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/lit/ - Literature

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9300859 No.9300859 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw unironically writing the most important philosophical work of the 21st century

how do I go through the whole process of sorting my publishing, editing etc. and making sure it gets published even if i die by accident?

>> No.9300879

>unironically writing the most important philosophical work of the 21st century
no you're not

>> No.9300903

t. rupi kaur

>> No.9300904
File: 38 KB, 600x568, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am, seriously. I'm 10,000 words in and intend to complete it by summer. It's going to blow a hole in the WORLD, WIDe, WeB.

>> No.9300911

throw us an excerpt. it doesn't even have to reveal your thesis, I just want to see how you write

>> No.9300915

>not ironically writing the most important philosophical work of the 21st century

>> No.9301371


>> No.9302007

he ded. to late

>> No.9302047

present it through the medium of youtube lectures, it's 2017 not 1917 bro

>> No.9302057

are you in any way shape or form related to Speculative Realism?
then shut the hell up.

>> No.9302064

hire an agent/literary executor.

>> No.9302782

>Speculative Realism


>> No.9303201

post exerpt or you're a faggot and ill probably never hear about you again ebcause in all likelyhood your paper sucks ass

>> No.9303206
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i'd love to see your face when you've realized you've failed
but i'll settle for just knowing that you are going to fail

>> No.9303220

/lit/ has some influence on contemporary literature. If we all support anon we can raise his paper from mediocrity to the pinnacle of philosophy. No need to put him down already.

>> No.9303225

Holy... I want more

>> No.9303250

You don't get to decide whether or not it is important, but of you have good taste you'll be able to tell if it's shit, which it is, by the way. Nobody with this little self awareness writes anything worth reading, and you'll never understand that because you're on here shitposting right now instead of obsessing over you're supposed masterpiece.

>> No.9303266 [DELETED] 


Good luck on publishing it. I'm on my fifth one, up to 180169 words now, and as soon as I finish it, I'll probably let it sit on my hard drive like the rest of them and start the next one. Go go rejection anxiety.

>> No.9303271


He knew you would say that

>> No.9303305

When I'm finished it, should I post it here or will it be better to allow you all to discover it for yourselveS???

>> No.9303330

how about post it here adn don't be a fucking stupid idiot faggot like you are. how can you lack so much self awareness

>> No.9303344

but I don't want anyone stealing my ideas, this book is going to blow a hole in the way people think

It's going to be the greatest book of the decade

>> No.9303348

Go to bed, Donald

>> No.9303563

Babies first time on LSD?

>> No.9303564

this board is literal hell

>> No.9303824 [DELETED] 

If your ideas can be "stealed" by reading an excerpt on an Chinese forum, then they probably are not so valuable as you think,

>> No.9303828

Are you the same guy who responds HAHAHAHAHA when you're called out on your bullshit every thread? It's annoying, please stop.

>> No.9303829

If your ideas can be "stealed" by reading an excerpt of them on a Chinese forum, then they probably are not so valuable as you think.

>> No.9303840

Fine, an excerpt from Part II / Chapter 4:

>"It is therefore clear that masochism and its associated psychological corollaries (self-loathing, submissiveness) are in fact evolutionary advantageous traits in the female gender. As I have demonstrated, the very act of inter-personal penetration is an intensely and necessarily humiliating for the penetratee. In order to encourage reproduction and thus the survival and indeed proliferation of the Will, the human female is thus genetically inflicted with the self-loathing mechanism which compels her to act in a submissive and self-destructive manner, if only for the sake of finding the notion of being penetrated by a man (or, indeed, by several man simultaneously) not only necessary but desirable."

This is from a rather political section which explains why the degree of socio-political power possessed by women is equal to the rate at which a society declines into degeneracy and weakness.

>> No.9303862

Holy... I want more

>> No.9303864

You'll trig plenty women reading your book bro.

>> No.9303871

Women aren't part of my promotional demographic. I've already bought ad space on 4chan, wizardchan and 4+4 chan using my government benefits. I have several other strategies that will make enough people aware of it in order to trigger a word of mouth campaign.

>> No.9303872

Pretty sure that's been written before.

>> No.9303874

Also, remember to double check your work.
Grammar aren't often found in the most important philisophical work of all time.

>> No.9303890

Really fires them neurons around and about in a wiggly sort of timely fashion.

