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927475 No.927475 [Reply] [Original]

I really liked the themes in Ghost in the Shell and the The Matrix. (Consciousness, Supercities, Military conflict, reality, What it means to be human, Cybercrime, robotics, AI, cybernetics, Genetics, and all that good stuff). I've read Neuromancer, but that didn't quite hit the spot for me. It seemed to just be guys-floating-around-in-the-internet-talking to-AIs the book. I liked it, but it wasn't really what I was looking for.

Does /lit/ have suggestions for more modern/relevant cyberpunk books? I'm even fine with fanfics, or graphic novels or anything. Hell, it doesn't even have to be cyberpunk as long as it has some of the themes listed above.

Thanks /lit/.

>> No.927482

Snow Crash.

It's the book that wrote the internet.

>> No.927506

You're going to want the work of Bruce Sterling, particularly his Shaper/Mechanist stuff. I think you can find this published as "Schismatrix Plus."

>> No.927522

Neuromancer. I'd argue that this is really the book that started that whole out-of-body internet, cyberpunk genre.

>> No.927531


He said that he had already read Neuromancer.

>> No.927533

>I've read Neuromancer, but that didn't quite hit the spot for me. It seemed to just be guys-floating-around-in-the-internet-talking to-AIs the book. I liked it, but it wasn't really what I was looking for.

>> No.927535


Read the OP.

>> No.927542

Sorry, my mind is a bit glazed over, been up all night on a writing binge.

In that case I would agree that Snowcrash is a logical progression.

>> No.927548

I actually ordered that book this morning. This reinforces that I made a good decision.

Thanks, and it's <$2 on amazon.

>> No.927556

Doctorow has some interesting stuff. I'm thinking of his book of collected short stories who's name I can't seem to recall, that was enjoyable.

>> No.927570


You'll like it, it's a much smoother and entertaining read than Neuromancer.

>> No.927582

How can you not like Neuromancer?

>> No.927586

Not OP, but I'm currently reading it, and it's just not very good.

>> No.927588

Explain yourself.

>> No.927598

You misunderstand. I liked Neuromancer. I just something closer to GITS.

>> No.927599


get ready to keep on buying this book if you lend it to anybody, because fuck no one ever gives it back

>> No.927600

The story isn't very exciting, the representation of the matrix or whatever is boring as fuck, the characters have no real personalities, and it just kind of rambles around with this Wintermute thing.

>> No.927606

Mindscan, by Robert J. Sawyer

>> No.927611

Altered Carbon might fit your taste, though it's probably not strictly of the cyberpunk subgenre: no proper cyberspace surfing, though there are AI:s, cybernetic implants, intrigue and corruption

>> No.927618

If he doesn't like Neuromancer I don't see how he'll enjoy Altered Carbon. Hell, AC is practically a spiritual successor with all the Japanese references etc.

>> No.927624

Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Not a book but check it out.

>> No.927633

When I lend out books I usually do it with the knowledge that I probably won't get the book back. I'm fine with that.

That's fine with me. Thanks anon.

I read the first page of this on amazon. Added to my "to buy" list.

>> No.927641
File: 58 KB, 500x698, pkdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's all you'll really need.

>> No.927677

I'm a huge fan of GitS and The Matrix, but it's hard to come by in book form as far as I can tell. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is sci-fi but not cyberpunk.. it definitely gives off the seem feeling of "is this real" or not that GitS does.

>> No.927681

Kind of want to recommend PKD, hits a handful of the themes mentioned; imao, the good ones.

>> No.927702

uh, Altered Carbon is a sci-fi murder story with a "jaded private detective" type character as the lead. He runs around in Blade Runner land occasionally shooting at people.

Neuromancer doesn't have any of those features, it was about a once talented junky feeling sorry for himself and running some pre-programmed scripts while AIs bully him and other people do all the cool stuff.

>> No.927737

A non-fiction work that you may be interested in is Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation. Be warned, however, as the difficulty of the prose, combined with the themes Baudrillard addresses, make the book a bit of a mindfuck.

>> No.927741

Uggh, I gave up on Altered Carbon. Red more like a masturbatory power fantasy than the well thought out science fiction its Philip K. Dick award promised.

