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9305088 No.9305088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>not being a catholic

It's like you don't want to live the literary lifestyle

>> No.9305140
File: 16 KB, 320x229, he.has.risen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus is copypasta

>> No.9305600

I'm Greek orthodox

>> No.9305607

what if im a jesuit who sees catholics as lazy versions of lesser jesuits who i also despise"

>> No.9305616

jesuits are almost as bad as jews

>> No.9305621

jews are the best though. they're like honest christians who dont have the balls to be jesuits

>> No.9305823

I was raised Catholic but don't actively participate in the religion, an I okay?

>> No.9305844

>veering astray from your faith

No. If anything, you're worse off, you sacrilegious faggot.

>> No.9305848

But that's wrong.

>> No.9306035

I am Greek

>> No.9306060
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Is this what you mean.

>> No.9306070

Fuck you! I didn't decide to be Catholic in the first place.

>> No.9306220

Burn in hell, faggot

>> No.9306428

Fake Christians like you drive me crazy.
Brother, be honest with yourself and God. Don't follow God out of vanity, to crate an image of yourself.
Only do it to get closer to His glory.
And don't turn fellow Christians against one another.

>> No.9306440

>being a dim-witted papist

Silly boy. YHWH is not your god. Jesus is not your god. The Pope is your god. Have fun in Hell.

>> No.9306451
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>> No.9306458


>not being a total degenerate in your youth doing drugs and promiscuity so that you actually can have a meaningful spiritual discovery and become a genuine catholic and use your life experience in your /lit/


>> No.9306460
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Nice meme, m8.

>> No.9306470
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>implying that's not what I did
>implying I didn't convert in my early 20's

>> No.9306802

Hell doesn't exist retard

>> No.9306935
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>> No.9307101
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>> No.9307114

Yes shocking, I know.

>> No.9307121


/lit/ btfo

>> No.9307124

implying the Egyptian Book of the Dead isn't a thing, nor predates the life of Jesus by 1200 years

>> No.9307133

I was at mass on Monday and we were asked to pray for "refugees that have been deported or separated from their families." I don't know what to do now. It's a nice historic church but that's kind of fucked up.

>> No.9307137

sometimes i want to be but how can I go back to believing in God after reading Neitzsche? It feels dishonest.

>> No.9307157

it's a kind sentiment, everyone knows people of Catholic/Christian faiths literally don't care about other religions or people who aren't their own respective denomination of ghost praising. literally your belief system is a cancer and you let it plague you by not doing google searches.

>> No.9307259

Interesting ideas, if only for their discordance with what might be considered the current mainstream.

What's fucked up about praying for refugees that have been deported or separated from families? So many Catholics today are so lost and weak. Not that propping up strawmen to knock down in elegy is much better.

>> No.9307281

There's literally nothing wrong with praying for refugees. It's just that anon who wrote that comment is probably a /pol/fag

>> No.9307294

>not being an Anglo-Catholic in religion, a classicist in literature and a royalist in politics

>> No.9307300

Who are you, and to what comment are you referring?

>> No.9307305
File: 169 KB, 487x465, Baudrillard Heresy Reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today the real heresy is to deny reality

>> No.9307320
File: 73 KB, 750x500, PapalThrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which church is superior in aesthetic terms, the Roman or the Greek?

>> No.9307474

I want to something to save this dumpster fire but I'm really not in the place to be setting an example to others.

>> No.9307555

>no evidence cited
/lit/ pls can we actually have a serious discussion about religion?

>> No.9307560

That doesn't even make any sense

>> No.9307576
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>not having an existential crisis and exploring Theism

>> No.9307807

Can anyone recommend a good intro to Catholicism?

>> No.9307828
File: 49 KB, 500x664, pope_benedict_xvi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Catholic writer
>tfw writing stories that draw on Catholicism's rich tradition of symbol, icon, and allegory, and in doing so present Christianity to readers in subtle but powerful ways

Someone has to do it now that Tolkien is dead and Wolfe's almost dead.

>> No.9307833

I'd give those stories a bit of the old readaroonie!

>> No.9307836

I have the superiority complex of a Catholic and have been Confirmed but that's, like, it. At least I have something to fall back on if things get hard

>> No.9307857

Well do you have a throwaway email address or something?

>> No.9307867

Yeah ronnybeck676@gmail

>> No.9307902


>> No.9307916

did you mean C.S. Lewis? Tolkien despised allegory and his books are all based on pre-christian pagan mythology.

>> No.9307949

LOTR would not look at all the way it does without Christianity, Anon. In particular, the trilogy is suffused with the notion of Providence.

I'm also using "allegory" in the Augustinian, Dantean sense, rather than the modern sense.

>> No.9308024

>LOTR would not look at all the way it does without Christianity, Anon. In particular, the trilogy is suffused with the notion of Providence.
Not the anon you're responding to, but I'd appreciate if you could go into more detail about this.

>> No.9308061


Think about the climactic moment, the destruction of the Ring. This is what the entire trilogy has been building to. But who destroys it, in the end?

Sam doesn't.

Frodo doesn't. Frodo decides he can't, and claims the Ring for himself. Frodo is all set to be a new Dark Lord, and he fully commands the Ring in his last scene with it, appearing as a being of great power.

