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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 612x380, John-Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9273946 No.9273946 [Reply] [Original]

I know this board likes to pick on him a lot and I used to agree with your guys-es sentiments. Then I decided to pick up his novel "The Fault in Our Stars". Which you can purchase here -->https://books.google.com/books?id=UzqVUdEtLDwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+fault+in+our+stars&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-8puOvOjSAhVM7GMKHZGnAUAQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q=the%20fault%20in%20our%20stars&f=false

It suddenly occurred to me while reading it, that John Green is really bullied for want of a good reason here. When you actually read his book you realize how he really tried to push the medium of teenage romance novels by making them deeply philosophical and profound. That's better than most of you neets can say. Just take the title for instance. "The Fault in Our Stars" points to Shakespeare's master work Julius Caesar and the famous line "The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves" and it rejects the simplistic nature of such a reactionary view. Instead it submits that it is indeed our stars fault. It is not our own choices to blame, but instead the socio-economic situation we were born in. I understood this sense he was a kid probably, when he had trouble getting girls. It wasn't his fault! It was because of the life he was given. I should note that I am practicing Christian by the way, but even I can see that the deep message that John puts into his work is noteworthy of admiration and perhaps emulation if you guys were wise enough to do so.

That is all.

>> No.9273956


Go to bed, John.

>> No.9273959

Just bought a few copies, should I buy some more, /lit/?

>> No.9274005

Yeah! I just bought a copy as well. It's much better than people on this board say it is.

>> No.9274022

"the stars" means biology
Astrology used to be a discipline of medicine

>> No.9274023
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>> No.9274025

>canceled it right after this order.

Anon I'm on to you.

>> No.9274032


>> No.9274036
File: 29 KB, 496x496, 1412092769285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your package will be left in the mailbox
>23 hardcover books

>> No.9274038

alright I'll bite, you've got your John Green thread

now someone post some funny John Green cuck stuff

>> No.9274040

So he proved that even after IJ you can still pull out the title for your book out of Shakespeare?
It must be the next great American novel then

>> No.9274053

Is this book postmodern? Discuss.

>> No.9274058
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>> No.9274060

You won't regret your purchase. You don't know how much it means to me. I am actually in tears right now. I think you have given me the gusto I needed to finally finish my next book.

>> No.9274081
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>> No.9274101


>> No.9274105
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>> No.9274112
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anon do you need to call somebody?

>> No.9274121

Your parents are going to be furious.

>> No.9274135

>anon's mother walks outside to find that their mailbox has two identical hardcover books crammed into it and 21 more laying in the grass around the mailbox, soggy with dew

>> No.9274136

he could be a bookstore owner or something.

>> No.9274149

>Balance: $1,576.33
>buying books full price from a retailer with the hopes of selling them and making a profit

I admire your optimism but that can't be it

>> No.9274156

I was thinking teacher or something. Why else would he have 1.5k credit?

>> No.9274157


>> No.9274168

I am crying laughing
This thread is off to a great start

>> No.9274172

He could be a teacher, ordering books for the class. We did it that way when we read stuff, though we usually had cheap books for 6 to 10€

>> No.9274176

Maybe it's actually just john green itt

>> No.9274181

No way would a teacher buy 23 full price hardcover books, and no school would want to reimburse that

>> No.9274183

>John Green
>Balance: $1,576.33

Actually a plausible theory

>> No.9274193

Let me get this strait John Green goes to make thread on lit because people make fun of him hear. He tries to convince people he is not shit and tries to pretend to be multiple people buying his books. All in the hopes that the mean people on the internet like him?

Sounds about right.

>> No.9274199

No anon
Not multiple people buying his books
One person buying twenty fucking three hardcover editions

>> No.9274200

If he did, I don't care. This thread is gold.

>> No.9274233
File: 393 KB, 567x430, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9274247

Hes trying to start a new meme where you buy shitloads of his books hahaha. Good meme.

>> No.9274276

Tweet this thread to john. He will come.

>> No.9274282

Better prose than john green desu senpai.

