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/lit/ - Literature

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9290315 No.9290315 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the best literary minds of your generation are only published on obscure far right websites

>> No.9290328

Y'know i came into this thread to make fun of this guy and shit on him, but this is actually from what I've read so far pretty stylish and interesting

OP pls elaborate

>> No.9290340

New Criterion is perfectly acceptable

>> No.9290351

Some of the more prophetic voices in twitter shitposting have begun to publish, they seem to write fiction specifically aimed at the new breed of neurotic, poorly socialized young man raised by the internet, desperately trying to undo decades of endocrine damage so he can feel like a human for the first time in his life.

These will never have a normal platform, because normie do not want to hear about it, they can't comprehend.

>> No.9290353
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The alt-right is quasisubculture. Emabarrassing earnest pap. 4,000 or so temperamental twenty-year-olds that thought it would be cool to play Machiavellian supervillain, 60 or so failed academics, journalists, and writers, and 1 ultra-ironic bodybuilder with a hilarious twitter feed. Essentially a bunch of domesticated losers that decided to take on the mantle of bitter obscurity without the joy of genuine transgression. Pathetic.

>> No.9290393

And I submitted them a pice last week and still haven't heard back.

>> No.9290404
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Explain why autists are so worked up over social media like Facebook and tinder, I only have Snapchat and don't use either of those platforms. Is it because they spend so much time online that everything they think about gets framed in an internet first way of thinking?

>> No.9290412

This is not "alt right" in any other way other than not following mainstream conservatism.
>1 ultra-ironic bodybuilder with a hilarious twitter feed
Which one? Are you talking about BAP? I'll have you know he's not "alt right" either but has been a fixture of the fringes of the right wing for nearly a decade, he's also in fact not ironic in the slightest.

>> No.9290420
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Read Marshall McLuhan

>> No.9290455
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it's alt-right because everyone who knows what this e-zone is identifies as like an "eco-monarchist" or a "neo-primitivist" or something like that. There's that yearning for a time that never was. And yeah I'm talking about BAP. If he's actually serious then I've gotta say that the overt homoeroticism undercuts any fear his ideology might induce. It's too fucking goofy to take seriously. Same thing with his writing style. All those exclamation marks! That's one of the tics I've noticed with neo-reactionary twitter accounts. They think it's stylish to write like a Victorian and then slip in a 4-chan neologism for a really vulgar clash of registers. That DeCameron guy with the butterfly emoji is especially guilty of this.

>> No.9290487

Most of the ideas in this sphere runs directly contrary to the ideas expressed by the "alt right", it is here one can find some of the harshest criticisms of the wider "alt right", it intersects of course, as there is interaction (and some like BAP became inexplicably popular posters) but still a very apparent distinction.

You misinterpreting the idealization of the male form and of male friendships as homoeroticism says more about your own pathology than anything else, the stated goal here is in fact BRONZE AGE REVIVAL and thus one harkens back to ancient social structures (groups of male friends) found in those indo-european societies.

>> No.9290488

that was crap

>> No.9290508

Amazing so few of such low pedigree accomplished so much and you are relegated to sneering from the sidelines.

>> No.9290524


How's your healthcare, buddy?

>> No.9290536

>no paragraphs
>no proper capitalization
>annoying animation in the background

Is that this post modernism I have heard of?

>> No.9290543

What is genuine transgression?

>> No.9290546

I don't think sam pink would publish on an obscure "right wing" website.

>> No.9290550

They're all the same. Petty distinctions don't matter to the normies. I'm sure there's a very real difference between the terms "racist" and "Western Chauvinist", but for normies the distinction is pretty much collapsed into an epic "Nazi Punch" video they see on their FB timeline. To claim there to be a difference is nerdy in-group/out-group pandering. If BAP and Kantbot-4000 both agree on eugenics and the practicality of governmentally-mandated female illiteracy, the distance between their made-up ideologies is collapsed by the publication agreement on their innate evil/inceldom.
They achieved a few clickbaitey CNN/NRO articles. Literally actually nothing was what they achieved.

>> No.9290588

The first thing that comes to mind is Nabokov. idk, but it's certainly not blindly regurgitating whatever chanculture tells you to believe. For a good study in the way unironically embracing chanculture reduces your literary abilities, check out


Read one of his posts and then tell me that his writing wouldn't be better if he hadn't discovered 4chan. It's a sad mix of budding talent and insipid subject matter, another le-woke Burkean Millenial watching JP vids as a substitute for internality. It's a good example of what I'm talking about.

