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/lit/ - Literature

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9264861 No.9264861 [Reply] [Original]

I can't find many title apologizing:

Anyone has authors other than Plato and Hitler?

>> No.9264880 [DELETED] 

Anthony Ludovici is great

Fascism and Anti-Semitism are both pretty stupid though, still much better than the democratic anti-racism of today

>> No.9264890

my diary desu

>> No.9264892

Kill yourself.

>> No.9264897

Canterbury Tales

>> No.9264906

Anything about ancient greeks

Daily reminder: always start with the greeks

>> No.9264917

Even Dumas was anti-Semitic, political correctness is a modern social rule not a de facto one.

>> No.9264937

You can find many right-wing authors from the German Conservative revolution of the 1920s.

>> No.9264948

Ernst Junger, Ernst von Salomon, Oswald Spengler, and Carl Schmitt are a good place to start.

>> No.9264953

rousseau, evola, guenon, ortega, nemirovsky, kevin macdonald... there's lots of them

>> No.9264958

Some ideas may be right, but the whole package can only lead to violence, death and wars. Do you enjoy such things?

>> No.9264975
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Richard Lynn wrote a good book advocating for modern day eugenics.
Most of Mosley's books deal with defending and advocating for at least his style of fascism.
Martin Luther had a good book on the jews, PotLEZ is an interesting book that you can take in jest because it has been debunked as fake but its still relevant imo
and I haven't gotten to read it but check out "Ethnonationalism" by Walker Connor, looks interesting

>> No.9264978
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Your description of right-wing is way too memeish as if you're trying to paint all right-wingers as crazy Nazis. Meanwhile this book truly depicts a lot of right wing values. He is an anarcho-capitalist who believes in complete private property, and thus will allow privately owned cities and towns to control their own immigration and culture.

>> No.9264983


>> No.9264984

If you complain about consequences then Socialism and Communism are the big death tally winners. I do not like violence, which is happening to Whites globally. Getting raped in Europa, South Africa and the USA, we need to protect our own.

>> No.9264986

Massive culling of earth's population when?

>> No.9264990

Isn't justifying an ethno-state one of the most common threads of right wing thought? I would have figured the vast majority of right wing authors would support that. They think that white people are responsible for creating western civilization and thus they want white people to be the dominant ethnic group in their societies.

>> No.9265009

>They think that white people are responsible for creating western civilization and thus they want white people to be the dominant ethnic group in their societies.
That is a fact not a desire or delusion.Modern world was built by the white race.

>> No.9265013
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This triggers me.

>> No.9265024

not going to get many of these. Social Darwinism, California, and the Third Reich are your only hopes.
Rousseau talks about this explicitly, but for most of history this was taken more or less as a first principle, so its not mentioned often. Look up Jus Sanguinis. You should easily be able to find examples of a polity conferring benefits only to its citizens, and citizenship being relatively exclusionary.
again, only exists in the 20th century. Plenty of right wing apologists for socialism throughout history though, Augustine and Hobbes among them.
literally every Gentile writer pre-Holocaust.

>> No.9265028

Right-wing is objectively wrong

>> No.9265036
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and you are objectively autistic

>> No.9265039
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>> No.9265042

I'm not going to defend Communism because I don't really like it and Communism =/= equality, but:
1) Communism has never promoted racism and discrimination towards individuals or minorities
2) The Soviet Union was forced by circumstances to take part to the conflict
3) Stalin was a madman with a very low intelligence, his actions are irrelevant for this discussion

>I do not like violence, which is happening to Whites globally
Did you ever think that white people perpetrated crimes and violence against the rest of the world for centuries, thank to the Spanish and English Imperialism (without which the UK nowadays would be nothing, an absolute nothing, not to say an irrelevant little excrement on the surface of Earth)?

>> No.9265048

Practically everyone believed in the concept of an ethno-state until like 1960.

