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/lit/ - Literature

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9309441 No.9309441 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up in bed with your teenage sweetheart and you're 16 again and summer just started

Any lit for this feel ? Growing together with your lover, being young and healthy , and optimistic about a new day?

>> No.9309446

i have no way to relate to this at all, ive been alone for almost all of my life and would probably just ask her to leave so i can sit by myself in a dark room occasionally reading, post on 4chan, or listen to one of the 3 CDs i owned at the time.

>> No.9309451

Chad's diary desu

>> No.9309452

When I was 16:

>Making Minecraft videos with my mate Chris
>Building castles in Minecraft
>Drinking for the first time at a cooler friends party
>Drinking and playing Minecraft
>Going to Chris's house and drinking and playing Minecraft
>Playing Minecraft with a handover from the night before of drinking and playing Minecraft

It was a sweet time

>> No.9309467

I didn't have a sweetheart in high school

>> No.9309468

I don't care if you're virgins and losers. I just wanna know some stories that captures such a feeling. Of sexual discovery, youthful freedom, and bright optimism. Because we need a bit of change from the gloomy, self indulgent mindset of 4chinz.

>> No.9309469

ive never experienced the feeling and as far as i know, nothing close to it. i cant recommend anything that i have no knowledge of.

>> No.9309470

>literally cuckolding yourself with the ideas of things that never were and never will be

lol senpai

>> No.9309474

my god the virginity in your post...it's blinding my eyeeeeeees

>> No.9309478

Not OP, but why bother putting your two cents in if you've never experienced what OP's looking for?

>> No.9309480

because this board is an intellectual /r9k/ and wont get any good conversation from it. might as well let him know now and why.

>> No.9309483

I don't get it. You never experienced living as a Russian Battalion commander so you shouldn't understand or at least read War and Peace?

>> No.9309486

>My teenage sweetheart
My N64 console then?

>> No.9309488

jesus how are old are you

>> No.9309489


It's a mirror and you're blinded by the truth

>> No.9309492

>Ever being healthy and optimistic
When I was sixteen I was snorting Adderall, bullying autistic kids and yelling "nigger" out of car windows in the suburbs, nerd.

>> No.9309496

>bright optimism

I think teenager love not required for bright optimism or good teenager years. During my teenager years I started going to gym (to get mass) and played a lot of MMOs. I never forget coming from gym then drinking some 90% sugar fruit smooth my grandma made then playing ragnarok for 2 hours (like a job) then playing 2 hours of another MMO. I would study at night then play XBOX from 12 to 2 am. No girls or friends back that time but I regret nothing. Those moments were just perfect.

Today I'm still in the same situation of no friends or girls but I'm really excited about college and writing. I'm not saying that girls are overrated or any mgtow derivative bullshit. If you have them good for you, if you don't then just do something else with your life.

I work 14 hours a day and wake up the next wishing 16 hours of work. Do what you love is not a meme. Don't listen to /biz/.

>> No.9309497

Holy shit dude give me your autograph

>> No.9309498

So if you haven't experienced it then no one has and it doesn't exist. Why do you put yourself in such mental crutches?

>> No.9309500

Summer's on its way and I wake up beside my hand every morning.

>> No.9309502

Of course it depends on personality. For example I can go without talking/interacting with humans for a month without no problem. My roommate is needy as fuck and sometimes even bothers me because he wants to talk but it drains too much of my energy so I must ignore him.

Sometimes I need to work on groups or interview people all day long then the next day I feel like I'm ready to be burried.

>> No.9309504

I don't know that feeling, the only love I know is unrequited love. Being 15 with the biggest crush on a girl 2 years older than me and saying her full of happines when she saw her chad boyfriend made me die inside and I dont want to remember those feels at all. Please delete this thread and never post something similar again. Thank you.

>> No.9309506

you are describing an alien landscape.

>> No.9309507

Seeing her*
See? Is the feels rotting my brain.

>> No.9309511

>wake up in my room
>no sweetheart
>go play vidya/Warhammer with my high school friends

No regrets tbqh, I'm still nostalgic for those days even without a qt 3.14 to remember them by.

>> No.9309517

My college has this policy of creating human robots that will work no matter what.

