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File: 296 KB, 464x466, tidbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9267591 No.9267591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have we been overlooking our generation's greatest mind?

>> No.9267598

go back there

>> No.9267603
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, horace-and-pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't Horace and Pete is living proof that its possible for the tradition of theatre to rise from its death throes.

I have no qualms considering Louis at the same level as figures like Tennesee Williams and Arthur Miller

>> No.9267608

I actually do quite like CK, primarily Louie, but this article is just embarrassing

>> No.9267611

Its big stink, go figure

>> No.9267639
File: 45 KB, 400x400, bluewallpipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no qualms considering Louis at the same level as figures like Jim Davis

>> No.9267673
File: 1.09 MB, 978x473, bayeux garfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The essence of that strip was nothing but a pre-established archetype

>> No.9267678
File: 121 KB, 1024x665, Louis+the+cuck+king+_10960be0eb7a248260d54c170a6e45c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of us already know C.K.'s philosophy.

>> No.9267686

The thinking man's fetish, truly /ourguy/

>> No.9267693
File: 47 KB, 645x968, tfw dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get this meme, plz explain

>> No.9267701

You don't want to know, its pure reddit and not funny

>> No.9267709
File: 9 KB, 205x246, angry feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9267713

I do what I do because I love you

>> No.9267717
File: 365 KB, 500x275, Wojak rain feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-fuck you

>> No.9267725

other guy lied it's very funny

>> No.9267729

Louis CK is a very well read comedian. Plus, he's funny. One of the funniest on offer today even.

>> No.9267740

Telling lies is a sin

>> No.9267745


>> No.9267749

Not that anon but he is quite funny
Politically he can get very annoying but I don't let that spoil my enjoyment of his work

>> No.9267757

>Politically he can get very annoying

I really don't see that. The only time I ever seen him get properly political was when he emailed his own newsletter subscribers his view on the election.
Otherwise in all his work he's very reserved and humble about his opinions

>> No.9267768

this desu, also cuckolding is the true intellectual's sexual fetish, Louis is right on the money!

>> No.9267774

how can i fuel my bf's cuck tendencies?

>> No.9267815

Tell him if he wasn't racist and he supported women's rights he would let you get gangbanged by a an Arab and 2 black men.

>> No.9267819

that won't work. he would see right trought it since i like traditional gender roles and am not a gan of race mixing

>> No.9267821

fuck other men

>> No.9267830

stopped reading right there, buddy.

>> No.9267834

Tell him if he was a real man he wouldn't be insecure about his woman getting fucked by another man. That its the pinnacle of confidence to have trust in your woman while she is enjoyed by other men

>> No.9267843

but that would be a bit too obvious

why do you criticize my stylistic choices unasked?

>> No.9267850

what if he whines about feeling betrayed?

>> No.9267855

Tell him if he really loved you then he would trust you, and that you're doing this for him not yourself.

>> No.9267862

how can i make him realize the selflessness of my actions?

>> No.9267864

>he would see right through it

What? I was telling you how you could convince your liberal boyfriend to cheat on him. Isn't that what you wanted?

>> No.9267875

Tell him you see how tense he gets whenever you so much as stand near another man and that you think this insecurity is affecting his professional life. That he needs to know he doesn't need to worry about being less of a man than anyone

>> No.9267876

because you're cuckposting on a venezuelian cobbling forum

>> No.9267881

Why is the Louie cuck meme a thing again? Like what joke specifically?

>> No.9267885

he's not a liberal and i donmt want to cheat on him. i want him to enjoy watching me get fucked. sure, it's technically cheating, but i want it to see him enjoy it, not for the sake of getting fucked by someone else.

pretty accurate. that might work.

>> No.9267886

read Sam Harris to him for an hour everyday for a month

>> No.9267887

I think it was his time machine bit, when he said that he'd never go into the future because white people would be getting their just deserts

>> No.9267896

you need to stop wanting to see him enjoy it. if you want anything from him, it's not for his sake anymore. Just go with it and he'll find out if he enjoys it while it's happening.

>> No.9267906

my goal would be that i meet some virgins on the internet, invite them and then fuck them whilst he's watching. but somehow i feel like i need to take baby steps, what would be the most logical first step that wonmt scare him away immediately but might awake his taste for being a cuck?

>> No.9267939

well first of all not a lot of people want to lose virginity with a slut, maybe if you were very hot you could convicne some.
Anyways, for starters, i'd suggest inviting a big black man over and flirting with him while he's looking.

