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9277019 No.9277019 [Reply] [Original]

Which books help me to lose fear of death?

>> No.9277073

Mindfulness in Plain

>> No.9277079


>> No.9277110

conspriracy against hter humen race

>> No.9277116

Plato apology

>> No.9277130

The general understanding that in time, all humans and any trace of humanity will disappear. The universe is billions of years old, and will exist billions of years after human existence. So alleviate your desire to create something immortal or being remembered after you die. This takes a ton of pressure off. Is it a "cop out"? Maybe, but when you realize the meaninglessness of you're "copping out" of, who really gives a fuck. Your time here is very short, even if you live to be 100, it's nothing compared to the rest of the universe, so enjoy it and be happy, help others why not, and slip calmly into the void. "If we affirm one single moment, we thus affirm not only ourselves but all existence. For nothing is self-sufficient, neither in us ourselves nor in things; and if our soul has trembled with happiness and sounded like a harp string just once, all eternity was needed to produce this one event—and in this single moment of affirmation all eternity was called good, redeemed, justified, and affirmed."

>> No.9277152

>being scared of something you'll never experience
>coming from the universe but being afraid to go back into it

>> No.9277180
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>being scared of losing the only thing you've ever had

>> No.9277187

>being given something at 400,000,000,000,000:1 odds
>spend 90% of its use worrying about not having it

>> No.9277201

realize you could die at any given moment and stop worrying

>> No.9277203

book of revelation

>> No.9277306

You're not even remotely worried about losing something that rare?

>> No.9277311

>fearing death

>> No.9277329

or you could consider it completely arbitrary in the face of that ratio.

besides, god giveth, god taketh away

>> No.9277349
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why not

>> No.9277406

I was born here and I'll die here
against my will
I know it looks like I'm moving
but I'm standing still
every nerve in my body
so vacant and numb
don't even remember what it was
I came here to get away from
Don't even hear the murmur of a prayer
It's not dark yet but it's getting there

>> No.9277451

Your death is already sealed. The universe can't take you because you already belong to it. Anything you might claim will be gone one day, and as such is already gone.

The universe can take you the moment it desires, whether you're climbing a mountain or lying in your bed. Let go of your imagined ownership of anything, even yourself, and your anxiety will dissipate

>> No.9277597
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Try not reading and reading that as if it were a book instead.

>> No.9277673
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>Being afraid of losing something that you WILL lose.

>> No.9277686

>the only part of you that burns in hell...and so on and so forth

>> No.9277891


>> No.9277900
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Why be afraid of something you can't escape?

fear is only beginning

>> No.9277916

Whoever wrote this deserves the nobel!

>> No.9277937

This. It did the trick for me, along with some serious introspection.

You must realize that modern society really lacks any sort of conventions for how to approach death and dying. Once you realize that you can't rely on other people on this particular issue you'll be able to explore it freely.

>> No.9278077
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Anyone else here who has never experienced a fear of death?

I'm really curious. When I'm with close friends and this topic comes up, they never believe me.

>> No.9278155

>This takes a ton of pressure off.
It might take pressure off, but it doesn't make the realization of the Absurd any less painful.

>> No.9278290

The Gift of Death - Derrida
Myth of Sisyphus - Campus

Don't listen to the rest of this thread

>> No.9278346

Is The Apology really only >50 pages? If so, it's not worth buying and I need to find a pdf.

>> No.9278378

Gilgamesh. It will replace your fear with bitter longing.

The Iliad. It will replace your fear with bitter rage.

Don Quixote. The fart jokes will distract you.

>> No.9278385

I hadn't until two days ago. Until then I'd opposed it, been disgusted by it, but never scared by it. Is that what you mean? Or do you, disgustingly, accept it?

As I say, two days ago it struck me. It felt like death would be a cutting. I realised I would lose my brother and my parents and my friends and the men and women I pass every day. I cannot let them -- you -- pass into nothing.

Anyway, that's why I've been paying hookers to talk to me.

>> No.9278393

gen.lib.rus.ec. "Plato Hackett" (get the compilation whatever if there happens to be multiple copies). Remember to look in fiction and non-fiction.

