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/lit/ - Literature

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9302134 No.9302134 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the plot of your novel.

>> No.9302139

Very, very good. Not the best part of my book though.

>> No.9302150

A man tries to summon his waifu through the use of a tulpa but his autism amplifies the powerlevel and his waifu becomes corporeal and goes on to found the literary movement of Memetic Sincerity. By the end she barely ever visits the man beyond the occasional visit to fulfill his sexual needs and cook him a meal or two.

It will have heavy allusions to Oedipus Rex

>> No.9302219

a group of children undergo a series of copernican revolutions about themselves, allowing them to deconstruct and de-mythologize their nostalgic sense of topos

>> No.9302220

>Very, very good. Not the best part of my book though.
What is the best part?

>> No.9302370

Go on

>> No.9302471

Who are these big tittied lasses?

>> No.9302560

read the filename

>> No.9302568

I posted that comment without even thinking. It was automatic. Sorry but I don't really care who these anime bitches are.

>> No.9302574

My novel has no plot. It's just incoherent purple prose which /lit/, whoms comprehension skills are roughly 0, desires in the world of literature today.

>> No.9302641
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A young autist just trying to make a meager living leaves his family behind in pursuit of living alone and planning his suicide by 40 because things never get better.

During this time he continues to defecate on canvas and hoard these fecal creations in a tiny studio apartment somewhere in buttfuck Colorado. Eventually he meets a qt girl at the local art supply store who keeps trying to force her way into his life because she wanted to see if he had good material to sell and make a buck off of. The hope was that she could manage the autism and his work to make a better living.

Upon learning that he uses paint enema to make """art""" just like ivy league students do, she loses sight of her original goal and begins to secretly show his paintings to local gallery managers.

After attaining local renown and noticing some of his shit was missing because he had space to walk in his room, he flips and tries to light a bonfire with all his work, dousing it in gasoline and smoking dank memes. The girl finds him by the paintings flame in hand and stops him. During their argument the gasoline begins to change the works of poopoopeepee and make them look even shittier but I guess she likes that so he gives them to her. He confronts her about the patronizing behavior towards him, and the lies, but she tries to tell him she is sorry, etc. He doesn't buy it and tries to burn everything. She burns herself putting out the fire. They continue to talk (scream) and he decides to test her. Cuts his wrist down the line and begins to bleed. Lights the paintings on fire again. She must choose, cash out, or save the autistic diaper baby who won't paint anymore.

hitting the shelves soon (never).

>> No.9302749

I recommend Harry potter and the shitter of fire.

>> No.9302848

Sounds great

>> No.9303077

How would you make this work

>> No.9303350


>> No.9303353

I'd read that

>> No.9303357

There are a lot of dragons. They range in size from as little as a weasel to as big as a house. There is a man who used to have a son until he was eaten by a dragon on a family picnic 11 years ago. The son comes back feral.

It's YA.

>> No.9303366

This reminds me of this thing that happened in real life one time that was traumatising to be a spectator of.

>> No.9303393

Lol you missed the dragon hype train.

>> No.9303403

I have two, though one is on backburner

Story #1 (backburner atm)
sci-fi war set in the eyes of four characters: two on the ground and two in the air, fighting in a distant planet against a ruthless alien horde and The Federation of Planets is sent to fight against the Horde. all characters are learning to deal with the environment and their lives

book #2
It's a memoir set in the eyes of the aforementioned characters, the two guys in the army. I modified it a bit from the original as the first is spotty (as I wrote it when I was 18, 6 yrs later it's still in the works). If you're used to reading Stackpole Military History memoirs, or Eastern Front Memoirs, it's written that style.

>> No.9303422

I don't write for any audience, I write for myself, so that doesn't bother me any. Besides, dragons will come around again eventually. They've been a cyclic topic for millenia. I hardly think that's going to stop.

>> No.9303462
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> I write for myself

>> No.9303610

Every man has a different taste

>> No.9304446

Whats wrong with YA

>> No.9305763

I think you should start writing the first one

>> No.9306694

Ill read it

>> No.9306750 [DELETED] 

A mother wakes up in the 2100s after being in cryo storage for 100 years. She moves in with her son, who is still alive and youthful thanks to advanced medicine and anti-aging techniques. She is uneasy, however, by his live-in "girlfriend", an android who looks like an anime character.

>> No.9306991
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A restaurateur running for state office is shot dead at a party on election night. Hearing the news, a former employee (the protagonist) returns to his home town to attend the funeral.
At the wake, they paint a reverent image of the deceased, styling him as a dedicated member of the community, a loving family man and a passionate philanthropist.
This disturbs the protagonist, who knows that the dead man was a stingy, unfaithful racist. He attempts to bring this up later with his former coworkers, but they either brush the subject off or claim to recall the politician in the same sunny platitudes as depicted at the wake.
At the funeral, the politician's allies shamelessly self promote, already using the dead man as a ticket for the next election.
The protagonist, alone in his determination that this man was no saint or martyr, begins his own investigation. Which puts him into contact with several people from his past as well as old contacts of the dead man.
Eventually it's revealed that the boss was killed not for political reasons, but over an age-old dispute with a disgruntled former employee. Essentially the man's death is a result of his own greedy and cruel nature.
Despite uncovering the truth, the protagonist is not vindicated. He returns West.