I remember having to write about some subject I had no clue last semester. I would start at midnight hunting for references and drink coffee all night then had a break at 6 am where I drank a bottle of mead and played gta:sa. Some people just do better without girls and friends but thats just how life is. Nothing superior or magical about being like this.

>> No.9309527

Damn the lit I used to know would have had experience with this. Not Chad's but we'll adjusted enough to have had experience with a nubile female bodies and optimism.

>> No.9309549

No. I would immediately break up with her, go to the bookstore, and start studying.

Romantic relationships are a distraction.

>> No.9309555

Nope, missed it.
Got that 3 years later, woke up like that a few times, wasn't worth it, hoe (she was hot tho) took my virginity, my nerves, failed 1st year of college because of the romance, and now I fuck hot sluts while the nice girls reject me. Actually, I used to fuck them, now I'm trying abstinence, until I am completely sure I fucked it up with the last qt virgin girl. No wonder, I'm bitter as fuck. But whatever, this isn't r9k. Don't read shit like this, man. Pick up some Aristotle or Aurelius, i guess it's better than therapy. The days are gone, find new things to make you happy. Or read something about childhood. Breathe that pure nostalgia in.

>> No.9309580
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I want a Taylor Darling GF

>> No.9309594

The virgin suicides
Never let me go

>> No.9309677

virgin suicides might work. but i only vaguely remembering it from when i was a teen.

i'd also say lolita. somehow the cocky way she is aware of her effect on humbert and how she uses this nonchalantly reminds me of myself at that age.

>> No.9309696

I fucked alot of girls from 15 to 18, until I found my wife. I remember this feeling. It's not as great as being an adult and having found real love. Despite what La Bruyère, the morally bitter, the port-royalist La Bruyère said, the first love, and the few which follow it, are quite shallow, once compared to real love.
Nostalgy is shit, it's for the weak.

>> No.9309702
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You'd get bored after a while though.

>> No.9309703

holy shit this. i had a gf and honestly it was boring.
miss the days where i just came home and played video games and ate whatever i want.

>> No.9309716

>teenage sweetheart
My what?

>> No.9309734

people who never get over their teenage first love usually have a very, VERY poor understanding of love.

>> No.9309739

I think this feeling doesn't exist to the extent you believe it too. It's been romanticized by novels, poems, and movies. The most extroverted highschoolers probably lived less and felt less, than any novel has ever depicted.

>> No.9309743

i certainly had an exciting ride.

>> No.9309746

Yeah when I was 16 me and my gf never had like a perfect wake up together deal. It was mostly fucking anywhere we could keep eyes off of us for 15 minutes.

>> No.9309748

that usually makes it even better. also, you guys suck at solution oriented thinking i see.

>> No.9309750

yeah this

>> No.9309770

From now on I'll walk you all the way Home and The brother of David by Kjell Askildsen
Norwegian Wood by Murakami
Spring Night by Tarjei Vesaas
A Farewell To Arms by Hemmingway

>> No.9309780

When you have sex every day it gets annoying and uncomfortable.

>> No.9309795

When I was 16

>planning the school shooting
>wandering around at night through the trails which ran through my suburban neighbourhood
>jerking off in these wooded areas at night for the sake of it. Masturbaiting outdoors was a sort of thrill and since no one went thru these dark woods at night there was little to no threat of being caught.
>been in love with the same girl in my classes for 2 years, never spoke to her.
>cumped myself dreaming of the whole schools reaction to my suicide
>people floored by it. Friends who I drifted away from distraught and can't get it out of their mind for years.
>spent my free time fantasizing about raping "sluts" (ie the popular bimbos) at my school while listening to Bach
>Bach's English suite 2 became the rape piece
>these fantasies gave a rush of adrenaline
>had an elliot rodger lite view of women with the exception of the one I liked and never talked to.
>probably autistic

Now I'm 18

>> No.9309951
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That's why love is better rationed. Smother your love and she will slip out of your fingers.

Its like tea, it's meant to be sipped slowly. I wouldn't have sex in the first 6 months if I really like a girl.

>> No.9309957

>I wouldn't have sex in the first 6 months if I really like a girl.
l o l

>> No.9309961

So I guess you just want a corny and cliché book?
I recommend John Green. Not even joking.

>> No.9309965

Unless she was super super horny and was teasing me , then it would be last on my mind.

I like to maintain innocence in the beginning and try to see if she's good enough not just for sexual relations.