>> No.9265049 [DELETED] 

Found the cuck

>> No.9265052
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A political movement is not attributable of good or evilness, just as you can't compare dogmas. They exist and you have to respect them or argue against it at some level, but you will never eradicate ideas just because you don't like them.

Hitler did nothing wrong, a picture says it all. Paris is now a rotten third world hell hole, people are raped, stabbed. Infrastructure is no longer take care, Somali immigrants sleep in the floor, police can't go to ghettos without getting murdered.

The Nazis were ahead of their time, they foresaw our reality. The white extinction, and its western culture of civilization.

>> No.9265053 [DELETED] 
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t. butthurt Anglo

>> No.9265054


Define right-wing.

>> No.9265057

Define my ass

>> No.9265060
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Death to all Jews.

>> No.9265061

Social and economic conservatism

>> No.9265063

This is a dumb question but why are Hitler and Ayn Rand both considered right wing? They seem completely different and yet most people would, without a second thought, put them both on the right side of the spectrum

>> No.9265066


>> No.9265067

dumb post

>> No.9265073

Hitler's right-wing by virtue of fascism being considered right-wing mostly because commies were butthurt over Mussolini's defection

>> No.9265074
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>> No.9265079
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>> No.9265081 [DELETED] 

Why would you have that picture saved? Fuck off back to r.eddit

>> No.9265084


So you think that preferring to maintain the policies, traditions, and institutions that made the country successful is objectively wrong 100% of the time? Because that is what you are implying when you say "social and economic conservatism is objectively wrong"

>> No.9265086
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>> No.9265087

Racism is wrong.

>> No.9265090

All communist states went down the same road, not just the soviet union. And I would call putting wrong-thinkers in gulags and Castro putting gay people in working camps indeed discrimination against individuals and collective groups.

>> No.9265092

Right wing does not demand racism

>> No.9265094
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>> No.9265095

Whites need to pay reparations for slavery.

>> No.9265098

OP demands racism

And that's why people are replying with flowers.

>> No.9265102
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>> No.9265103
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>> No.9265106

That's not the entire right wing though, that's just the predominant right wing ideology in the US. A small part of the giant spectrum of right wing ideologies around the globe (and even in the US).

>> No.9265107

factually accurate, but i still think nazis deserve criticism for making problems in areas where there weren't, yet. Obviously, you have to take history as it's given to you, but /ourboys/ weren't flawless either

>> No.9265109
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>> No.9265117
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>> No.9265121
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>> No.9265122
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>> No.9265123 [DELETED] 

kys nazi

>> No.9265124 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9265130

Curtis Yarvin

>> No.9265134


Schmitt is okay though.

>> No.9265137 [DELETED] 

Can mods please delete this thread? Go back to /pol/ this is a safe-space free of hate speech.

>> No.9265141
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>> No.9265142

Fuck off this is about literature

>> No.9265143

Because they were both in favor of capitalism. Though Hitler less than Rand, he was actually quite socialist for his time. He was more of a centrist than a right winger, but fascism and natsoc gets conflated with right wingers for name-calling purposes, just like the entire left gets conflated with communism.

>> No.9265144 [DELETED] 

The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

>> No.9265147


Don't drag the ancients into your Hegelian political philosophy bullshit.

>> No.9265153 [DELETED] 

thanks Ted

>> No.9265154
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>Hitler in favour of Capitalism

>> No.9265159

Because most people don't know what the true right is. Hitler would be a prime example of The True Right. It's about honor, natural order, unity, Tradition. Not necessarily about race or going genocidal but those are always the most fun.
Then there's modern mainstream conservatives who are either just
>Muh taxes
>Muh abortions
And don't really care about much else. They are the remnants of classical liberals. Libertarians are basically turbo-charged classical liberals.

>> No.9265160

the camp of the saints

>> No.9265165

Another imbecile that takes his facts from Jewish cinema propaganda.