Then Gollum bites his finger off and takes it from him. But Gollum doesn't want to destroy the Ring. Gollum wants to keep his Precious for himself. Gollum would never destroy the Ring.

However, he happens to slip on a rock and fall into the Cracks of Doom, and thus the Ring is destroyed. By no one, apparently. By a set of seemingly disconnected coincidences.

Or was it?

>> No.9308066

catholicism is old hat. industrialism is the new hotness

>> No.9308165

I suppose you've read some of the extra writings on that particular part of LOTR, then?

Specifically, where it's stated that this is one of the two times Eru, the God in LOTR, directly intervenes in the affairs of the world.

>> No.9308205

sort yourself out

>> No.9308210

Being Christian is a cultural thing like being Jewish. You're either born with it or you aren't. Whether or not you practice it is irrelevant.

>> No.9308221

For most of Christian History, Catholics were illiterate peasants who farmed their Lords land and went to Church every Sunday.

The hell is so literary about that. Even now the vast majority of Catholics across Latin America and Africa are illiterate farmers who occasionally go to Church on Sunday.

>> No.9308229

>Whether or not you practice it is irrelevant.

That's not true at all. Christianity is nothing like Judaism in that regard.

>“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’

>> No.9308253

>trying to escape the void by pretending to live in the 17th century


>> No.9308406

Atheistplebs have to resort to memes to argue with believers, every single thread. Sad!

>> No.9308417

>What's fucked up about praying for refugees that have been deported or separated from families? So many Catholics today are so lost and weak. Not that propping up strawmen to knock down in elegy is much better.
because Catholicism, along with other branches of Christianity today, have been reduced to considerations of identity and sexual morality rather than things like caring for the poor

>> No.9308425

If you're a Catholic do you have to confess every time you masturbate?

>> No.9308426

yes, it's a mortal sin

>> No.9308561

>Not orthodox

It's like you value your dogma and exultation of common sense more than true wisdom

>> No.9308636
File: 34 KB, 450x318, 204_RatzSunGlasses02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Papists-only thread, get out of here schismatic scum

>> No.9308756

Repent, nigger

>> No.9308804

It's actually the exact opposite. At least according to.. you know, Christianity.

>> No.9308939

Damn right, faggot

>> No.9308984

Legitimately the most cliche, feeble-minded option

>> No.9309026

You lying faggot

>> No.9309045

>he hasn't even read portrait

>> No.9309052


>> No.9309055

I enjoy Catholicism for its aesthetics

Its pretty obviously probably the most aesthetically influential religion in existance

>> No.9309060

Read some C.S. Lewis, buddy.

>> No.9309065

Stick to protestantism. You'll thank me later on.

>> No.9310592
File: 159 KB, 962x769, 00D46FF2000004B0-3510414-image-a-13_1458992200061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is pretty cool, I'm not going to deny that.

The trick is to remember that the aesthetics don't exist just because. Everything has a reason for being the way it is in Catholicism. That's part of why the aesthetics are so powerful. They're purposeful.

>> No.9310602


>> No.9310621

that wouldn't explain why they're praying for the poor and lonely.

>> No.9310640

>religion is for the literate only
k, but maybe think about using full sentences if "no picture books, ever" is your religion

>> No.9310654

I'm talking about the grandiose architecture and ornamentation. I enjoy the paintings.

>> No.9310680

generally those are story telling mechanisms. the shape of most medieval churches is based around the cross and the stations of the cross or rosary etc. it's supposed to be awe inspiring.

>> No.9310691

It's not what Christ would have wanted. He would freak out.

>> No.9310699

jesus also didn't want us to wash our hands before meals. be a little less protestant, and a little more human.

>> No.9310711

Jokes on you; I never wash my hands.

But for real, that's a shitty argument. We can take advantage of hygiene advancements without being overindulgent. The Catholic church is the definition of overindulgence in everything they do.

>> No.9310731

what you see as indulgence (which is more, "bought with indulgences") was for a long time the only way of teaching illiterate people about a Church which the majority of them would not understand the language of. Catholicism becomes ornate because all those symbols were used to transmit the religion to people who didn't speak Latin, and who probably could not read or write well in their vernacular. The reason why so many of the cliches of English originate in the King James bible is because vernacular bibles were how written language was transmitted, often for the first time ever in centuries, to ordinary people within a church. All of what you think is overindulgent is because you think that Catholicism ought to rely on text where it often relies on image, and image literate audiences. You're pissed off you can't read picture books and Catholicism doesn't act more like the Protestants.

>> No.9310739

Nome of that is an excuse anymore.

>> No.9310744

>too mad to type
where's your God now, literalist?

>> No.9310758

What do you mean by literalist? I just didn't have the time to type out a huge post and I realize we'll never agree. We're too invested in our beliefs to be swayed by a visitor on an image board. Once again, what do you mean by literalist?

>> No.9310782

I'm making a joke about Nome, Alaska, and biblical literalists, and literalism in general (including using it as an ironic pseudonaive device to reduce an argument to absurdity). I don't really care if you go on being ignorant of illiterate people while also being illiterate of the major symbolic codes and symbols of most of Western art. If you do: Hall's Dictionary of Symbols.