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/lit/ - Literature

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9310066 No.9310066 [Reply] [Original]

"I hate how life-apologists say (or rather, the very few of them who do anything other
than mock you), ""Life isn't all suffering. What about the simple pleasures, like eating ice
They always use that example. Even if I didn't recognize the flaws in their assertion, when think of ice cream, I can only see a repugnant lump of pus crushed out of cows' bloody
nipples, who spend their entire lives confined in filth, where they're periodically raped so
that they're incessantly pregnant, after which their calves are seized from them, destined
to live the life of veal, with their only relief being an early death. From there, I always ride
the pessimism train down different tracks until it inevitably leads me to contemplating
over 500 million years of animals cannibalizing each other. Excuse me for not being
thrilled by the extra jimmies on my ice cream cone." -Adam Lanza

He had nice prose.


>> No.9310073

Who is that fucked up autist? I could stick my cock in his ass until I hear him screaming and puking blood

>> No.9310084

I copy and pasted wrong the actual quote is "when I think of ice cream..."

>> No.9310095

Anyone who refers to sprinkles as "jimmies" is a fucking psycho

>> No.9310096
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>I hate how life-apologists say
>insert all human dialectic except gnostic and nihilist

>> No.9310097

How would that even work, dumbass. You tear his rectal cavity and he starts hemorrhaging, somehow that blood travels all the way through his intestines and digestive system and he likes it out? This doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.9310100


>> No.9310101

>This doesn't make any fucking sense.
Neither does this thread.

>> No.9310105

>I don't think there should be any age of consent but since everyone will accuse me of just wanting to justify some latent pedophilia I allegedly have, I will only say you need to be attracted to prepubescent

Was he a pedo?

>> No.9310108

Yes it does

>> No.9310110

He didn't, it was too cliched. (But he had potential, I have to say.)

>> No.9310116

>latent pedophilia
This guy sounds like a retard

>> No.9310121


Listen to him speak
Regardless of autism (in fact, it probably helps) he is lit-worthy

>> No.9310128

Him on literature kek

>"Literature is simply another coping mechanism for children who've been mindfucked by
culturapists. They're carried to other worlds in the stream of semen.

>> No.9310179

Jesus Christ this guy was an idiot.

>> No.9310187

>police found a document called "selfish" about the inherent selfishness of women
Are all male virgins mentally ill?

>> No.9310189

No but theres definitely a correlation.

>> No.9310200

There's literally no difference between OP's Post and The Conspiracy Against the Human Race or Schopenhauer

Depressed, cynical bitter and worst of all sexually frustrated men are pathetic

>> No.9310214
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He killed twenty-six people, I'd hardly call that pathetic.

>> No.9310251

Most were kids in elementary school. And since he was a malnourished neet I think some kids might've been able to take him out if he didn't have a gun.

>> No.9310259

*children who couldn't fight back

>> No.9310268

>Muh children
>Muh honor
>Muh worthy opponent
Sure is spooky in here.

>> No.9310282

Schopenhauer crusht puss bruh

>> No.9310284

has nothing to do with that autismus, literally anyone has the strength to do something like that. his feat was not impressive, he was a grotesque, pathetic frogposter who probably got beat up by Chad

>> No.9310312
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What a faggot. You can acknowledge that existence is a meat grinder and still take pleasure in it.

>> No.9310320

so masculine I kill the animal


>> No.9310332

If music wasn't worth listening to, you'd have a point.

>> No.9310337

Fuck off, vegan. I'm saying that existence can still be pleasurable even though its built upon pain. I'm no ironpilled queer.

>> No.9310564

It is reported that during the shooting one of the kids screamed out "help, I don't want to be here!" To which lanza replied "well you're here" followed by more "hammering sounds"

He also said that he castrated himself when he was 15 to rebel against society

The man's a legend

Fuck those 20 children and 6 adults
Their insignificant existences are only remembered in pointless Facebook groups whereas Adam Lanza has gone done in history as a caged ape let loose on society to wreak his glorious havoc.