>> No.9309975

That's actually übermensch as fuck.

>> No.9309978

I'm 18 and dating a 16 year old qt, she's been fantasizing about the summer everyday for the past 2 months, imagining all the fun we're going to have. I love her lads. Going to be painful leaving her when I go to uni.

>> No.9309982


Idealism, like a springtime flower, falls to the inevitable frost of winter.

There is no permanence: only decay and survival. Freedom of youth is a well-played con, to grease you up before the work-mill. Sentiment is forever your pay-packet. All pleasure is reduced from another for the increase of one, and rationed out sparely like oil on the cog-works of clocks.

Freedom was a joke, played upon you by adults, whom benefit also from the frivolity of youth like wrinkly vampires at the blood bank.

>> No.9309992

Honestly I would be fine with Trump and Putin starting a nuclear war at this point. Life is suffering for neuroatypicals.

>> No.9310008

Heh sorry buddy, that was me, we weren't together I was just fucking her for a bit on the side. Dropped her because she was too needy, should've asked her out bro, she gave a mean slob of the nob if you know what i mean ;) haha alright bro see you around

>> No.9310015


I think it'd be better to be brain dead/incapable of independent thought, but, not much difference there.

>> No.9310018

i did this in the past and got pissed off when i found out the girl was an ex-club slut sucking off guys in the bathroom

>> No.9310029

That would legitimately be the best thing to ever happen to me.

>> No.9310040


They'll play the fast ones like that you know.

So sweet they'd get away with murder.

>> No.9310048

>Any lit for this feel ? Growing together with your lover, being young and healthy , and optimistic about a new day?
no, nobody who has experienced this would ever waste their time writing about it

>> No.9310098
File: 53 KB, 400x387, Billy_teen outlaw face_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Ballad Of Billy The Kid"

From a town known as Wheeling, West Virginia
Rode a boy with a six-gun in his hand
And his daring life of crime
Made him a legend in his time
East and west of the Rio Grande

Well, he started with a bank in Colorado
In the pocket of his vest, a Colt he hid
And his age and his size
Took the teller by surprise
And the word spread of Billy the Kid

Well, he never traveled heavy
Yes, he always rode alone
And he soon put many older guns to shame
And he never had a home
But the cowboy and the rancher knew his nam

>> No.9310102

Ahhh, when I was 16!
>My father had 'retired early' the year before and we had moved to a massive Victorian farmhouse in rural Indiana in Amish country
>He was the only doctor for the county, mom was his nurse. They had turned the barn into a medical facility. We all (mom, dad, me, my 2 kid sisters) moved in when I was 15. Local families would come in for checkups and with colds, the Amish came in horse-drawn carriages
>The closest house was a 5th generation farm - they had a son my age and we became great friends quickly. We went swimming in the Maumee, or hunt rabbits, or read books. His two older brothers, twins, were off at ag school and he had been lonely
>The Summer I turned 16 his cousin Shelby came to visit. She was 5' 2", maybe 110, with a heart-shaped face, honey-blonde hair and a 100 watt smile. She was from Louisiana and had the accent. She was going to Manchester University and was staying with family for the Summer - she was 19
>She spent most of her time reading, and we talked about books a lot (her cousin didn't read much more than comics). Many days she'd go down by the creek to read and sometimes I'd visit and we'd talk
>In August my friend went off to camp in Michigan. Shelby spent most of the morning helping around the house and then read even more. Without my friend around she was the only person close to my age to talk to, so we hung out even more

>> No.9310106

Well, he robbed his way from Utah to Oklahoma
And the law just could not seem to track him down
And it served his legend well
For the folks, they'd love to tell
'Bout when Billy the Kid came to town

Well, one cold day a posse captured Billy
And the judge said, "String 'im up for what he did!"
And the cowboys and their kin
Like the sea came pourin' in
To watch the hangin' of Billy the Kid

Well, he never traveled heavy
Yes, he always rode alone
And he soon put many older guns to shame
And he never had a sweetheart
But he finally found a home
Underneath the boothill grave that bears his name

From a town known as Oyster Bay, Long Island
Rode a boy with a six-pack in his hand
And his daring life of crime
Made him a legend in his time
East and west of the Rio Grande

>> No.9310109

Why did you write prose in green text? You absolute newfag

>> No.9310127

Look at her thicc thighs. I want her to squeeze me in between them especially after a sweaty work-out.

what's wrong with me?

