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/lit/ - Literature

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9278624 No.9278624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is making you unhappy in these moments my fellow /lit/ bros?

>> No.9278641

I have no friends and I'm failing German.

>> No.9278646

I don't have enough money to work on all the projects I want to do.

>> No.9278650

Literary projects? you don't need money to write.

>> No.9278651

Being alive. Also not being smart enough to read quickly AND completely comprehend what I'm reading.

>> No.9278655

I wasn't born into a rich prosperous aristocratic family. I don't have the wealth or time to pursue my endeavours without constantly being weighed down by monetary issues and familial support.

>> No.9278667

I lost the few old friends I had and the only person who i'm remotely in contact with is my cousin and his friends who are the moronic faggots who suck up to cool kids but never get there, i get this vibe from his girlfriend that she's cheating on him and i don't give a fuck. he does boxing and when i watched him have a fight i secretly felt pleasure when he got hit. i just want my old friends back and i was reconnecting with this girl who had a thing for me and who i had a thing for and i must've said something wrong because she stopped replying or she just doesn't want anything to do with a 26-year old bum. i just want to know why but fuck i'm not going to humiliate myself further.
i just need to focus on writing music, figuring out some way to get cash, going to the gym occasionally and getting laid.

fuck what does a 26-year old whos bridges are sort of burnt supposed to do socially everyone remotely fun to hang around is already solid with their contacts and here i am once in self-imposed isolation now an involuntary hermit it fucking sucks to realize that what was supposed to be my golden years was spent being willfully anti-social. fuck me.

>> No.9278669

october revolution ; ;

>> No.9278672

Why do you follow me around from board to board posting this depressing shit that I'm trying to run away from by wasting time here? It takes away the whole point of the exercise.

>> No.9278687
File: 138 KB, 500x754, bookshelf hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I don't write anything except academic works. Mostly to do with improving the house and yard, things like getting a new fence up, patching the shed, building more garden beds, overall a big trip to the garden center and the woodworking store.

One thing I'm planning is a bit /lit/-ish, taking down the drywall in one of the hallways and making built-in shelves a bit like the left side of this pic.

>> No.9278691

I don't know what the future will be like, but I do know that there will be great suffering involved

>> No.9278704

I am being frustrated by multiple things and there seems to be no end in sight to them. Multiple people suggest different things without being in the situation I am so their advice is slightly helpful but ultimately worthless because it's really not the same.

I am just left to suffer alone with small moments of relief but even those are interrupted by another annoyance.

People also say, "don't blame external factors just do this, this, or this," and that is equally frustrating too. I cannot do some things because they are outside of my control so when someone tells me to "just do it" I want to bash their face in.

>> No.9278709

I'm trying to let it all out, since I can't do it in real life.

>> No.9278713


>> No.9278821

I hate my physical appearance. Not even hideous, just average, but I hate mediocrity. When I get a place of my own I'd like to remove every mirror.

>> No.9278826

You're beautiful anon :)

>> No.9278829

Not true but I appreciate the sentiment :)

>> No.9278831

It is true !

>> No.9278865


Lack of disposable income, though unhappy is too strong a word.

>> No.9278866

You're very kind to e-strangers. Never lose your spark, friend.

>> No.9278895

my sexual frustration from the fact that I'm a virg

>> No.9278908

Human communication is moving beyond the written word. Inevitable, but
>muh nostalgia

>> No.9278916

same but not a virg :x

>> No.9279059

I wasted my life.

>> No.9279065

I'm in love with someone I'm not good enough for

>> No.9279171

>treated mostly with contempt from my family
>schools pretty tough
Could be worse desu

>> No.9279172

My academic performance has become very poor and I can't tell if it is because I am depressed and that is compounding my low achievement or if it is because I am just stupid. I've developed a crushing defeatist mindset. One of the only things I enjoy anymore is reading but I feel like I don't deserve to read and my anxiety sucks so much of my time away.