>> No.9303892

OP here. It hasn't. The hatred of Schopenhauer, Weininger et al. towards women was largely emotion-based and thus easily dismissed. I make a solid, air-tight, logically-guided 20,000-word case against women that is literally impossible to refute.

I typed that passage out from the papers I'm editing by hand. I realize there's an omission in there but it's perfect in the original.

>> No.9303894


>> No.9303898

God bless you, anon. May you spearhead the return of sexual equality among men.

>> No.9303900

You're forgetting Aristotle.

>> No.9303903

Your appropriation of my identity is welcomed as is your critique of Weininger and Schopenhauer!

>> No.9303927


>> No.9303928

Have you studied psychoanalysis? I think an approach of it is essential to a relevant work about sexual psychology, even if just to dismiss their theories.

>> No.9303929

Aristotle's telelogical conception of the world has been debunked even more thoroughly than the official 9/11 story. He has no credibility in the sphere of philosophical misogyny.

>> No.9303940

I have studied pscyhoanalysis and have previously written a private dissertation exploring the various disagreements between Freud and Jung, especially in regards to the influence of erotic drives on the unconscious and so on. I have also read R.D. Laing, Fromm, Guntrip and so on. I actually advocate what I term the "Schizoid Disposition" in my manifesto.

>> No.9303949

Innate, God-imbued final causes are not tenable, but youre a fucking idiot if you think teleology isnt real, especially in biology. If purpose doesnt exist, why is your heart in your chest? Evolution has made room for teleology and final causes, not done away from it.

>> No.9303950

Oh, so you're pretty well versed on it. Seems like your book would be an interesting read.

>> No.9303955

It would be. It is. I'm thinking of setting up a limited series of signed books for pre-order on Lulu for $35 each.

>> No.9303962

Let me guess, you browse /pol/, you support their views, and you're going to utilize their hilariously retarded rhetoric in your book.

>> No.9303983

>the Will

It's already outdated.

>> No.9304521

Anon when you're done with your book can I buy a copy?

>> No.9304609

Sure. Would you like to pre-order a copy for $35? If you provide an email address I will add you to both my daily Axiom of the Day email and my weekly biographical round-up newsletter, and also contact you with news regarding the book's publication.

>> No.9304620

I want to hear your philosophy OP, post a link

>> No.9304626

my novel is pro schizoid fuck off you're not a true schiz you're just a sad /pol/lack

>> No.9304652

This nowhere near reads like the most important work even among journals I threw away not so long ago desu

>> No.9304668

I think Elliot Rogers beat you to it.

This is a v impressive troll though. Good job anon.

>> No.9304678

Elliot Rodger provided an EMOTIONAL argument against women, my own case against the female gender is logical, rational and objective.

The reason I refuse to post a lengthier extract is because of stupid people like you who only exist to undermine others.

>> No.9304690

How do we know it's published? Do you already have a title we can keep in mind?

>> No.9304697

Doesn't matter if it was emotional, it was still flawed and deeply rooted in his own insecurities. I'd consider therapy if you feel like your "takedown" of the female gender is an appropriate outlet for looking down on 50% of the human race because they have a vagina.

>> No.9304699

Yes I have a title. But I refuse to reveal it as I admit to having very thin skin and if someone should (and they inevitably will) immediately react to my post with a mocking "lol ur fucking retarded sound shit kill yourself" I will probably suffer heart palpitations (to which I'm prone) and it will take several minutes if not an entire hour to remind myself of the virtue of my work.

>> No.9304702

Dubs and he calls it A History of Autism in a Tundra

>> No.9304707

So that's why you took down Orgy of the Will, you decided to do a more legit-sounding rewrite.

>> No.9304710

The unfortunate thing about posting on 4chan is that one never is quite sure whether his adversary is in fact a female acting as a sort of fifth column in service of her gender. Either way to reduce my lengthy, detailed, well-sourced thesis to a "takedown" is only a tactic you are using to discredit and cause others to doubt my inscrutable genius. I have read countless tomes on the female question and have not only synthesized previous solutions but also formulated my own. When my work is published the female gender will be vanquished to the point where no argument will ever be sufficient to compensate for their defeat. I can tell you think I'm lying, but in that case I ask only that you remain patient and see what happens.

>> No.9304717


>women are inferior, and i can prove it with EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY!!!
>still thinks that desire means the fulfillment of a lack
>painfully unaware of german idealism
>"by several man simultaneously"
>thinks 10k words of mindless rambling is a lot

lurk philosophy more

or you know what, go ahead and submit for publication. would love to hear what reviewer 2 has to say

>> No.9304740

>>still thinks that desire means the fulfillment of a lack
what else?