>> No.9274306

Can someone please? I would kill for a response like "hope you enjoy the book! :)"

>> No.9274356
File: 31 KB, 400x400, tintin7.1_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the meaning of this

>> No.9274376

It's not 'credit'. It's his balance, i.e., the amount of money left in his bank account.

>> No.9274386

I second this motion.

>> No.9274434

why the fuck does amazon know how much is in his bank account

>> No.9274441

>USAA_My Accounts_Account Summary

>> No.9274447

Man you are retarded haha

>> No.9274448
File: 85 KB, 238x239, 1490110124238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9274483

John is browsing this thread and I know it,

You're book isn't absolute garbage, I'll give you that but if you make one more Crash Course history I will burn you alive.

t. /his/

>> No.9274830

>It is not our own choices to blame, but instead the socio-economic situation we were born in.
if this is what you believe, then why did you use the "socio-economic" term 'neet' as an insult earlier in the post

atheist piece of shit

>> No.9274837

Greenie Weenie is a Christian, pal

>> No.9274856

I hope you didn't use your credit card for this.

>> No.9274866

I seriously hope teachers don't use John Green.

>> No.9274867

cant tell if trolling but nuts to your socioeconomic situation.

gird up thy loins and play your hand the best way you can.

t. Catholic

also its been a while since we've had a john green quarantine thread

>> No.9274877

His crash course on the French Revolution was pretty good.

>> No.9274879
File: 146 KB, 352x364, 1411920212233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

Magnificent work

>> No.9274882

Oh, they do. All of them do!

>> No.9274886

A history teacher I had would play Crash Course videos instead of teaching a class

>> No.9274888

Do you guys want to turn on ad block and watch the Crash Course Philosophy series together? I haven't seen it yet and I can only image what monstrosities lay waiting for me

>> No.9274894

That at least makes sense since some (depending on the topic) of his videos are okay but his fiction books are absolute garbage.

>> No.9274897

>turn on ad block
top kek

>> No.9274898

isn't that just begging the government to cut your job or at least pay you less

>> No.9274909

add me in the screencap

>> No.9274919

He already made 288 shekels today

>> No.9274958

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9275312

WHY? Please tell me I'm going crazy wondering why you would do this? Are you a millionaire, are you mentally ill or have you ascended to the godhood of shitposting? Please I must know

>> No.9275369
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>> No.9275420
File: 40 KB, 132x126, FUCKTHECAVEWALL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9275437

i read it a month ago its really good
i loved the characters and the amount of care which john put in it
altho i loved it
i wont buy a fucking 23 copy
still john green rocks you fags
let the salt consume all !

>> No.9275455


Someone post that passage where the girl want to give oral for the first time

>> No.9275461

she never did
as far as i can remember

>> No.9275467
File: 20 KB, 500x600, his nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpose

>> No.9275480

I found it (from the book looking for alaska). The use of "beeg" stuck in my mind

Just as the Bradys were getting
locked in jail, Lara randomly asked me,
"Have you ever gotten a blow job?"
"Urn, that's out of the blue," I said.
"The blue?"
"Like, you know, out of left field."
"Left field?"
"Like, in baseball. Like, out of
nowhere. I mean, what made you think of
"I've just never geeven one," she
answered, her little voice dripping with
seductiveness. It was so brazen. I
thought I would explode. I never thought.
I mean, from Alaska, hearing that stuff
was one thing. But to hear her sweet
little Romanian voice go so sexy all of
the sudden…
"No," I said. "I never have."
"Think it would be fun?"
DO I!?!?!?!?!?!?!"Urn. yeah. I mean,
you don't have to."
"I think I want to," she said, and we
kissed a little, and then. And then with
me sitting watching The Brady Bunch,
watching Marcia Marcia Marcia up to
her Brady antics, Lara unbuttoned my
pants and pulled my boxers down a little
and pulled out my penis.
"Wow," she said.
She looked up at me, but didn't
move, her face nanometers away from
my penis. "It's weird."
"What do you mean weird?"
"Just beeg, I guess."
I could live with that kind of weird.
And then she wrapped her hand around it
and put it into her mouth.
And waited.
We were both very still. She did not
move a muscle in her body, and I did not
move a muscle in mine. I knew that at
this point something else was supposed
to happen, but I wasn't quite sure what.
She stayed still. I could feel her
nervous breath. For minutes, for as long
as it took the Bradys to steal the key and
unlock themselves from the ghost-town
jail, she lay there, stock-still with my
penis in her mouth, and I sat there,
And then she took it out of her mouth
and looked up at me quizzically.
"Should I do sometheeng?"
"Urn. I don't know," I said.
Everything I'd learned from watching
porn with Alaska suddenly exited my
brain. I thought maybe she should move
her head up and down, but wouldn't that
choke her? So I just stayed quiet.
"Should I, like, bite?"
"Don't bite! I mean, I don't think. I
think — I mean, that felt good. That was
nice. I don't know if there's something

