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/lit/ - Literature

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9268841 No.9268841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Allen Jinsberg

>> No.9268978

is there anything women can't fuck up?

>> No.9268979


>> No.9268989


>> No.9268997

fucking this.

Screenshotting this for later

>> No.9269027
File: 1.82 MB, 355x360, 1489782222944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9269072

include me in the best of 4chan twitter page screenshot but exclude me from the /r/4chan page screenshot please

>> No.9269083

I don't get it. I know who this girl is from the meme. But what's the joke in this post?

>> No.9269094

i dont get it either

>> No.9269258

please don't say this on her vid, anon.

>> No.9269268

t. women

>> No.9269286

so that's the whole joke

how funny

>> No.9269294

she's our fuckin queen you fags and you don't know who 'she' is???

>> No.9269308

we do, you guys are simply just as funny as shit laying in the sun

>> No.9269311
File: 1.97 MB, 1502x1036, Screen Shot 2017-02-02 at 8.37.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>high school frosh
>reading the beats because my dad bought me dharma bums
>forward of some book references "Howl," look it up on the internet
>read all the publicly available ginsberg on the internet in maybe 2 months
>flash forward to sophomore year
>poetry assignment, you pick any poem you want from the text and orally analyze it for the class
>see nagasaki days, think 'fuck yeah'
>don't prepare anything because i feel like i understand it well enough
>day comes, my turn
>"Well, I picked this poem because I recognized the author, Allen Jinsberg. I think---"
>prof cuts me off, says "Ginsberg"
>say "Oh, haha. I don't think I've ever heard it out loud before."
>finish my analysis, get 100%
>understand that mispronunciations like this are a simple fact of the English language and nobody judged me negatively for it, except maybe chloe, that bitch
>move on with my life

>> No.9269313

>Allen Jinsberg
>Allen Jinsberg
>Allen Jinsberg
>Allen Jinsberg

>> No.9269314

they're women mate, don't bother they'll never understand

>> No.9269317

yeah, your mother did quite a shitty job with you

>> No.9269323

running tally of the problems in this post: it's foreword, and 'fast forward,' not 'flash forward,' and he was a teacher, not a professor

>> No.9269325

super fuckin funny hilarious

you can buy better sense of humour on ebay, you low brow fuck

>> No.9269326

>female """"""""""""banter"""""""""""""

>> No.9269333

>cormac mckerthy
>gaybriel markys
>thomas men
>ourhen peymuck
>heyruki murakeymy
>sien... sinki... polish guy
>leyyyopold cheddar sengour
>anatoley freeence
>henry melville
>samuel tailor cold ridge

>> No.9269337

i'd post my dick to prove you i am a dude, but i dont want to give you the biggest erection in your miserable faggy life

>> No.9269338

The anon clearly said he knew who she was. Nice reading comprehension buddy.

Fuck off

>> No.9269347

t. 50% Satan

>> No.9269349


Go back to sucking daddy's dick and leave this beautiful thread be.

>> No.9269354
File: 41 KB, 552x310, Screen Shot 2017-03-20 at 6.24.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheeky bastards.

>> No.9269356

Truman Capotey

>> No.9269357

these comments scream "i'm a redditor"

>> No.9269358

go back to gargling on your fathers balls while masturbating yourself to the smell of his pubes, you dumb inbred moron

>> No.9269366

That's me btw

>> No.9269373

Holy fuck you really are a fag aren't ya.
Not even joking anymore.

>> No.9269378

this comment's subtext is "I'm underage"

>> No.9269383

The joke is OP samefagging.

>> No.9269387
File: 884 KB, 445x270, chinklove0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samuel tailor cold ridge

>> No.9269389


>> No.9269391

of course you are not joking, your sense of humour is capable only of writing Allen fuckin Jinsberg and that's all your poor fuckin jokes

>> No.9269405

>Eric Marie Remark
>wait, was he/she transgender?

>> No.9269408

>go back to gargling on your fathers balls while masturbating yourself to the smell of his pubes, you dumb inbred moron

Much better right?

>> No.9269409

someone post this on her youtube video

>> No.9269412

Give me the link, I'll double the body count

>> No.9269416

it's in the OP you silly goose

>> No.9269419

except it wasnt a joke, you fuckin idiot, it wasnt meant to be funny, while in your eyes Allen Jinsberg is super fuckin hilarious

learn to fuckin read, you are the biggest piece of shit here

>> No.9269420

get outta here. Shoo

>> No.9269428

oops my bad thought this was the old thread

>> No.9269438

Oh Lord, she's even more wholesome than I remember, I can't do this to her.

>> No.9269441


>> No.9269449

how's 9th grade going?

>> No.9269450

of course you cant because apparently you have some leftovers of worthiness and self dignity and you dont need to compensate by attack people who also have some values

not like other fuckers here whose lives is based on endless masturbation sessions to lolifutanekoshota porn and who have read two books in their life and then go to /lit/ and pose to have fuckin phd in literature

>> No.9269455

You guys ever wonder if there's a way out of this hell?

>> No.9269456

pretty good, how is going your new book"Smartass responses for dummies"

>> No.9269473

I get where you're going with this and I agree
You want to do this to her by yourself and before she will close her YT page due to all the frog pictures don't you you sick fuck? Well, you and me and the Devil makes three buddy, we're in it together, you don't get to keep her to yourself

>> No.9269499

How is the first page of "Syntax For Dummies" treating you?

>> No.9269527

good, my syntax still sucks and yet still i am way fuckin better person that some shithole whose life is shitty jokes and attacks on a girl from yt who doesnt deserve it at all

i remember when 4chan harassed people who kinda deserved that, not "just because"

you fuckin cancerous newfag

>> No.9269543


More like " All in jizz her"


>> No.9269551

>More like " All in jizz her"
what the fuck is wrong with your shitty sense of humour tonight

it sucks all the time, but today you are achieving fuckin greatness in the area of lamest reasons to laugh, clap fuckin clap

>> No.9269552

Better question: is there a woman no man would fuck?

>> No.9269554
File: 56 KB, 223x226, 1463538054171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good, my syntax still sucks and yet still i am way fuckin better person that some shithole whose life is shitty jokes and attacks on a girl from yt who doesnt deserve it at all

>i remember when 4chan harassed people who kinda deserved that, not "just because"

>you fuckin cancerous newfag

>implying I've harassed her in any way
>implying I'm not just shitting on you (BTW you deserve it)

>> No.9269561
File: 102 KB, 629x768, rice man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9269564

Oh, if you haven't harassed her, good sir, then by all means, please forgive me my foul language.

>> No.9269577

Honestly, doing that autistic shit again will only make her close her account again, This is not the time for rush action lads, we need a plan to milk this only barely literate farmgirl for all the juices she can provide us for the next few months.

>> No.9269585

honestly, doing that autistic shit again won't fix your miserable shitty life, go back to masturbating to fuckin ponies

>> No.9269594

who /whiteknight/ here?

>> No.9269601

Katie, don't read this thread and please don't delete your account again I wanna hear more inane opinions on books everyone and their surrogate mother knows by a person who I would not trust to explain to me how traffic lights work, can't pronounce names in her own language, and is a barely 6,5/10 with mildly animu eyes.

>> No.9269606

its not about whiteknight, its about fuckin idiots who harass person without any fuckin reason, that is exactly this kind of cancer that is lowering level of everything here to fuckin shit, 4chan used to attack people who actually deserved that