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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 597x595, rupik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9325808 No.9325808 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Rupi Kaur so disliked by /lit/? Is it because she's a woman?

>> No.9325817

yeah, basically a brown woman who writes poetry about sex from a woman's perspective. everything /lit/ stands against for the most part

>> No.9325819

Probably. I am not really into poetry but it seems okay for me. Contemporaneous. That is a nice thing to say about a contemporaneous writer.

Not like most of the people out there, that would crave for living in the fucking XVIII century.

>> No.9325823

brown women are disgusting

>> No.9325832


>> No.9325835

I'm not, like, viciously fixated on this lady like a lot of people on here are, but anybody defending this drivel's success needs to go the fucking camps.

>> No.9325836


>> No.9325839

>yeah, basically a person who writes shit poetry. everthing /lit/ stands against for the most part.

>> No.9325842

Straight the fuck up hahaha

>> No.9325846

Come on, that's normie shit.

>> No.9325849

what makes it shit?

>> No.9325850


>rain men

I see what you did there.

>> No.9325851
File: 57 KB, 640x360, thx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9325859


line breaks
do not constitute
poetry when your
words are devoid of

>> No.9325862

I was going to help defend your view until I read that poem.

Did she even put any effort into that?

>> No.9325863

Which camps, my dear?

Low that test, bro.

>> No.9325877

>tfw I'm not even a poetryfag, and even I can tell that's an abysmal poem

>> No.9325879

He wanted
so badly to
eat cereal
without dicks

>> No.9325885

black mountain would like a word

>> No.9325887

it's a joke you mongrels
that's a passage from John Green modified
literally kill yourselves and get off this hyper-real idiotic internet wars

>> No.9325898

Is this the girl who Shat and selfied herself?

>> No.9325904

as I said
everything /lit/ hates

>> No.9325936

It's because she's a shitty author and her poetry is annoying and bad.

>> No.9325939
File: 1.49 MB, 1440x1771, Emily Dickenson 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Our distaste for Ms. Kaur has nothing to do with sex or race.

Women like to suppose that every criticism which lands on them is because of their sex - it isn't.

She writes shallow, hypocritical poems which indoctrinate the young, feeble-minded, and ignorant - spreading her racist, misandrist bile to the masses via a vehicle for the vain and under-educated.

Her poetry is pretentious. She attempts to play with sentence structure like Dickenson or Cummings, but, lacking their knowledge, fails miserably. She is mimicking these styles intuitively, and her intuition is not altogether poor (as she occasionally succeeds in appropriately manipulating syntax), but it is not so good as to make her frequent mistakes negligible.

Her notoriety is the product of a shallow wind of culture which is already passing. Rupi, like other remnants of it, needs settle into silence for society's sake.

Rupi Kaur is merely an emotionally driven young woman. She has not reached emotional or intellectual maturity, and, unfortunately for her, her fame came before she did.

>To be fair, I've only read about five of her poems, and a couple of articles on her rise and poetry. Perhaps she has works which would change my opinion, but I doubt it.

>> No.9325967
File: 90 KB, 800x528, aim at contemporary poetry scenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if poetry wasn't already unbearable enough for the contemporary mind.

This woman does not follow rules, nor does she break rules with any amount of creativity. If poetry is about pushing our language to the limits, she has utterly failed.

It's hard to express what there is to criticize when all order and structure have been dismantled (which was very much the postmodern intention, to avoid legitimate criticism).

Let's begin by separating the two parts of this poem (which Rupi separates into four, but by no discernible reason of rhyme, syllable count, syntax, or theme). The first three "stanzas" form the first part, and the last one forms the other.

The first part details the action of the poem's story. A man says something, and some sort of conclusion is drawn by the poet (who is not the target of the quotation). There is no emotion, nor even a vague connection between stanza 3 and stanzas 1 and 2, save the word "but," which acts as a negation to the man's request (if it is even a request. It might be a journal entry for all the poet tells us). There is no complexity, no sense of beauty or linguistic aesthetic, not even much of a message. The characters are completely interchangeable without risking the core meaning or emotive tonality being changed. The metaphor of "house" seems quite a bit off; the woman would only really be supplying a social benefit to the man if she allowed him to sleep next to him. If he had wanted to fuck, we could see the house being for his cock, but even then, there are a million better words to put here.