>> No.9310151

>what's wrong with me?
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9310156

Is my wanting to be squeezed by sweaty thighs wrong?

>> No.9310164

>You wake up in bed with your teenage sweetheart and you're 16
[at this point I start crying and screaming in horror at the realization]

>> No.9310165

<Shelby and I started playing cards on the days of bad weather at my house or at her aunt's place. My parents liked her a lot.
>August was coming to a close and my 16th birthday was coming up.She told me she wanted to have a picnic with me to celebrate my 16th. I jumped at the chance.
>My birthday came and it was great - presents, cake, etc. at home. I still have the watch my dad got me and the ties my mom got me.
>I was more excited about the next day, though. I met Shelby all the way down at the river. I had brought lemonade and a pie, she brought everything else.
>When we got there she put the food up on a rock ledge, led me off the trail with a blanket, put it down and very sweetly, very gently, and very wonderfully took my virginity. I can still hear the river and see the sun in her hair.
>Then we ate fried chicken and potato salad. Then had sex again. Then had some pie. Then had sex again.
>It was hours later so we headed home.
>For the next week we met every day and had sex by the river
>Then she went back to school

>> No.9310166

No, and I have no idea why it would be.

>> No.9310177

This is /lit/ OP, when we wake up we discover that we have been transformed into a giant vermin.

>> No.9310202
File: 126 KB, 768x1024, IMG_4862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post and you'll wake up with a gf

>> No.9310225

But I want a bf

>> No.9310236

>When we got there she put the food up on a rock ledge, led me off the trail with a blanket, put it down and very sweetly, very gently, and very wonderfully took my virginity. I can still hear the river and see the sun in her hair.
It seems just like Stephen King. Well, these are far better memories than the guys playing vidya, even if made up.

>> No.9310254

who /vidyaandpussy/ here?

I don't give a fuck about your crutches anon

>> No.9310270

Story of the Eye

>tfw milk is for the pussy

>> No.9310285

>be me, 16
>wake up, gf soft breasts on my arm
>tired from sexing gf all night
>5:45 am
>check ebay listings to see how much money made from selling diablo 2 items
>check IRC for any messages
>look over at 19 year old gf naked and in bed
>burn a few CDs of illegally downloaded mp3s for kids at school for $10 per.
>shower, have to drive gf to work at bakery. then drive to school by 7:15
>love her but know it won't last, she's too needy.
>get to school and sit through chemistry class bored.
>a teacher runs into classroom
>"they bombed the world trade center"
>turn on a radio to find out what's going on
>it's september 2001
>american society as a whole takes a collective shit
>everyone is retarded

>> No.9310287

Too late!

>> No.9310306


Read Lolita

>> No.9310319

john green. now go away

>> No.9310324

i had like 12 teenage sweethearts, especially at 16 i had multiple crushes, do i get them all or what

>> No.9310338
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you had a friend who was a cooler?

>> No.9310407

[back from lunch]
>I had a lot more confidence and dated during the school year, but I was mainly waiting for Shelby to come back
>She came back in late June. She had cut her hair short and was in great shape - she had been taking an exercise class
>July was glorious, although her cousin was a bit miffed at how we blew him off to go have sex
>A few small incidents proved to me my parents knew and didn't care
>August came and it was hot, hotter than usual. Shelby seemed to grow distant, but I figured it was just the heat and, like me, worrying about her leaving in just a few weeks
>Then she told me she had to go to Fort Wayne for a week, but wouldn't tell me why.
>When she came back she was more distant than ever. We didn't have sex; she said she was sick. I turned 17 and she wasn't even there, she had gone to Ohio to see a classmate.
>She was obviously avoiding me, but I met with her 2 days before she left to go to school. On the hill by her aunt's house she told me she had gone to Ft. Wayne to get an abortion.
>I was devastated - I told her I had a right to know, that we could have made it work. She burst into tears and ran off.
>She left early the next morning. I didn't see her go.

>> No.9310421
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You play eroge for that, mate.