>> No.927762

I'd say read Gibson's Count Zero which takes the conscious AI aspect of Neuromancer and develops it more, but.... Neuromancer is a lot better and you didn't like that, so... maybe not.

>> No.927782

First, what did you like about GitS? And are you talking about the first movie or the TV show or what? Anyway, just on general principle, I would recommend

- Bruce Sterling and Snow Crash, as mentioned
- George Alec Effinger, When Gravity Fails - great cyberpunk book, set in an unnamed Arabic city - owes quite a lot to detective fiction
- Ian McDonald - writes novels usually set in near-future societies of third-world countries - very, very absorbing, I think you might like it. Not strictly cyberpunk, but an inheritor in some ways. Check out River of Gods

>> No.927810
File: 15 KB, 240x240, elvissey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Womack's "Ambient" series. Try "Elvissey"

>> No.927816 [DELETED] 


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wvccfvslkmaqcdj twjb hty clu r cyf x k

>> No.927824

The Diamond Age deals heavily with what it means to be human.

>> No.927846

How about Accelerando? It deals a lot with AI, their effect on economics and for some pure sci-fi flair alien AI's demolishing entire star systems to build giant interconnected Matrioshka brains.

>> No.927865 [DELETED] 

As PreViOusLy MenTioNEd, TheSE MesSSageS WilL_conTinuE Until yoU pErmaNeNtLy StOp attaCKINg ANd FucKInG WiTH wWW.AnoNDerPtALk.Se_(ReMOvE The dErP),_remOVE ALL ILlegAl_CLoNES_Of_IT_and_LIEs abOuT It AND DoNAtE At_LEaST_a MiLLiOn usd_TO sYSop_As CompENsAtioN FOR_tHE mAsSIve_daMAGe_YOU reTards haVE_CaUsED.
ervmy tyboec t umlnw e n jnvbykelka

>> No.927881

How was it a power fantasy? If anything I thought it was the exact opposite. Controlled by genes/status/intelligence/pheromones/circumstances/other people... the whole damn story was a litany to the forces that control us. The fact that bancroft couldn't acknowledge the baser parts of himself (the parts that had control over him and made his marriage what it was) was central to the plot. That kovacs blows away a few street scum along the way is pretty much meaningless, just an expression of his rage at the hopelessness of it all.

>> No.929561
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I never said I disliked neuromancer. It's just not the droid I'm looking for.

All 3 movies, and the 2 tv series. I've yet to read the manga, but I've got a zip with them in it. I also found out that there are 3 novels that relate to the tv series and I plan to pick those up too.

I liked the tech in the show, I liked the idea of uploading my consciousness to the net or into a robot. I like the cybercrime, I liked the terrorism in the book, I liked the stylized action. I liked the philosophical themes, I liked the ghosthacking, I liked the military conflicts, I liked the augmentations that people would get for their bodies, I liked that the poor people at the fringes of society were just barely getting by with ghetto cybernetics, I liked the fact that all the countries in the world were falling apart, and I liked that everything in the GITS universe still seemed familiar even though it was set in the future. I basically just liked how ghost in the shell dealt with how this technology effects people, and how people deal with the positive and negative effects of the technology.

Oh, and thanks for the book suggestions.

This sounds cool. I'm also into space opera-ish stuff but figured "cyberpunk and space conflict opera battles" was too broad.

Thanks anon.

>> No.929608

Cyberpunk was stillborn.

I recommend Greg Egan's PERMUTATION CITY and its quasi-sequel DIASPORA. Humans who have uploaded and evolved as beings of pure information.

>> No.929639


>> No.929658
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Maurice G. Dantec (pic related)

I think his novels Cosmos Incorporated and Grand Junction were translated into English.



>> No.929752 [DELETED] 

I'll check those out. Coincidentally there's a group of college guys trying to come up with an open source facebook alternative, and The project's name is Diaspora. I just thought that was interesting.

The plot to Cosmos Incorporated sounds like awesome.

>> No.929768

I'll check those out. Coincidentally there's a group of college guys trying to come up with an open source facebook alternative, and The project's name is Diaspora. I just thought that was interesting.

The plot to Cosmos Incorporated sounds interesting.