>> No.9279178

What if they just believe that they're not good enough for you?

>> No.9279180

I'm dying.

>> No.9279206

I'm stuck in a codependent relationship with a guy who has several positive qualities but on the other hand he has qualities that are impossible to accept. I've realized that my standards are too high, the gay world has too many sluts and damaged, stunted men, so I don't think I will ever be content in a relationship.

>> No.9279225

Really? Like you are terminally ill?

>> No.9279228

I've hit a terrible slump and all motivation has been sapped from me. I'm rapidly approaching the point of no return and pretty soon my entire life will be laid bare as the wasteful two decade long enterprise it is. I'm trying to decide whether to exacerbate it by reading more meaningless critique of mass culture or soothe myself with some Homer

>> No.9279232
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you're probably just depressed, happens to me too and I've got a 300+ IQ

start exercising if you don't, helps a lot.

>> No.9279233

I'm a lazy liar who values his lay-around time above all else.

>> No.9279243


>> No.9279247

Me too

But I'm only unhappy when I'm forced to work to pay bills

>> No.9279297

There isn't a single woman on this planet who believes she isn't good enough for someone

>> No.9279309

I feel like I have nothing to look forward to. I lack hope and believe in nothing.


>> No.9279597

Chronic pain. Employers see me as a liability. Government see me as a leech. Society thinks im feckless. Oh well.

>> No.9279613

My life is going very well, I have a decent job, am doing well in my education, am in good health, have several hobbies, etc. But I'm also completely alone, and that makes all the other things feel worthless. What's the point in life if you have no one to share it with?

>> No.9279615

Straight up not having money, being completely sponsored by my parents for the moment.

>> No.9279616

The fact that my right to loneliness is being eroded.

>> No.9279620

May be currently dying of cancer, won't know for sure for a while. Not really bothering me though.

I've just gotten published, or at least will be this summer, writing is finally going good, got no other complaints really.

Suck on it, unhappy fags.

>> No.9279626

I feel like a burden to anyone who cares about me, and hate seeing them feel responsible for my happiness and trying to make me feel better or support me.

>> No.9279631

My prostate and dick hurt and I can't get it up.

>> No.9279634

We're all too similar, I wish I could be with you

>> No.9279674

it doesn't cost money to think anon, think yourself out of your situation– you and you alone are responsible for your outcome

>> No.9279686

im so alone
like i do have friends but they don't stay around after they get to know me
like im not so bad and i can be interesting and giving enough time i can be fun too
but nope
i study in a foreign country english is my second language and i study in my third language and i still haven't mastered it yet
im a shitbag with no guts
im 23 and never have i ever kept a friend for more than 2 years
and even in my prime days where there are friends all around me i get so eager to leave i needed to be alone
i wrote a diary a 72 page of shit everyone seems to like yet nobody who read it stayed
i guess thats it for me then
i will continue being like this till i become the salty fuck face guy who spends his free time cursing happy people

>> No.9279691

that doesn't seem to be too bad
im fairly at peace with that
same anon

>> No.9279707

ich bin dein freund
people who actually spend their time sitting around thinking like this are so fucking horrible to be around
women are horrible fickle creatures who will ghost upon losing interest. she's not worth losing sleep over, dude. and of course, i don't know your situation, but bridges can be rebuilt.
well hello, fellow mes

>> No.9279708

the girl i love is in love with someone else

>> No.9279721

Soon to complete a degree which I fear is useless
Tired of my shitty fast-food job
No pleasure during sex

>> No.9279722

i think im in love with a lesbian :(

>> No.9279726

you are having any ??

>> No.9279728

The girl I'm in love with is a transgendered sex offender

>> No.9279734


>> No.9279741

Is "she" good looking at least?

>> No.9279743

Every now and then. I had sex over reading week with a Russian tankie.

>> No.9279746
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, File_000 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize more and more my the day that my romanticized view of love is complete bullshit. Despite every relationship I get into ultimately disappointing me I don't know how to lower my expectations.

