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9293445 No.9293445 [Reply] [Original]

Why do left wingers always turn out to be pasty, maladaptive 20 year old neckbeards and fedoras who have never had a job in their lives and live in their parents basements?

Why are there no normal left wingers?

>> No.9293459
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>> No.9293477

desu the modern day 'commies' and 'nazis' look exactly the same, you neckbeared larper faggots

who here /capitalistyuppie/

you non-free faggots need a good taste of my friends smith and wessen.

>> No.9293479

Why are so many commies and socialists literal fucking trannies. Truly an ideology for the mentally ill

>> No.9293482

better accepted, the right-wing don't like 'em and the liberals put them on an worshiping pedestal.

also >idpol
fuck outta here faggot

>> No.9293487

Leftism identifies weakness. Leftist don't look up to successful people but instead to people who are disadvantaged. It makes sense mentally ill identify with leftism. It also means leftists don't try to better themselves so their metal illness gets worse (or they create one so they have a disability).

Even a complete retard isn't completely ignorant of their own self interest.

>> No.9293488

Because leftism is a mental illness.

>> No.9293523


Leftism indeed is an ideological leaning for the weak and mentally underdeveloped but this is not lit.

>> No.9293533

He birthday

>> No.9293546

That sounds like /pol/acks and the altright OP

>> No.9293548

>the rightwing don't like em

There are tons of closeted fags in rightwing politics

>> No.9293552

>working together and helping one another is mentally ill
>focusing only on yourself and your own immediate gain and detering others is natural

>> No.9293558


Sounds like there's a big mentally ill faggot by the name of (You) who needs to go back home.

>> No.9293568
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>working together and helping one another is mentally ill
>focusing only on yourself and your own immediate gain and detering others is natural

This is what leftists actually believe each side delves down to apparently.

>> No.9293570

Anyone who spends a lot of time online is a pasty maladaptive faggot loser who probably has no friends, job, girlfriend, skills, hobbies, or talents. This goes double if they spend their time talking about politics online.

>> No.9293572



when you look at people who work on wall street as satan spawn rather than average dudes who go home, have a sandwich. watch the game, and maybe fuck their SO., you develop a fucked up world view where everyone is out to get you.

>> No.9293586

Why is /pol/ in my goddamned /lit/?

>> No.9293589
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>muh left wing safe space

fucking triggered

>> No.9293591


>Leftism identifies weakness.
Nice propaganda. Non-traditional leftist ideologies are the only ones who trwt these people as human beings.
What do you expect? Them to be libertarian or conservative, even if 99% of those voters directly want to limit their rights?

From the buzzwords I guess it's a reddit discord. That's no surprise, very few online persistent communities are filled with attractive people. Not every forum, subreddit and imageboard is like /fit/. Chances are that /lit/ users are even worse.

>> No.9293594

>/pol/ talking about safe spaces

How ironic.

>> No.9293597


/pol/ doesn't pan for contradictory opinions like every leftist gathering space does, such as where you come from, reddit.

>> No.9293599

/pol/ is where you snowflake LARPers can pretend to be alpha nazis. Outside of /pol/, stormfront and vox peopl will have reactions that range from calling you a retard to downright beating the fuck out of your scrawny/fat ass.
that's a safe space my friend.

>> No.9293602
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>doesn't pan for contradictory opinions
Like what?

Also what about the rampant contradictions you can find on /pol/? Pic related

>> No.9293603
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>Outside of /pol/, stormfront and vox peopl will have reactions that range from calling you a retard to downright beating the fuck out of your scrawny/fat ass.

the tranny's having one of his power fantasies again

>> No.9293605

>he thinks that only antifas are willing to beat the fuck out of fat edgy nazi manlets

As you would say, kek.

>> No.9293611


I'm always amazed how a little shift in the short term political temperature encourages you to skitter out from under your rocks into the open as though you expect acceptance. Your views, when laid out nakedly, are abhorrent to the overwhelming majority of the populace. You have always gotten away with talking in code about your actual intentions because it flies over most people's heads, but the election cast a spotlight on what you're all about.

>> No.9293612
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mate the world literally laughs at pasty little virgin commie LARPers like you, if you believe hating blacks and muslims and opposition to mass migration are positions only held by nazis you REALLY need to leave your parents basement

/pol/ is merely a reflection of mainstream populist opinion, they are in the majority. Cross-dressing, estrogen-filled mouthbreathers like yourself are not

>> No.9293616

great book

>> No.9293619
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>wanting to limit people's rights
I think you and I have different definitions of a libertarian.

>> No.9293621


>Pic related

I don't see what you're getting at. First for me to take that argument seriously would have to imply that I'm white or that I believe in "white supremacy."

Considering neither of these are true I can't really fall into a category to answer that for you, but as I said; /pol/ will not ban someone for having opinions they don't like which makes it directly the opposite of a safe space. Especially considering they are constantly getting raided by butthurt redditors like you.


See above, didn't read far enough into your retarded post to warrant you your own response.

I don't know why you people come in here like blatant newfags and think /pol/ is an outlier of 4chan. It's the consensus extension of the rest of the site. It's not seperate just because you find there that many of us have opinions that hurt your faggot feelings. Thats why I suggest going home, because you're only going to get the same sentiments anywhere else on 4chan even from people who don't go to /pol/

>> No.9293622

>Your views, when laid out nakedly, are abhorrent to the overwhelming majority of the populace

You must be fucking joking. The vast majority of people are opposed to the ideological underpinnings of the Left

>Most Europeans want immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries, poll reveals


>Strong men are more likely to be right-wing while weedier specimens tend to have more liberal views, a study suggests.