It's just a fact that history remembers the shooter and forgets the shot in mass shootings. Adam Lanza is the most important school shooter to exist.

>> No.9310596

>"well you're here"

Very high meme potential.

>> No.9310600

how much of a loser do you have to be to look up to a child-murdering virgin?

>> No.9310610

Not after the shooting he wasn't.

>> No.9310617

look at all this edge

>> No.9310814


>> No.9310851
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>tfw can't argue against Adam Lanza's arguments

>> No.9310887

you're default contrarian stance wont work here, he is a god.

>> No.9310888

>Adam Lanza is the most important school shooter to exist.
Surely the Columbine guys are more iconic?

>> No.9310943

Incredibly well-spoken. It's fascinating to me how self-aware he is. Towards the end of his story about the chimpanzee he even makes a comparison to a teenage mall shooter. It's clear he had his philosophy organized and knew exactly what he wanted to do.

>> No.9310957

yeah but he didnt get pussy so

>> No.9310977
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while Lanza was a fanboy of a lot of school shooters, most notably the colubime guys (although they were not his favorite. see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westroads_Mall_shooting).).

Lanza killed more alone than the two of them combined. I agree that they are more iconic but I think Lanza's seems more relevant and glorious. If you listen to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold talk, one of them was smart (see: Eric) the other one was a retard who was doing Eric's bidding. Their plan was a failure. they had bombs set up that didn't go off which were supposed to kill 100's of people but didn't.

Lanza's shooting was carefully planned and he even carried out scenes from some of his favourite school shootings like shooting through the glass to enter the school

here you can find every post he made on this forum which was a columbine fan forum btw:

>> No.9310982

cuz he was probably a faggot
"The absence of Modern Talking offends my sensibilities. No girl could resist their luscious
hair and cheerful good-looks.

>> No.9310990

Wow 26 people. That's one for the history books.

>> No.9311004

If he was alive today he definitely would get pussy. Young women love serial killers.


Quote from article: "I am a radical feminist who also happens to be highly attracted to people that abuse and murder women."

>> No.9311009

>second most people killed in an american school shooting only after the chink at Virginia Tech killed 31

so what if an islamic faggot did 50
it actually is one for the history books as one of the highest death counts from a mass shooting in America. Plus 20 of them were children so it makes the crime that much more sensational

>> No.9311015

Damn, reading the dude's forum posts, he seemed like a pretty normal guy.

>> No.9311017
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Tumblr has an abundance of these left leaning sluts suckling at the cocks of anyone who's killed 3 people in cold blood

>> No.9311030
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>"I spent all day ruminating over how much I hate culture. Now I've calmed down and am
left lying on the floor, numbly perplexed over the foreign concept of loving life."

Simply epic

also the fact that he was likely a pedophile and probably molested as a child

>> No.9311083

it's not "contrarian" to think an autistic teenage virgin who murders little kids is a piece of shit you mongoloid

>> No.9311097
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It is only notable when you compare him to other ineffectual people like him. There are pros killing hundreds of people a day. Just a little bit ago there were those airstrikes that killed a hundred civilians.

In the end his total death toll is something similar to a boating accident.

>> No.9311106

whoops, wrong file :^)

>> No.9311110

Disgusting to see so many pseud normies lauding him in the comments section.

He bases his argument against culture on the fact that it makes people lash out in acts of violence. But primitive societies and chimp societies have higher homicide rates than obtain in many modern wars. The supernal peacefulness that obtains in a modern civilization is one of the greatest arguments for why it should be preserved.

Another maudlin gay kid. Hope he gets fucked by the devil in hell. Any anti-natalists, know that this is the endpoint of your ideology. Shooting children.

>> No.9311137

He bases his argument in that he thinks the chimp was fed up with being civilized and just wanted to go back to the jungle. He sees the chimps violence as a just reaction to cultural indoctrination. He saw this as a parallel to his own situation and violent reaction.

Of course, he was wrong about the chimp: it ripped the woman's face off because it was on Xanax which is known to cause incredible aggressiveness in animals.