The last part is another sort of forged truism by the poet, but it relates in no way to the first part. The comparison of "hurricane" to "rain" is one of intensity and wind/movement, two themes that are not illustrated in the first part whatsoever (one could argue that the "sleep" vs. "fuck" tension serves this role, but this exists entirely within the context of the man, not between the man and the women). This entire stanza is unnecessary, and most likely detracts from the first poem (not that the poem without the fourth stanza would be *good,* but it would be an improvement). Frankly, it reeks of the poet's self-importance and arrogant feel for the female gender, and her refusal to either choose more apt rhetoric or explain the kind she's used seems more like an insult to any serious reader than any sort of artistic triumph.

Really, it's par for the course of RoastieCore "literature" that women buy only to take pictures of themselves reading for their instagram. And if it sells, can't really blame the publishers or the authors.

>> No.9325998

After reading >>9325887 , I feel a little silly about having written >>9325967

However, having read some of Kaur's real "poetry" from the amazon preview of her published collection.... Really you could copy paste 80% of what I wrote as a response to anything she wrote.

>> No.9326020

1. Literally anyone could write this and she isn't even a pioneer
2. Form is pointless
3. Nothing new, nothing clever
4. It evokes no feelings unless you're a basic instagram bitch
5. It has badly hidden political implications
6. It doesn't have a constant thematical field
7. It's in bad taste
8. It tries to be edgy
9. It's simple yet ineffective
10. Even if you ignore all that, the way it's marketed on instagram is absolutely disgusting

>> No.9326022

>jumped the shark
>b-but I'm still right

>> No.9326030
File: 1.09 MB, 3000x2000, 636034997669779292-1599123601_b-lx-rupi-kaur3-1ytm62d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea!
We tire of the flame of the meteor, before it can fade and flee;
And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky,
Has awakened in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that may not die.

A weariness comes from those dreamers, dew-dabbled, the lily and rose;
Ah, dream not of them, my beloved, the flame of the meteor that goes,
Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew:
For I would we were changed to white birds on the wandering foam: I and you!

I am haunted by numberless islands, and many a Danaan shore,
Where Time would surely forget us, and Sorrow come near us no more;
Soon far from the rose and the lily, and fret of the flames would we be,
Were we only white birds, my beloved, buoyed out on the foam of the sea!

>> No.9326043

Is Rupi Kaur the John Green of poetry?

>> No.9326054
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 2015-01-20-tumblr_nglu2s8Qlo1sn0z5fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.9326055

dont spoil the joke.
Newfags have to learn
someway or another.

>> No.9326057

He is though.

>> No.9326060

Yeah, thanks for the correct summary of my post. Pretty well done, except for the stutter. You know you can backspace, right?

>> No.9326074

Anons, be honest, how many seconds did you take to figure out the last strophe?

>> No.9326075

does anyone have those parodies of her work? I want to, heh, btfo my sister on facebook

>> No.9326079
File: 13 KB, 228x80, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are goodreads users so fucking retarded?

>> No.9326090


>> No.9326093
File: 75 KB, 1024x1024, rupii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9326107
File: 97 KB, 748x585, perspectiverupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9326131

you got taken m8. take the L

>> No.9326133

wait seriously are these real or fake, I honestly cannot tell

>> No.9326151

Why is the feminine as magical and mystical so prevalent?
I get that it some kind of "the eternal fem mystery" because women give birth, but it's acts as though they do so at will and entirely independent from male involvement.

>> No.9326153

The one with the easel is too good to be her. The other one could be her but is pretty obviously a /lit/ meme.

>> No.9326161
File: 24 KB, 774x595, hungerrupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


0/2 points for you, friendo

>> No.9326172

is this what happens when /lit/ tries to understand alt lit?

>> No.9326180

Bullshit. There's no way in fuck she wrote that one with the easel, because it's only good when you write it to make fun of her. And the one about dead white men is fucking ludicrous, she should be lynched in the street.

>> No.9326189

>understand the notebook of every teenager
A difficulty to be sure.

>> No.9326202
File: 45 KB, 640x640, fc8a59e9d8570785c764e96544675871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9326212

>Those mushrooms
That's gotta be fake.