>> No.930875


>> No.930881

Grand Junction is the sequel (it takes place 12 years later)

>> No.932603


>> No.933685

This is relevant to my interests.

>> No.933698
File: 49 KB, 366x400, BattleAngelAlita08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the risk of sounding like a weeaboo I'd like to throw Battle Angel Alita in the mix.
It's highly absurd and madhouse retarded at times (lol Shōnen) but the energy in which it explores different technological ideas is staggering. Plus, it's entertaining as hell for all the right and wrong reasons.

>> No.933705


Tried reading it, Battle Angel Alita is both incredibly fucking stupid and incredibly fucking boring.

>> No.933709

Tomorrow's Eve. The only book mentioned in this thread that's not generic sci-fi bullshit.

>> No.933717
File: 36 KB, 420x653, 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're incredibly fucking stu... ah, never mind.
I agree on the former, disagree with your later statement, respect your opinion.
Pic unrelated, but another manga I enjoyed for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.933757

Starship Troopers by Robert Henlein

Takeshi Kovacs series by Richard K. Morgan

Sprawl trilogy by William Gibson

Otherland by Tad Williams

Illium and Hyperion by Dan Simmons

Armor by John Steakley

Most anything by John Ringo

>> No.933762

Crying Freeman was excellent.

>> No.933789

More /tv/ related, but if you haven't....


>> No.933796

Read the manga of Bubblegum Crisis and AD Police. Both are likely what you're looking for.

Also, anything by Philip K. Dick pretty much. I've never felt any kind of emotional attachment to his works but everyone else seems to be a fan.

>> No.933804

I like Gibson's short stories a lot more than his novels - try Burning Chrome.

Not really cyberpunk, but Chasm City by Alastair Reynolds might fit your interests.

And at a stretch - maybe some of John Brunner's stuff? The Shockwave Rider is basically cyberpunk only a few years early, but its tone is fairly different as I remember.

>> No.933813

Love the art but kept laughing at how over the top and melodramatic everything was. Also, it reads like a mid life crisis yuppie fantasy but that was probably its intent and as such it kept me entertained for all the wrong reasons.
If you want a truly excellent work by Kazuo Koike, read Lone Wolf and Cub instead.

>> No.933835

Seeing that we're talking manga, I'll just throw this out there - Hallucination from the Womb by Mohiro Kitoh. There's a good chance it doesn't fit what you're looking for ... but it's short, and kinda close, so what the hell.

>> No.933861

Oh, and Pluto. If you don't mind manga, know what Astro Boy is and enjoy Blade Runner and Asimov, you'll love it.

>> No.933871

Naoki Urasawa's darker and edgier (tm) version of Pluto will very likely be to OP's taste.

>> No.933874

Whatever do you mean? He's already its sole author and artist.

>> No.933904

Sorry meant, Pluto, his darker and edgier version of Astro Boy

>> No.933907

Not very Cyberpunk, but features a lot of AI and consciousness themes. Hyperion!

>> No.933935

I wouldn't say darker and edgier. Just a bit more thought out homage to a great series with clear nods towards Asimov, Blade Runner and German detective dramas.

>> No.933976

Look up Blame! by Tsutomu Nihei. It's not exactly so much a thematic exploration of that kind of future as it is an atmospheric one. Imagine vast monoliths of cybernetic technology creating a kind of digital desert, and the main character rides around on a motorcycle shooting people throughout it all. Plus, his art makes me drool.

/a/ has your back, /lit/, worry not.

>> No.933990

I honestly can't believe anyone actually reads the crap that guy shits out.

OP, try Vernor Vinge. Rainbows End is particularly relevant to today's society and its near future.

>> No.934022


Fuck yes Otherland!

Also, OT : Noir, by K. W. Jeter. More sci-fi / Blade Runner than GiTS, but still a damn fine read.

>> No.934033

Cannot believe somebody actually mentioned Otherland besides me. I immediately was going to post that when I saw the thread. Fantastic sci-fi.

>> No.934052

>I recommend Greg Egan's PERMUTATION CITY and its quasi-sequel DIASPORA. Humans who have uploaded and evolved as beings of pure information.
I'm not OP, but I'm sure as fuck going to be looking into those. Thanks.

