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/lit/ - Literature

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9316102 No.9316102 [Reply] [Original]

Liberte, egalite, fraternite

These words are basically the foundation of our current society and understanding of the world. Are there any critiques of this out there? Why are these so axiomatic?

>> No.9316127
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>Why are these so axiomatic?
Because history has been a controlled dialectic since the Masonic revolt of 1789.

>> No.9316137
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I guess that settles it. Thanks anon.

>> No.9316138

jean-luc nancy was obsessed with the idea of 'fraternity' as a model of anti-thanatopolitics until derrida thoroughly trashed the idea in Rogues. he never used the word again after that.

>> No.9316139

First, you can't have freedom and equality. One is about choosing your own risk/reward ratio in life, the other is about being treated like others.

Fraternity is altruism. And forced altruism is not possible therefore it should never be a law.

As personal values/virtues, they are manageable. As laws, completely irresponsible.

>> No.9316147
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There are a lot of critiques of Enlightenment. Burke, de Maistre, Schmitt, but also the Frankfurt school and a lot of poststructuralism and postmodernism.

Even Hegel and Hegelians, cautioning against atomistic or axiomatic foundations of social order, are critics of Enlightenment as a ready-made "program." Like the postmodernists.

>> No.9316148
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You wouldn't happen to have any more pics like that would you?

>> No.9316158
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Like what?

>> No.9316160

Pick one. And make it liberte or egalite because people are going to hate each other no matter what.

>> No.9316171

freedom to live as one pleases and equality under the law cannot coexist?

>> No.9316179

Wouldn't any law restrict your freedom?

>> No.9316194

I wouldn't interpret the saying as a collection of ultimates, but as worthy goals to strive towards collectively.

>> No.9316199


Good Lord those women have absolutely gigantic feet

>> No.9316212
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This is a degree of shitposting I can get behind.

>> No.9316217

First, equality under the law is not the same as equality.

Second, freedom is about taking responsibility thus require an analysis at the individual level. Equality disregards that because it is about collective judgment.

I guess you can make the pragmatic case that some segmentation is valid (for instance people with the same education can be approximatively put together) but fundamentally it is incompatible.

>> No.9316225

yes but no one believes in 100% freedom unless they're fucking nuts. of course these three things are mutually exclusive if you take them only at their most extreme absolutes, but having less than 100% freedom doesn't mean you have *no* freedom

>> No.9316238

What does it mean to strive for both freedom and equality? Either you play the game to win on your terms (freedom) or you don't.

I'm quite biased because I don't trust anyone using the word equality. It can either mean one thing or its opposite.

>> No.9316266

only the french would think you can have liberty and equality

fucking retard snail eating FUCKERS

>> No.9316269

Liberté, égalité, fraternité**

fucking pseud

>> No.9316301

>worries over some small grammar mistake that doesn't matter
>calls others pseuds
Really makes you think
Fuck, you have a really good point in not having a good definition of equality. I'd intuitively peg it as equal opportunity, holding non-personal factors still. I don't like it, it certainly has holes, but something along the lines of that.

Now, I don't think that actual end-game equality is the facism-tier political correctness thing. I don't know if it's the correct way to approach, but it's a tool that bluntly tries to silence and control certain attitudes we want to root out.

Honestly, the fact that I lacked a deeper understanding of this motto is the reason why I started this thread.

>> No.9316304

What a post! Awesome.

>> No.9316312
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I believe that the discussion within this thread could be greatly enhanced with more pictures.

>> No.9316347

heterosexual(normal missionary shit)>>homosexuals>heterosexuals(kinky bdsm)>cucks>scat>>pedophiles>bestiality>>>>>>>footfags

>> No.9316357
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She has a book so it's /lit/ related, janitors take note.

>> No.9316369

If you aren't a paedophile, you don't know shit about literature.

>> No.9316371

Liberty...from what?
Equal...in what way?
Fraternity....with whom?

>> No.9316373

>First, equality under the law is not the same as equality.
Equality outside of any context is just a meaningless word, the question is equality of what and I can tell you when the French bourgeoisie made equality their demand they weren't aiming at equality of wealth or anything like that. However you can interpret words however you want and revise the historical record to serve your interests if you're clever enough.

>Second, freedom is about taking responsibility thus require an analysis at the individual level. Equality disregards that because it is about collective judgment.
The whole liberal notion of freedom I am pretty sure requires law, if you demand freedom from all law you're going beyond the typical liberal notion of freedom under law into some form of anarchism.

>> No.9316708

This is how you can tell scatfags are posting. They put their diaper tier shit above anything.

>> No.9316724

t. homosexual scatloving cuck

>> No.9316803

Feet really dont turn me on anymore, what the fuck happened

>> No.9316806


can i have the cure pls

>> No.9316817

I think it's something psychological about wanting to distance oneself as far as possible from the vagina, if that makes sense. I have no proof.

