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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 235x266, nabokov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9269671 No.9269671 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that Lolita has become so stigmatised? Whenever I try to discuss the novel or Nabokov in general I'm met with weird looks or >pic.

How do you bring up the book for discussion without seeming like a creep? Also recommendations based on Lolita?

>> No.9269695
File: 214 KB, 988x1202, 9GEeHYd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're talking about nabokov so consistently that this is a real problem in your life, you should consider reading somebody else. and if you read lolita in such a way that you can't articulately respond to "that's kinky" or weird looks, maybe you should read somehow else

what qualities do you see in nabokov that you're looking for in a recommendation?

>> No.9269700

Only those people, who have not read this book, react in such a way.
Don't mind them.

It is kinda like when you were in high school and your friend organized you a blind date and said that maaaan, she is super hot

and then you come there and you are just like meh

>> No.9269751

Describe Lolita as a case study on obsessive behavior that just so happens to chronicle a pedophile. We all know you were in it for the pedophilia, so were the rest of us, but normies don't like to hear that.

>> No.9269820
File: 9 KB, 236x354, IMG_0561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is baiting you, Lolita as a name doesn't sound lewd unless you already know what it is.

If you reply saying it's a pedo book he has prove to make you look like a sick fuck.

If you don't reply he will 'google' it and find out what you were 'hiding' and use that as prove you are a sick fuck.

You dun goofed kid.

>> No.9269832

Invitation to Beheading is his true masterpiece

>> No.9269841

>Lolita really sucked me in
I bet it did, OP. I bet it did.

>> No.9269850

This seems to be the most sound way of doing it.

I just want somebody to discuss the book with because it's such and entertaining piece of art.

>what qualities do you see in nabokov that you're looking for in a recommendation?

I'm very charmed with the obessive and superior personality of Humert Humbert, I also like the dry humor of Sebastian Knight.

>> No.9269913

He's a gym manlet randomly hitting on me, I somehow doubt he'd be literate enough to pull such a scheme.

It's genius now that I think about it.

>> No.9269965

>I'm a sucker
>Lolita really sucked me

maybe you should stop talking like this

>> No.9269976

he's gay, he can't help it

>> No.9269993

Just don't namedrop Lolita as the book you like to read? Even if it is your favorite book of all time just pick some other similar book that doesn't have the pedo reputation.

>> No.9270000
File: 47 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright who has the Nobokov reading order chart?

>> No.9270114

if you can't properly articulate why lolita isn't obscenity then you have no right to call it your favorite book. i mean you can, but you deserve whatever looks or retarded responses you get. it's a dumb misconception but that makes tearing it down all the more easier.

>> No.9270174

Whats wrong with us, anon, can't we talk?

>> No.9270208
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/lit/ is nice, I'd just like to have friends I can talk about other things than what's on the tele or how they hate how their partner isn't doing the dishes with.

I'm not gay, I have no idea where it came from or why this guy is hitting on me.

Is this the one?

>> No.9270230

That's the one! thank you anon.

>> No.9270242

Is reading all of these really going to help me appreciate Pale Fire?

Pale Fire feels so far beyond my level.

>> No.9270255

No one enjoys Nabokov as much a Nabokov

>> No.9270288

Didn't he have some crazy literary theory?

>> No.9270300

Are you a girl? Are you going to post your body now?

>> No.9270464


>> No.9270471

I get it

>> No.9270479

>reading Lolita
found the dilettante

>> No.9271112

He could just be joking that Invitation to Beheading sounds kinky, I don't think he's necessarily trying to embarrass/shame you by asking what the novels are about.

>> No.9271646

This is so incredibly stupid. This is why 4chan is not a good place to discuss literature. You are obsessed with canon, ritual, gamification. The order might as well be arbitrary. Pale Fire is one of Nabokov's finest works, as is Ada, and there is no reason you'd have to read through all those lesser novels (which the chart maker themselves has probably not read) before coming to them.

I reccomend starting with Pale Fire even. It feels to me to most encapsulate Nabokov. That is a recommendation. But to chart out a whole read order -- surely this is some kind of satire? But do people follow these?

>> No.9271660

>But to chart out a whole read order -- surely this is some kind of satire? But do people follow these?
I think they're just something people save, thinking they're going to do it and getting a little dopamine hit like they made the first step in achieving something then never return to again.

>> No.9271685


Haha nice try FBI

>> No.9271690

I think that is accurate.

>> No.9272016

I did it lol

>> No.9272029
File: 884 KB, 360x270, thinkin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is 4chins filled with pedos?

>> No.9272075

>I'm a sucker
>really sucked me

Maybe you're not a creep because you read Lolita, but you read Lolita because you're a creep?

>> No.9272113

What's so alluring about Lolita is how distant and taboo it's subject matters are, and furthermore how at times charming and at times revolting HH is. It's entertaining, I don't see how reading Lolita needs to be defended in any way.

>> No.9272122

This. OP is a creep

>> No.9272159

If somebody repeatedly tried to talk to me about Lolita I would think he was a pedophile that maybe thinks that I'm also a pedophile and he's trying to drop hints so we can hang out and do pedophile things together. It's like how closeted gays will try to drop hints on people they think are closeted so they can share their AIDS. I could understand if you're in an academic setting and course you're taking requires you to talk about Lolita with a classmate but who the fuck wants to talk about pedophilia while riding the bus or having lunch or even visiting somebodies house? That's not decent conversation. Talk about Don Quixote and how funny it is, that at least keeps the mood light.

>> No.9272224

I think it's because you said "suck" in two different words you saucy wordscraftman

>> No.9273163

>Why is it that Lolita has become so stigmatised?
Because you people decided to morph the name Lolita into Loli and attached it to all manner of degeneracy and weaboo bullshit.

You did this to yourselves.