>> No.9326213


>> No.9326228

the second doesn't have her shitty art style and certainly seems meme. The first is real though. You are very much underestimating how retarded this bitch is.

>> No.9326229
File: 17 KB, 360x439, kaschnitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women can't write poe-

>> No.9326327
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 1487807320492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you?
the cab driver
i said
i'm rupi kaur
the poet
and he replied
sorry, don't know you
so i tweeted his picture
and bled
from my cunt
on his car

>> No.9326331

top fucking lol

>> No.9326339

she only uses periods as punctuation because shes a WOMAN and also her native language only uses periods and that represents how shes EXOTIC

>> No.9326366
File: 2.85 MB, 474x266, 1452569831228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her poetry is objectively horrific.

>> No.9326379


>> No.9326431

i would like to know if the people who have objections to kaur based on it being line-broken prose have the same issue with bukowski

>> No.9326527

im an uneducated fag from fit but this triggered me

>> No.9326648

Looks more like she pooped herself a little than a period.

>> No.9326703

>implying I clicked on the pic in the OP and don't already think her poems are shit.
This dead horse has been thoroughly beaten. There have been endless threads with her work posted and ridiculed. What was even the point of this thread? 75 percent of the people didn't even enlarge the image and simply reacted to the name.

>> No.9326808

this one is actually okay

>> No.9326898

>Her notoriety is the product of a shallow wind of culture which is already passing. Rupi, like other remnants of it, needs settle into silence for society's sake.
expand on this (if you wish)

>> No.9326915

I'm going to be frank and say I could not possibly care less about what she has to say, but that's actually a pretty good line.

>> No.9326953


>> No.9326977
File: 78 KB, 1080x719, 1477797620673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rupi seems like the most cold and calculating author currently working

see this: https://www.instagram.com/p/8hJDbeHAyu/

>a photograph of rupi buying her own book uploaded as an instagram post in which she thanks and tags the cashier (?!), who in turn later replies with "such a pleasure cashing you out today!" in the comment box (?!?)

idk it just strikes me as such a disgusting, cynical thing. perhaps she's actually a really nice person

>> No.9326981

>This woman does not follow rules, nor does she break rules with any amount of creativity.

This is an unsubstantiated meme. You can't push this line of reasoning with the question 'why' very long before it collapses on itself and simply defines its own position with itself. An arbitrary rule.

>If poetry is about pushing our language to the limits, she has utterly failed.

No apparently poetry is about engaging with and advancing the past traditions of Western poetry. There's no sense in ever-increasing newness for the sake of newness. Where is poetry going, in this model? If it doesn't draw from any single source, such as the divine, it has no telos. It's mucking around with words for the sake of mucking around with words, to make passive consumers like you feel sophisticated when they think they understand the deeper meaning.

Contemporary poetry simply is. I'm not going to write multiple paragraphs on what it fails to do, based on something it has not tried to achieve. If I win a footrace, do I have right to criticise those who did not participate?

Maybe you should stop thinking there's a universal poetry that all poets, regardless of their intentions, secretly hope to achieve. You'd have a better time reading poetry.

>> No.9326987

The sad thing is there are genuinely people who read literature with these ideas, that claim something means something else with no textual evidence.

>> No.9326998

'evidence' is literally the autistic colonization of ideas my dude

>> No.9327001

How does she publicly justify buying her own book? What's the backstory?

>> No.9327009

Autistic colonisation of ideas is the thing I'm criticising in my post, i.e. arguing without evidence, imposing meaning on the text.

>> No.9327025
File: 148 KB, 1080x1350, get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno, it's presented as some kind of polaroid swplcore travelogue


>> No.9327230

just meh fakedeep

"you touched me
then wept as your hands became calloused
knew that
that feeds you
would be the hand that srtikes you most"


>> No.9327473
File: 1015 KB, 996x1467, Edith Abbott; Ph.D., Economics, 1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expand on this (if you wish)

Certainly, I will - at least a bit.

Rupi Kaur's poetic debut took place during a time when third-wave feminism was at its peak.