It'll have all the Plato, including the apology.

>> No.9278402

>fear of death
I have the opposite of that. Knowing that someday my shitty life will end is the only thing that gives me happiness.

>> No.9278417

Well lucky for you! That edge will be cutting you in no time.

When the lord taketh away, he giveth also.

>> No.9278427
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>tfw making the decision to end your life is the only thing that made it better

>> No.9278428
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Thank you, my friend.

>> No.9278431

Oh, read this too if you wanna get into THE GREEEKS


Apparently there was some circlejerk drama but who cares.

>> No.9278446

Nihilism is much like solipsism or similar ideas that bother people. In regard to solipsism, indeed, you really can't prove that anything doesn't exist outside of your own mind. That said, daily life is the only foundation for living that we know of to work with, so we simply take this as common sense and move on. These existential issues play on unverifiable problems. At a point we just have to put it to rest and do what's practical. The lack of meaning in life is the same deal. We can't verify this issue one way or the other. We take what we have to work with, make the best of it, and move on.

>> No.9278532

No Exit & 3 other plays

>> No.9278539

Is this the legendary "Worst post" ?

>> No.9278564

The Will to Power

>> No.9279398


>> No.9279420

Marcus Aurilies the meditations

>> No.9279440


there was an entry about treating your soul as if you were borrowing it and happily giving it back when nature asks that i found really great.

>> No.9279572

Yup, the stoics in general sound like what OP is looking for

>> No.9280347

I think I'm gonna be sick

>> No.9280363 [DELETED] 

don't forget that perspective can be magnified both ways.

>> No.9280372

It's been so long since I felt that way. I can barely remember how it's like.

To give an answer my recommendation is "The book on the taboo against knowing who you are" by Alan Watts, though most suggestions here are completely valid.

>> No.9280373

Combine. Death is just part of life, why fear it?

To live, is to die, they are one experience.

>> No.9280375

if time is eternal then perspective is arbitrary, and it makes no more sense to look at being in terms of billions of years than it does in terms of a single lifetime.

>> No.9280376
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>Alan Watts
Please take this discussion seriously.

>> No.9280378

Yes? You have me interested.

>> No.9280388
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I wonder how much taxpayer money was spent just for this picture.

When the president goes abroad it must cost millions per trip in security and lodging for all his aides and lackeys

What a waste we have skype now use that

It's the current year

>> No.9280408
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books? no books. time. time will have you begging for the sweet release of death.

>> No.9280422

Death cannot be experienced. Thats the whole thing.
Nietzsche. Schopenhauer.

>> No.9280426

Ego is the problem obviously. If you are not attached to anything, not even to yourself, death is nothing. But are you truly living?

>> No.9280652

The universe is billions of years old, but do you experience that? Do you experience lengths of time? All you ever experience is the present moment. Meaning isn't calculated by comparison of numbers. It isn't calculated at all. It's a feeling. You think and do things and they feel meaningful or they don't.

Anything you're not experiencing right now is a figment of your imagination. The universe in billions of years won't exist in your reality. Meaning is subjective. You can't say things are meaningless by invoking the objective.

>> No.9280662

Have you read 'The Denial of Death?' Maybe you repressed it, and it manifested itself as something else so you don't have to think about it. It's a pretty fundamental experience. It's a great book, it explains all of psychology in terms of defense mechanisms against annihilation anxiety. Probably wrong, or too simplistic, but it's still a masterpiece of a book. Maybe it explains why you don't fear death.

>> No.9280672



Who falls for these retarded leaps of logic?

>> No.9280754

If someone were to hold a gun to your head and threaten to kill you it wouldn't hold any fear for you?

>> No.9280777

Have you tried being a depressed piece of shit? No reading required

>> No.9280821

None. Try DMT. I don't pretend to know about death and I don't have all these hippie hangups about psychedelics and god, but if you want to come face to face with nonexistence and have your ego forcefully flattened for a second, Dimitri's your guy.

>> No.9280895

War & Peace

>> No.9280989

Whats the difference between the .ru site of libgen and the .io? Is the first a honey pot made by the kremlin?

