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/lit/ - Literature

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9323297 No.9323297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone else missing the /fit/bros

>> No.9323298

no. you fucking idiot. go the fuck away.

>> No.9323304
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it felt like i had friends. i've been desensitized to the feeling of friendship provided by my usual browsing.
there was an odd, added sense of community. more so than the typical chan community aura.

>> No.9323309
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i finally felt like i was part of the popular gang in high school, but now im all lonely again

>> No.9323310
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> Clicking on fit

No. I visit both boards anyway.

>> No.9323323

>go to /fit/
>everyone encouraging each other, newfags are welcomed with open arms, everyone provides helpful tips and advice
>"we're all gonna make it" mindset

>go to /lit/
>everyone is just calling each other plebs

They were too good for us anyway.

>> No.9323326

get out, you fucking whiny plebeian.

>> No.9323328

i feel worse than i already did now

we're pretty bitter and cynical, they're pretty encouraging and open when they're not bullying manlets

>> No.9323329

I was too late but it looked like a fun time. Lit needs fit and fit needs lit; we are made for each other

>> No.9323330

they invented the manlet meme

>> No.9323332
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>makes shitpost thread number X about Mira Gonzales
>wonders why the whole community excoriates him

>> No.9323340

This. It wasn't until going to /fit/ that I began to hate myself for being 5'9". My friends here at /lit/ are much more encouraging.

>> No.9323344


It's just bantz you autists.

>> No.9323347

not me.

>> No.9323348

you being called a pleb isn't. you really are a filthy vermin member of the hoi polloi.

>> No.9323349

>tfw after a terribly unfunny and pointless 24 hours we have to wait a few more days for the faggotry to die down

>> No.9323350

No, that's just a pleasant lie you tell yourself. It's actual hatred of shorter men.

>> No.9323353

/fit/ spends majority of its time begging ppl to spoonfeed them jokes to get laid on tinder.

no thx

>> No.9323357

>diametrically opposed philosophies
we're all gonna make it, huh? well here at /lit/, we don't fucking bullshit ourselves with this weakling nonsense. no one here is going to make it. no one here is going to write a single fucking sentence worth reading. ever. we are all in varying stages of acceptance. no one comes here for fucking encouragement, they come to watch their work get torn apart over and over again by merciless critics who can't even write themselves, knowing deep down it's all true.

if /fit/'s motto is we're all going to make it,
/lit/'s motto is fuck off pleb faggot.

>> No.9323358

it still exists lads! we're a hidden board

>> No.9323743


>> No.9323852

Meh was fun. But they aren't too open to Strinerposting and Zizekposting than I expected them to

>> No.9323859

nope i really fucking don't

>> No.9323873


>goes to /fit/

> 5 threads about lowlifes who somehow only come to 4chan to complain about women???
>Thread about 'hi guys how can i improve my pullups?' which gets 14 responds calling him and eachother fucking faggots

>> No.9323876

>i-it's just a meme

>> No.9323879


> 5 threads about lowlifes who somehow only come to 4chan to complain about women???

We get a lot of those threads too, now.

>> No.9323880

/fit/ is being trolled very hard, by posters who want them to feel inferior to "Chad, some ideal man who doesn't really exit. The philosophy they're spreading there is designed to ruin self-esteem. Do not want.

>> No.9323898

at first it seems like that and it used to be like that but the board went to shit sadly. incel/sluthate/lookism faggots have all day rotting at home so they fuck up the board constantly

>> No.9323906



Buncha procapitalist cucks.

>> No.9323916
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>implying manlets weren't a meme already

>> No.9323922


>> No.9323925

>being a filthy fucking commie

>> No.9323931

>>diametrically opposed philosophies

It's not, it's self-improvement of both the mind and the body

>> No.9323963

/fit/ here. The whole manlet thing is just a satirical meme.

>> No.9323973

t. manlet

>> No.9323975

holy fuck you're butthurt

>> No.9324002

On the surface:
>hey guys how i can get fuck stacy??
>muh deadlift and benching

In reality:
>fapping to boy locker room fantasies
>my haircut looks bad plz give tips
>fat manlets shaming fat manlets

>> No.9324028


/fitlit/ is basically Mishima. Your life is then so complete you have to die.

>> No.9325810

/fit/ is still 4chan

>> No.9325991

/fit/ here
You realise that it's all manlets shitposting in the manlet BTFO threads right?

>> No.9326150

We don't aim for self improvement. We wallow in our misery and look for ways to channel it into art. If you must understand the /lit/ mentality read the essay to stay alive by Michel houllebecq