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File: 9 KB, 280x180, Jezo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9314940 No.9314940 [Reply] [Original]

Yo it's weird right, that like, there was enough hubbub around this guy that a false story went on to shape the modern world. What REALLY happened here?

>> No.9314951
File: 97 KB, 624x468, apostle_paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9314960

please explain i don't get political cartoons

are you saying that it was something like

"hey guys..... not me but, my friend JESUS, who i'm sure you'll meet sometime, said he we should do such and such."

>> No.9314981

More like

"Hey guys, Jesus totally appeared to me in a vision, which is basically the same as meeting him face to face, also I totally met some of his friends. Also I know everything about how to run this religion so just trust me."

>> No.9314984

was it hallucinogens?

>> No.9315150
File: 19 KB, 625x626, 1482576844638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false story
does it matter reeeeally whether true or not though?

how about focusing just on the message, and all the positive things done in His name? he's part of a larger canon too, in which his position is also significant and interesting. The Bible is dense as fuck.

>> No.9315162

>What REALLY happened here?
The Son of God (and Man) came to Earth, was crucified and rose from the dead. He ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead.

>> No.9315283

Are yall being serious when it comes to the Christ our saviour meme? you cant honestly beleive the Bible is fact right? you guys are being ironic right? it's just shit posting RIGHT?

>> No.9315308

Every time.
Ya do know only solipsists who doubt causality nd time can say that right?

>> No.9315311

I hate how it isn't taken that way. I live in East TN and there are so many people who just blindly follow it as fact, go to church, make posts like "God is good!! [insert pic of mediocre sky at sunset]" and turn around and discriminate someone who doesn't believe the same as they do. My mom used to work at Muslim private school and it is completely hidden from the rest of the public, even though it's in Knoxville, one of the more liberal hubs in the South (at least compared to all other places surrounding). I've seen so many people become afraid of others if they aren't Christian, but there is also a healthy mix of accepting peoples so I am not too worried. also guns scare me

>> No.9315318

The same sort of people as apostle paul exist today. Ride around NYC on a subway train, they are the ones shouting verse with a bible, and get extremely defensive when you play games with them.

>> No.9315320

because that would be like telling me I should literally try to live my life like frodo because LOTR is cool

>> No.9315329

pretty bad analogy desu senpai

>> No.9315335

pretty bad but not the worst.

>> No.9315336

>does it matter reeeeally whether true or not though?
Well yeah, if it's not true there's no point worrying about salvation which is the core of Jesus' message.

>> No.9315337

>What REALLY happened here?

The story of Jesus came from years of modifying other stories and the Christians just decided that they liked it basically. I mean it's pretty much a re-telling of Moses' story but give the guy even more power and make him God's son that way you as a Christian is definitely in the right and Jews are mistaken. Kind of a "I want to feel superior from the mass" thing, but then everyone adopted it.

>> No.9315341



See guys. I got what I wanted.

>> No.9315363
File: 42 KB, 557x365, 1482910913042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that would be like
just no

>worrying about salvation

>> No.9315371

yes it would.

Everything about life changes once you believe the bible is rill.

>> No.9315402

Eh, it's more like we don't know. But it most likely started with oral stories that got embellished. Mark was probably written around 70 AD, Luke and Matthew in the 80s, and John in the 90s. Paul's letters are the earliest, around 50s AD.

Scholars generally agree that Jesus ministered in Galilee, was baptised by John the Baptist (who was a better-known religious leader at the time), and was crucified at some point. Anything beyond that, like his specific teachings, are open to conjecture.

>> No.9315404
File: 231 KB, 678x678, 1481787626597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing would have to change really, since all paths eventually lead to God, but hopefully you lived something akin to a wise Christian life versus a foolish sinners life, even if you will never be judged in an afterlife. It has its merits in this life as well.

>> No.9315415

>all paths eventually lead to God
That's not the belief among the vast majority of christians. If you reject Jesus you're burning in Gehenna.

>> No.9315440

yes exactly.

Lets talk about hell. Do you have free will in Hell? Can you get out?

>> No.9315473
File: 380 KB, 392x433, 1482591283191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>among the vast majority of christians
They're not the ones to be worried about here.

>reject Jesus
what does this mean? can this be done? how does one do this absolutely continually through time? is there a 'bit' they check in one's head? can you reject a physical law or a true fact? wouldn't that just simply make you temporarily mistaken?

>> No.9315484
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1490118450159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets talk about hell.
pure speculation

>> No.9315550


Well Frodo is a pretty swell guy

>> No.9315618

The jews.