>> No.9304782


read bataille

>> No.9305051
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start over

>> No.9305067

lol the idea of a philosophy centered entirely arround hatred of women is actually a pretty funny idea.

>> No.9305720

What do you mean by a 'case against women/female gender'. You say you the 'female gender will be vanquished' but what exactly is your goal with all this? If your argument is truly 'rational' and 'objective' then it must have a goal other than making girls feel bad for the sake of making yourself feel better about being a virgin.

If you do actually have a logical purpose in mind with your book (like making girls accept their natural submissive position) then you wouldn't have to frame it as being 'against' women at all. The fact that you see the need to frame it as a way of 'defeating' women proves that you're making just an emotional appeal as Elliot Rodger.

Also no one will pay $35 for a self-published virgin rant. Even if it does seem to have an interesting basis to it.

>> No.9305744

Holy... I want more

>> No.9306030

>most important work of the 21st century
>written like a Victorian


>> No.9306053

is it bad that this legit turns me on

>> No.9306068
File: 148 KB, 1079x1080, lenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP is writing my diary desu

>> No.9306078
File: 1.34 MB, 800x533, laughing krogan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes claims about evolutionary biology and psychology with no (0) scientific evidence just because they sound plausible to him
Thank you OP, this completely lived up to my expectations.

>> No.9306083

back to le reddit bud

>> No.9306089

>evolutionary psych ramblings with focus on penetration because OP is horny


>> No.9306090

How much philosophy have you read OP? Because if the most important philosophical work of the 21st century boils down to "women are self-destructive sluts" then contemporary philosophy, with its ontology and epistemology and other disciplines, is fucked. But then again I'm probably taking that sweet sweet worm on a hook in my mouth right now so whatever.

>> No.9306095

>(or, indeed, by several man simultaneously)

give me a fucking break.

>> No.9306175

t. actual phil prof

>> No.9306188

> phil prof

What do you teach ? (also what classes since where I'm from highschool phil profs tend to teach psychology and sociology as well)
What's your favorite philosopher?
What are your qualifications?
Do you enjoy it?

I'm really curious, I'm working on a doctorate in philosophy right now and might teach someday.

>> No.9306238

yeah that's where i stopped reading desu

>> No.9306387

babbies first evo psych

>> No.9306550

This is worse than I was expecting. Read more faggot.

>> No.9306829

>act of inter-personal penetration is an intensely and necessarily humiliating for the penetratee.
Talking about the women haters, It's totally amazing to see, how even the men who are intelligent, drop their brain whenever they have to assess women. Their IQ LITERALLY drops SEVERAL notches whenever they are doing it. Then again, it's nothing but logical, as without having their IQ dramatically lowered, they could NOT find anything impressive enough to use against the female gender, to have their revenge on women for them not giving them any pussy. In that sense, they are in the same boat as those feminists, who desperately try to find something against the male gender in whole in today's world.

But by all means, write your book and make the entire world think you are mentally ill. :)

The idea that women feel humiliated, when being fucked is one of the most hilarious I've ever heard.

Not going to check any replies as I am only a sudden visitor.

>> No.9306854

Dude why the fuck are you still on 4chan? If I'm still on this website when graduate undergrad I'll kill myself.

>> No.9306871

>will change society
>rephrasing Freud


>> No.9306901


me me me me me, all of this was seen by me, fucking me and they're all blind to it like the useless grazing sheep they are, only seen my fucking me me me

nothing else matters, only my works i produce are important, they're all useless ignorant fucking animalsthat know nothing of higher knowledge, they know nothing of the things i have seen and done in this wretched forsaken life where every turn and corner is nothing but a harrowing and narrow dark reality

i have opened the doors to it and there it sat before my eyes, only to me, only to my eyes did it sit before me and i am it's witness as all these sheep will be my witness as i enlighten them to the higher fields to graze in the magnum opus of philosophy

witness me

hear me whisper in the darkness

'motherfucking win'

>> No.9306919

>Sad thing is no one have actually tried to help OP.

I have no idea about publishing. Sorry

>> No.9306927

Trolled. I'm not OP.

>> No.9307027

Good b8 OP.

I giggled.

>> No.9307112

Unfalsifiable garbage