>> No.9311193

>I hate every facet of language, along with the entire concept of aesthetics
Is he /ourguy/?

>> No.9311200

You are deluded. School shooters are remembered only because they are political pucks used by people that actually matter.

>> No.9311205
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I didn't know my ice cream had a grimdark backstory


Life is violence is power is movement is action is change and we are here to enjoy it.

>> No.9311280

>Is he /ourguy/?
no one cares about the congressmen using this to push their agenda. There will be thousands of politicians but Adam Lanza did something bigger than all of that. Bigger than your average school shooting. He made his mark in human history
Even obama is insignificant in light of him. There are 44 other presidents and he will quickly fade into the past.

this guy did something so depraved that it will never be forgotten

>> No.9311307

>Something so depraved
Wow I've never met someone so spooked before

>> No.9311322

lol gtfo no one knows Newton any more
it's now just another American mass shooting

>> No.9311328

Obama has gotten hundreds of kids blown up.

>> No.9311331

>muh existential crisis
>muh life sucks
This is shit.

>> No.9311341


Contender for biggest faggot of all time.

>> No.9311343


>this guy did something so depraved that it will never be forgotten

Give it ten or twenty years and only the locals will remember. Do you remember Andrew Kehoe? I don't think you do.

>> No.9311356

>I agree that they are more iconic but I think Lanza's seems more relevant and glorious.
>killing random children and unarmed civilians because you're unfit for the world
lol shootercucks are pathetic

>> No.9311367

>after which their calves are seized from them

Lanza was a calve stealer too. The difference is he did it with no end in sight. Hope he rots in hell.

>> No.9311376
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>implying that he actually killed anyone and that sandy hook wasn't a staged hoax perpetrated to enforce more strict gun legislation

>> No.9311384

for how young he was, that's pretty fucking eloquent.

damn shame his mother never intervened though because that's fucked up.

>> No.9311385
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This demented awful thread: 65 replies

Why do I keep coming here?

>> No.9311399

that's the point of it
op here
i here you're guyses complaints and i just wanna say am simply putting it out there for discussion

>> No.9311404

>>9311307nice to meet you

>> No.9311430

my sides

>> No.9311437

Guys, i think he was gay
how does lit feel about this shocking new development?

>Smigglesnsuch: Instant Message history with SixteenBitElder “The Stranger” and
>“Smiggles” (presumably the shooter) from December 2010 – February 2011. Discussion
>that focuses on gaming, homosexual fantasies, and day to day activities.3

>"I saw God Told Me To yesterday. My gaydar indicated that the Charlie clone couldn't have
killed his wife before climbing the water tower. "

>> No.9311446
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>boys who see porn more likely to harass >girls study finds
>"Eric didn't play doom because he wanted to >kill people: Eric wanted to kill people >because
>he played Doom".
>People who are likely to sexually harass are >going to seek pornography. Instead of >treating
>poornography as an external force which >floats around trying to corrupt people from >some
>allegedly-ideal set of behavior, why not ask >where a desire for pornography comes >from?
>Pornography exists as a coping mechanism >for an artificial scarcity of sex. And where >does"

>sexual harassment come from? Sexual >harassment is a retaliation against, once >again, an
>artificial scarcity of sex.
>Stigmatizing sex and then being aghast that >there are consequences is a classic case of
>having one's cake and wanting to eat it, too.

was he right?

>> No.9311480
File: 1.61 MB, 1366x768, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a virgin?
You believe that a degenerate capitalistic system results in a commodification of sexuality.
This enables the creation of a cultural notion that premarital sexuality is acceptable. This
results in sexuality becoming widespread. This has three primary consequences:
The first is that there are some males who believe that the existence of this attitude of
sexuality is a justification of date rape, which causes instances of it to increase. The
second is that the existence of this attitude destroys the significance of marriages. Fewer
people get married, and of the people who do get married, more divorce. The third is that
the prevalence of sexuality results in more abortions, and more unwanted children, than
would otherwise result.
You believe that it would be desirable to outlaw premarital sex to cause a gradual cultural shift away from all of this. And I would like you to briefly elaborate on something so that
I can better understand your position. What is it about marriage that appeals to you, and
why do you oppose the prevalence of divorces?