>> No.9267959

i could get atleast 7 of them to my bedroom with one text.

why do you assume that someone interested in cucking wants black cock? that's disgusting.

>> No.9267975

Fucking fantasists.

>> No.9268022

He also pretty much coined the phrase "white people problems," just saying.

>> No.9268026

7 seems like a good approximation. Are they good looking tho? Because if they aren't they are not a good cucking pick. And the odds are they mostly aren't so you're left with what, 3 guys at best, probably at least one has stuff to do, the other two are likely to be really gross or bad at sex. The odds are against you.
oh then just bring a white guy.

>> No.9268042

No self-respecting man would agree to this.

>> No.9268045

i don't care about what they look like. i just want them to be virgins. you think it would add for my bf if they were good looking? hm, then i'd say 5 of them.
believe me, they would make time.
i expect them to be bad at sex. come on, they're virgins. obviously i would be the one taking the lead. the raw material is not a problem at all. instilling the right mindset into my bf's brain is the tricky part.
that sounds better.

>> No.9268047

Make him read SiaSL

>> No.9268055

what about an insecure man with weird fetishes?

>> No.9268063

He was actually pretty redpilled before his children grew up

>> No.9268091

ok. i need some more info. was your bf also a virgin when you met?

>> No.9268113

no. but i would have prefered it.

what else do you need to know?

>> No.9268121

and you?
why would you prefer a virgin?

>> No.9268177

i wasn't a virgin when i met him, no.

because there's something about taking someone's virginity that can't be replicated. i also dislike the "sleeping around" thing. i know that's weird since i'd like to cuck my bf. but just sleeping around because you lack values and discipline or have straight up intimacy issues is something that disgusts me. having sex with multiple people for the hedonistic pleasure inside a clearly set frame and in unison with your value system is a whole other story.

i know my reasoning is flawed and probably highly egoistic, but i don't see a problem with giving pleasure without hurting someone. but to achieve that, i need my bf to enjoy it as much as i do or i wouldn't be able to find pleasure in sleeping with another man.

>> No.9268188


I like this video tho

>> No.9268225

I think that's the point.

>> No.9268235

That's not our generation lol

>> No.9268292

*farters noise *
... CUNT!!!!
*Cumming sounds*

Yes... truly... one of our greatest thinkers and comedians... of the modern century...

>> No.9268299

why can't guys roleplaying as girls find a forum meant for it

>> No.9268301

Horace and Pete is good, better than Louie even.

>> No.9268313

>implying Louis CK isn't more intelligent than all of us

>> No.9268346

Yes, we are overlooking it. As in looking too much.

>> No.9268357

Jesus Christ the amount of weak cognitive dissonance you have is incredible. You're doing everything you can to try to convince yourself you're not an immoral hedonistic slut by deriding other hedonistic sluts and making up vague unfounded reasoning for why you /technically/ wouldn't be a passed-around roastie, even though you very clearly would, and you know it.

Either admit that you're just a pleasure seeking cock hungry slut and go with it, or take 2 seconds to realize how ridiculous you sound trying to morally justify your actions and be a better person. Either choice is better than being a dumb slut who thinks they're somehow morally superior to the other dumb sluts of the world. Legitimately disgusting.

>> No.9268373

>being this insecure and paranoid

How small can one man's dick possibly be

>> No.9268378

if you'd really think what you're writing down here, you'd still be a virgin. i can't help you, sorry. I dont think you're a good person.

>> No.9268383

he's right tho.

>> No.9268384
File: 159 KB, 950x895, louis-ck-made-500000-four-days-after-taking-big-risk-selling-his-new-special-only-5-making.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9268394

you need to look past the layers of irony

>> No.9268397

i don't even like sex that much. i just like to feel desireable. classic attentionwhore. i do think that it's slightly better to do something on purpose than being a playball of your mindset without wasting a single thought on the reasoning behind your actions, yes. that doesn't mean i judge others. they can do whatever they want with their lives. i just prefer to surround myself with people who either don't sleep around or have thought about why they sleep around and then made a conscious decision about how to shape their sexlife in the future.
i never denied that i'm a slut. but you would love to be able to insinuate that to me, wouldn't you?

>> No.9268411

maybe i came to those conclusions after i already lost my virginity?
it's ok. i don't need your approval.

>> No.9268423

oh so you were seeking approval?