>> No.9310445

>I joined the army before I graduated HS. Halfway through my enlistment I met a girl just 2 days before I left for a war zone. We really hit it off - we wrote and called and a year later, after I was back, I proposed. She was from Chicago, so I was going to go home for a bachelor's party, then my family and I would drive to Chicago for the wedding a week later.
>The bachelor's party was very quiet, mainly because I wanted it quiet. Two days later I drove into town for some damn thing I can't remember. At the store I bumped into Shelby.
>She had gotten a job nearby after graduation and lived close
>I told her I was getting ready for my wedding, right after my 23rd birthday.
>She walked with me as I shopped, then walked to the car with me As I was getting in she said,
>"I am glad you;re happy. I think of you all the time."
>"That's sweet, Shelby. I hope you're happy, too."
>"He would be five, now."
>"Our son. It was a boy. He would be five years old, now. He'd be starting school in a few weeks. I think about him. too, all the time. I am so sorry."
>And she walked away.
>She teaches 4th grade, now

>> No.9310464
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>> No.9310930

Just listen to Pet Sounds

>> No.9311058

I'm not sure. For me, the reality was always brighter and more insistent than any literature on the subject that I ever found. I don't look for that in fiction because I'm not interested in what I already know.

>> No.9311088

First half of Ada

>> No.9311233

>be me 16
>socially confident solid 8/10
>never had a relationship beyond meaningless excursions
>suddenly get quiet gf who likes to read shit like cheever
>two months in and i figure out she's borderline and is constantly demanding of my time
>attempted suicide because i didn't talk to her over the weekend
>started cutting herself and sending me pictures after we broke up saying i did it
>ruined cheever for me

3/10 experience

>> No.9311265

an occupation or job isnt the same as emotions. i dont believe ive ever loved someone or been loved so i wouldnt be able to relate on an emotional level.

>> No.9311300

Try this maybe


>> No.9311422

There's no depth in happiness, only misery.

>> No.9311524

Spoken as only a loser can

>> No.9311564

god BPD fucking blows

>> No.9311607

I didn't get a girlfriend till 18 but damn was she worth the wait
>thicc Italian

>> No.9311640

>your teenage sweetheart
Honest to God I have no idea what you mean.

>> No.9311686
File: 781 KB, 539x347, 1325293417233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I experienced this IRL but now I'm a 30 year old NEET living alone and asking myself where it went all so wrong.

>> No.9311777

Who /handsomeautist/ here?
I will never have a gf, even if she asks me out. It's happened before, and I always flee the idea of emotional intimacy. I despise myself for not being able to succeed even on easy mode.

>> No.9311840


>> No.9311863

The woman I'm married to now is a teenager, why would I want to be 16 again?

>> No.9311880
File: 20 KB, 300x300, BOLLOCKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My life is beautiful, and true now that I have had the privilege to listen to your listening to the professor that KNOWS sooooooooooooooooo much more than you, and I;

your liberal studies are PERVERTED, my lady, and you desire to rule the world [though you won't admit it, but we both know it's within your subconscious thoughts], -

so I say, nay onto you, and flip the switch of my "autistic speech";

get outta here guurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl,

you aint the "one", and you aint ever gonna get it.

But you could . . .,

if you HATE dancing, but move all around anyways because you're HILlARIOUS! - with the only one who won't admit he's a philosopher.

>> No.9311883
File: 163 KB, 411x714, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I recall teenage love, and in turn, teenage sex, I am reminded of Knausgaard's adolescent experience (i.e. novelty, anxiety and ultimately disatisfaction). Looking back from the distance of over a decade, I appreciate those early experiences, though I do not want to relive them. Matrimonial love, and in turn, married sex is far superior. Now, if I had my adult maturity, wisdom, and prowess in my sixteen year old body, this would be an entirely different conversation.

>> No.9311887
File: 67 KB, 709x765, 890890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl I loved in high school asked me to fuck her on her 16th birthday. I was too socially anxious to say yes. My life is a mess. I should have said yes. Maybe I would be living a normal life instead of the hell I'm in now.

>> No.9311892

Dodged a bullet, friend, she was trying to lead you into sin.

>> No.9311902
File: 62 KB, 503x717, 1489113346471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to feel

>> No.9311916

>never had sexual discovery/youthful freedom/bright optimism all at once
>didn't get laid until I was cynical, snarky and insulting
>told her everyday I hated her until she started sucking my dick
>she stopped when I started being nice

>being too cheerful was a reason I was picked on in school

>parents instilled a great sense of paranoia and distrust in me that made me risk-aversive
>was diligent and boring until junior year of college

>looking for optimism
>on 4Chan

Maybe try /fit/ or /co/, but you're on the wrong site.

