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9317748 No.9317748 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw reading the book of Isaiah

Could it be the most important book in the Old Testament?

>> No.9317753

why do you think so?

>> No.9317757

Because it prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ, m8.

>> No.9317778

is that the one where Jesus kills the whale that ate Moses before he got to the Promised Land?

>> No.9317784

so I've heard, I really need to get around to reading it but I feel I must read it in order. Its hard to know how much is skippable, but reading through all the begats and the laws is so tedious.

>tfw can't into the bible
though I've read genesis and the gospels at least

maybe I should give up KJV and get a more readable one. I feel like a philistine saying this, but eh.

>> No.9317796
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>> No.9317837

>more readable one
m8 the whole point of the KJV was to make it readable

>> No.9317884

The most important of the bible is the gospel of mark.
If you don't read books for the plot you are big plebe

>> No.9317911

I personally like Luke the best, because it balances Jesus' humanity and divinity very well in attention to his sacrifice.

>> No.9317915

That's why it's often referred to as the fifth gospel. Jesus and the boys quote from it quite a bit in the gospels

>> No.9318488

Not the guy who said this but 400 years is a long time. A lot of people aren't competent enough readers and some that are still don't want to have to struggle while reading.

>> No.9318513
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>my favourite is a literal forgery
Marcion called. He wants his gospel back.

>> No.9318959

The only book I would say outstrips it is Genesis in terms of importance, but yeah Isaiah is pretty fucking dope

>> No.9318968
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Which are your favorite biblical books, m8?

>> No.9318978

>Believing the dead jew on a stick meme.

HaShem has a surprise for all of you the day the true moshiach comes

>> No.9318997
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You're gonna have to b8 harder than that.

>> No.9319193
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Show me exactly where

If you say Isaiah 7:14 I'll know you have no critical understanding of the Bible

>> No.9319208
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>reading Second Kings


>> No.9319345

Elisha is BASED

>> No.9319437

Isaiah was boring as fuck to read. There's literally one small sentence about the messiah, stop making such a big deal about it.

>> No.9319527

so do virtually all of the books of the Old Testament.

Not as often as they do from Psalms

>> No.9319531

Dodge harder. There is tons of information from the scripture that the new testament claims to be inspired by that explains why jesus isn't the messiah.

>Paul was visited Jesus on an empty road
>Muhammad was visited by an angel in a cave
>Joseph Smith was visited by an angel in the woods
Wew lad

>> No.9319537
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>yfw Paul isn't the author of any Gospel or of Revelation

jots and tittles bro

>> No.9319618

Important for what? I liked Ecclesiastes the best, and I think it also resonated with Jesus's later teachings of finding God within yourself through doing good, instead of being caught up in ostentation.

>> No.9319665
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>Show me exactly where

>Isaiah 49:1-7
>Isaiah 50:4-11
>Isaiah 52:13-15
>Isaiah 53:1-12
>Isaiah 55:1-5

Git gud, faggot.

>> No.9319833

hahaha historical revisionists btfo

>> No.9320003
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>Paul wrote the Bible

>> No.9320043

>tfw reading the bible for the first time
>tfw i can't understand how people can believe in any religion based on the bible since the text is clearly based on ancient beliefs, social norms and laws and god actions are incoherent and immoral if judged with our standards

>> No.9320109

>people thought something a long time ago
>therefore it is wrong!
impeccable logic, my good sir
but wait, there's more!?

>God's actions are immoral
>if judged by our own arbitrary standards
This truly gave me pause, made me 'stop and think', if you will, eh? I can't believe Christians, they are so absurd!

>> No.9320163

U wat, m8?

>> No.9320212

"Jesus wasn't divine and Christians retconned the Old Testament!"
simply not true

>> No.9320222

Oh, yeah. You's right, anon, you's right. ((Faggots)) be talking all kinds of whack shit.

>> No.9320233

fuck off filthy gnostic lie-spreader

>> No.9320244

Is Job the best book in the Bible in terms of pure literary merit?

>> No.9320373

Which side was known to burn books and kill their opposition in those times? Oh that's right, the church. Which version has the most insertions when properly analysed? Oh that's right, the church version. Who really is lying? Wake up sheeple.

Why not read the book and find out?

>> No.9320374

>Implying the teachings of Paul didnt effect the very foundations and basis of christianity as we know it

>> No.9320412

you can still read all the books he didn't write, completely unaltered

>> No.9320417

>completely unaltered

>> No.9320431

epic meme
with the mountains of manuscript fragments we have of the New Testament, the burden of proof rests squarely on you to demonstrate that anything has changed.