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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 816 KB, 1197x1517, Thomas_Mann_1937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9272061 No.9272061 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: authors who are literally, no. LITERALLY you

>Mann's diary records his attraction to his own 13-year-old son, "Eissi" — Klaus Mann: "Klaus to whom recently I feel very drawn" (June 22). In the background conversations about man-to-man eroticism take place; a long letter is written to Carl Maria Weber on this topic, while the diary reveals: "In love with Klaus during these days" (June 5). "Eissi, who enchants me right now" (July 11). "Delight over Eissi, who in his bath is terribly handsome. Find it very natural that I am in love with my son ... Eissi lay reading in bed with his brown torso naked, which disconcerted me" (July 25). "I heard noise in the boys' room and surprised Eissi completely naked in front of Golo's bed acting foolish. Strong impression of his premasculine, gleaming body. Disquiet" (October 17, 1920).

>> No.9272064
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>Eissi lay reading in bed with his brown torso naked

>> No.9273246

bump for interesting potential in this thread

>> No.9273265

DFW getting sad he threw a table at someone. I'm nice 98% of the time but when I get mad I fly off the handle and do crazy shit.

>> No.9273270


>> No.9273283

Why is shota so /lit/?

>> No.9273305
File: 438 KB, 709x1122, der tod in venedig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw two intelligent too be straight

>> No.9273326

women are disgusting, foul creatures

>> No.9273342

Becuse hard rhymes with smart

>> No.9273656
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Barely /lit/ related. But he is literally me.

>> No.9274007


>> No.9274039

who wrote this?

>> No.9274042

never change, /lit/

>> No.9274077

Not the same poster, but was wondering this as well.
I found the diarist: Andrei Tarkovsky.

>> No.9274118

Thomas Pynchon. As in, I am literally Thomas Pynchon. Ask me anything.

>> No.9274137


>did he actually die not knowing he was a hack?

I have a soft spot for aristocratic contempt.

>> No.9274155

Yup. I died.

>> No.9274159

What is your opinion on hypersexualised K-pop bands like Stalker?

>> No.9274207

thx, m8
pretty funny how he's shitting on everybody, but is himself overrated to say the least

>> No.9274225
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Where's your apartment

>> No.9274232

Nabokov used to catch and collect butterflies

I think butterflies are pretty cool I guess so there's that

>> No.9274390

If Tarkovsky were alive, he would lurk /tv/ and /lit/.

>> No.9274408


>> No.9274440

I wish I could kill this faggot with a machete.

>> No.9274680


>> No.9274733
File: 227 KB, 500x489, james twin peaks 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nabokov actually made significant contributions to academic lepidoptery. What have you done lately?

>> No.9274760
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his love for butterflies was not only genuine but also metaphorical, he much like mann used it as a literary symbol for pedophilia. interestingly enough the trend has continued to modernity.

>> No.9275500

sup reddit

>> No.9275514


>> No.9275681

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.9275776
File: 53 KB, 700x394, mann-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Erika remembered a time during the shortages of the First World War when food had to be divided but there was one fig left over. ‘What did my father do? He gave this fig just to me alone . . . the other three children stared in horror, and my father said sententiously with emphasis: “One should get the children used to injustice early.”’

>Some things ran in the family. Homosexuality, for instance. Thomas himself was gay most of the time, as his diaries make clear. So were three of his children: Erika (also just most of the time; she made an exception for Bruno Walter, among others), Klaus and Golo. Suicide was a family theme too. Both of Thomas Mann’s sisters committed suicide, as did his sons Klaus and Michael, as did the second wife of his brother Heinrich. Also, gerontophilia. Bruno Walter was almost as old as Erika’s father; and in 1939 Elisabeth married the literary critic Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, who was 36 years her senior.

>Thomas Mann had not encouraged Klaus to become a writer, noting in his diary that his 14-year-old son’s intention to send stories to magazines was ‘a folly from which he must be dissuaded’.

>Maar insisted that one theme impelled and nourished Mann’s imagination more than any other. He found image after image from the beginning to the end of his work of murder, blood, knives and sexual pleasure. He suggested that this was the key to Mann’s work and perhaps to his life. ‘We can venture,’ he wrote, ‘the thought experiment that if Thomas Mann had committed an actual crime and sought to give an account of it in his work, the work would not have taken a different form than it actually has.’ He suggests – almost convincingly – that in Naples, in the mid-1890s, when he was a very young man, Thomas Mann did something, or witnessed something, or was closely implicated in something that involved sex and murder. And that what he did, or what he witnessed, both maimed and energised him and made its way into the work of sixty years.