>> No.9311690

>Sandy Hoax
LOL dropped

>> No.9312112

Like most schools shooters, he was older than he looked.

>> No.9313254
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>Regardless of autism (in fact, it probably helps) he is lit-worthy
Are you really impressed by such blatant posturing? This kid had an idea of a disaffected someone he was trying to be in reaction to his low worth -- it's not me, it's everything. It's anything but worthy.

>> No.9313270
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>tfw amazed at how composed this tirade of his
I can't so much as keep my voice even in any phone call, let alone one where I need to talk at length. Instantly my breathing becomes unnatural and I struggle to talk and breathe at the same time resulting in weird stresses as panic clouds my mind and I stumble to read what is usually a prepared statement. This everytime I try to order a pizza.

I almost envy his autism, I think it enabled him in a way. He really does seem divorced from and maybe even above 'things'.

>> No.9313280

Was he talking to John Zerzan?

So this was a same kind of attack as the Unabomber Ted Kacyinski did?

>> No.9313285


I find it interesting the page on him is absolutely saturated with diagnoses, he was OCD, had Aspergers, malnutrition to the point of brain damage, disassociative disorders, depressed, probably schizophrenic, etc...

It seems people are desperate to explain away his behavior as a sickness. Pretty ironic considering what he says in

>> No.9313295

>no one cares about the congressmen using this to push their agenda
right, but their agenda gets pushed none the less

what the people care about isn't up to them it's up to their masters

and what the people care about isn't anything an intelligent person should care about

>> No.9313339

This dude is a fucking genius. I swear most of these dudes are. You guys are just jelly he's way smarter than all of you.

>> No.9313346

>He bases his argument against culture on the fact that it makes people lash out in acts of violence.
Wrong, it's like you didn't even read the OP. It's not civilization that's wrong according to him, it's life itself. Civilization is just pretending otherwise.

>> No.9313376
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Some truly epic arguments ITT. I found 'virgin!' and 'autistic faggot!' particularly profound and insightful, really destroyed his whole ethos with those. I think I am ready to become a natalist once again.

>> No.9313428

Happy people may be blind to misery, but miserable people see nothing but. Clearly lanza was deeply unhappy. But miserable people who are smart always think their misery is just a rational response to the world's injustice. I dont buy it. Their unhappiness always has more obvious causes.

>> No.9313442

>Sandy Hook

>> No.9313462

>>Any anti-natalists, know that this is the endpoint of your ideology. Shooting children
>using "THINK OF THE CHIIIILLLLDRENNNN" as an argument against anti-natalists

>> No.9313466 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 3000x2000, jp1029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solved in 3 minutes.


>> No.9313475
File: 508 KB, 1472x1372, j_peterson_1209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solved in 3 minutes.

You're welcome.

>> No.9313480

No, he didn't. He sounds like every other teenage, nihilist Redditor, fedora tipper.

>> No.9313484



>> No.9313485

>Their unhappiness always has more obvious causes.

which theyve experienced because of the injustice. just follow your logic to its endpoint friendo its really that simple. 'life cant be bad theyve just had a bad life! -literally u

>> No.9313489

not an argument

>> No.9313497

>It seems people are desperate to explain away his behavior as a sickness. Pretty ironic considering what he says in
Read Mark Fisher's "Capitalist Realism", anon.

>> No.9313501

Wow, they clearly do not give a shit. Imagine if they knew the violence brewding within his words.

>> No.9313503

If anyone is wondering why there are many people defending him here, I want to let you know that there's a psychotic bitch lurking on /r9k/ and defending Lanza's "honor" every time he gets mentioned there.