>> No.9275491

>this man just made $288.04 selling prose of this caliber while I cut my hand open repairing a toilet today and made $115

>> No.9275518

yeah cool
but we are talking about TFIOS so yeah get fukd kiddo
i'd love to see your book about toilet installations :D
well not to be mean or anything but your interpretation of a 200 ish page book by a single scene makes me remember the ulysses' ban case made by america
when the judge removed the ban saying that we should judge the book as a whole
so yeah keep repairing toilets doofus
also the bible :D

>> No.9275528

>Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.
>Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying. (Cancer is also a side effect of dying. Almost everything is, really.) But my mom believed I required treatment, so she took me to see my Regular Doctor Jim, who agreed that I was veritably swimming in a paralyzing and totally clinical depression, and that therefore my meds should be adjusted and also I should attend a weekly Support Group.
>This Support Group featured a rotating cast of characters in various states of tumor-driven unwellness. Why did the cast rotate? A side effect of dying.
>The Support Group, of course, was depressing as hell. It met every Wednesday in the basement of a stone-walled Episcopal church shaped like a cross. We all sat in a circle right in the middle of the cross, where the two boards would have met, where the heart of Jesus would have been.
>I noticed this because Patrick, the Support Group Leader and only person over eighteen in the room, talked about the heart of Jesus every freaking meeting, all about how we, as young cancer survivors, were sitting right in Christ's very sacred heart and whatever.
>So here's how it went in God's heart: The six or seven or ten of us walked/wheeled in, grazed at a decrepit selection of cookies and lemonade, sat down in the Circle of Trust, and listened to Patrick recount for the thousandth time his depressingly miserable life story—how he had cancer in his balls and they thought he was going to die but he didn't die and now here he is, a full-grown adult in a church basement in the 137th nicest city in America, divorced, addicted to video games, mostly friendless, eking out a meager living by exploiting his cancertastic past, slowly working his way toward a master's degree that will not improve his career prospects, waiting, as we all do, for the sword of Damocles to give him the relief that he escaped lo those many years ago when cancer took both of his nuts but spared what only the most generous soul would call his life.

>> No.9275529

>Please hear me out! John Green is underrated
>You're only allowed to discuss one book