During the years approaching the 2016 American election, the world saw an explosive increase in feminist, body activist, and transgender news in main-stream media. This, in turn, gave birth to a slough of secondary and informal reporting sources heavily focused on promoting or condemning these views. It likewise birthed several small-time celebrities, such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Tess Holliday, Caitlyn Jenner, Anita Sarkeesian, Jordan Peterson, and Ashley Graham - with Rupi among them. I consider this phenomena to have peaked in 2016 - when individuals on both sides had the most to gain or lose by proselytizing.

However, since the close of the 2016 American election, third wave feminism is rapidly loosing steam. Liberal media outlets no longer have as vested an interest in pushing these views, and the conservative right no longer has as imminent a need to pay attention to them.

What was always clear, to me, and is becoming increasingly clear to the general public is, third-wave feminism and its bedfellows are shallow. They are shallow, in the sense that they lack a deep-rooted connection to the serious issues currently plaguing society, or a substantial connection to what it is to be a man or a woman - in a timeless sense. The more subject a given movement is to its time and culture, the more certain we can be that it will be short-lived. In the case of third-wave feminism, that life span seems to be nearing its end already.

>> No.9327846

It's literally prose, just broken up across multiple lines. The "poem" is really a quote from John Green.

>> No.9327881

he wanted
to cuddle
not fuck
not even sex
like in the movies
where they have sex
just sleep
not sleep like sex
sleep like sleep

>> No.9328140


>> No.9328146

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9328175
File: 52 KB, 564x564, johngreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waking in the morning
i wished so much
for crash to be of good tidings
yet crash is never
to signal the retriever
and crash is never
the scent of fresh
cakes from mothers

>> No.9328192

breagfasd? :DD

>> No.9328197
File: 197 KB, 866x1360, shrimplady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go back to tumblr

>> No.9328296

Never heard of her. If the poem in your image is a good representation, she's a shit writer. Just another one of the hundreds of so-called "poets" nowadays whose "poetry" resembles Hallmark card text or adolescent diaries randomly chopped into short lines.

>> No.9328302

If it's easy to imagine a software algorithm writing your poems, they're probably shit.

>> No.9328542

>What was always clear, to me, and is becoming increasingly clear to the general public is, third-wave feminism and its bedfellows are shallow.

I'd argue it's the opposite -- the left becomes more radical, and leftist thought isn't shallow. I mean in a classical liberalist sense, the whole idea about human emancipation and whatever, Marxism, post-Marxism, post-modernism. It all leads in the same direction, just that direction has been impeded by the 'alt-right' who, ironically, have the same issues with contemporary society as the left -- consumer culture specifically.

Rupi Kaur belongs to the post-modernist side of poetry, at least its legacy in any case. 'Contemporary' art, from what I understand, is capitalism appropriating post-modern thought, so that it seems like we're being progressive when we see darker or feminine faces on TV. The left are happy with this, they're reformists at this point, perhaps they can push a little harder when they get told by some other perpetual internet user that they're being problematic. Consumer culture is ephemeral and you can't understand deeper concerns about society by seeing white faces change to black. People misinterpret, the left and right, so you get hambeasts vs frogmen on Twitter arguing about nothing really since they don't understand much about society beyond what the people on TV look like. The frogmen are disenfranchised since they feel demonised by the media. They vote accordingly.

2016 happens and it's a whole new era. Maybe the end of the 'contemporary' since it seems like we have a history again. A restoration of Western greatness? A final obstacle before the emancipatory project is complete? Now the left feels disenfranchised (and let down by the political class and the media for not getting Hillary the election, which probably goes to show that the alt-right was wrong about how powerful the media is at directing thought) and the political argument on Twitter changes. No one is arguing about media representation (except a few of those who can't keep up), but who gets to eat the corpse of capitalist centrism.

So the game changes and the concerns are different. Race still plays a role (refugees, BLM), as does sex (abortion rights), but they're presented in a general sense as opposition to fascism rather than specifics.

I wonder if instead of people getting mad at contemporary art for being talentless and actually understood it as facilitating conversation and listening to each other and seeing that other people have lives would any of this have ever happened?

>> No.9328620
File: 66 KB, 446x604, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wanted
to be my enemy
let's fight

but be aware
that you're not
my only enemy

but be aware
that in this fight
God too
will be your ally

>> No.9328632
File: 61 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"where is
my soul?
can I ask this to you
orange beast?"

the bast
without impulse

"where is my "I"?
Can you answer,
Can you?
My ferocious tiger"

The tiger did not move
He yelled
where is my pipe?"
The monster vanished.