>> No.9313509


There is an argument in there, but since you're too much of double-digit IQ mouthbreather to extract it, I'll put it explicitly:

Major premise: one should never listen to gargantuan faggots.
Minor premise: Adam Lanza was a gargantuan faggot
Conclusion: One shouldn't listen to Adam Lanza

Bonus: this argument also invalidates everything you have to say by extension.

>> No.9313512
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>> No.9313514

Any nihilist or anti-natalist argument is imho flawed because it's not in human nature to self-destruct en masse, unless brainwashed in very specific contexts and cultures. Lanza was like that drugged up homeless guy in one of the first episodes (if not THE first, can't quite recall) of House of Cards. Francis just walks up to him and tells him: "nobody can hear you", and the guy fucking freezes. Screaming and killing people to make a statement is a XXth c. concept.

>> No.9313521

the purpose of interacting with anti-natalists is never to convince them of being wrong, but of convincing them to not communicate with other people

this way they erase themselves both from the gene pool and the meme pool

>> No.9313529

Easily half of all human behavior is self destructive, it's simply a question of scale and of course recognition. Nothing could be more natural. Nothing is more destructive than perpetuation.

>> No.9313532

>uses parenthetical additions
>nice prose

>> No.9313560

Should be the /lit/ banner desu.

>> No.9313565

>He also said that he castrated himself when he was 15 to rebel against society

>> No.9313570

>Decides culture is a net negative because he is autistic and edgy
>shuns all form of entertaiment and pleasure because 'muh culture' boogeymen
>'wtf life is suffering'
>causes more suffering
Has there ever been a more pseudo-intellectual mass murderer than Lanza?

>> No.9313583

>killing people causes suffering
I think if you extrapolate the net potential suffering of all those he killed had they lived...

>> No.9313585

>I suppose that an attempted Top 25 would encompass most of what "favorite" entails.
1971 Let's Scare Jessica To Death
1971 Willard
1972 Crawlspace
1972 Haunts of the Very Rich
1972 Private Parts
1972 Folks at Red Wolf Inn
1972 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
1973 The Baby
1973 Messiah of Evil
1973 Don't Look in the Basement
1973 The Killing Kind
1974 Bad Ronald
1975 Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural
1979 Driller Killer
1980 Don't Go in the House
1980 The Attic
1981 The Pit
1983 Night Warning
1985 Deadly Messages
1986 Link
1988 Killer Klowns From Outer Space
1988 Bloody Wednesday
1989 Pin
1989 Beyond Dream's Door

Wow, what a pleb.

>> No.9313586

>Adam Lanza has gone done in history as a caged ape let loose on society to wreak his glorious havoc.
Nigger, please. The only place that still talks about Lanza is that one blog detailing his life (made by some former investigator or something) and 4chan. Or maybe /r/incel on reddit.

>> No.9313600

>you want to be dead because you're alive
Fucking hell... I don't know what you need but it's not here.

>> No.9313604

He also prevented them from having experienced the net pleasure of the lives they would have lived, and additionally caused collateral suffering to the families and friends of their victims. He did not pay attention to karmic bonds.

>> No.9313610

I want to get in at your position here in this stalest of pastas but if a position is even in here then it's So. Darn. Slippery.

So let me just say: The majority of rules that would be set to apply to all humans are fucking dumb. People are different.

>> No.9313611

Yeah that's called the average /r9k/ poster.

>> No.9313613

Wait... What exactly are we supposed to be arguing against? Ice cream, or the fact that this loser can't be happy? Other people can, so it's not a universal condition, so what's there to say? I'm glad he's dead if he wanted it that badly. Wish he hadn't forced his own spooks down some little kids on his way out.

>> No.9313617

If you can't even follow the thread of a discussion I'm not going to hold your plebeian hand.

The scales balance a particular way regardless.

>> No.9313625

>The scales balance a particular way regardless.
I disagree, but I have no motivation nor see a point in arguing this. It seems clear to me that committing a violent act on others for no reason creates more suffering than not committing said act.

