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9281767 No.9281767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about sweet girls

>> No.9281787

Women aren't sweet. Women are vicious harpies wrapped in a sweet, soft, nice-smelling exterior, and with a special voicebox that makes their voices sound sweet to your ear, so that you'll be tricked into letting them latch their claws onto your testicles and heart forever.

If we discovered two races of aliens, in two solar systems on opposite sides of the galaxy, and one of the races was bifurcated into something analogous to our two "genders" that entered into "heterosexual" partnerships with one another for the sake of mutual benefit and the raising of children, and the other race was a monogendered warrior species that had evolved near molten crags that fire pulverised particulate mists of amphetamine-analogues that cause ecstatic berserker states and deadly contests of strength at regular intervals, we would literally be more similar to the latter race than to the former. Women are basically space cocaine. Their sole natural occupation is to convince you that they are more like partners than clouds of sex meth.

>> No.9281854

lay off the ritalin buddy, I've been there.

>> No.9281859

for him

>> No.9281862

tru dat

>> No.9281883


>> No.9281885
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I fucking love girls. As a 20 year old I literrally think about girls half the time. I just want to hug and kiss one and tell her how much I care about her. Cute girls are so ducking awesome

I jerk off too much though. Just so much sexual energy pent up and I've never had a gf. I think it'd be too much responsibility anyways for me. Friends with benefits situations would probably be better

Anyways idk any books about cute girls but id really like to hear of one

>> No.9281891

actually, what are the effects of ritalin? is it like a drinking a lot of coffee? any bad side effects?

>> No.9281895

>women are basically space cocaine
Would have worked better if you said literally but I like it
It has pasta potential

>> No.9281898

buenos aires is fucking shit tier

>> No.9281927

She looks like a girl who hit on me once but I was too autistic to know how to reciprocate or even react so I immediately left the premises.

She seemed pretty nice but also kind of obnoxious personality-wise, don't think I'd describe her as 'sweet'

>> No.9281936
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>tfw some girl desperately hits on you for an entire year and you only see it for what it was looking back

>> No.9281940

Please stop

>> No.9281954

I only able to hold a conversation with a girl when I'm drunk, but being drunk makes me stupid and I never notice when some of them are """hitting""" on me, and if I actually notice it I just don't care, I'm too used to being alone and sexless than I just find other stuff more fun, I've had casual sex and it just felt vapid

>> No.9281962


I rather like women, but I've always held that women are meant to be loved and not much else.

>> No.9281967

>sweet girls
no such thing, the only thing sweet about them is their looks, they are truly evil in the inside, is like they enjoy being annoying and extremly self-centred, /r9k/ fags are annoying but they are right

>> No.9281976

>it's a girl drives you around and keeps grabbing your dick chapter
I got the hint eventually

>> No.9281985

>it's a girl sucks your dick everytime you see her at college or a party
this has 10 years ago, if it wasn't for these thread I would had never understand what she mean't by that

>> No.9281997
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>Its a girl way hotter than you that you don't even know tells you you're sexy and you laugh because you think she's joking chapter

>> No.9282023

fuck that girl is so pretty she is making me fall for the women meme again
what do?

>> No.9282030

she's a porn star named yhivi so i guess you can go back to hating women now

>> No.9282041

wtf i love women now

>> No.9282069

Hey she got out the game!

>> No.9282071
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If women acted like Mina I would respect them.

>> No.9282096

good for her, if only you could un-suck a penis
>not falling in love with the naive, beautiful lucy and frantically crying during her death scene

>> No.9282139


>> No.9282158

yeah bro! Take the redpill

>> No.9282172

t. numale cuck

>> No.9282256
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>tfw a girl wanted you to take her virginity on prom night so i flirt with her all night, dance, go to her house and leave when she asks me to sleep with her and end up sleeping at a bus stop
Im too powerful for this world

>> No.9282300

>tfw a girl finger blasted your poophole at a university swar-a but you were busy reading Dogstoevsky and didn't pay attention till the bumhole gspot orgasm until you creamed your tweed pajama bottoms in ecstasy and moaned loudly in a reverberating rhythm before quoting Slavoy Zeezeck and sniffing

>> No.9282310

it's hard to explain, if you take a little too much you'll feel like a robot in a human's body. your hands will become sweaty and you won't be able to think properly. it also gave me really weird horror-like dreams, which were way too realistic. it really messed with me personally.
it's also bad for your heart.

>> No.9282322
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>tfw junior year of high school qt black girl asks me to prom
>she hates me before the night is over and leaves, next year she goes to harvard a year early
>senior year another even qt-er black girl asks me to prom
>completely unrelated, coincedental
>do better this time
>heading back to her friend's house
>just the two of us, her friend and her friend's date
>end up watching house and the pursuit of happiness until two in the morning
>go home
>somehow failure
>freshman year of college
>qt blonde starts showing interest
>asks to come to her room to "help her do laundry"
>hang out awkwardly for half an hour
>find out later she cried once I left
>look into the camera
>"I'm actually abstinent until marriage"
It feels so bad, and yet so good.

>> No.9282375

laundry is an aphrodisiac, it's the warmth, the vibration, and smell of fabric softener. you should've just kissed her anon, you can be abstinent and still physical

it's a "woken up" feeling, but not like coffee. it's more like you actually got a decent night's sleep and haven't been depressed for the last four years. it makes rote actions much more enjoyable, like cleaning and exercise, but makes creating and studying harder, at least for me. it also makes sleep more difficult and dreams more vivid, and completely destroys my appetite.

>> No.9282399

>tfw can't talk to girls unless I'm hammered, and by the time I'm drunk enough, I think everyone looks hideous
>tfw I've shoved multiple women to the floor in disgust while making out with them
Post-humanity is here and I am it.

>> No.9282434

>implying we would engage in deadly contests of strength if it weren't for sexual competition
Your view of human nature is way too narrow.

>> No.9282436

Sounds like fun

>> No.9282490
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Hmmm I dont know m8, you really don't think pic related is sweet? You honestly don't want to lick her? smdh tbqf

>> No.9282533
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Stop being homosexual.

>> No.9282545

>tfw ywn rub your penis in her mouth and nose
Just end it, bros

>> No.9282558

this sounds a lot like a superiority complex

>> No.9282565

you don't get it. he compares women to the amphetamine sex clouds and basically says they aren't people, just floating bags of primal motivation that fuck you up

>> No.9282568

She disgusts me.

>> No.9282581

As long as she doesn't have any STD's I'm fine

>> No.9282598

>I've shoved multiple women to the floor in disgust while making out with them
i'm fucking dead

>> No.9282612

This guy is 100% right, this thread got me thinking about girls and I just can't focus on anything anymore, I have already masturbated 3 times and my penis still tickles. Is like having an adicction by default. Any books for this feel?

>> No.9282765

what's with all the numales in this thread?

>> No.9282775
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>> No.9282861
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Why do I have to hate and love girls at the same time