>> No.9316819




>> No.9317014


it's about being able to move your babies around where they need to go

>> No.9317037

Personally I go evo-psych, with the smell of female sweat being associated with copulation and therefore arousal, but there might be something in that.

>> No.9317051
File: 238 KB, 1375x861, sermon_on_the_mount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

A better motto. A better set of words. For what is man without God? Just a beast.

>> No.9317064

Why do Christians shitpost so much?

>> No.9317068

We learn from the best, e.g.

Acts 17:22-23 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

>> No.9317071

Footfag here. It's literally just a shunting of attraction to something analogous to the usual sex bits. I find feet attractive in the exact same way I find anything else attractive. It's just good. Go look at a pair of tits and try to actually track your own reactions inside your mind as you reflect on the contours and jiggliness and softness (etc.), and it's the same thing as when a footfag looks at a qt foot.

Causation could still be complex, god knows. But the actual mechanics of it is not particularly different from any other attraction.

>> No.9317074

Titus 1:12-13 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply...

>> No.9317075


>> No.9317076

>For what is man without God?

>> No.9317113


>> No.9317139
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had the same thought.

>> No.9317150

and then there's the girl who inadvertently exposes her feet, and a footfag loses his shit. i admit i've been caught staring once or twice, but i don't think they caught on.

are there any footfag writers who've written about feets?

>> No.9317182

Her pinky nail is weird.

>> No.9317240


For what? What is freedom without purpose, without a cause to achieve in one's freedom?

>> No.9317255

each man should invent his own goals. sure, he can pick up the most convenient goal that comes his way, but is it right for him?

a child is wonderful on its own. why does god need to interfere? isn't it the height of cruelty to mute the innocent? the concept of the original sin IS the original sin.

>> No.9317280 [SPOILER] 
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Pushkin, and it shows a bit in Eugene Onegin. Fitzgerald had the fetish, according to Sheilah Graham, as well as shyness about baring his feet.

>> No.9317288

>isn't it the height of cruelty to mute the innocent?

I think it's the height of foolishness to assume wisdom in the untutored. We are all faulty, after all. The inexperienced have no more valuable things to say than the experienced, and often have a good deal less to say. That's part of the true point of Original Sin. There is no innocence, not even in the youngest children.

>> No.9317298

ah, but education should refine the child's spontaneity, not suffocate it. that's the point. oh, and stop the child from killing himself and others.

>> No.9317503

Do not put touch a book with your feet.
It is highly disrespectful.

>> No.9317534
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people like you fail to see that believing in anything, in god included, means precisely to be a beast. it is a pity to be so stupid.

>> No.9317581

My pinky nail grows basically straight up. It's weird and ugly as fuck.

>> No.9317597


It's because STDs are more common now.

>> No.9317623

found the autistic right wing libertarian

>> No.9317645
File: 3.63 MB, 640x480, purpleshorts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never attracted to feet
>maybe once or twice look at a girl's feet and think, huh that's not disgusting
>one day notice a foot and think it's pretty cute
>almost did a double take because the idea of a foot being cute was so foreign to me
>browsing this thread and wanting to pet and massage the feet
>oh no
>it's happening
>I've turned
>It's too late for me, you have to save yourselves

>> No.9317653

God's existence implies the soul's existence, and man is bestial without the soul. Without the soul man is just another animal that eats and sleeps and shits. With the soul, man walks upon the Earth and thinks it beautiful, gazes at the stars and feels their infinity, looks at a fire and feels its comfort. To have a soul is to be human, and one cannot have a soul without feeling the tug of the one who created that soul. God draws all things to himself.

>> No.9317992
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>> No.9318011

anyone want the reddit username?

>> No.9318036

>Harry Potter

Not /lit/ related. Mods please take this down.

>> No.9318064


Yes please.

>> No.9318066

What a disgusting, barbarous doctrine.

>> No.9318090

>each man should invent his own goals
Retarded post-modern drivel.

>> No.9318178

whatever you do, don't watch death proof.

>> No.9318180

i could call your position drivel, and you wouldn't be better for it. explain yourself.

>> No.9318185

The humanist principles that these words stand for have become corrupted just look at the West today

>> No.9318201

It's true, though, whatever that means.

>> No.9318287

That's some hella spooky shit you got going on there. Personally, I don't have a soul like you christians think you do, but here I am: walking the earth, gazing at the stars, feeling comfy. It's not the belief itself that turns a man into this 'beast' you imagine, but rather the attitude he has towards his beliefs.