>> No.9313638

if we are talking about net suffering they absolutely do less harm dead. assuming all of them ate meat that's an absurdly disproportional scaling already. if the were even minimal consumerists some chinese pseudo-slave probably went through physical and mental hell building their iphone parts or whatever the fuck. if they grew up to be bullies or rapists or whatever else that's even more heaped on. if you are alive you are creating negative value relations with other sentient beings, that's just facts. if you can't deal with that you need to kill yourself but don't live in denial

>> No.9313665

Your logic is faulty. If death prevents net suffering caused by hypothetical potentialities, then the slaughter of those animals is a net positive because it ends their suffering and possible suffering, and buying that iphone - which, might I add, is assuming that if that particular person didn't buy that particular iphone if wouldn't exist - is speeding along the worker's death which would also be a good thing because it prevents some great suffering that that person has the potential to cause.
I am going to turn your prognosis back to you. If you truly believe this, you should either work out your problems with existing or end yourself, otherwise you are living unethically by your own logic which is never a good sign.

>> No.9313671

you realise you're literally describing the anti-natalist endgame, right? they want an end to it all. the anti-natalist would push the big red button that ends the universe.

>> No.9313673

>I am going to turn your prognosis back to you. If you truly believe this, you should either work out your problems with existing or end yourself, otherwise you are living unethically by your own logic which is never a good sign.
So Lanza was justified in murdering those people?

>> No.9313674

>that pocket protector
My fucking sides

>> No.9313676

also you didnt actually refute the logic. sure you showed it was circular in the limited example i provided but you have to prove life isn't a negative sum game now or start trying to get your hands on the nuclear codes

>> No.9313690

No, how did you get that out of that sentence? Are you just shitposting or do you actually wish for clarification?
>but you have to prove life isn't a negative sum game now
I don't have anything to prove. I'm not trying to sell you on anything. I am of the opinion that the existence of contentment defies suffering to justify life and it is our responsibility in life to maximize contentment and minimize suffering for all beings. For the time being, I think that is the most ethical way in which to live, and one should try to live ethically as it is an effective method of meaning making.

>> No.9313702

so any contentment negates all suffering? seems beyond fucking retarded. like i don't wanna start a whole thing hear or be mean for no reason but that's so profoundly stupid to me i think you may be beyond repair.

unless you're saying there's more contentment than suffering, which i would say is only marginally less fucking retarded. there are innumerable sentient beings being eaten alive as you read this. contemplate that for a second. think about being eaten alive and compare it to blowing your load to trap porn or whatever it is that makes you so fuckin jolly

>> No.9313707


>> No.9313711

This thread is such cancer it makes me depressed that it's still up after this long

>> No.9313717

You misinterpret what I mean. The fact that contentment exists defies suffering. I am not talking about any small pleasure. I am talking about the existence of a feeling other than suffering. Life is not entirely suffering because a state other than suffering exists. Therefore
>it is our responsibility in life to maximize contentment and minimize suffering for all beings
Ideally, there would be more contentment than suffering.
>there are innumerable sentient beings being eaten alive as you read this
I feel sorry for those beings, but I cannot help them in that context. There are likely just as many in a state of momentary bliss.
>blowing your load to trap porn or whatever it is that makes you so fuckin jolly
That is not what I mean by contentment. Hedonistic pleasure of that sense is not true happiness and is infinitely transitory. Contentment is a state of being.
You seem like a very depressed person. You need to improve your perspective, or your life truly will be suffering.

>> No.9313720

>No, how did you get that out of that sentence? Are you just shitposting or do you actually wish for clarification?
It logically followed, as others also indicated.

>> No.9313727

if Lanza wanted to follow his own internal logic, he would have just killed himself alone rather than contribute to the cultural suffering he was so afraid of.

>> No.9313735

It's like talking to a wall.

>> No.9313745

I agree.

