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/lit/ - Literature

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9321752 No.9321752 [Reply] [Original]

"Sports, politics, and religion are the three passions of the badly educated."

Why is this?

>> No.9321757

Sounds like fedora tipping deconstructive nonsense. Is he Jewish? This is a very Jewish thing to say.

>> No.9321762

>Why is this?

They are the Midwest's open sores. Ugly to see, a source of constant discontent, they sap the body's strength. Appalling quantities of money, time, and energy are wasted on them. The rural mind is narrow, passionate, and reckless on these matters. Greed, however shortsighted and direct, will not alone account for it. I have known men, for instance, who for years have voted squarely against their interests. Nor have I ever noticed that their surly Christian views prevented them from urging forward the smithereening, say, of Russia, China, Cuba, or Korea. And they tend to back their country like they back their local team: they have a fanatical desire to win; yelling is their forte; and if things go badly, they are inclined to sack the coach.

>> No.9321764

Each one is gossip masquerading as something more important.

>> No.9321767

Well I don't watch sports so I don't know. Politics is stupid because it distracts people too much from the things that actually matter in their lives. Religion is dumb because it's just a scam, that being said I do believe in God.

>> No.9321772

He's not saying they're bad you fucking moron

>> No.9321773

most of the sports fanatics i know are highly educated

>> No.9321778

>badly educated
fucking moron

>> No.9321781

>you must like things I like otherwise you're stoopid!
Whoa...holy mother of...
Really made me cogitate

>> No.9321783

Sports requires minimal critical thinking, and a passion for physical action and excitement. If you have a poor education and aren't interested in intellectual pursuits, this could be a passion.

Politics as a passion is usually based around feeling victimized, which usually comes from having a less than full perception of other people which means you had a poor education.

Religion is generally based around faith and not skepticism and a quest for additional knowledge, which goes against what you would want if you were well educated.

Personally I think you can have those be your passions even if you are very well educated, but if you're poorly educated you'll definitely have more of an inclination towards these things as they don't require any sort of intellectual grounding.

>> No.9321791

You can't be serious. No one can make such obvious logical faults like that.

>> No.9321794

What a boring pretentious opinion. Is this supposed to be intelligent? Why? Because its written that way? Its the opinion of MSNBC anchors.

>> No.9321795

I don't know about "badly educated" but I have a distaste for those three things

sports is a sweaty jock strap of a thing to love
politics is wrinkly old men who want power because they failed at everything else and people give them all the attention they need for it
religion is the better of these two but as an organized system of belief it needs to be transcended, a recognition that there are as many religions as there are human beings would drain these corrupt institutions of power and put that power back in the hands of individuals

>> No.9321796

>And they tend to back their country like they back their local team: they have a fanatical desire to win;

this seems to be a particularly American approach to politics. I've never really seen it elsewhere, not nearly on the same scale, anyway.

>> No.9321799

>Religion is generally based around faith and not skepticism and a quest for additional knowledge
This is what atheistfags really believe.

Atheists shake their heads over some hunch and unearned feelings of superiority, jettisoning vast realms of human exploration and knowledge. Those will true believe and have a commitment to faith, study as much as they possibly can and even learn other languages to better understand the message of scriptures.

>> No.9321800

CHOMSKY: Well, let me give an example. When I'm driving, I sometimes turn on the radio and I find very often that what I'm listening to is a discussion of sports. These are telephone conversations. People call in and have long and intricate discussions, and it's plain that quite a high degree of thought and analysis is going into that. People know a tremendous amount. They know all sorts of complicated details and enter into far-reaching discussion about whether the coach made the right decision yesterday and so on. These are ordinary people, not professionals, who are applying their intelligence and analytic skills in these areas and accumulating quite a lot of knowledge and, for all I know, understanding. On the other hand, when I hear people talk about, say, international affairs or domestic problems, it's at a level of superficiality that's beyond belief.

In part, this reaction may be due to my own areas of interest, but I think it's quite accurate, basically. And I think that this concentration on such topics as sports makes a certain degree of sense. The way the system is set up, there is virtually nothing people can do anyway, without a degree of organization that's far beyond anything that exists now, to influence the real world. They might as well live in a fantasy world, and that's in fact what they do. I'm sure they are using their common sense and intellectual skills, but in an area which has no meaning and probably thrives because it has no meaning, as a displacement from the serious problems which one cannot influence and affect because the power happens to lie elsewhere.