I also found out recently that I actually have some degree of (high-functioning) autism and though this explains many of my quirks I'm worried that I may actually unable to engage in romantic relationships even at the seemingly shallow level of most of my friends. I get a really strong emotional response from books, music and film (even stupid stuff like rom-coms) but can't seem to feel any empathy or emotional connection at all with other people (beyond like basic physical lust and even that's only if I go at least a week without fapping).

I've found that if you do the basics (sleep, exercise, eat right, etc) you'll feel better in general and have more willingness to do schoolwork. You're probably not too stupid as (I don't know your major or school and there are exceptions) the vast majority of university work is super simplistic and designed for your average idiot to a B working only a couple hours a week.

This is a pretty common /r9k/ mentality and I know it's not the answer you want to hear but one day you really do just have to get up and be the change you want to see in yourself. Start with small, positive changes and it will get easier and easier.

It's never too late, anon. I was a complete fuckup for the first 20 or so years of my life and I know it's set me far behind where I could be right now but you just have to pick yourself up and make the best of it. Your life will only be wasted if you give up completely.

>> No.9279753

that's pretty cool yo
i know about sex i heard alot of good stuff
i think that's cool good for you anon !

>> No.9279757

she looks like that ghostbusters chick

>> No.9279763

Which one?

>> No.9279768

the chick, the female one

>> No.9279780

That i fall back on drinking heavily (seemingly instinctual), to dull out stressors of trials meant for a me from easily two lifetimes ago.

While the state i am now thinks little of his accomplishments, and admonishes the once youthful exuberance for the experiences sought and obtained.

I'll do the dick dance but I'm not going to fake enthusiasm, they'll either keep me or not. And in the highly unlikely event that i do stick around, the inertness and lethality will too.

>> No.9279781

Sigourney Weaver?

>> No.9279783

she wasn't in that

>> No.9279786

You at least had a choice. I on the other hand keep getting rejected. The only other options i see are those that take away free will. Like bullying. Im against bullying but people don't understand i need to communicate. I need to exercise my skills in talking or ill get sick. People don't care. Its a natural selfish human mechanism that keeps them happy im guessing. Thank goodness for social websites like this. Get up get out and get something. Even if you need to be an asshole. Its for your own survival. Some people think that food and water is all you need. No thats not the case. You need human contact of someone compatible. If not you go insane. Its hard to bring you back from insanity but its possible. We need to comprehend that we all should band together around a farm and have a giant fucking orgy.

>> No.9279788

My dissertation is due next month, for which I've done barely anything
A large essay is due next month, for which I've done absolutely nothing
And amidst all this I've relapsed into gaming after one year clean
This cannot end well

>> No.9279791
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100mg cannacaps

They get me so high I'm constantly on the brink of being so high it's not fun. Sometimes I let them get the better of me and I get paranoid and have to turn on classic simpsons to make me feel better.

>> No.9279797
File: 10 KB, 320x240, ledinosaurguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't even been interested in a girl for the past year. Attracted sure, but honestly no one has caught my fancy, and I've just had a string of short pointless interludes with women and I'm afraid I'm starting to hate them.

>> No.9279814

End of last sentence meant to write:
...so will the occasional lethality along with all of the inertness.

>> No.9279817

oh, well still nobody cares

>> No.9279828

I can't decide whether I should break up with my girlfriend or not. I'm leaving for a month so hopefully the absence will put our relationship in perspective.

>> No.9279928

>No friends
>over thinking

>> No.9279950

>relapsed into gaming
Why do you want to quit?

>> No.9279963

you think you're helping but you're not

>> No.9280023

I like one of my exes best friends, I think she was kind of attracted to me but also I believe she thinks theres a possibility that Im as an asshole as my ex probably says (Im nicer, I think)

It´s not a big problem but in the recent days I´ve come to feel even more attraction towards her.