2/10 made me reply

>> No.9275535

TFIOS is Infinite Jest quality, which is about the worst insult I can imagine

>> No.9275538

im not the op
yeah so he wrote a bj scene ?
how critical of you

>> No.9275541
File: 2.54 MB, 200x150, nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then Augustus Waters reached into a pocket and pulled out, of all things, a pack of cigarettes. He flipped it open and put a cigarette between his lips.
>"Are you serious?" I asked. "You think that's cool? Oh, my God, you just ruined the whole thing."
>"Which whole thing?" he asked, turning to me. The cigarette dangled unlit from the unsmiling corner of his mouth.
>"The whole thing where a boy who is not unattractive or unintelligent or seemingly in any way unacceptable stares at me and points out incorrect uses of literality and compares me to actresses and asks me to watch a movie at his house. But of course there is always a hamartia and yours is that oh, my God, even though you HAD FREAKING CANCER you give money to a company in exchange for the chance to acquire YET MORE CANCER. Oh, my God. Let me just assure you that not being able to breathe? SUCKS. Totally disappointing. Totally."
>"A hamartia?" he asked, the cigarette still in his mouth. It tightened his jaw. He had a hell of a jawline, unfortunately.
>"A fatal flaw," I explained, turning away from him. I stepped toward the curb, leaving Augustus Waters behind me, and then I heard a car start down the street. It was Mom. She'd been waiting for me to, like, make friends or whatever.
>I felt this weird mix of disappointment and anger welling up inside of me. I don't even know what the feeling was, really, just that there was a lot of it, and I wanted to smack Augustus Waters and also replace my lungs with lungs that didn't suck at being lungs. I was standing with my Chuck Taylors on the very edge of the curb, the oxygen tank ball-and-chaining in the cart by my side, and right as my mom pulled up, I felt a hand grab mine.
>I yanked my hand free but turned back to him.
>"They don't kill you unless you light them," he said as Mom arrived at the curb. "And I've never lit one. It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing."
>"It's a metaphor," I said, dubious. Mom was just idling.
>"It's a metaphor," he said.
>"You choose your behaviors based on their metaphorical resonances . . ." I said.
>"Oh, yes." He smiled. The big, goofy, real smile. "I'm a big believer in metaphor, Hazel Grace."
>I turned to the car. Tapped the window. It rolled down. "I'm going to a movie with Augustus Waters," I said. "Please record the next several episodes of the ANTM marathon for me."

>> No.9275542





>> No.9275543

nope both good books

>> No.9275544
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>> No.9275554

i can hear john greens dick get hard as he wrote that line about a hamartia

>> No.9275561

>So we went to her room and asked Alaska. She laughed and laughed. Sitting on her bed, she laughed until she cried. She walked into the bathroom, returned with a tube of toothpaste, and showed us. In detail. Never have I so wanted to be Crest Complete.
>Never have I so wanted to be Crest Complete

Obviously the fact that the oral sex exists in the book isn't the primary point of criticism

>> No.9275567
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1319088751890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ.

>> No.9275581


>> No.9275584

Hi, yes, this is Mr. Green here. Those 34 hardcovers just paied for my second chinese bride, thank you 4chan.

>> No.9275595

i never read the book but i kinda giggled
i can see that you might not find it amusing yeah i respect that
but still he's not a bad writer just because you didn't enjoy him

>> No.9275602
File: 835 KB, 280x189, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, my God
This comma strikes a fierce lust for suicide into my heart every time I read it.

>> No.9275608

hes a bad writer because his career consists of shitting out platitudes and cheesy YA romance

>> No.9275611

YA yeah but far from cheesy
go eat your flintstone vitamins

>> No.9275613

>but instead the socio-economic situation we were born in

yeah you get cancer for being rich

>> No.9275615

see >>9275541

>> No.9275691

>The whole thing where a boy who is not unattractive or unintelligent or seemingly in any way unacceptable stares at me and points out incorrect uses of literality and compares me to actresses and asks me to watch a movie at his house. But of course there is always a hamartia and yours is that oh, my God, even though you HAD FREAKING CANCER you give money to a company in exchange for the chance to acquire YET MORE CANCER. Oh, my God. Let me just assure you that not being able to breathe? SUCKS. Totally disappointing. Totally

Where in god's fucking name was John Green in high school if he genuinely thinks teenagers talk like this

>> No.9275758

He was the aspie kid sitting alone staring at the pretty girls and imagining them talking to him like this.
He was /lit/.

>> No.9275794

Completely read that as 'um'

>> No.9275825

To be honest the post about toilet fixing was better written than that shit

>> No.9275833
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It's... it's just as bad as everyone says..

I thought you were over-exaggerating. I thought you were being dramatic. I didn't think anything could be THIS BAD.

>> No.9276020
File: 29 KB, 400x400, hrrrrrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is justice in this world tho

>> No.9276048

kek. do you think she talks to him like in the novel?
>"Honey I so so totally need you to take out the garbage RIGHT NOW. you know the part where you go and do the chores for me? yeah, that's happening."