>> No.9311918
File: 133 KB, 680x545, space frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 16 I was skipping every day of school because I had no friends to go hang out on the roof of an abandoned industrial estate to read my Kindle
Im not even sure I knew the name of anyone at my school, it wasnt simple, autism it was complete and utter disconnection from society
What books capture that feel

>> No.9311923
File: 13 KB, 190x246, NOR WOOD, MAKE YOUR OWN SHEET MUSIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You, young "lady", you tell LIES, - you have the stamina to last 72 hours with NO BREAKS.

The whisperS, talkingSS, singingSSS, and screamingSSSS of speech, is an intoxicating drug; when only two share those lies, 'till CHANCE one, or both of them away.

I will look up "Norway's" Knausgaard, my holiness.

>> No.9311933

When I was 16, I was an obese shy loser. I had no sweethearts and I didn't get laid until I was 24.

Any lit for this feel?

>> No.9311969

Already have a /lit/ gf, so I better post just in case.

>> No.9312208


>> No.9312218

hell, I've got nothing to lose

>> No.9312617

I don't want to regret not posting it.
And damn I want to fuck that bitch within an inch of her life. Wow

>> No.9312622

I had a sweetheart in high school but she wanted to fuck and I'm a Christ fag so I broke up with her lmao

>> No.9312624

And they say God hates fags. Couldn't be further from the truth

>> No.9312632

American teenagers are allowed to dress like that in school? No wonder your women are such relentless whores.

>> No.9312651

Wew I knew women in high school that dressed like this all the time. Most of them have kids, work at express, or are strippers

If it makes you feel better I am not a virgin, had a couple years there where I said fuck it and got with random hoes.

Worst time of my life senpai, felt really empty inside and kinda started feeling like shit because I treated women like meat.

>> No.9312665


youre mistaken if you think this is a teenage feel. this is a mid 20s feel.

>> No.9312688

teenage romances are trash. i dated three girls in high school and all three relationships were mostly awful. there was sex but there was also a fuckton of pointless drama that heavily outweighed the good.

if i were 16 again, i'd immediately dump my girlfriend, smash sarah, and spend more time with my friends.

>> No.9312738

You sound patrician.

>> No.9312753

she has a great ass but she is bad at ASMR

>> No.9312838

This post made me weepy. Congratulations.

>> No.9312888

does this bitch actually have nudes? I remember reading that people said she got doxed or some shit but I never followed up on it

>> No.9313054

I'm already married.
It's shitty.

>> No.9313065

I feel like I'm in love with you for some reason

>> No.9313072


When I went to school the unofficial uniform for hot girls was short shorts, a tank top, and a thong.

In the winter substitute low rise jeans or sweat pants.

>> No.9313101

Just watch cranial nerve exam asmr videos.

>> No.9313142
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this nigga knows how to live

>> No.9313160

Eh, wish for one to wake up next to

>> No.9313173


>> No.9313183

Sue that bitch, what she did was illegal!

>> No.9313215

Literally 90% of literature mate.
Have you ever actually read a book?
Start with Steppenwolf.

>> No.9313255


"She" is a "lady" of great taste; knows what the wimminz want.

Probably listens to the toccata and fugue in d minor, bwv 565.

when both of the gurrrls caress their cats, and owls;

forming "the scissors" now, and then to bounce, back a make believe purple snake, and rooster, thus forming "the rocks".

For surely they pound it to Castle-vania; donning, only the cloak to play her harp, a sunlight sonata at night.

And when the musical NOISE is over, they become "the paper" and dirty up the holy water they have spilled.

>> No.9313268

>in bed?...with my sweetheart?...together?...lover?...healthy?...optimistic?
This doesn't seem like /pol/.


>> No.9313279
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>because this board is an intellectual /r9k/ and wont get any good conversation from it. might as well let him know now and why.
You sound as though 'r9k' isn't the essential zeitgeist of the entire site.

>> No.9313292
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z e i t g e i s t

>> No.9313309
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>tfw had no friends and used to hide in the toilets at lunch

>> No.9313388

I kind of experienced this OP. I'll try to describe dat feel.