Also there's an embedded narrative of the life of the dead man delivered gradually throughout the text. It chronicles the pressures on him to inherit a business, to make something more of himself, and his ultimate failure.

>> No.9308004


>> No.9308201

Best post in one of these threads

>> No.9308242
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A boy wrongfully imprisoned goes on a quest to clear his name from his sister's false accusation and free his family from servitude. His journey details his several misadventures as he travels the world evading authority and matures, learning how to be both hard enough to make it in the world as well as compassionate enough to be a good father.

>> No.9308293

Plot surrounds three unrelated individuals and their relationships, burdens, and moral strife in the week before the apocalypse.

I want to make a statement on humanity's collective desire for companionship in the wake of great struggle, but how sometimes we are too scared to latch onto anything substantial.

By the time the last day comes, each of the three characters have distanced themselves from society, and spend their last moments daydreaming about spending time with the person/thing they loved, but never obtained.

>> No.9309084

What did his soster accuse him?

>> No.9309364

a private detective solves a series of murders revolving around a small mob family with assistance from his dope dealer, two wisecracking pothead hitmen, and a rapping cop.

>> No.9310139

>don't really care
>anime bitches

edit these out of your post and then log off please.

how dare you speak that way about my waifu.

good day to you

>> No.9310253

10/10 would read.

>> No.9311423

Wha is he accused of?

>> No.9311454

>a lifetime original feature

>> No.9311919

It's a bildungsroman about a orphan that makes an unlikely friend, goes to war, comes back and doesn't know what to do with his life. His friend helps him reconnect and as he slowly starts to find his place in society, war breaks out again. He dies.

>> No.9311930

An indentured servant frees herself from the specter of slipping into slavery through a complicated set of financial transactions. Incidentally these transactions plunge several other indentured servants into slavery to her. Cue plot.

>> No.9311962

girl contracts a brain disease that will cause her original personality to fade away and be replaced with another.

the story is either going to be psychological horror, or romance where someone falls in love with her old self as she fades away.

i just wanna do this so i can write in, "idk who she is, but i hope she treats me right"

>> No.9311991

This is bare bones

A violent, impulsive, nearly deranged protagonist is hired as a mercenary and is sent off to fight in a war (fictional countries) along with some others. He does quite well and kills plenty of enemies. Merc leader betrays him becuase one time he friendly fired a few times in a previous job, killing a few other brothers, and showed no regret/remorse. Protag sort of snaps after being nearly left for dead, seeks out the merc leader and kills indiscriminately (citizens and soldiers alike) in the enemy territory and going through two other countries during war time and also killing more people for pretty much anything (training aim, banditry, getting a place to stay for the night).

I've spoiled a lot, but there's more inbetween. His destination is the merc base where the leader is. He just wants to kill him.

>> No.9312057


>> No.9312080

can we greentext our plots?

>> No.9312117

are you that guy who asks their professor in college if they can go to the bathroom

>> No.9312154

reverse-Isekai about a great sword'n'board crusader who is summoned into the present day by a politician and tasked with cleaning up the remains of a Scooby Doo gang of magic users led by a crazed masochistic bitch
shit goes down when his summoner is publicly killed by said woman, prompting the society of magic users to send eccentric summoner to more or less wipe clean the region of witnesses, magic users, summons, i.e. the MC

>> No.9312206

some interest, seems kind of mystery to me though and that aint me but interest

>> No.9312210

Two guys go on a book-hunting tour across Europe.

>> No.9312231

i hate how vague these can be bc it's interesting but I know nothing else

>> No.9312282

A man decides to commit suicide by starving to death naked on his kitchen floor. The entire book is him looking back on the triumphs and tragedies that ultimately brought him to this point.

It's whiny bougie navel-gazing garbage but dammit it's ink on paper and that's what matters.

>> No.9312348

Name of book? It sounds cool

>> No.9312353


>> No.9312371

My story is a history of God, and how he came to stand in the position that he's in. He was tortured for millennia, and finally broke free from torture's breath. Now he wills with a cosmic will, usurps power from deities, and altogether manages his own quest for glory.

>> No.9312418
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Tentatively entitled "A Motion Not My Own" but I'm probably going to change it.

>> No.9312483
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the plot follows a group of middle class schoolchildren from 5th grade to the year following high school graduation and charts the solidification of their friendship, their group bond, and its eventual disintegration due to internal conflict and events that bring about a succession of personal enlightenments that run counter to the mythological construct they've built around their own conception of self awareness and brings them towards a confrontation with topos or the seductive trappings of their spatial history. the last two members of the group who remain in their home after high school are forced to reckon with a hostile vitalism in Nature that turns on them as part of a fatalistic reckoning and partake in a series of improvised experimental metaphysics to counter the hauntology of time, fate, and motion.