Listen clueless sodomite, Plato was the first mixing eugenics with public policies. Greeks despise their European peers for their lack of cities and arts and the Eastern races for their sexual depravation, lack of logos and religious extremism.

>> No.9265166 [DELETED] 

Do you feel the competition?

>> No.9265169

I'm from /pol/ myself. Surprising you can't find anything so I'll spoon-feed you like a little baby.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The Turner Diaries – Andrew MacDonald
Hunter – Andrew MacDonald
The Doctrine of Fascism – Benito Mussolini
The International Jew – Henry Ford
The Jews – Hilaire Belloc
The Camp of the Saints – Jean Raspail
The Culture of Critique – Kevin B. MacDonald
Racial Realities in Europe – Lothrop Stoddard
The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy – Lothrop Stoddard
The Jews and Their Lies – Martin Luther
The Greater Britain – Oswald Mosley
The Alternative – Oswald Mosley
Europe: Faith and Plan – Oswald Mosley
The Decline of the West – Oswald Spengler
Hitler’s Revolution – Richard Tedor
Also regardless of your interests start with the Greeks if you haven't done so properly already. And check out the Philosophy guide.
>The Nazis were ahead of their time, they foresaw our reality. The white extinction, and its western culture of civilization.
There have been many people that predicted it all before the National Socialist, they weren't really ahead of their time desu.

>> No.9265171

Ya, gonna have to stop you there bud.

>> No.9265175
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>> No.9265177
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>> No.9265180

>Greeks despise their European peers for their religious extremism
>Kill Socrates for blasphemy

Right-wingers everyone

>> No.9265182

Do you have an actual argument?

>> No.9265188

Not that guy but Hitler was objectivly not a socialist. Socialism was the cool thing back then so everyone claimed they were socialist but the vast majority of people had no idea what it actually was. Just a vague idea of gimme dats.

>> No.9265189 [DELETED] 

no right wing ideals are allowed on my safe space board

>> No.9265191

You don't get the difference between books and reality, kiddo. Communism never incite racism and discrimination, while the books you're looking for (or OP, it doesn't matter) actually do.

>> No.9265199
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>> No.9265202

>Eastern races


Socrates was killed after a trial, unfair but a trial at least.

>> No.9265209

>Communism never incite racism and discrimination
>When /pol/ and /lit/ battles it out to see whose more retarded and /lit/ wins

>> No.9265211

Dood just totally kill me so I can prove a point lmao- Socrates

>> No.9265215

And yet, way more people died. A bad idea is worse than an uncomfortable one.

>> No.9265221

>The original "Twenty-Five Point Programme" of the party, adopted in 1920, listed several economic demands (including "the abolition of all incomes unearned by work," "the ruthless confiscation of all war profits," "the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations," "profit-sharing in large enterprises," "extensive development of insurance for old-age," and "land reform suitable to our national requirements")

Not to mention all of the government-created jobs which basically eradicated unemployment in the reich. I don't know on what planet you are living, but I would call this shit socialist.

>> No.9265227


>> No.9265233

So? They still killed him on religious grounds. Meanwhile Zoroastrian Empires (pssst that would be EASTERN empires) tolerated Hellenistic pagans and Jews without persecution.

>> No.9265239

Hey idiot, your nonsense Left vs Right division of politics is a modern invention. Both fascism and socialism are direct descendants of Hegel's stupid philosophy. Hence both Giovanni Gentile and Ludwig Feuerbach.

Also, the Greeks were some of the most open of anyone to examining the ideas and cultures of those around them. They condemned what they saw as bad and praised what they saw as good.

>> No.9265247
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>> No.9265250

>Did you ever think that white people perpetrated crimes and violence against the rest of the world for centuries, thank to the Spanish and English Imperialism (without which the UK nowadays would be nothing, an absolute nothing, not to say an irrelevant little excrement on the surface of Earth)?

