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/lit/ - Literature

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9318205 No.9318205 [Reply] [Original]

>go to the library to quietly read books
>children are running around and screaming
>there is a playground outside and not one child in it
>the parents just dutifully follow behind their animalistic children meekly asking them to stop
>but take no action to stop or influence their behavior

>> No.9318299

Why would anyone take their children to the library in the first place? As for the behaviour, the parents are afraid of the kids. They're afraid to be angry with them when their squirming spawn well deserve it because we're supposed to teach our children acceptance and inclusiveness and things like that nowadays.

>> No.9318302

Tfw librarian
Feels good desu
I work in a dark isolated place all day long and get to tell kids and people to be quiet or leave.

>> No.9318307

Pretty sure my parents would leave me in the library while they went shopping. I'd just sit in a corner and read Asterix and Tintin books.

>> No.9318308
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Do you make any money?
How hard was it to get the job?
Do you have any further career options in the future?

Being a librarian sounds really comfy honestly, even if it might involve a lot of excel sheets and business boredom

If your parents didn't take your well behaved and quiet self to the library as a child you are a lower class pebble

>> No.9318343

>that awkward moment when a misbehaving teenage boy is misbehaving in the library and the meek old granny in charge has to try to throw him out
My library, a fairly old city central library, has security guards most of the time, for that reason, I suppose.

>> No.9318348

No staff member was intervening

>> No.9318352

You need an MA to be a librarian lol

>> No.9318365

no shit, how does that relate to anything

>> No.9318416

the only people who visit public libraries are paedophiles.

How often do you visit /tv/, OP?

>> No.9318420

>going to the public library
>not to the one your father and his father built for you
>lower class shingle

>> No.9318425

I can confirm it. I'm a little boy who attend a public library in Brazil, and always some weird guy tries to talk to me about weird things.

>> No.9318429

>his lord father did not invite him to come along on his tour to inspect the commoners and the public institutions which are financed by the state
>he lost touch with his subjects and became a bad monarch

shit dad you cobble

>> No.9318431


>> No.9318457
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>> No.9318475

Why do cats pretend to like books? It's clearly just for attention. They don't actually read. Fucking whores.

>> No.9318483

only shitskins go to my city's libraries

they socialize like monkeys, leech the free wi-fi and use the computers for facebook and flash games

>> No.9318520

where do u live?

>> No.9318569

In my bugman retail job we have to serve a whole load of mums around the school rush and not one of them deals with their kids effectively. I had this little bit jump on top of my till and grab a box cutter and start throwing it about. I grabbed it off him and his mum gave me a horribly evil look for showing just one drop of discipline to her little brat. Also the amount of kids with aspergers is unreal. Maybe when I was a kid I just didn't notice it but I swear 1 in 5 kids who come in with their parents is a total sperg.

>> No.9318822

>also the amount of kids with aspergers is unreal
Children spend most of their time on telephones, tablets, etc. I've seen 3-4 year olds playing games on tablets. These generations are autistic, both physically and psychically disabled.

>> No.9318835

They will make great soldiers in the drone war

>> No.9319634

>what does that have to do with the price of milk in China?


>> No.9320177

My library oft has fat black people at every computer terminal as the only occupants.

>> No.9320195

beta as fuck cuck parents am I right guys?

>> No.9320972

Public libraries are for inner city niggers to use computers in.

>> No.9321072

I feel you, OP. Most libraries in my city are really just daycare centers.