>be 19
>summer after freshman year of college
>go work at a summer camp in the great lakes region
>meet the qt lifeguard on the first day of training
>year younger than me
>kind of pale, light freckles across her nose and cheeks but nowhere else, mesmerizing light blue eyes, dark wavy brown hair. About 5'5. Average to slightly flat chested (but actually they ended up being bigger than I thought they'd be).
>I notice her right away
>start playing pranks on her.
>she starts pranking me back, throws my beach towel on the roof of a cabin, etc.
>I can tell she likes me
>decide together to go on a date one weekend, at this point we hadn't talked about us at all
>we drove to a state park and go for a little hike
>set up a hammock with a scenic view through the hills and down into the forest.
>laying in the hammock together, this is probably the most physical contact with a human female I've had in my life. Try to be calm.
>literally just having her warm body and skin against mine felt amazing. Her skin was the best. Simultaneously you could feel the heat of her body but also her skin was nice and cool.
>one leg draped over me and her head on my chest
>has her arms wrapped around me, rubbing my chest and arms and playing with my hair while we confess our feelings to each other.
>I'm super excited because she likes me a ton. Talks about how I was out of her league and too good for her.
>I'm a pussy and don't kiss her that day. But it was still a good feel.
>a couple days later we decide to meet again late at night while the camp is asleep so we can clear up some stuff.
-sitting outside under a million stars
>tell her I want to carry on the relationship after the summer, and that I'd been crushing on her since the beginning.
>she's so happy she can't stop smiling and giggling and saying stuff like "this is amazing." "I can't believe this, I'm so lucky." "You are incredible, how did I get you?"
>start talking about when we first saw each other and how the feelings started. We're both so giddy and young.
>She's practically sitting in my lap at this point, her hands around my neck, playing with my hair.
>start to get nervous because I've never kissed a girl.
>I'm stumbling over my words a little bit and she starts massaging my neck and the hair at the back of my head. It feels really good and our faces are practically inches apart at this point.
>she can feel my breathing speed up and she asks me what's wrong. I say something stupid like, "no, it just feels good."
>"Anon, you're making me so nervous" but she starts breathing hard too.
>here goes, I guess this is my first kiss, don't screw up...

>> No.9313559

you ever gonna follow up on the disappointing half of this story?

>> No.9313616

i'm 29 and in love with a prostitute.

>> No.9313852

>people share their boring, tortured high school existence

kill you'reselve's

>> No.9313893

>your lover, being young and healthy , and optimistic
never knew any single one of these feels, i was always old and wilted
i'd rather avoid any media that have this kind of shit, it would just anger me
wow, awesome! thanks anon

>> No.9313994

For me reading The Bible and other christian literature reminds me of my teens. Had a shit time when I was 16 but my summer was amazing. Recovered from all the issues I had and felt happy about life. My summer was spent cycling and fishing with my dad and playing computer games with my best friend.

>> No.9314005

Opposite here. Kissless virgin teenager who became a normal and happily married adult. On balance my way definitely seems better, but I do get the feeling of having missed out.

>> No.9314018


please one day ;_;

>> No.9314354

Is this supposed to be funny or clever?

>> No.9314529

>having sex
enjoy your herpes

>> No.9314536


>> No.9314590

A farewell to arms

Well up until the very end when nurse barkley dies in childbirth with her kid

>> No.9314613

>not watching the forbidden japanese H asmr with ear licking and sex noises and girls singing you to sleep and sighing and talking about kissing you and fucking you in moonspeak

>> No.9315051 [SPOILER] 
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Bump, i'm waiting for that 2nd part anon- dont disappoint me now.

>> No.9315076


>> No.9315131

>doing anything other than jerking off to chinese cartoon girls all day at 16

Fuck off normies.

>> No.9315132
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>> No.9315144
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This is literary cocktease at its finest.

>> No.9315406

Thanks for the cozy, tranquil, melancholy story mate. Hope you're happy with married life and grateful you didn't have a kid so young.

>> No.9315424

BPD is really traumatic to deal with. Was sleeping with a coworker on and off last year and had her tell me she had an abortion -- but unfortunately I have no way of knowing if she was telling me the truth, and I have no desire to start talking to her again to find out for real

>> No.9315437

>being young and healthy , and optimistic about a new day
When I was 16 I was laying in bed all day praying for death.