>> No.9276053

>spending 300 bucks just for a couple of (You)s

>> No.9276056

He won't see it since he gave up twitter for lent

>> No.9276090

murdering him would be a kindness

>> No.9276092
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>> No.9276097


>> No.9277312

Don't let a thread this good die

>> No.9277507

Looking forward to seeing the pics of the delivered books

>> No.9277521

It was in a private school in Mexico, I doubt the government cared

>> No.9277671


>> No.9277767

Could you provide a link so we can track the package as well?

>> No.9278089

>oh no they were all DOA

>> No.9278100

>The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves" and it rejects the simplistic nature of such a reactionary view

not that i take this as a serious post, but how is that reactionary?

>> No.9278116

i can't believe what i'm witnessing

>> No.9278163

this is not real
mein god this thread lmao

>> No.9278171

he wrote a shitty bj scene

>> No.9279227
File: 616 KB, 1280x1456, 91ED67A6-D4CA-4E9A-BF29-0D901F751F5A-9418-00000DC9632D3CC1_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9279273

You must be a high school /lit/ teacher.

>> No.9279292
File: 15 KB, 262x281, tumblr_oaf138arsR1unc1rio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High school teachers buy books hardcover books, at retail prices, using their own money

Yeah looks like you cracked the cases anon

>> No.9279293

It's a metaphor, see:

>> No.9280846

I think it's more likely that he gonna sell them on his campus or something. Reselling books to uni lazies is pretty common.

>> No.9281216

This is clearly a meta level marketing scheme set up by John Green. It's genius. Wake up sheeple

>> No.9281841

Can some,one explain to me why this is bad writing? I can feel that it's bad, but why?

>> No.9281890

The overuse of commas, for starters.

>> No.9281921

You mean like how he pairs dialogue with an action?
>he asked, turning his head

>> No.9281972

>It is not our own choices to blame, but instead the socio-economic situation we were born in.
Trump's a shit head because he was born in to wealth and poor dindus have no agency, I guess.

>> No.9282008


>> No.9282040

Thanks John, I just ordered 10.

>> No.9282591

>oh, my god
is also a good example

>> No.9282659

I've seen it happen.

>> No.9282883

Ctrlf bait 0 results


>> No.9282906

this is bate

>> No.9282987

If this thread dies before John Green's best fan posts the picture of the 23 copies I'll be mad at you guys

>> No.9283791

Bumping for John Green's biggest fan

>> No.9283808

John Green is a beta cuck numale. Only romantically ignorant teens get wet for John Green.

>> No.9283812

So do you have them yet?

>> No.9284353

Does anyone have the screenshot of the email email /lit/ sent Green years ago?

>> No.9284437

Well yes, but you're not the one to talk fag.

>> No.9284443

Why is there no screen cap of this thread yet.

>> No.9284449

That's what I'm waiting for

>> No.9284455

No payoff from OP yet.

>> No.9284468
File: 5 KB, 200x210, 0748_-_tSrV0Kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if 23anon killed himself
I can only imagine someone very broken spending $288 of their $1500 bank account on hardcover books they don't want

Maybe he just wanted to see the (You)s build up as the rope tightens around his neck

>> No.9284471
File: 1.37 MB, 3840x2160, 1487522745205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, you deserve this. Now, please stop and reconsider your life.

>> No.9284781

He's not OP tho

>> No.9285645

I unironically like this guy. He's cute, I think. Trying my best to ignore whatever cringe may or may not be contained in the dialogue that breaks up the main story bits, I don't see what's so bad about him. I remember people here shitting on the GoT writer for dumb reasons, and this hatred seems about right for edgy hipsters like those. Just because he's popular and a little corny. No actual criticism or dislike aimed towards authors that are truly garbage.

>> No.9285716

Come on John, you already got 23 books sold. What else do you want from us?

>> No.9285898
File: 103 KB, 1015x389, grrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think >>9285645 is John, or GRRM? Notice the subtle GoT apologia thrown in the middle there.

>> No.9285901

Fuck off, john.

>> No.9285941

Is John Green the Joseph Goebbels of our generation?

>> No.9286126

I really enjoyed this post OP.