>> No.9312486

i honestly don't know.
battling between 'noir', mcs name, mirror, or deep sea? maybe a combination of all three
'black sea of depth' lmao

>> No.9312487

oops >>9312483 was meant for >>9302370

>> No.9312511
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Most individuals developed a post-scarcity society and fucked off. Roughly 800-1000 years later, in the Great-Lakes region of Canada, a series of individuals are able to communicate with the machine spirits of old automaton technology and are critical to reviving the economy. Blueprint data to feed the automaton production facilities are very rare, and those that come across them and keep them safe are immensely wealthy. The two main characters comprise of an over-arching covert government branch of Spies who root out Oligarchies in the spread-out townships and self-governed communities dotted across the wilderness that make up a semi-Anarchic like state. He has an Old Soul, which gives him the ability to speak with and manipulate old technologies and machinen spirits. His partner is specifically trained to deal with the supernatural Aboriginal and Nordic spirits and legends which just so happen to be true.

I am drunk and this is a very rough explanation. Oh god. I am so sorry.

>> No.9312697

0/10 There aren't even any spaceships or fucking dragons in it.

>> No.9312715

This sounds like if Disney tried to make The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.9312723

A guy wakes up in his bed to find himself turned into a big ol' bug. Please do not steal.

>> No.9312941

Clannad but with all black people in modern day Chicago

>> No.9313369

How will that work

>> No.9313382

the one on the right for sure

>> No.9313948


>> No.9313955
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My novel doesn't have any plot.

>> No.9314873

with guns and shiet nibba

>> No.9314900

In superhero comic books, there are those multidisciplinary supergeniuses like Reed Richards, Hank Pym and Lex Luthor who can invent seemingly impossible technologies and gadgets, often in a month. It seems strange that a world containing those geniuses would look more or less the same as ours.

I want to write a novel in which such a supergenius comes to be in our world. About her transformation overnight and her abilities, how her works affect the world and how the world reacts, what she thinks of the world and what the world thinks of her. As the decades come and go, their world will look less and less familiar. (The same will happen to ours, I know; but their science is weirder.) Inspirations will be drawn from the lives of Newton and Einstein etc, from the rise of the internet and the steam engine etc, and of course from comic and sci-fi. The book is ultimately a love letter to science and should involve its ethics, academics and processes. Narrated in alternating one- and third-person. Her life is spent mostly in laboratories, secluded from the public, while the third-person voice describes the effects of her works.

>> No.9314929

I've had remarkable good luck in situations that most would hear about in the local news of some hodunk small town.
I've taken car rides I should've never gotten out of
I've drank so much I should have cirrhosis
I've gone skinny dipping in an algae infested lake during blizzard on a 3 day bender
For all the shit i've done I should be dead, or at least worse off.

The plot of my novel is simple,
a coming of age story of a dumb kid who steals his parents car instead of going to college and road trips through small towns. Many of the stories in the book are going to retellings of the dumb shit I did in my youth

>> No.9314939

now that's a plot twist

>> No.9315047
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A respected physician who moonlights as an assassin is left mutilated and in exile after a cabal of powerful figures set about dismantling the established criminal fraternities of a wealthy city state in one bloody night.

Forced to watch the execution of his lover and former cohorts, he is left to rot in a penal colony far in the frozen north, his every though of retribution, plagued by questions. Why was allowed to live? Who betrayed the families?

What begins as a desire for petty vengeance swiftly embroils him in a war fought in the shadows and halls of power, where words and coin are just as dangerous as any blade.

Fucking love me some clichés.

>> No.9316062


>> No.9316499

Odyssey but from Antarctica to England and the guy has amnesia

>> No.9317638


>> No.9317695

Is he badass though?

>> No.9317736

I'm gonna write a steam of conscious 50 short story about a policeman going postal while listening to inner Circle's 'Bad Boys' on repeat until I finish it

>> No.9318595

Try to trim it down. 50 seems high

>> No.9320204

an orphan journeys through a world where magic once thrived in an attempt to revive it. Due to the shemes of the child of god, the deity which once controlled magic in the world has been slain and since then every magical creature has slowly fallen to that child's children. Now, urged on and aided by those few magical beings left alive as well as those cursed by the death of the magical deity our orphan is lead on through this world to put it back in its rightful state and slay the immortal child who originally put everything onto this path.

>> No.9320816

Pinnacle of lit I might add

>> No.9320915

It's about an autist who keeps posting the same thread on /lit/ over and over again.

>> No.9320926


>> No.9320996


>> No.9321679

Why harry potter

>> No.9321707

a SoL fantasy fiction with no magic
the fantasy aspect is that they have an underlying cosmogony in place that makes no scientific attempts to control the environment or themselves, thereby the setting is "fantastical" in its usual sense but there is no magic or dragons or anything

there is a rich culture and a beautiful world to explore
there is very little conflict
its a graphic novel

>> No.9321717

the description of it doesn't make it sound bougie to me

>> No.9322195

A guy calls up a sucide hotline and ends up being recruited into a cult that worships the tower of Babel or at least sees the one language as the ticket to salvation. Still need to work out some bits.

>> No.9322220

You mean the language of the garden of eden? Have you read that one book by Eco? I can dig your premise.