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/lit/ - Literature

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9272776 No.9272776 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck this book is boring. Imagine a book so fucking boring it can make the idea of an insane, feral woman who lives in the attic sneaking into your bedroom at night seem completely uninteresting. Jesus Christ.

>> No.9272914

Why is it heralded as a classic, then? I don't understand.

>> No.9272967

Probably because she's a woman. It's stale as hell, I can only imagine women just thought she was doing something amazing and shilled it

>> No.9272991

Its positively revolutionary in its innovations of first person narration and indirect discourse.

No, the plot is not super exciting. But how the narration traces Jane's development is extraordinary. Of course you'd have to be sensitive to these more subtle sorts of things.


>> No.9273021

but muh content, form doesn't matter

>> No.9273033

Lol you guys are stupid

>> No.9273051

do you have some examples of this? i'm very curious to know how revolutionary it truly was.

>> No.9273059
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>mfw had to read this shit twice in uni along with the shitty fanfiction spin-off "Wide Sargasso Sea"

>> No.9273068

I'm reading it for a British Lit class and we have Wide Sargasso Sea later. That was my same thought, "this is LITERALLY fanfiction"

>> No.9273072


+1 for this. Still waiting on an example.

>> No.9273074

It's honestly much better than the original.

>> No.9273075

Aw. I read this a bit back and actually enjoyed it. That was a few years ago though. Then again I like stuff like this. Little women etc

>> No.9273081

I read the first two chapters of it yesterday. I thought it was funny, but then my sense of humor is probably out of whack.

>> No.9273087


Wow why not just buy him 4chan gold?

>> No.9273088

Ill start you off with literally the very first line of the novel.

"There was no chance of taking a walk that day."

Ask yourself what this says about Jane the character, and what this tells says about Jane the narrator. How does it seem that Jane feels about actually taking a walk? Read the rest of the chapter, because its not immediate.

Then finish the book yourself you cunt

>> No.9273095


So her claim to fame is that characters didn't act exactly as they say they would. How nuanced. How great, fantastic. Such an achievement.

>> No.9273109

>innovations of first person narration
please post greatest examples of using fpn, too lazy to make new thread

>> No.9273115

>characters didn't act exactly as they say they would
Wrong. I don't know where you got that. Its about how the inflection of the narration juxtaposes itself against the reality of the narrative.

Let me make it more clear, because you clearly have never read the novel and never will read the novel: the narrator Jane and the character Jane are separated by a number of years. So what you just said can't be true.

>> No.9273124


Wow, separated by a number of years. So innovative. That's an even worse claim than before. Christ.

>> No.9273128

That is not what makes the novel innovative, I didn't say that. That was made as a point to disprove the judgment you made in the previous post.

You are literally as awful at reading 4chan posts as you are at reading novels.

>> No.9273177

guy who asked for examples here, the reason i asked was that i was unsure whether i should bother reading this novel, despite my having many other books on my schedule, and this has always been highly acclaimed, the idea that first person narrative hasn't been expanded to some extraordinarily broad limits until 1847 is surprising to me, though i am not the greatest fan of first person narrative unless there is quite a lot of dishonesty.

>> No.9273195

I remember reading this in high school. I wanted to look smart, so I'd underline passages as I read. Ended up underlining almost every single word... Makes me shudder to think about.

>> No.9273213

So the narrator is telling the story in past tense? Wow. Fucking revolutionary if not for every other first-person novel ever written.

>> No.9273216


i doubt this is relevant, but i can't imagine that /lit/ would be unable to foam a little at how stupid this is.

>> No.9273244

Moll Flanders is a great example of a first person novel that tells past tales.

>> No.9274267
File: 14 KB, 183x275, IMG_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these plebs thinking Jane Eyre is worth a shit

>> No.9274648
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>> No.9275008

Yeah. It was almost like an after thought. I don't know what to say.

>> No.9275084

The unfortunate lives of the Bronte family is much more interesting than their books.

>> No.9275159
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>Responding to obvious bait

>> No.9275169

it was my first 'serious' book.
I loved it, the scenes live on in my mind.

>> No.9275330

It's only popular among liberals today because it's supposedly proto-feminism and it was written by a woman when few women wrote.

>> No.9275360

2 skint m8

>> No.9275387


i wonder if thom yorke has ever talked about books here

>> No.9275402

thom yorke is actually the only poster here aside from you

>> No.9275422

All books written by women are so fucking boring no matter what they are about. Honestly it is the main reason that I am not majoring in literature.

>> No.9275490
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I always have a chuckle when I read the letters talking about how much they hated Jane Austen.

>> No.9275507

Lol, i misread your 1st sentence as "Holy fuck this book is amazing."


>> No.9275719

>ctrl f + fire
>ctrl f + hearth
>ctrl f + motif

Wow, lots of newfags on /lit/ today. Is it school holidays already?

>> No.9275852
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>female write book
>me no like

>> No.9275859

Itt: Litretature should be fun and exciting

>> No.9275869

"Boring" isn't a criticism of the book, it just describes your feelings. If you want to criticise the novel then say something about novel, rather than "lol boring", which is the reaction most highschoolers have reading Shakespeare.

Jane Eyre is one of the great English novels, because it has strong characters, a distinctive narrative voice, atmosphere and drama and is fantastically written. If anything I would fault it for being a too contrived and melodramatic, rather than "boring"'

>> No.9275916

If you can't identify themes and motifs then you can't claim to understand Litretature.

OP should go back to genre fiction.