>> No.9290589

Total garbage, OP. I'm sorry. I wish a solar flare would just cook the damn internet already, maybe people would find something interesting to obsess over and wax poetic about

>> No.9290598

I liked this one you posted, but more so because I'm a sucker for biology
As for the alt right/neoreaction stuff... my own view aside, I expected more original ideas.
There are a few interesting ideas there and here, but most still seems to be neonazi thought in a new jacket

>> No.9290612

It started off as a genuinely interesting and energetic group of people seriously engaging the work of de benoist and other nuanced discarded thinkers before retards like Spenser got so filled with self importance and degenerated into Nazi worship.

>> No.9290616

I thought he was talking The Golden One, the ugly swede

>> No.9290639
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This reads like DFW and Palahniuk and Pynchon got together to write about post-internet alienation.

OP Did you write this? Are you marketing this virally?

>> No.9290642
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>tfw you don't use social media

>> No.9290644

I need to do what you do

>> No.9290650

>What is genuine transgression?
american psycho

>> No.9290655

Sure you do
Just not the mainstream ones, right?

>> No.9290665

Do you consider 4chan to be social media?

>> No.9290667

>responsible for a mass propaganda campaign that was responsible for the election of the 45th president of the United States of America
>"nuh-uh you're just a bunch of smelly losers! I'm cool you're not!"

>> No.9290674

Yea that is basically my point, heh

>> No.9290704

4chan is social media

>> No.9290714

get offline

>> No.9290724

>This is all I have against a well thought out reply

>> No.9290802
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God, this is in UTV's level of autism

>> No.9290816

Nice blog. Just put an obnoxious .GIF in the background behind the text because fuck the people who decide to read it.

>> No.9290837

It's antisocial media actually.

>> No.9291037

Good for you. We all need to turn it off and do a Walden.

>> No.9291049


I don't even have a cell phone.

>> No.9291079


I don't have a cellphone neither

>> No.9291082

I'm 7 years old and even I thought that was pish

>> No.9291098

There's nothing more social than being called an autist by other autists whose faces or names I'll never know only to come back the next day and find out I can call him an autist back because the thread about the intricacies of post-modern though in a booktuber's review of Animorphs in which 10 people called each other authists because the thread 404'd while I was painting my twilight sparkle themed space marine figurines.

>> No.9291156

how do you guys feel about thermidormag? Been reading it for about a week and thought some of the articles were pretty spot on

>> No.9291166

You sound autistic.

>> No.9291237

It reads like American Psycho, only way less interesting

>> No.9292446
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>only comment is from an anime avatar

>> No.9292511

This captures the way the internet has been degrading my brain for years

I grew up on this site and now I have this schizophrenic voice that keeps shouting at me that everything I do is going to kill me because of the Jews or some chemical disaster or conspiracy. I'm going crazy trying not to conform to the stereotypes I see people post here, all because I've been conditioned. This is like some MK ULTRA shit, I can't concentrate or think straight. I talk to my girlfriend and I worry that she's fucking other men because people on 4chan said she might be, I can't drink water without considering the BPAs and the estrogen content. I can't squat with a pad because someone might take a picture and laugh at me on /fit/ for being a pussy. I feel like this is an alternative version of Fight Club where you try so hard not to conform to society that you end up more fucked in the head avoiding normality than just conforming to it. Someone's going to say that it's Jewish brainwashing thats forcing me to think this way and doubt myself and I honestly don't know which way is up anymore. I need to leave this place before I kill myself.

>> No.9292529
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Comes who may, leaves who can.

>> No.9292641

All the stuff that's been posted ITT is awful. No discernible talent to be found.

>> No.9292663


>All the stuff that's been posted in this board is awful. No discernible talent to be found.

This should be a banner

>> No.9292669
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>> No.9293202

>it's hilarious how /po/ is so out of touch with reality they actually believe they "memed" a president into office, or that they are responsible of anything other than giving clickbait pseudo journalists for their articles.

>> No.9293322 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 920x730, 1490504865367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hit the nail on the head, anon, wish there really was some way that we could go back and tell our past selves "don't go on 4chan"
I don't regret the cute anime girls though, should I?

>> No.9293329
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>> No.9293333


>> No.9293335

I am really jealous of how everyone used to have a quite unique(or at least aesthetic) handwriting back in the day.

