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/lit/ - Literature

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9299604 No.9299604 [Reply] [Original]

You guys just hate Harry Potter because it's cool to do so.

>> No.9299877

>autists in my city in slavland are organizing a Quidditch practice
I gotta go watch this shit

>> No.9299887

>watching slavs belt soccer balls at each other's heads with baseball bats
it would be fucking criminal not to .

>> No.9299892

Mmm. I hesitate to think Rowling is the kind of author that makes allusions like that on purpose.

>> No.9299894

>Jumping into Homer and later Arthurian legend without a solid base in anthropology.

>> No.9300015
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Also subscribing to authorial intent. Rowling is an author of exactly your level, philistine.

>> No.9300161
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>hate a modern bestseller
>you're just being a contrarian snob
>like a modern bestseller
>you're a disgusting pleb
>hate a classic
>you're too stupid or uneducated to "get it"
>like a classic
>you're a mindless critic drone

>> No.9300192
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Does anybody actually 'hate' Harry Potter though?

>> No.9300196


Harry Potter is the result of modern consumerism becoming nothing more than a spectacle. People don't actually read them or watch the movie adaptations but they know them from word of mouth due to how popular they are. Mixed in with how much anti-intellectualism has been allowed to grow it is no surprise that Harry Potter is the only book that people are reading, it really is the lowest form of entertainment for the lowest trash of people possible.

>> No.9300221

>People don't actually read them or watch the movie adaptations but they know them from word of mouth due to how popular they are.

>> No.9300224

>People don't actually read them
>it is no surprise that Harry Potter is the only book that people are reading
I consider HP children books and the hype surrounding it is the same nostalgic masturbation as Star Wars where characters, locations and plot points aren't really characters, locations and plot points as they are in other works but more like nostalgia triggers that people use to signal their pop-cultural literacy.

>> No.9300225


>> No.9300241
File: 292 KB, 1536x1618, SOC4zTq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution is C3. Am I smart now?

>> No.9300247

Before Albert speaks, he knows Bernard knows the number but not the pad so that rules out the single pads on lines 5 & 6. Which leaves a lone pad on line B. If it were this line Albert would know it then, but he doesn't, so it isn't line B.

Albert communicates this to Bernard.

So Bernard, knowing the above, is looking at four possible numbered lines, 1-4, three of which from his perspective have two possible pads (1, 2, 3) and one of which has one (4). He now says that he knows the correct pad, and the only way he can know the pad is if it is the newly-single pad at D4. If his line was 1, 2, or 3 he would have a choice of two pads on each line so he would not know.

So, D4.

>> No.9300259

Where exactly, pederu?

>> No.9300275

Toplo toplo

>> No.9300282

Even when I was a kid I didn't enjoy Harry Potter a lot. They were quite long by the end and the first 3 books or so repeat the initial chapters. "Harry Potter was a poor boy who lived in a cupboard" etc for the first 30 pages. As a kid that was big.

Obviously adults don't like it because it's drivel about fucking Wizards that basically makes no logical sense.

>> No.9300287


I loved Harry Potter but its shit literature for kids.

If you can still stomach reading it into your 20's you're beyond redemption and maybe should kys

>> No.9300295

>Obviously adults don't like it
don't you know? there were special "adult editions"

>> No.9300299

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:
Za dom _____!

>> No.9300302

I loved the first three, but it had become all but unreadable by the final book.

Maybe my feelings haven't quite metastasized into hate but at this point I do wish the franchise would just go away.

>> No.9300305

Welcome to /lit/ buddy :^)

>> No.9300306

It's cool to do what? To grow up?

That's pre-adolescent thinking.

>> No.9300307
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>> No.9300309

Why? Call me an idiot or whatever. Can't be 5 or 6 as Bernard would know. But why can it not be any number?

>> No.9300319

We're there? With what added?

>> No.9300347

>The reason they created Adult Versions of Harry Potter because when adults wanted to read Harry Potter books, they felt ashamed to pick up a book with children's character on them. Since the original HP books seemed for children, the adults would refuse to read it out of embarrassment.