You lose again, limp wristed libcuck

>> No.9293625

>mate the world literally laughs at pasty little virgin commie LARPers like you
Said the /pol/tard.

>if you believe hating blacks and muslims and opposition to mass migration are positions only held by nazis you REALLY need to leave your parents basement
And visit meth villages and rural Mississipi? lol

>/pol/ is merely a reflection of mainstream populist opinion, they are in the majority.
>the majority
>Trump was the closest candidate to this ideology and even he wasn't able to pull a /pol/ campaign off
Don't flatter yourself, you're just the internet counterpart of opioid-addicted rednecks.

>Cross-dressing, estrogen-filled mouthbreathers like yourself are not
I'm not a tranny nor I crossdress, I just believe in freedom.

>> No.9293626
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>loser ideology that protects, subsidizes and justifies the existence of losers attracts other losers

what a fucking surprise!

>> No.9293631

>unironically waving a DPRK flag
I just... I don't know anymore

>> No.9293635

>he does not follow US politics

>I don't see what you're getting at. First for me to take that argument seriously would have to imply that I'm white or that I believe in "white supremacy."

>/pol/hacks a-are not white supremacists!!!!
Give me a break.

> /pol/ will not ban someone for having opinions they don't like which makes it directly the opposite of a safe space
Say anything left of what a Klansman would say and see the reaction. It's a echo chamber for edgy kids.

>Especially considering they are constantly getting raided by butthurt redditors like you.
>/pol/tard complaining about raids

>Strong men are more likely to be right-wing while weedier specimens tend to have more liberal views, a study suggests.

>he thinks /pol/ is some sort of "alpha community"

>> No.9293636

Greaet thread faggots.

>> No.9293638

lol limp commie virgins absolutely REKT

>> No.9293640

He birthday

>> No.9293644
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>It's a echo chamber for edgy kids.

I believe what you meant was an echo chamber for freedom, something you absolutely loathe from the looks of it.

>> No.9293646


>shoddy poll suggests a desire for immigration reform
>that means that Europe is ready to goosestep

Fucking Christ, this is exactly what I mean. You think that most people think like you.

>> No.9293648

>/pol/'s "candidate" will drive down net neutrality.
>already approved ISPs to sell user-data


>> No.9293652

so much this

>> No.9293654


>leftists live in a perpetual state of slamming their feet and fists to the floor crying about how hard they lost
>make up reasons to hate their president when their former president should be hung from a tree for treason(and other reasons ;^])

>> No.9293657

Isn't that all ideologies?

>> No.9293661

>all this denial

just admit you're in a small minority libcuck. Any sane or rational person doesn't want millions of mudshits or nigs flooding their countries, and they CERTAINLY don't want to implement a welfare state in a non-homogeneous society. You leftards really have shot yourselves in the foot, and you don't even realize it.

>> No.9293663


>you expect acceptance

We president now

>> No.9293683
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>he doesn't follow US politics
Everything must be filtered through my American lens or it doesn't real!!
American politics are a fucking meme

>> No.9293685

Why does anarchism, as an aesthetic and a culture, seem to have less to do with freedom and expression and more to do with forced, milquetoast transgression?

>> No.9293689


Because "anarchism" discovered in college is like "buddhism" discovered in college.

>> No.9293690

What're you talking about willis, here is me at work!

>> No.9293692

GO back to /pol/ pls

>> No.9293693
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>> No.9293698

Give me the link to that discord server!

>> No.9293699

>echo chamber for freedom
>9 posts out of 10 are about how minorities/women/leftists should behave until you guys kill them

Fuck off

>say something
>what you say is wrong
>you respond by saying that we are triggered

Is this how you brainlet argues?

>> No.9293709

Well today I learned that freedom is defined by how we can restrict ISP's ability to sell internet data

>> No.9293714

That's objectively a infringement of our freedom. Do you disagree? Do you think that Trump is doing the right thing when it comes to his internet policies?
Is this what freedom looks like according to you?

>> No.9293720


Why would I kill women, I have nothing but love for dumb sluts.


I don't support Trump any more than I did Obama, which is not at all.

I find it pretty amusing how leftists didn't care about Obama upping surveillance to Orwellian levels but are flipping their shit about trump.

>> No.9293728

>That's objectively a infringement of our freedom.

No it isn't. I disagree with it but it absolutely isn't an infringement on your freedom

>> No.9293729

You are assuming I, that told you about ISPs selling your data and pushing NN down, were a leftist that didn't care about Obama's push of spying on people.

Can't you talk without being a massive fucking presupposition throwing machine

>> No.9293732

Talking like a true reverse gaslighting cuck.

I guess phone companies should be allowed to sell your data too LOL

>> No.9293734
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>this thread

>> No.9293738


>so assblasted he assumes everyone against left wing policies are pro-Trump
>things it isn't obvious he isn't a salty leftist Obama apologist

At least at this stage of the argument you and I can both agree that smaller government is needed.

>> No.9293740

"Delves down to"
At least he can write a sentence correctly you retard

>> No.9293743

You truly are down the rabbit hole in your own psycho babble. Congratulations for believing your own propaganda about people you don't know.

>> No.9293747


>get shown out for hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance

>> No.9293751

There are normal left wingers.
Just we aren't busy with internet celebrities and circlejerks

>> No.9293753

Why are you so aggressive?

>> No.9293754

Right wing ideas are more "natural" and "wholesome", so their proponents tend to be more decent human beings.

I don't hate leftists, though. They are well meaning for the most part, just a bit naive/ignorant.

>> No.9293762

Stop trying to reason with a retarded memetexting teenager. Just report and hide.

>> No.9293784


Go hide back at tumblr