Mine is shit and so is the one of my generation in general from the way it seems. Most people don't even bother writing in cursive.

>> No.9293341

>genuine transgression


>> No.9293473


Of course not. What are you, a fag?

>> No.9293587

It's okay. It's repetitive and niche, but it's okay.

>> No.9293620

I think you and I have a very different definition of the word "accomplished".

>> No.9293633
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>dont touch the receipt, dont touch the receipt.



>> No.9293637

>Most people don't even bother writing in cursive
>quite unique(or at least aesthetic) handwriting
His cursive writing looks like mine did fresh out of the third grade
I'd post pics now, but I'm lazy and I haven't practiced in a while
If I come back to this thread, maybe

>> No.9293676



>> No.9293680
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How did things get like this? How do we go back?

>> No.9293716

selfcare and a that good cuck shit anon. it works

>> No.9293761

that was fucking amazing

>> No.9293764

>dont sit in the couches in coffee shops

>your asian lab-partner is watching golden state youtube videos again


>> No.9293810


'quasisubculture' 'Machiavellian', you sure are well-educated, sir! Please, would you teach me more about life and people and how to be smart and successfull on this korean board for NEETs?

>> No.9293825

Proper English and rational thought are both Marxist propaganda created to kill all white men.

>> No.9293838
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>4,000 or so

>> No.9293849

While that may sound silly, intellectual sterility should be rejected in all of its forms.

>> No.9293851

i don't get what's amazing with this?
it's literally a much long winded "choose life" harangue

>> No.9293867

>I feel like this is an alternative version of Fight Club where you try so hard not to conform to society that you end up more fucked in the head avoiding normality than just conforming to it.

>> No.9293874

t. Jacobin reader

>> No.9294075

these are amazing




>> No.9294100

"Tren Warriors" was promising but the writing could be tightened up a but and purged of cliches. I'm not a big fan of sci-fi but I kept thinking of a "Max Max"/"The Matrix" mash-up while reading it, which is to say, the whole post-apocalypse dystopian thing is not exactly fresh material at this point. I did like the subtle injections of identity politics and Internet culture, though.

The most interesting part was the fake editor's comment at the start, which reminded me of a Japanese version of Bolano or some such.

>> No.9294104


>> No.9294110

If it worries about being 'genuine' - its probably not very transgressive.

The Alt-Right or whatever the fuck you want to call them have already outstripped and rendered obsolete the entire tradition of Left-wing cultural criticism and pseudo-dissidence simply by throwing off the pig-ignorant Humanist morality which has stifled Western culture since Versailles.

>> No.9294112


>dont have a cigarette, you really fucking want one, but youll feel it the next morning or when youre at the gym later.

But nicotine increase serum testosterone levels.

The entire right-wing confirmed for nancy boys.

>> No.9294118


>memeing got Trump into office

Yeah buddy, all the disenfranchised workers in the rust belt were convinced by frog memes.

>> No.9294132


>this amount of preoccupation with toxins

Isn't it amazing how people live longer despite ingesting enough toxic materials to kill a small country every day? Why are these people so obsessed with xenoestrogens and environmental toxins? Is it because they need an external source to blame for their lack of traditional masculinity and success in life?

>> No.9294143

>obscure far right websites

No, I remember you shilling your site on here before

>> No.9294199


its my site, but i'm not op, i promise

smart ppl should submit to the site! all yall negative mfs need to jump in the lake

putting up melchizekek's selected tweets later

pretty active on twitter @thecasperreview

thanks for reading the site

>> No.9294209

This wasn't bad but its still very much the work of an amateur.
He definitely has potential if he develops a more sophisticated literary mission than this black mirror tier shit.

>> No.9294227

20 lines in and i cant count the times i said ''You don't say m8''.
Does it get better? These are literally the most basic of basic red pills.

>> No.9294247


>> No.9294298

The writing on taktak.nu is better than this, as well as being /lit/ rather than /pol/.

>> No.9294326

Kek that guy posts here often

>> No.9294334

But the handwriting in that pic was awful.

>> No.9294344
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>Some of the more prophetic voices in twitter shitposting have begun to publish
amazon is now publishing ebooks in print so expect an explosion of republican literature that (((traditional printing))) would never have allowed

>> No.9294469
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>> No.9294477

/lit/ on a whole has extremely bad taste in lit. It's no surprise

>> No.9294499

I don't read, so I didn't read it. I just said what I thought would be controversial.

>> No.9294519

Gaslighting, my dude.