Ok, so immigration and racial displacement is a punishment for colonialism then?

Punishment = something bad

Punishment = immigration and racial displacement (in this case)

Therefore: immigration and racial displacement = bad

Thank you for making my case for me.

>> No.9265251

Before this thread gets deleted anybody wanna clue me in on Maurrasianism? French Reactionarism seems well developed in comparison to other countries.

>> No.9265259

A hen is smarter than you

>> No.9265266
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>> No.9265269

I love Botticelli's flowers

>> No.9265271
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Nice "argument"

>> No.9265274
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Can we make this a Botticelli thread :)

>> No.9265275
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Nice melon

>> No.9265278
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>> No.9265282
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of course :)

>> No.9265289
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who likes art nouveau here?

>> No.9265290
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>> No.9265296
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>> No.9265299 [DELETED] 


>> No.9265302

Why do you spam this thread?

>> No.9265304

Idk what that thing on the left is, but it has some nice tits

>> No.9265306

>I don't know what socialism is
>I don't know what Night of the Long knives is

>> No.9265310

Because he's a subversive faggot.

>> No.9265311
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>> No.9265320

anyone have a pdf of this in english?

>> No.9265321
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>> No.9265327
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>> No.9265329
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>> No.9265333 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9265341
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>> No.9265345
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>> No.9265360

I am aware of the marxist concept of a socialist state. Those socialists are basically want-to-be-communists. That's not what people mean today when they talk about socialist policies. They are understood to be in capitalist context like the social democrats in Europe.

In the night of the long knives they killed off radical left wingers and other trouble makers (not necessarily left wing). Like I said Hitler was a centrist.

>> No.9265397
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Neither Anarchy nor Totalitarianism are our end goals, but they are means to an end. Futurism, the path to a Fascist Society though Anarchy, demands the annihilation of the existing temporal social order and its institutions in order to start from scratch so that a more organic rebirth can occur straight though all the natural organic processes.

the other path to a Fascist society, though totalitarianism, means utilizing the mechanical state Leviathan in order to create a protective outer shell that would fall away once a new generation has been grown that would by default act according to what was previously enforced by mechanical means of total control

Fascism though totalitarianism allows for the weak average commoner to be a part of fascist society, but he is constantly constrained by the system to make sure he does not cause any damage to the restoration process or "incubation" of the future generation. this ensures that the new generation recives the proper education and understanding required to no longer need the strict control of totalitarianism, thus once the old weak generation dies off the system can be safely dismantled by the newer generation.

Fascism through Anarchy requires much higher standards, it demands everyone who wishes to become part of the natural restoration to be capable of self-discipline, of having their order originate form within, otherwise they are worthless and need to be babysat all the time. thus fascism though Anarchy is more radical and does not tolerate weakness and thus the weak have no place. it also places less emphasis on the "nation" as nationalism merely serves as a vehicle of the weak in many cases.
the Totalitarian on the other hand requires nationalism as it represents the widest extension of deeper "tribal" kinship bonds, and since humans have yet to bridge the gap where we can have intense feelings of care for non-kin the "nation" becomes a necessary fiction for the sake of unity.

>> No.9265475

>Those socialists are basically want-to-be-communists
Considering that communism was the end goal for socialism, wow what a big fucking susprise.

>That's not what people mean today when they talk about socialist policies.
so? It is still the word's original meaning and what real socialists call themselves. Playing along with this 'modern' term is Orwellian coz it confuses what socialists stand for

NotK is proof that Hilter just used leftist rheortic to get into power, abandoning his left wing members to appease his captialists. You can't use their manifesto to prove that they are leftist or even centrist especially after they purged they are leftist just before they get into power

>> No.9265500

There is literally nothing wrong with violence and suffering

>> No.9265508

>Playing along with this 'modern' term is Orwellian coz it confuses what socialists stand for
Forgot to mention that is used by right wingers to willfully deceive others and themselves when confronting leftists. You are basically reguratiting false proporganda to serve your own ends

>> No.9265520


Can you write one of these but for left-wingers?

