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9277395 No.9277395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are poets so frequently beta and uninteresting people?

>> No.9277415

I don't know

>> No.9277618

This is only true for Anglo poets. Poets from Spain and Latin American countries have a way different reputation. Anglo and American poets, especially today, are products of a colder culture. That combined with poets' natural tendency toward introversion makes them into very beta type people. There's also a lot of pseud poets in America today. Most of them are not the real deal. They're talented wanabe's basically. It all makes for people with huge neurosis and insecurity and at the same time ambitions of reaching the sublime.

Good poets, the real ones, tend to be interesting people. These are few and far between. Most are beta tho, even if they make for good company. I say all this from experience. I was active in the Bay Area/San Francisco poetry scene some years back and did a Masters in English.

This stereotype of beta, indecisive poets is an American phenomenon, and not true in other countries.

>> No.9277634

poets aren't beta, you are beta

>> No.9277638

>expecting men who write about their feels in rhyming lines not to be low test nu-cucks

>> No.9277663

hahah. this.

>> No.9277676
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>> No.9277690

Why do you think they have nothing better to do than write poetry?

>> No.9277722

ts was plenty intersting.
I'm not a fan of Pound, but the mofo ran a fascist radio station. Wallace Stevens was the insurance exec to the stars. Billy Collins is a creepy vampire man. Fucking William Carlos Williams was a pediatrician.
OP, get your facts str8.

>> No.9277746
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It's pretty adventurous to be a pediatrician, isn't?

>> No.9277760

Poetry is words.
All talk are poets,,,

>> No.9277804

it's the pinnacle of adventurous. The fucker chills with the sick on the daily.

>> No.9277810

Has anyone ever written poetry while overdosing on Alpha Brain and test supplements?

What would it be like?

Fuck that hole
Kill that man
My body is swole
*kicks a fan*

>> No.9277828

back in my younger years, I was pumped with amphetamines. It doesn't aid the creative process in a way that makes it seem practical. If you really want to aid your poetry, binge on the herb and take a shower with a wipe-board in hand.

>> No.9277831

>ywn be a warrior-scald

>> No.9277978
File: 5 KB, 196x257, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All poets
From pent-up aching rivers,
From that of myself without which I were nothing,
From what I am determin'd to make illustrious, even if I stand
sole among men,
From my own voice resonant, singing the phallus,
Singing the song of procreation,
Singing the need of superb children and therein superb grown
Singing the muscular urge and the blending...
From the soft sliding of hands over me and thrusting of fingers
through my hair and beard,
From the long sustain'd kiss upon the mouth or bosom,
From the close pressure that makes me or any man drunk, fainting
with excess,
From what the divine husband knows, from the work of fatherhood,
From exultation, victory and relief, from the bedfellow's embrace
in the night,
From the act-poems of eyes, hands, hips and bosoms,
From the cling of the trembling arm,
From the bending curve and the clinch,
From side by side the pliant coverlet off-throwing,
From the one so unwilling to have me leave, and me just as un-
willing to leave,
(Yet a moment O tender waiter, and I return,)
From the hour of shining stars and dropping dews,
From the night a moment I emerging flitting out,
Celebrate you act divine and you children prepared for,
And you stalwart loins.

>> No.9277987

It's pretty beta to suck dicks 2bh

>can't get pussy
>proceeds to suck dicks

>> No.9278017

Whitman wrote an entire series of poems celebrating procreative sex but everybody these days focuses on his homoerotic poems.

>> No.9278029

It's more of a European stereotype that started with Goethe's Werther and continued in England with Keats and Shelley. You can say the ancestor of them all was Hamlet, but don't quote me on that.

American poets actually have a tendency to be more outgoing and proactive (Whitman and Pound), even when they are easy-going folks (Emerson and Melville). In any case, it's just a stereotype. OP proves himself once again a fucking idiot by letting stereotypes dictate his worldvision.

>> No.9278033

Sounds pretty gay to me

>> No.9278036
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I didn't mentioned any poem m8. Just said that he liked to suck male dicks, which is a beta thing.

True patricians only suck feminine dicks.

>> No.9278075

Did Whitman actually engage in either anal or oral sex? My sense is that gays mainly just rubbed sticks back then (the Princeton rub) or maybe had a jerk off sesh together

>> No.9278086

If you unironically believe in a schema that places people into a category that you refer to as 'beta', I think you know deep down whether you belong to that category.

>> No.9278091

>using the word unironically in a clearly ironic thread

Kek, fuck off m8.

>> No.9278095
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>> No.9278098

Not an argument

>> No.9278121

So you want Chad poets?
I'm a chad poet.

>> No.9278177

No shit. I was writing you off (now I will close this thread).

>> No.9278188

prove it