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/lit/ - Literature

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9284665 No.9284665 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight.

We robbed the world of what could have been the most massive, terrifying, bad-ass evil empire that would have imposed authority, uniformly masculine urban aesthetics, reared its citizenry to physical fitness, cared for its people with socialism, made their people proud with nationalism, produced top-tier philosophers and scientists, maintained peace through strength, and allowed us to explore space due to the absence of banking elites or foreign aid, all so that brown people could order gay birthday cakes?

Why was that desirable in any way?

>> No.9284670

this is a board for books you retarded faggot

>> No.9284672

Shut up, dumbass

>> No.9284673
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>not ordering gay birthday cakes

>> No.9284684

> this triggers the leftist

>> No.9284686

Heidegger is /lit/

>> No.9284712

With Jews you lose.

>> No.9284975


How do you expect the world to react to some foreign power invading everyone else and committing genocide?

>> No.9284987

(((They))) did not like to be gassed.

Which I can like totally understand.

>> No.9284990

Well, how did the world react to 19th century Britain?

>> No.9285036
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Germany wasn't "evil". Besides, even if they were - the Allied forces were much more since they included the Soviet Union.

The fact that historians and politicians and kikes wont admit in 2017 that Germany was far lesser of the 2 evils is sad.

We should have faught with Germany against USSR. No Mao, no Pol Pot, no Vietnam.

>> No.9285039

there was no love in it

>> No.9285157
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Reminder that nazis are corporate suckers.

>> No.9285174


>the most massive, terrifying, bad-ass evil empire that would have imposed authority, uniformly masculine urban aesthetics, reared its citizenry to physical fitness, cared for its people with socialism, made their people proud with nationalism, produced top-tier philosophers and scientists, maintained peace through strength, and allowed us to explore space due to the absence of banking elites or foreign aid

You know what the difference is between all that shit and gay cakes?

Gay cakes aren't a spook.

>> No.9285187
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>produced top-tier philosophers and scientists
Where's that Ice-Age you promised us Hans?

>> No.9285197

You have to remember History is wrote by the winners.
Who tries to limit free speech today towards Pewdiepie?

>> No.9285200
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You fucking sheep

>> No.9285202

If today ((they)) lie about countries they wanna invade, why would it be different with Germany?

>> No.9285205

Decent people?

>> No.9285207

Maybe Germany didn't had the intention of starting a war, like the countries that doesn't have nuclear weapons after all

>> No.9285213

/lit/ in 2017

>> No.9285214

Free Speech is free dude.

>> No.9285218

Having free speech rights means that I can criticize and boycott Pewdiepie.
Stop being a sissy.

>> No.9285219

Your race only produces trivial and degenerate literature anyway, Schlomo.

>> No.9285220

>Decent people

>> No.9285222
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>> No.9285228

Does Finland have good literature? And what about the fact that most pre 19th century german literature is worthless? What about the fact that there are maybe only 5 to 10 masterpieces in 200 years of US?

Stop conflating the West with what France and Italy have achieved in literature and poetry.

>> No.9285230

great satirical post

>> No.9285232
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>mfw all French literature of any worth produced in the 20th century (with the exception of Proust) was by fascists and National-Socialist sympathisers.

Only semi-ironic.

>> No.9285234

And your post is /lit/ related how?

Oh well.at least you've created a containment thread.

>> No.9285258
File: 19 KB, 248x380, Täällä_pohjantähden_alla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland has amazing literature totta puhuakseni.

>> No.9285260

This entire site is /pol/ shit no matter where you go. 4chan needs to die

>> No.9285261

Jews dindu nuffin, been going to communist party meetings every week, trying to get the liquidation on track.

>> No.9285262

Did you ever consider that the reason that may be is that /pol/ is the truth?

>> No.9285272

Nah, it has just been coopted by white supremacists/klansmen/nazis from stormfront, all people who ought to be shot, had we lived in a ideal world.

>> No.9285333

Proust was a Jew.

>> No.9285336

I've been to /pol/ and back again.

It's not the truth, it's just ideal for insecure teenage boys which 4chan is in no shortage. Hell, /pol/ doesn't have consistent opinions anyway, they just have a vague idea of what they want and instantly start dick-riding anyone who might give it to them. Hence why it's a cesspool of e-celebs and Republican shilling these days.

>> No.9285353


>found a society on martial strength
>get utterly BTFO in a war to the point where your opponents remodel your entire society
>neo-Nazis will defend this

>> No.9285355


Every day I curse moot for not leaving the news/politics board deleted. By far his worst mistake. It's not a successful containment board if it rampantly attracts edgy teenage newfags.