>> No.9321819

I'm sure there are many people with commitment to faith that have never thought of learning another language. I'm not saying being an atheist is naturally superior, but faith can sometimes exist without skepticism, but atheism cannot exist without skepticism. Any religious person can be as well educated as any atheist, but there will be more people that default to religion and have it as a passion that aren't interested in learning more about other ways of thought than people that default to atheism or people that default to religion and don't have it as a passion.

>> No.9321825

>atheism cannot exist without skepticism
This is absolutely bullshit. I've met plenty of retarded atheists.

>> No.9321828

i don't think there's any correlation between education and being interested in sports. retards, highly educated people. and the mediocre are all equally interested and disinterested in sports.

i think the same applies to politics too. really the only one he's right about is religion, most very well educated people tend to be atheists nowadays.

>> No.9321830

>hurr in my hobby i am king but because im a nerd fuk i cant into sports

>> No.9321832

what a disgusting man

>> No.9321837
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Passions are the passions of the badly educated.

>> No.9321842

>really the only one he's right about is religion, most very well educated people tend to be atheists nowadays
When will this meme end.

>> No.9321846

Actually, you're right, I made a mistake. I should have referred to agnosticism, not atheism. A bad education could give you a passion for atheism as well. People could be blindly atheist for a similar reason to someone being blindly religious. Agnosticism and anything like it is really the only approach to religion that I would say has to have some level of skepticism. I'll still hold that if you're badly educated you're more likely to have religion as a passion because it's easy to be enthused by without needing to think critically.

>> No.9321848

shortly after the "Christians exist on 4chan.net" meme ends

>> No.9321861
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I do not like this meme

>> No.9321869


>> No.9321871

>not a quest for knowledge
I'm pretty sure my Christian girlfriend has read more than most of /lit/ (Well into the thousands, on classics alone), except maybe Sebastian because nobody can outread that guy.

>> No.9321878

Sounds like some brainlets ITT are too insecure to admit sports require no thought and are most popular with literally retarded Midwest white American christians who believe the earth was made in a few days

>> No.9321879

Yes, it's similar to the left/right divide, where most on the lower end are right leaning, the pseuds in the average to slightly above average are left leaning, and the very top are often right leaning again. Nothing new here.

>> No.9321880

>TFW too intelligent to have fun.

>> No.9321888

underrated post

>> No.9321891

What % of atheists do you think read more than most of /lit/, and what % of Christians? Just because many educated people flock to something doesn't mean that a higher % of uneducated people don't flock to the same thing. I feel that people are taking this as a direct insult because they're religious themselves. I personally like sports but I still agree that it's a passion many people that are poorly educated are drawn to.

>> No.9321893


It's just that they are popular topics.

If you assume that the average person is badly educated, then it follows that every popular topic is likely to be enjoyed mostly by badly educated people. A deeper explanation here is bound to fail.

>> No.9321897
File: 266 KB, 1024x768, Edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I accidentally stumble onto reddit? What a pseud comment

> I have known men, for instance, who for years have voted squarely against their interests.

kek the pseuds that say this are hilarious because the moment a white person suggests voting in the interest of their race you sperg out. You don't give a shit about the "interests" of these people.

>> No.9321898

this guy seems mean. i won't be reading his works any time soon.

>> No.9321909

Same. I'm very disappointed by this comment and It also seems unnecessarily dismissive. If anything, it tears open a window into what must be seen to be a deeply insecure and rigidly simple mind.

>> No.9321912

get out of /lit/ if you don't read books

>> No.9321915


its from a story of his you mongoloids

>> No.9321918

it's 2017 and I dont read intolerant bigots

>> No.9321920

Only kikes would actually sit down and read some fictional bullshit that a loser scribbled down untold decades ago. I bet you have like zero twitter followers, get on the redpill fag.

>> No.9321929

why even bother writing this

>> No.9321938

To make all the bookfags hang themselves. All books either disagree with the red-pill and may be burnt as heresy, or reinforce it and may thus be burnt as superfluous.

>> No.9321943
File: 7 KB, 170x200, Cliff-Harpers-Max-Stirner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing reasons to do something

>> No.9321945

“The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies.” - Bertolt Brecht

>> No.9321959

Not an adequate source to refute America's foremost prose stylist.

>> No.9321971

He does it in many many threads. He used to post pepe pictures alongside it but he started getting banned for spamming.

>> No.9321979

All this proves is that Brecht was badly educated.

>> No.9321981

>only one person can see through the semitic lies structuring our society
Get bombed, pseudo-Israelite.