>> No.9313786

Your first mistake is thinking "a bad life" = unhappiness, as if the happiest people are those who've had the easiest lives. We all know that's not true. Plenty of happy people have unhappy pasts, and plenty of people who've had it good since the beginning wind up miserable. What I was talking about in the post you mocked was people who think their misery is intellectual when it's actually more instinctual, who are singing life's miseries while failing or refusing to address their social and sexual dissatisfaction. And if social and sexual satisfaction seems impossible to them, then likely ignoring other things like personal character flaws: coldness, self-absorption, narcissism, a childish attitude that shifts the blame away from one's self and refuses to accept responsibility for one's life. Now you might say "But all those character flaws are the result of my awful past experiences!" And I'd say if you're acknowledging these character flaws as character flaws, then you're at the point where you can start to make an effort to fix them. A lot further along than a guy like Lanza ever got. Like Elliot Rodger, he probably failed to see any. He probably just thought, like him, that Life Just Sucks. Point is: People, and especially murderers, aggrandize their misery. It couldn't possibly be a common human dissatisfaction that, if they took steps to address it, would dispel their dark mood. It must be reality's fundamental contradictions (of which they alone, with their penetrating intellect, are aware) that's to blame. Look for problems locally before you start projecting globally. And if you think happiness is a sin because we're more likely to fix life's miseries if we're dwelling on them and being made unhappy by them, I disagree. Depressed people don't do anything. Or they do do things and it's not anything anyone would've liked done. Happy people are the really resourceful ones. If you want to fix the world, it's your duty to be happy.

>> No.9313791


He legitimately looked liked a 12 year old

I can't get over it

>> No.9313811

According to the wiki he was suffering from severe malnutrition to the point they believe it affected his neurological development.

>> No.9313856

A mood is not a philosophy.

Or is all of philosophy just various moods?

>> No.9313867

>Any anti-natalists, know that this is the endpoint of your ideology. Shooting children.

Uhh no... just forcibly sterilize everyone and let mankind slowly die. Then the last human on earth presses a button that destroys the entire earth.

>> No.9314012


>People, and especially murderers, aggrandize their misery.

Kind of right but I think its even simpler than this

There is a single very obvious thread that runs between pretty much ever mass killer in history

They were all very self absorbed people
Self absorption is an ideal coping mechanism for any act in which you bring harm to others (and almost any act in general)
When you eventually reach the point where you truly believe you are the only person in the world who matters at all, killing begins to seem perfectly justified and even necessary

>> No.9314343
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They found a book in his room with a title like "Living with Autism" so he likely had Aspergers.

He also had severe anorexia which may have contributed to his psyche towards the end (He was 6 feet tall and 110 pounds or something)

He does appear to be at least somewhat plagued by mental illness although I dont think it's what drove him to do it AND he certainly wasn't as ill as the media would purport.

Ultimately, this is caused by a number of factors such as his romanticizing mass shootings, delusions of grandeur and some contempt for society at large which you use to justify the act. All of this is fueled by a life of being ostracized as a young man. It's why all the school shooters fit into a fairly consistent archetype.

It's interesting to read a school shooting scholar's in depth analysis of Adam Lanza here: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/lanza_enigma_1.1.pdf

>> No.9314356
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In his view, growing up in a culture and learning how to
function socially is a process of “raping” innocent minds. He
stated: “The entire philosophy behind education: the brutal
indoctrination of pristine minds so as to propagate some delusional
system of cultural values”

>> No.9314404
File: 59 KB, 918x394, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.9314973

"A wise man once said, 'The inner quotation gets single quotes.' Also, OP is a faggot."
-Anonymous, 2017

>> No.9315061

No. That is literally the complete opposite of what /lit/ stands for

>> No.9315354

‘“A wise man once said, ‘The inner quotation gets single quotes.’ Also, OP is a faggot.” -Anonymous, 2017’ Maybe if you’re a yank.

>> No.9315893

Good post

>> No.9315978

So he was a lonely loser of a gay pedophile. Well that wraps it all up with a neat bowtie. Pretty pathetic people in this thread extol such a faggot.

>> No.9316004

Doesn't this retard realize apes have their own social dynamics and 'cultures'? His animosity is so shallow it's laughable.