>> No.9318320

That made me think it'd be confusing to be a Muslim footfag

>> No.9318329

>Are there any critiques of this out there?
de maistre, burke, macintyre
>Why are these so axiomatic?
they aren't founded in anything, the french revolution was based in shit tier philosophy

>> No.9318333

>Liberty...from what?
>Equal...in what way?
>Fraternity....with whom?

>> No.9318372

>That symmetry

>> No.9318385

trips don't lie!

>> No.9318402


>> No.9318412

w o k e

>> No.9318460

This anons get it.

The French Revolution was divine punishment for France's faggotry.

>> No.9318500
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>> No.9318530


>> No.9318603

Nietszche's ouvre, specifically "The Will to Power."

>> No.9318613


edmund burke or some shit

>> No.9318651

Oh, nice to see you again bro

>> No.9318658

Junichiro Tanizaki, a good Japanese author. He wrote a whole book around a girl's feet, he doesn't talk about anything else than that. Check out Fumiko's Feet or Fumiko's Legs, depending on the translation

>> No.9318668

Kerouac was into feet as well. In The Subterraneans he says he wanted to touch and kiss his girl's feet, and that he loved her toenail polish

>> No.9318674

Start by kissing a clean and soft foot, then try to lick it. You're done.

>> No.9318679

Super nice feet and even cuter face. Name?

>> No.9318683
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They are
>basically the foundation of our current society and understanding of the world
if you are a fool, which seems far too common.
Imagine walking into an apartment complex where everything is shades of blue. There is a bitter argument between those who love Royal Blue and those who love Persian Blue. There are a few oddballs who champion Periwinkle or Cornflower, Cerulean or Azure, but most people in the apartment call them cranks.
That is the modern West where all of politics is a fight between various shades of Liberals.
OP is someone asking,
>"Why is all of art based on the color blue?"

>> No.9319290
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>> No.9319304

Because society is Communist and has been Communist since the Enlightenment.

>> No.9319342

i'm still not hearing your reasoning. explain it to me like i'm a child.

>> No.9319550

the law is our liberator, through it we are freed from our animal nature.
t. Rousseau

>> No.9319785

I liked this reply

>> No.9319846

>harry potter
flacid as a newborn

>> No.9319889

You're basically a slave to this capitalist society.
You either work or you die.
Don't make me laugh. People with good genetics have it much better than those without.
Society is now more divided than ever.

>> No.9319897

Why did she disappear from /lit/? Was she a pleb?

>> No.9320191

best one in the thread.

>> No.9320211


definitely no

>>9316102 > >>9316147 > >>9316357 > >>9316158 > >>9317139

get some taste

>> No.9320229

what's wrong with those books?

>> No.9320234

It leads inevitably to Totalitarianism as the Will of the People places itself above all law & order. Napoleon/Hitler/Stalin are just figureheads of The People that the revolution of 1789 unleashed.

Right-wing Populism and Left-wing Populism are two sides of the same coin leading to totalitarian dictatorship. The populist dictator absolves himself of all responsibility and will commit atrocities on behalf of "The People".

>> No.9320239

Words aren't the foundation of anything. Actions are.

>> No.9320376

They forgot about Muslims.

>> No.9320385

Get all those ghosts out of my sight.

>> No.9320517

They're all trash, humanist memes.
False, you are a slave.
Humanist memes?

>> No.9320709

>humanist memes
No. The roboticization of kids thanks to school and church (and all institutions) prevents kids from developing their own body of knowledge.

Use religion to give kids a baseline. Use schools to give them enough skill so they can learn on their own.

If they don't come out of these institutions with enough sense to build upon civilization, well, they've fucked up indeed.

i run into this argument a lot when I bring up this subject. There is such a thing as being so dogmatic you don't think objectively. Institutions are not inherently good or bad. People tend to think of things in black and white, especially on the internet. At some point in my youth, I realized I'd been told what to think, but when I started thinking for myself, I found the grass was greener.

Religion, for example, is an idea about God the way that mathematics is an idea about logic. The map is not the territory. How can you argue otherwise? That said, the maps are useful. My gripe is people get obsessed with the maps. They stop their thinking. What's the point of having intelligence when you don't use it? At what point, what does civilization do other than function as a glorified beehive? If that's what you call civilization, you can fuck right off. No, I'm not interested in humanism, nihilism, the Talmud, or anything of the sort.

The west was built on the idea of climbing that mountain just because it's there. People who only obey aren't climbing any fucking mountains.

>> No.9320831


>posting tickling gifs on /lit/

This is why I love this fucking board

>> No.9320846



>> No.9320863

Freedo, Egalt, Fratern.

So I can use these words, right? Its jost a smal gramtical misteik.

>> No.9321059

Everyone other than you seems okay with it. Everyone understood what I meant effortlessly. Let it go my friend

>> No.9322412

Where does de Maistre mention it?

>> No.9323128

10/10 post. BTFO /lit/.