>> No.9281990

>Who falls for these retarded leaps of logic?
Retards do.

>> No.9282025

>implying you shouldn't fear death

>> No.9282036

>fearing something you don't experience
You could argue fear of loss of consciousness, or fear of (dying a) painful death. Fear of death makes no sense, as you will never know when you are dead. You won't see the "transition", as you won't notice not-being.

>> No.9282049

Why makes irrational fears "wrong"?

>> No.9282051

*What makes

>> No.9282054

But I can be attached to something and not fear losing it. It's a matter of the fear having control over you or not.

>> No.9282060

They serve no practical purpose while making your life substantially worse
t. instrumentalist scum

>> No.9282078

I'm not arguing the merits of irrational fears. You fear what you fear, be it rational or not. It's a truism, but we don't get to chose what we fear. What you can do is better articulate why, or what component of it, you fear. Saying you "fear death" (as even I know I do), is meaningless. What about it makes you fearful? Pain? Loss of consciousness? (and what about it makes you afraid?) As I see it, it's the first step to overcoming fear.

>> No.9282131

I'm so fucking tired of this stupid argument
>hurr durr you'll never experience death, why bother? xd
I'm not scared that it will hurt or I'll go to Hell or some stupid shit like that. What bothers me is the idea that one day I'll stop existing, that everything will cease to be for eternity. A dark screen, forever, and nothing after that. What makes this so unsolvable it's that it's not an irrational fear. In fact I think it's the ultimate rational fear. I can't give myself arguments as to why I shouldn't be afraid. A part of me believes that people who don't fear death are just not capable enough of thinking rationally. But I don't wanna sound pedantic.
Reason gave us this fear, and only faith can cure us. Read Unamuno, OP.

>> No.9282151

>I think it's the ultimate rational fear
And how would you define rationality here? You still arbitrarily assign value to your existence

>> No.9282176

>What bothers me is the idea that one day I'll stop existing, that everything will cease to be for eternity
Where is the problem in not-existing?

>> No.9282189

Our definitions of 'attachment' differ, I believe.
But theres a lot of psychological nuances in this kind of stuff, so I guess what you propose is possible. I dont think that is the case, but whatever

>> No.9282213

Also Seneca's selected letters

>> No.9282232

What I mean is: you'll lose everything you are attached to, sooner or later, as an empirical fact (unless you subscribe to some faith that states the contrary). As long as this realisation makes you feel like shit, you are consumed by your fear of losing it (be "it" your girlfriend or your life). But if you can feel good despite understanding this, you control your fear. This still means you can, and will, avoid losing your life for as long as possible.

>> No.9282243

>fear of loss of consciousness
I have this.

>> No.9282246

Exactly. As I said, our definitions differ.
If you are able to enjoy life without getting attached to anything, not even to yourself (in the measure that this is even possible), then you wont fear losing anything or dying.
THIS is the Übermensch, btw. At least its a primary quality of the concept.

>> No.9282252

>being scared of literally nothingness

>> No.9282414

>Implying nothingness isn't the scariest thing there is (?)

>> No.9282428

Fear is an emotion, of course it will always be based on an "arbitrary" value. If I'm afraid of walking in the street at 4AM because I don't want to get robbed/raped, it's because I arbitrarily value my money or my anal virginity. But in that case I can always say to myself "The odds of suffering an assault are very low" or "I can run and yell, there probably is a cop nearby". And yes, I value my own existence. I can't imagine a (sane) person who doesn't. It's hard to believe for me. The thing with death is I can't come up with a way to rationalize it. I'm utterly naked. My way of dealing with fear is useless here.

>> No.9282508

>tfw the leitmotif of the void /r/atheists paradoxically fear is a projection of their own ignorance of their own minds

>> No.9282677

the Catechism of the Catholic Church

>> No.9282693

>What is the eternal recurrence

What I lose I will find again

>> No.9282728

My twisted World by Elliot Rodger.