The tiger
the beast
and the man's soul
and his pipe:
all gone.

>> No.9328664

It's because
She writes
Like this
And calls it
-Roopi Kau 2017

>> No.9328671 [DELETED] 

This is garbage.

>> No.9328704

this is kind of good unironically

>> No.9328768

You need to work on articulating your ideas. I understand, I think, what you are attempting to get at, but it comes off like a meandering stream of consciousness with only loose points.

For example, "opposite" as in what? As in, it is not becoming increasingly clear to the public that third-wave feminism is shallow, or that it is not shallow? In the latter case, what, in your view, does the left radicalizing have to do with whether the movement is shallow or not? Your points are unclear, and your thoughts aren't flowing together well at times.

Anyway, "liberal thought" is far too broad a category (as is "contemporary art"). I do not consider all liberal thought shallow, nor do I consider all conservative thought deep. In fact, some of the "bedfellows" of modern feminism are its opponents on the extreme right.

Honestly, I'm not certain where to begin with your statements - in part because I'm uncertain what points of mine you're contesting and what you consider your supporting evidence.

When you say things like, "a restoration of Western greatness," or "the emancipatory project," what do these things mean really?

Great in what way(s)? Emancipating whom from what or who?

"The game changes and the concerns are different." What game has changed? What concerns are different? "Race, abortion, etc.,." I'm not even sure why you're mentioning these things. To prove that nothing is changing, or that it is only changing on a superficial level?

Do you see what I'm getting at? These statements are very vague and only lightly touch on massive issues without actually saying anything about them, or your views.

What conversation has Kaur facilitated which was not already underway? She hasn't facilitated anything - she is a product of the conversation and capitalizing on it.

>> No.9328869

Yes I didn't put a lot of effort into structure since I'm only working in a tiny quick reply box.

I don't really know what issues you have with the text other than there isn't a lot of concern with structure. 'Liberal thought' is defined loosely but consistency, as is 'contemporary'. I don't contend the idea leftist thought is shallow, just that third-wavers not being as big a presence now isn't because their beliefs are shallow but because they're drawing deeper from the well which forms precedent for their initial arguments about media representation in consumer society.

>When you say things like, "a restoration of Western greatness," or "the emancipatory project," what do these things mean really?

I'm characterising in a basic sense two sides of a 'history' now -- it doesn't really matter what I mean by them since they don't actually form part of the argument, just speculation that maybe 'contemporary' is over. It should be clear from my past use of 'emancipation' what I'm referring to, i.e. leftist thought vs alt-right traditionalism.

>What game has changed?
"2016 happens and it's a whole new era"
>What concerns are different?
"No one is arguing about media representation", both follow from previous paragraph.
>I'm not even sure why you're mentioning these things.
"they're presented in a general sense as opposition to fascism rather than specifics.", follows from the mention of race and sex.

>What conversation has Kaur facilitated which was not already underway?

You can facilitate something that is underway. Yes she is a product of it, as a 'contemporary artist', defined earlier as the capitalist appropriation of post-modern thought. But still woc are marginalised, and as a product in consumer society the poetic voice of a woc can still be fulfilling, encouraging, whatever is the opposite of disenfranchisement. The artistic strategies though of post-modernists -- the ideas of post-form and conceptualism, avoiding commercialisation and commodification, forming critique of institutions (while relying on them), the human body, presence -- can still be recognised in contemporary practice. As an ends in themselves it comes off as creating consumer products, where the debate over representation lies. As a means it draws from that post-modernist 'tradition' towards freedom from impositions of consciousness, institutions, abstractions, structures, meaninglessness of signs and sign-exchange/commodity fetishism (those very things that define the consumer society) in order to fulfill its own conditions. I don't mean people read Kaur and then sit down and talk about it (even though it may happen), I mean Kaur is a part of this formless, shared, open, expressive, impressive conversation that I think would have been an undoing of the same system that has been the cause of upset for the left and right.

>> No.9328886

>If people were rain
>women a hurricane
How do Hurricanes even fall under rain?

