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/lit/ - Literature

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9322274 No.9322274 [Reply] [Original]

>reading fiction

There isn't a bigger waste of time.

>> No.9322288

But what is time for?

>> No.9322603

>waste of time
Posting frog memes on 4 chan

>> No.9322687

There also isn't a better waste of time faggot

>> No.9322756


>90% of time you spend a computer
>video games

There's no god and you're about a quarter of your way through life, if you're lucky

>> No.9322764

Can you designate which activities are not a so called 'waste of time'?

>> No.9322774


it can build emotional intelligence

I mean it isn't efficient and can sometimes be even detrimental but for some people it's their only way

>> No.9322824

I break up the monotony of nonfiction by throwing a little imagination in there every once in awhile.

>> No.9322828
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>emotional intelligence

>> No.9322979
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>waste of time
good luck not knowing a lot of things, smart one.
>h-haha a lot of things that aren't r-real
myths aren't real, yet they play a noticeable role in plenty of famous literature, real or not.

>> No.9323111


>> No.9323215
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>When OP's finished typing his ebin shitpost in his mom's basement, a smug face appeared and he tought his mom would be proud of him. He did something "productive" for the first time in a long time! NEET life is harder than someone would think.

>As the last cheetos fell in between OP's bitchtits, he cried after reading the forst reply. His world started to crumble.

>Rivers of salty water were created across his cheeks.

>He took his favorite waifu pillow and wrote a last shitpost on a trap thread on /b/.

>He unsheathed his best Katana and opened his belly while shouting: "adieu mon amour."

>The shitpost god is dead.

>Gott ist tot

If you have times to watch anime and plebs series, you have times to read fiction.

Read this. http://thoughtcatalog.com/ryan-holiday/2015/04/24-fiction-books-that-can-change-your-life/