>> No.9282744

Your fear of death comes from both uncertainty and urgency. You feel like you won't have time to do all thise super cool things marketed to you instead of being happy and finding joy in the life you lead now. I could be out doing skydiving or some other shit, but my happiest moments involve sitting with my dogs and listening to the birds. For me simplicity is my desirable destination.

Uncertainty involves everything you're told about an afterlife based on the choices you make or don't. No one knows 100% and whoever says they do is lying to you.

Besides, death comes for all. It is not just an end though. Rendezvous with Death is a good poem about it, I think.

>> No.9282749

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.9282756

>simplicity is my desirable destination.

voluntary simplicity or simplicity by default

>> No.9282768


I'll take either.

>> No.9282793

Bullshit. Fellow anons like you that love to shallowread N and then go around spamming words like Übermensch and Eternal Recurrence should really take a step back and reconsider if you really understand the concepts youre referring to.
Eternal Recurrence serves only as a 'motivation' to live- with more intensity and seriousness, authenticity and passion. It is NOT a scientifical proposition, and it is obviously not metaphysical either.
Tl;dr your consciousness depends on your life. If YOU die, theres nothing. The fact that a perfect copy of you is going to live exactly the same things as you, is going to feel the same way you feel, is going to think exactly the same as you... Is irrelevant, BECAUSE all that is outside your consciousness.
Tl;dr of tl;dr your consciousness depends on your life.

>> No.9282795

Writing this ramble I didnt realise that the tl;dr of tl;dr says the same as the start of the tl;dr. My bad.
Also, I explained myself poorly, but I hope I could get the point across

>> No.9282810

You shouldn't be scared of losing your virginity anon

>> No.9282857

>Anyway, that's why I've been paying hookers to talk to me.

How disappointingly middle class

>> No.9282898
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>the All needs material to make a horse somewhere thousands of miles away

>the All kills my body and makes the horse

>perfect equilibrium maintained

>> No.9283003

>No Epicurus's Letter to Menoeceus

Basically That (as well as the letter to Herodotus, though it isn't half as relevant to what you're looking for)

If you're part of the memelords who still think pleasure-driven epicurianism means degenerate hedonism, and can't get that idea out of your head, then read Epictetus' Enchiridion. The conclusion is similar, but it's brought through in a whole different way.

>> No.9283029

Nod head in agreement/10

>> No.9283049

>In this moment, I am euphoric

>> No.9284084

The Bible

>> No.9284098


>> No.9284110

Is "The Last Days of Socrates" the same as book as Apology?

>> No.9284128

Probably none of them.
If any, a book of poetry or Ulysses.

>> No.9284160

The Bible, Summa Theologiae.

>> No.9284526

It contains the Apology, Along with 3 other dialogues concerning his trial.

>> No.9284741

>paying hookers to talk to me.
I know that Holden Caulfeel

>> No.9284885

>if you don't covet or cling to something you borrowed you're not using it right
I don't understand. I did not by my own active power bring the "self" into being. I cannot be expected to hold onto it forever, and I wouldn't want to anyways. It will serve it's purpose and end where it should, no sooner or later.

The thing is, that's just considering life from the outside looking in. From the inside looking out, fearing an end to phenomenal existence is absurd since all experience and "self" is fragmented into so many parts. Identifying any part of phenomenal existence as a permanent "self" is absurd since all can persist individually without the others.

Even as a configuration of parts "you" are temporary, passing moment to moment with new thought, new experience: you are not the you who had not read this: the configuration of experience is different and new and the old one is gone to where you will go too.

If you are the active transition itself, with all the changes of the world experienced in you, even in part, then you are persistent even beyond death and while experience will change as it always does, it will continue and death cannot hurt you, only delay you.

If there is nothing that you cling to, nothing to call you and yours, the small thing you call death cannot hurt you.

>> No.9284912

If you identify something that exists outside of you as a reason to fear death (unless you believe you made your parents), so you should realize that the source of you and those outside you is real enough to be worth more than your persistence: neither you nor they will cease to have existed and have experienced what you all did in death. You're not gone at all and the information is perfectly preserved: that you can't experience the past doesn't change the fact that it was, even if only for a moment.

>> No.9285206

Ty fampie. ;)