>> No.9315452


>I go in for the kiss, kind of miss at first and kiss the side of her mouth because I'm nervous and it's dark
>I don't make a big deal out of my fumble, I just kiss her again and she's gasping for air, pulling her body against mine as close as possible
>Keep kissing her
>She actually likes it
>moaning and telling me how she's wanted to kiss me forever
>"I've been aching for you, anon."
>She actually is enjoying it a lot
>wtf maybe I'm not ugly after all
>let my tongue brush against her lower lip just a little bit to see what she'll do
>she immediately let's out a little gasp and is receptive, tongue action
>she's really into it, moaning and shit. Not like porno type loud stuff but she was gasping and there were soft moans which honestly felt way more erotic to me.
>kissing her neck actually felt good and not like a chore to get her turned on.
>whenever she got turned on her body and skin would get so warm. It was incredible.
>I stop for a second to look at her
>she whimpers, "no, don't stop, please!" And pulls me back to her
>"I don't want it to stop, even for a second"
>literally begging me to keep going, her hands are clenching and gripping my shoulders tight
>she whispers in my ear, "anon, you feel so good..."

>tfw I had my first kiss and lost my virginity in the span of a couple weeks. I never told her she was my first kiss.

I can write more if you guys want.

>> No.9315580
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>Because we need a bit of change from the gloomy, self indulgent mindset of 4chinz.
R*ddit might seem more the place for you, frienderino.

>> No.9316095

write in detail about the virginity loss pls

>> No.9316326

>Girl I like was staying at a mutual friend's house
>Her dad was an alcoholic, abusive, she needed to get away for a while
>I came over and we were sitting on her borrowed bed, watching the Squid and the Whale
>The worst "date" movie in the world
>I remember it was cold and rainy outside and that both of our breaths smelled horrible because we'd been drinking cup after cup of coffee while trying to make small talk before the movie
>We were sharing a blanket
>The youngest son is found out for his serial jizz-graffiti
>I like down and see that she fell asleep on my shoulder
>I feel like I could stay there forever
>Then I feel like I need to leave. I start having an anxiety attack and don't want her to wake up on my shoulder because I'm worried that she's going to be weirded out by it when she wakes up
>I leave...
>Walking home I get frostbite. I text her about it
>We're never that close after that
The biggest regret of my life,
so far!

>> No.9316349


>> No.9316359


>> No.9316361

>doing anything other than jerking off to chinese cartoon girls all day since you were 13 until you are 23

get on my level

>> No.9316398

I have a lot of comfy, erotic young love type memories with her tbqh my friend.

The virginity story is one I definitely remember fondly but the stories leading up to it make it even better in my mind.

>> No.9316597


>> No.9316799
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>"reply to this post" posts are but spooks to me

>> No.9316860

I had the same girl from 17 to 26. I was never optimistic.
Maybe that's why she left.

>> No.9316863

if you're looking for optimism i recommend finding a new hobby

>> No.9316870

underrated answer

>> No.9316908

not taking any chances

>> No.9316917

Honestly just read some 'old fashioned' adventure stories that have an element of romance.

>> No.9316925
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Neither; only stupidity was written my liege.

If I had to interpret the death of that author, I would put my head up his dead ass, and sing of

the possibility that the clever, and funny poster that the "mourning" d. was responding to, who was under the bridge, and rolling on about a school shooting,

with Bach in his ears, and his hands on his Speare, Shaking it to the POPULAR gurrls,

knew who to acquire them when he became a child again, at a later age, and acquired the clever, and funny speech, to bring them to his chamber doors.

>> No.9317654

I do all I can, still, why not load the dice
Lol, that is basic as fuck.
I am not into SM but there are tons of things I would like to do to Taylor

>> No.9317854



>> No.9317995

You ok there, bro?

>> No.9318050

all me btw ;)

>> No.9318059

How long ago was this 7 years?

>> No.9318073

Going out tonight

>> No.9318118

>so far!
that's the spirit

>> No.9318184

I wouldn't characterize my experience as optimistic but it was certainly carefree. It was the summer after high school. I remember warm nights sitting on her couch and enjoying her company. Sharing a sleeping bag and reaching up her shirt and feeling naked breasts for the first time. I was dumb and unsure of myself so it fell apart at the end of summer.

>> No.9318193

make a pastebin or something

relive old memories for our sake