>> No.9300358

Since Bernard knows, it has to be on 2, 3 or 4 since 5 and 6 were already ruled out and 1 could be C or D. Since Alfred knows after learning that, it can't be D as D could be 2 or 4. So only C3 remains.

>> No.9300364

C3 is the correct pad.

Statement 1
Albert(L): "I don't know which is the correct pad,"
-This is self evident. Each of the lettered tracks has multiple possible pads at the intersections with the numbered tracks, therefore Albert cannot know with just the letter which pad it is at this point.

Statement 2
Albert(L): "...but I know that you don't know either."
-If Bernard's number is 6 then Albert's letter can only be A, and if it is 5, then Albert's letter can only be B, as they are the only intersections on those numbered tracks that correspond to a pad.
-Albert can only make this statement if his letter is NEITHER A nor B. If it was one of the two, Bernard would have already known what the correct pad is from the start.
-This means that Albert's letter must be C or D and Bernard's number must be either 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Statement 3
Bernard(#): "At first I didn't know which was the correct pad,"
- This statement is redundant and only confirms Albert's previous statement.

Statement 4
Bernard(#): "...but now I do."
-Bernard must have made the same deductions from Statement 2 as us about tracks A and B, as there are multiple pads on remaining tracks 2, 3, and 4 that intersect with these tracks. If he hasn't eliminated A and B, then he cannot possibly already know the correct pad.
-Also, his number cannot be 1, because there are still multiple possible pads (D1 and C1) on that track as well.
-This leaves D2, C3, and D4 as possible pads, and because he knows the number, he knows which of the three is the correct pad, though we cannot yet.

Statement 5:
Albert(L): "Now I know which is the correct pad too."
-Similarly to Statement 4, Albert can only know this if he has made the same deductions from Statement 4 as Bernard and eliminated track 1 as a possibility.
-If he already knows the correct pad then his letter cannot be D, for there are also multiple possible pads (D1 and D2) on that track.
-If all the preceding Statements are true, then C3 is the correct pad.

quod erat demonstrandum

>> No.9300369



>> No.9300376
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>tfw to stupid to solve ridde
>tfw to stupid to folow solution

what do I read to be smarter at things like this?

>> No.9300388


>> No.9300390

Play chess I guess, or except when I asses you're an intellectual mess, can't compete with the best

>> No.9300393

accept* fuck

>> No.9300408

>>tfw to stupid to folow solution
what don't you understand about it? I wrote it to be as explicit as possible so /sci/ autists could follow it.

>> No.9300421

Yeah, and I wrote mine to be as vague and undetailed as possible so I didn't have to write a lot. Between us, we have all the bases covered.

>> No.9300565
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1485103241012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dad tried to teach me chess once but gave up when I couldn't remember at all which way the pieces moved.

He's a teacher of intellectually gifted high school students. I'm a high school dropout due to bad grades. He is very disappointed in me.

>> No.9300575

wish you good luck

>> No.9300581

now I'm sad

>> No.9300594
File: 202 KB, 600x700, 7c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I couldn't remember at all which way the pieces moved.
honestly though if you figured out that it wasn't 5/6 you can probably think through the rest of the puzzle

also, here's a good place to learn chess

>> No.9300623
File: 66 KB, 500x333, 1343458141116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good parts are the implied teacher gangrape in Order of the Phoenix, and the constant underage alcohol consumption throughout the series. Otherwise, shit characters that you want to perish horribly, and plot holes big enough to drive a hippogriff through. Also, magic as deus ex machina. They aren't unreadable books, and I don't HATE them, but they're definitely nowhere near worthy of the ridiculous quantity of accolades and dollars they've garnered.

>> No.9300633

>The only good parts are the implied teacher gangrape in Order of the Phoenix
you mean umbridge getting absolutely destroyed by horsecock?

>> No.9300649

OP here, all these responses are perfectly reasonable. You passed /lit/

>> No.9300675

thanks when will our grades be up

>> No.9300720

I suck at chess lol.


>> No.9301020

It's not bad for kids. I enjoyed them when I was little. It's silly for people to think of Harry Potter as serious literature though.

>> No.9301051

play with the computer for a bit, start at level 1 and don't move up to 2 until you win every game

>> No.9301059

>Iliad of Womer