>Eventually, he sent Golo a key to the safe where [the diaries] were, imploring him not to read them. ‘My fears,’ he wrote in his diary when their arrival was delayed, ‘revolve first and foremost almost exclusively around this threat to my life’s secrets. They are deeply serious. The consequences could be terrible, even fatal.’

>It was reported that ‘many queer-looking people’ could be seen going into Klaus’s hotel room in New York, as indeed they could. Klaus remarked in his diary that he liked ‘porters, waiters, liftboys and so on, white or black. Almost all are agreeable to me. I could sleep with all of them.’ Sybille Bedford recalled that what attracted Klaus ‘were the professional louts’.

>> No.9275789

ya. wanna kill him with an ax

>> No.9275802
File: 156 KB, 580x739, mann-family-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After Pearl Harbor, Klaus decided to join the US Army. The FBI reported that his first physical examination revealed a ‘syphilitic condition’ and ‘13 arsenical and 39 heavy metal injections’.

>[Erika] was the only one of the journalists allowed into the hotel where the Nazi leaders were being held. She let them know who she was. ‘To think that that woman has been in my room,’ Julius Streicher remarked. Göring had something more interesting to say. He explained that ‘had he been in charge of the “Mann case”, he would have handled it differently . . . Surely a German of the stature of Thomas Mann could have been adapted to the Third Reich.’

>Mann was in Stockholm with Katia and Erika when he heard the news. ‘My inward sympathy,’ he wrote in his diary, ‘with the mother’s heart and with E. He should not have done this to them . . . The hurtful, ugly, cruel inconsideration and irresponsibility.’ He wrote to Heinrich: ‘His case is so very strange and painful, such skill, charm, cosmopolitanism, and in his heart a deathwish.’ He wrote to Hermann Hesse: ‘This interrupted life lies heavily on my mind and grieves me. My relationship to him was difficult and not free of guilt. My life put his in a shadow right from the beginning.’ He decided not to attend his son’s funeral or interrupt his lecture tour. Of all the family, only Michael, the youngest sibling, on tour with the San Francisco Symphony, attended the funeral; he played a largo on his viola as the coffin was lowered into the ground.

>Klaus, with Erika’s help, found a place nearby. Six days after moving in, he attempted suicide by slitting his wrists, taking pills and turning on the gas. He was hospitalised and the incident was reported in the press. His father didn’t visit. Mann wrote to a friend: ‘My two sisters committed suicide, and Klaus has much of the elder sister in him. The impulse is present in him, and all the circumstances favour it – the one exception being that he has a parental home on which he can always rely.’ His mother, when she heard the news, is reported (by Elisabeth) to have snapped: ‘If he wanted to kill himself, why didn’t he do it properly?’ Erika wrote to a friend: ‘As you may have read, Klaus – my closest brother – tried to do away with himself which was not only a nasty shock but also involved a great deal of time-devouring trouble.’ On 1 January 1949 Klaus wrote in his diary: ‘I do not wish to survive this year.’ In April, in Cannes, he received a letter from a West German publisher to say that Mephisto couldn’t appear ‘because Mr Gründgens plays a very important role here’. The following month he succeeded in killing himself. He was 42.


What a family.

>> No.9275808

Give me the magic number so I know that you're (literally) Tommy.

>> No.9275811
File: 157 KB, 860x646, IMG_2599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Chapo

>> No.9275819

In the future, there will be two factions. One will insist that the only word in the english language more specific than "actually" or "exactly the same as" should have its definition changed through chronic misuse by a misinformed mass of persons into the exact opposite of what it means, thus negating the entire purpose and value of the world and relegating it to a kind of hyped of "REALLY", which is unnecessary and stupid.

The other faction will insist that Literally means Literally.

I will bring automatic weaponry to this battle.

>> No.9275822

*hyped up

>> No.9275827

shit i fucked up the paragraphs
third and fourth should be swapped

>> No.9275837


>> No.9276708

Nice article, thanks for posting. What a fucked up family. Poor Klaus.

>> No.9276817


little girls: butterflies= little boys: X

what is x? (should i ask /sci/ ?)