>> No.9328917

She seems utterly egotistical to me.

>> No.9328918

I think hearing about sex from a female perspective is quite arousing, and I think most men agree. I like hearing about what they want, what they fantasise about, especially when it's something perverse. Poopy Cower is just a shitty poet who tries to obscure her lack of talent with bad punctuation.

>> No.9328940
File: 122 KB, 634x262, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wanted
so badly to
destroy the
dark lord not
fuck him

fly you
said gandalf

but the body
of an
eagle is not
his home

what about the
orc babies
and aragorns
tax policy

>> No.9329047

Bukowski is a hack.

>> No.9329072

sex, as in male/female not fucking.

>> No.9330458

besides being memes, these are too good to be her

>> No.9330497
File: 93 KB, 1168x624, scaphism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9330569

nah it's just a common combination of foods from ancient times, the Bible talks about the Promised Land being full of milk and honey, for example.

>> No.9330581

They also lead to nausea and especially pungent diarrhea.

>> No.9331100
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1491068538349s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9331619

>Is it because she's a woman?
That's undeniably part of it. But her poetry actually is really bad. And she's one of those feminists who thinks taking pictures of her menstrual blood is revolutionary.

There's a lot of reasons to dislike her, but there are certainly worse writers.

>> No.9331638

Her poetry isn't very good and shes a social media starlet, not a real author. Without instagram she would be nowhere, or if she was an ugly ham-planet with an east indian lady-stache, she would be nowhere

but then again I've seen plenty of young women reading her trash on the subway, so she's made it, to a certain degree

>> No.9331656
File: 46 KB, 750x726, 1481927664090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most meta post i've seen in a while

shitposting is becoming artistic, kill me

>> No.9331692
File: 85 KB, 690x874, Ezra_Pound_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do people pretend this guy is any good?

>> No.9331728
File: 10 KB, 150x200, SUMITA-webpage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't actually read poetry

>> No.9331759

It's not her subject matter, it's her shit form and diction

>> No.9331760

I really like Unica Zurn yet still dislike Rupi Kaur. it's not about being a woman and talking about problems related with sex from a woman's perspective, it's about being such a whinny bitch about it. Millennials suck at being taken seriously.

>> No.9331793
File: 15 KB, 210x313, Hdpoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good coach, bad player

here's the all-star

>> No.9332283

where to start with HD?

>> No.9332293
File: 77 KB, 780x520, 117962999_shelley_369041b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting.

>> No.9332332

Her Eurydice if you like Plath

Mystical stuff like Nails for Roses if you like Blake or Yeats

Shorter works like Oread or if you like Pound or Haiku

Helen In Egypt if you want the deep-end of modernism.

>> No.9332542

Ugh, if this were my work it would have never seen the light of day. Take this statement as you will for it alludes to a couple things.

>> No.9332557

(To break the pentameter, that was the first heave)

>> No.9332570
File: 69 KB, 640x799, rupi kaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woodberry and no one could unberry me

>> No.9332625

Stay there till death.

>> No.9332647

Looks like a really unconvincing cross-dresser.

>> No.9332684
File: 298 KB, 900x1193, littlefinger_by_mki-d3hy8au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm queer
im gay
im homosexual
im a poof
im a poofter
im a ponce
im a bumboy
backside artist
im bent
i am that
i lift
those shirts
im a faggot ass fudge
packing shit-stabbing
gardener i dine at the
downstairs restaurant
i dance at the other
end of the ballroom
im moses
and the parting
of the red cheeks
i fuck
and i am fucked
i suck and i am sucked
i rim them
and wank them and
every single mans
had the fucking
time of his life
and i am not a pervert
If theres one twisted
bastard in this family
it's this little black male here
congratulations thomas
ive just officially
outed you

>> No.9332698

>I am haunted by numberless islands, and many a Danaan shore,
Damn, so this is why I need to start with the greeks! Reading the Iliad finally paid off!

>> No.9332710

I like this

>> No.9332716

jokes on you im addicted to masturbating to crossdressers and ladyboys

>> No.9332717

This gets my dick hard
This does not.

Learn the difference! I love the skin these bitches have. Hate the hair, check her arm hair in the first pic. Projectile vomiting