Pride and prejudice - Jane Austen

Current: Quo Vadis/fear and trembling

Next: Would like to finish the everlasting mam and maybe read some more books by C.S Lewis.

>> No.9331860
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Just finished this for the second time. Probably my favorite work of fiction.

What should I read next? I'm a huge sucker for crime-dramas.

>> No.9331903

>Probably my favorite work of fiction.

Read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo if you like meme trash crime novels turned into better movies

>> No.9332345

The Trial
The house of the dead
Maybe the next Dosto book or Foundation.

>> No.9332548
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The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick (reread)
Not sure, possibly Ulysses?

>> No.9332561

The Idiot
the brothers Karamazov

>> No.9332563

Europe Central - William T. Vollmann
Women and Men - Joseph McElroy
Either JR or The Anatomy of Melancholy. Might reread Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.9332704

Demons takes awhile to get going

>> No.9332759
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who are you guys going to kill with those guns

>> No.9332769
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>> No.9332790


>> No.9332880
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>> No.9333164

Isn't Palmetto not that good?

>> No.9333186

Is this sincere? If so, you too :3

>> No.9333869

>gun-toting hillbillies have shit taste
Colour me surprised.

>> No.9333890

Exterminator! by William S. Burroughs
Extreme Metaphors, the collected interviews of J.G. Ballard
The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

>> No.9333897

bro get your CEL checked

>> No.9334352

A lower is a lower, they're all the same.
PSA did have trouble with the PTAC line and some credit cards were stolen. No issues here
It's got 370k miles, it's fine

>> No.9334729

Foucault's Pendulm
Gravity's Rainbow
Probably some faggy philosophy like Camus or Nietzsche

>> No.9334755

>unarmed cucks double down on a losing strategy
Many such cases

So glad I helped flip this state red