>> No.9285480

We immerse ourselves in their language, pop-culture and view them as the good guys while simply ignoring the evils they've done

>> No.9285485

that sounds familiar

>> No.9285490

>I am too cowardly to embrace my own freedom so I wish I could suck the cock of an authority that would impose a life upon me

>> No.9285531
File: 182 KB, 442x341, flanders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was noting socialistic about the german economy under Hitler, control over investment decisions and profit remained in private hands, all the public would get was the public debt left in their name to pay off... hell even real wages declined
science was totally under ideological control by the party and real advances going on in physics and other fields were dismissed as Jewish propaganda, space exploration wouldn't have gotten anywhere if they couldn't drop the ideological control over science and embraced einsteinian physics
also sorry to tell you but a "banking elite" existed and were loyal to Hitler

>> No.9285576

Because of muh freedom and muh christian moral system, the bad guys always win.

>> No.9285593

>shooting people who think different than you and not shooting the people who commit most crimes even in their most wealthy states
Really fills my mind with sunshine

>> No.9285599

>muh freedom
When will this meme end?

>> No.9285620

Why wouldn't you want freedom, anon?

>> No.9285623

>Top tier philosophers

>> No.9285637

I want freedom, but I dont think freedom is doing whatever you want.

>> No.9285651
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>> No.9285675

>cared for its people with socialism


>> No.9285678


>> No.9285688

>evil empire
After all you wrote you still believe the Jewish narrative?

>> No.9285746

I was hoping this would be a Heidegger thread

>> No.9285783

Stalin did literally NOTHING wrong. He was actually quite similar to Hitler, except even better and not an unwitting jew stooge >>9285157

>> No.9285786

Someone post the pic with the nazis playing with a kitten

You dont know how to use that term


It was Prussian Socialism rather than Marxian/English Socialism, read Spengler

>Implying we use Einstein to get into space

I'll talk about Heidegger. What essays/books have you read by him?

>> No.9285792

>It was Prussian Socialism rather than Marxian/English Socialism, read Spengler
No it wasn't, maybe YOU should read Spengler you fucking retard.

>> No.9285803

Well, yeah it is. That's exactly what freedom means.

But of course if we allowed that to happen a lot of people would quickly find themselves having no freedom because they're being stifled by those with the power to exploit them. Hence why "freedom" in any useful sense needs to be modelled in such a way that you can do whatever you want, provided it doesn't hurt the freedom of anyone else.

e.g the freedom to own a gun is valuable as it's important that people be able to defend themselves. The freedom to wantonly shoot people is bad because death deprives them of their freedom.

>> No.9285849

>1000 year reich
>lasts less than 50 years


>> No.9285857


it'll always exist in our hearts

>> No.9285894

Much like plaque blockage

>> No.9285963
File: 29 KB, 400x300, Make-the-lie-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uniformly masculine urban aesthetics
>reared its citizenry to physical fitness
>cared for its people with socialism
>made their people proud with nationalism
>produced top-tier philosophers and scientists
>maintained peace
>allowed us to explore space
>absence of banking elites

>> No.9286011

>The surrealists

Just because you only know Celine and Houellebecq doesn't mean they are the only authors to come out of France, you fucking retard.

Why can't /pol/ just leave, no one here is interested in your senseless drivel, even the conservative christians find you dull.

>> No.9286035
File: 38 KB, 413x395, hheheyeyhehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw neetsocs and commies completely failed into irrelevancy
>mfw the 20th century

>> No.9286128

Montherlant is good

And now capitalist liberal democracy has proven to be the biggest failure of all, since it too will collapse yet also threatens the destruction of the environment, the erasure of white populations, the eternal last man-hood of mankind, rampant sexual, social, and psychological degeneracy, and even civilization itself.

[Citation needed]

Freedom in your sense is just the freedom to become enslaved. Enslaved to your passions, enslaved to your hands and feet, enslaved to whatever tribe of conquerors comes your way and corrects the failed nature of you and your "free people."

Spengler wanted (and foresaw) the politics of money to be defeated by racially-felt socialism which would actually be the Nordic will to power of an upper class commanding the masses of people from above and willing great things. See Decline, vol. 1, "Buddhism, Stoicism, Socialism"

>> No.9286138

We did it so that 8 year old boys could mutilate their genitals and pee sitting down in the girls locker room.

>> No.9286146
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>circular history