>> No.934073


um, you probably don't want to take another chance on William Gibson, but I like Count Zero way better than Neuromancer. It may have more of that feel you were looking for.

Also, check out Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Not cyberpunk, but incorporates a lot of the elements you mentioned into a really spectacular and cinematic epic

>> No.934083

>cinematic epic
Dude, seriously.

>> No.934091


a book can be cinematic

>> No.934094

>continues to research Greg Egan
>reads about Quarantine
That sounds awesome. It's on the wishlist, baby.

>> No.934095


>> No.934239

That definition is for cinema - the noun.
Cinematic is "of or pertaining to or characteristic of the cinema", so yeah a book can be cinematic.

>> No.934437
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Oh shit, OP here, thanks for keeping this bumped. I love you /lit/.

I've slowly been adding all the suggestions to my wishlist (not to beg for, that's just how I catalog books I plan to buy/read) I should be busy for a while now.

I don't mind weeaboo stuff. I loved ghost in the shell and the japs seem to be the only ones doing anything with Cyberpunk these days. I'll check out the manga. Thanks!

I read starship troopers when I was 12, loved it but might reread. I bought gibson's count zero last week and plan to start on that in a bit. I'll check out the other books too. Thanks anon.

I plan to, the trailers, and the premise seemed interesting.

I recently torrented the bublegum crisis anime (haven't watched it yet), I didn't know there was a manga. I'll check that out.

Thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.934441
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Thanks, like I said earlier It doesn't have to specifically be cyberpunk and I'm totally fine with manga.(I just didn't want /lit/ telling me to go to /co/ or /a/ had I mentioned I like manga)

Thanks, I'll check these out.

I actually recently bought count zero. I read that the books share the same universe but not the same plot so I figured I'd pick it up.

>> No.934446

The Tom Clancy Netforce books might interest you.

>> No.934588

>I've slowly been adding all the suggestions to my wishlist (not to beg for, that's just how I catalog books I plan to buy/read)
I remember a simpler time when wishlists were just that - lists of books you wished to buy. You're a traditionalist, OP.

>> No.936104


>> No.936135
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>> No.936261 [DELETED] 

I'm missing Neal Stephenson http://www.nealstephenson.com/

>> No.936270

I'm missing Neal Stephenson http://www.nealstephenson.com/

>> No.936424

Three stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Philip K. Dick

>> No.937556

Not OP, but looking for similar things. I mainly lurk on /tg/, so I naturally thought of Shadowrun. It's a fusion between cyberpunk (decking, the matrix, corporate overlords) and fantasy (trolls, magic, ect).

The only problem I have is I don't know if any of the novels are good. Does anyone have recommendations?


>> No.937565

Seconding snow crash.

>> No.937567

Rainbow's End by Vernor Vinge is a pretty solid book on those themes.

Halting State by Charles Stross is another.

Sorry I'm not feeling more descriptive, but I hear Google is FTW.

>> No.937695

The Blame! manga is a cyberpunk wet-dream IMO, as is nearly anything Tsutomu Nihei creates.

Also, I just picked up a book called Stories of Ibis, which is about androids, virtual realities, and sentient machines. It's ok, but it's very PG rated.

>> No.938317 [DELETED] 

Will check this out.

Admittedly I've never read a Tom Clancy book before. They sound interesting though. I'll chem them out.

I've been googling all of the books that anon has suggested, and adding them to my list if I thought they were interesting. Halting State sounds interesting.

Also, >A sequel to Halting State entitled 'Rule 34' (previously '419') is due for release in mid-2011.

>> No.938326

I love her titvisors.

>> No.938330
File: 229 KB, 1250x798, 1278216478608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will check this out.

Admittedly I've never read a Tom Clancy book before. They sound interesting though. I'll chem them out.

I've been googling all of the books that anon has suggested, and adding them to my list if I thought they were interesting. Halting State sounds interesting.

Also, >A sequel to Halting State entitled 'Rule 34' (previously '419') is due for release in mid-2011.

>> No.938332

Those ain't visors. Those are the screens through which she interfaces with the METAVERSE

>> No.938450

Stross is an Internet Geek. He knows the rules.