>> No.9280029

I'm constantly angry at everything

Long past the teen angst phase, this is just a nihilistic rage

>> No.9280043

Have you tried to do calming/distracting activities?
Like drawing, that kind of things.

Or going to calm places in whatever city you live at, going to crowded ones and just enjoy seeing people passing can help, it´s the opposite pole

I was like that. What´s your age?

>> No.9280047

I am unhappy because I have no good reason to be. I am dreadfully unhappy and yet my life is by no means as bad as it could be so im ashamed of my unhappiness, which only makes it worse of course.

>> No.9280059
File: 83 KB, 500x522, happiness-is-only-real-when-shared-into-the-wild-7841460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9280074
File: 232 KB, 863x752, 38a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a nihilistic rage
let it out bro. might be a renewable energy though. in that case, learn to convert it into something productive

>I have no good reason to be
You have no good reason to be happy either. Don't fall for that "Well you're not a starving nigger in Somalia" trite. If constantly hitting rock bottom is the only way to appreciate things, well then enjoy mr. bones wild ride.

>> No.9280076

Im 28. I used to do tai chi but quit a while ago. It did help but only while I was doing it.

I think my anger is a manifestation of depression or something... it's as if it's been part of my personality

>> No.9280089
File: 947 B, 416x454, 1490121728972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's as if it's been part of my personality
If you're a guy, then yes. It's what we used to call "testosterone" before it became taboo in this effeminate world. Maybe ask your doctor for some estrogen. Tell them you are "trans" and want a boipucci. They should be free. Otherwise, you're being oppressed.

>> No.9280092

Why would you want boypussy if you're trans?
What would you even do with it if your cock is chopped?

>> No.9280100
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Good questions. Makes you think. But I was just using it as a plausible excuse for the free estrogen.

>> No.9280102

Im 24, like five years ago i used to have heavy shifts between anger and sadness (included crying). They are coming back a little (specially the sad parts) but im overall happier, writing, drawing and doing that kind of things help me to get calm but also help me to...discover and deal in a more direct way with whatever is frustrating me.

Probably just try more things and try to be conscious of your anger so you dont hurt or mistreat people who dont deserve that.

>> No.9280105

Wanting to stuff your cock into some soft boy pussy is pretty high test

>> No.9280106

This shitty entry-level painting that OP selected

>> No.9280107
File: 113 KB, 800x480, plato and friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he started with the Greeks

>> No.9280109
File: 112 KB, 475x401, 1485755150407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How lazy I am, which goes along with being too lazy to fix it. Also how angry I am with everything.

>> No.9280121
File: 1.93 MB, 350x310, vdLE8dJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be a cat?

>> No.9280226

Not much really asides from common stuff like not knowing what I'll be in the future, death, loss, etc.

Asides from that, life is pretty much good for myself. Obviously I still want to achieve more but I'm glad that my circumstances led me to where I am right now. Had I been born much earlier then I would probably be illiterate but thanks to the internet I get to discover a lot of new books that I am interested on and have fun shitposting here. Life is good, friends.

>> No.9280247

maybe it's petty, but i'm worried i'll never get to sex a pretty young girl while i'm also in my youth and it's bringing me down. also prostitutes don't count.

>> No.9280299
File: 46 KB, 564x487, 9f996d5704d7c653851e3217a49385cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave in to the temptation of chewing the nail of my thumb and I've chewed it off too far and now it hurts and looks really ugly and I regret doing that.

>> No.9280310

fear, regret, confusion, loneliness, contempt.

mostly fear.

>> No.9280326
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Not much desu. I found a 10/10 religious /lit/ qt things are going good my goys.

I have also made some great strides in m self-improvement program, I do need to start running again though.

>> No.9280345

you're doing the right thing by looking inward. there's so many eternally unsatisfied assholes who always want more no matter how good they have it. maybe that's human nature, but it's an evil thing.

it's totally okay to feel like shit sometimes but just try to be grateful too.