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/lit/ - Literature

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9281332 No.9281332 [Reply] [Original]


What do you think of this? Has he figured things out?

>> No.9281361

If the so-called pilots who are flying the plane right now into a mountain, I'd rather some passenger took over to avert the disaster and bring us to safety, even if there is significant risk, and the ride and landing will be rough.

>> No.9281678

>fuck democracy n shiet

>> No.9282136

I wish I could do shitty illustrations of points that Plato made and then get paid for it.

>> No.9282146

tbf the illustration is not that shitty

>> No.9282260

He treats religion as boutique—merely a way of making sense of the world—when in reality it is, or ought to be a truth that imposes itself mercilessly upon us, so true that at first we can scarcely understand it.

Besides this… it’s so typical of the New Yorker to do a piece like this, to idolize some guy merely because he has academic “status…” notice how it barely touches on what he actually believes. Some pantheism.

Also offended by the implicit depiction of the “perfect life” that you have here: 4 kids going to Yale, Dad cooking a fab ragout PLUS he’s smart, and they all love nature SO MUCH!!!!

Call me cynical, but I’d rather hear the revelation of someone who’s suffered.

Also depressed by hearing of the mother whose boyfriend left her cause she’d never heard of Freud. Then that same mother, the former Christian, smoking and talking maudlin existentialism with her 8 year old kid. How disgusting. Couldn’t America have stayed (intellectually) pure for a few more moments? Do you know what I mean?

>> No.9282869

Democracy in action.

>> No.9283536


Oh ho ho, New Yorker you've done it again! I'll be most certain to pass along this humorous quip at my next cocktail party!

>> No.9283553

>be some guy who talks about flying a plane all the time
>become the pilot of a plane
>no idea how to fly
>the guy who you used to talk about flying with defends you to the other passengers

>> No.9283558

>muh monarchism

>> No.9283564

>notice how it barely touches on what he actually believes.

I'm getting a little sick of new yorker, and harper's article where they barely even talk about what the fucking article is about, and instead ramble on for thousands of words about what a cool guy the subject is, aside from why they're writing about him in the first place, and describing the room they first interviewed them in, and their quirky habits when answering the phone or some shit.

>> No.9283566

Crashing this plane...

>> No.9283577


I read an article in Harper's a while back titled, "Keeping the Government Out of Your Email," or something.

The substance of that article was basically, "Uh...these guys are working on a program to encrypt email for everyone, they haven't figured it out yet, though." and the entire goddamn article is just describing how quirky and cool the guys are.

>> No.9283590
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>> No.9283595

This is the biggest 'who gives a fuck' article I've ever skimmed over

>> No.9283610

The New Yorker is filled with this shit. Literally the only thing they're good for from a /lit/ perspective is if, by an act of God, you happened to get one of your short stories published in their magazine. Then you're on the gravy train for life.

>> No.9283648

"Christ, what an asshole."

>> No.9283693


>> No.9283913

>hol up
>so whatchu be sayin
>walt whitman
>sips almond milk
>we wuz pagans n shiet?

>> No.9283922


>> No.9283970

what's it about?

>> No.9283972


I don't really know....and I read the whole damn thing.

>> No.9283979

I don't believe you. They'd never portray the people doing the actual work as cool.

>> No.9283992

i think the comic is really smart and on point

>> No.9284019
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>read the URL of the link
>what does Yale law school have to do with posting without bumping the thread on 4chan?

>> No.9284055
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>That was a Bundy hawk moment
The only thing that I learned from this article is that I really want to beat the shit out of these people. It reminds me of the Gregory Berrycone copypasta except this is real.

>> No.9284090

Trendy nonsense. These kind of people make me beyond ill.

It's sophomoric nonsense.

>> No.9284143


>> No.9284157
File: 8 KB, 400x343, 4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I just hate reading The New Yorker or The New York Times or Harper. Every piece their reporters write just comes across as extremely tryhard-ish in an imbecile kinda way.

>He summoned Alex, and they collaborated in whipping up a warm grappa sabayon to pour over it. In the dining room, the lights were dim. Nancy, Emma, and Hope talked over the sound of whisks. When Kronman and Alex returned, there was applause. Kronman placed the cake on the table and, smiling, served it.

Look at this excerpt. This use of punctuation and prose-rhythm is the same in all of their articles, no matter who wrote them. What is this? Why do they use periods so deliberately? It makes me want to choke myself.

>> No.9284233
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>atheism and christianity make me feel bad wahhhhh theyre not fun and hedonistic theyre tough wahhhhhhhh i want fun outcomes i think outcomes hold moral weight and the best outcomes are the ones i want!!!11 xdddd

yeah no this guy is retarded, jordan peterson is the only relevant philosopher currently, he's decades ahead of anyone else


>> No.9284383

The only thing I got from this is that some high brow lawyer discovered teenage pantheism. What was even the point? The article feels like a series of cultural name droppings that just sort of ends without anything being said. Did I just step in shit?

>> No.9284385
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>defending democracy

>> No.9284402

Yes, you did. This is just spinozism-lite, all that this dude said has been said centuries ago in a much better way.

>> No.9284405

that's more than a suspect correlation, it's straight up meaningless as a metaphor

you wouldn't believe how often writers do this in essays or articles, and people without any analytical skill fall for it pretty easily

society isn't a plane being driven by a pilot, nor even a group of experts or elites

learn some synergetics

>> No.9284419
File: 383 KB, 1600x1067, 1473193526463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel like, if a bunch of us /lit/ Anons got together, we could troll the New Yorker?

I mean, I know none of us here are terribly smart, but judging by this article, neither are they. We could probably mess with them if we wanted to.

>> No.9284426 [DELETED] 

>know you can do something better than what you often see in popular works or media
>not dumb enough to put something out there unless you feel it has significant value as a contribution to culture
>realize I can do better than most people but that doesn't amount to a significant contribution
>realize I need a stephan deadalus amount of time to produce such a work

patience is a difficult thing

>> No.9284446

thats max wineberg

>> No.9284469

This post was fun to read.

>> No.9284495

keep the edges sharp kid

>> No.9284499

Me and 51 of my buddies decided that you and 48 of your pals should be waterboarded

Sorry dude that's just the way it goes round here

>> No.9284510

>what is a constitution
refer to previous post

>> No.9284533

I'm not sure why but the style of this article is very annoying. Also, all of these people sound completely insufferable.

>> No.9284641

That family sounds alot like the family out of White Noise.

>> No.9286374

he's definitely on his way, at any rate

>> No.9286520

Man that guy's going to be super upset when Christ comes again in glory and ruins his serenity.