>> No.9265537
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Fuck off, you create the world you want to live in, that's the golden rule. "Do to others what you want them to do to you."

>> No.9265539
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the Leninist-Communist Totalitarians attempted a similar idea, a "rebirth" of man as Homo-Sovieticus
but their rejection of hierarchy and unwillingness to sacrifice the weak and keep them on the narrow path lead to the breakdown of that dream.
they spread the net too wide and lost their fish.
beyond this they (like capitalists) only embrace the physical and material which is only one aspect of the True Self, thus the resulting "New Soviet Man" is a stunted diminutive slave instead of a full higher being.

in an endless series of coin tosses the Communist always calls tails forever.

>> No.9265557

Perhaps this outlook is useful for the control of the serf, which is the objective of Christianity. You are owned, you're a possession. You are bent to the will of others to create the world that they are living in, under the delusion that you are of your own choosing. The true golden rule is more akin to "do to others as you will, and allow others to do to you as you will".

>> No.9265566
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>Hardmode, unity without violence = a utopian society. You are responsible for this manifestation. You create it, or you destroy it and those who stand in your path. (Which will most likely lead to your own demise similar to Hitler)

Choose wisely.

>> No.9265621
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I create suffering so that I may suffer and achieve purity

>> No.9265753

>Hitler’s Revolution – Richard Tedor

Second this. This book was amazing and turned me into a /natsoc/

>> No.9265767

Is this the alt-right bitch and whine thread?

>> No.9265769 [DELETED] 

I am le alt right, Hitler dindunuffin lol

>> No.9265801 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9265920

Right wing thread guys get in here!
>Posts pic of fucking Hitler

Gee, thanks

>> No.9265960

great job mods, keep deleting evil alt right posts. we can't let them spew their vile, vitriolic filth.

>> No.9266393

Eugenics is good for society until it gets to the "desirable traits" part. Anyone right wing should be beaten to death with a brick though.

>> No.9266396

Posting in epic bread.

>> No.9266401
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>Eugenics is totally bad guys

Trump is literally Hitler for opposing abortion.

>> No.9266411
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being slightly inconvenienced because you called somebody a nigger > dying in a fucking war

>> No.9266412

don't forget children
anti-racist is a code word for WYTE GENOZID

>> No.9266424

It's an asshole thing to call someone a nigger.
It sucks to be called a nigger.
Even if it's better than dying in a war.
Why does so much rhetoric compare two things that have nothing to do with each other.
I have never heard someone on the left say, you know "Being called nigger is worse than fighting in a war." and so on and so on

>> No.9266429

Are you, perchance, a negro? If so, my condolences.

>> No.9266436


Diversity is code for white genocide and you calling people children and deliberately misspelling words doesn't refute the notion. It doesn't hide how openly anti-white the Democrat party is becoming,

>> No.9266454
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>"Right Wing"

3/10 for lousy bait
Best I can do

>> No.9266458
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>Anarcho-capitalism = core concepts of Liberalism
>You think it is Right Wing
Fucking plebs

>> No.9266464


It's relative. In the United States it is right wing.

>> No.9266475

>Did you ever think that white people perpetrated crimes and violence against the rest of the world for centuries
Like the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean empires did?
How about the Caliphate, Sultanate, and the Turkish empires?
Why is colonialism always about the Spanish and the British and never about the Persians, Arabs, Turks, Berbers, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Akwamu, Mongols, etc?

>> No.9266487
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Because most modern people are so poorly educated that they believe Capitalism, a core concept of Liberalism, is "Right Wing". There fore they think Ayn Rand, a Liberal, is Right Wing.
Then most people are so poorly educated that they think the National Socialist German Workers' Party wasn't Socialist, it was Capitalist, despite the fact that they
ran on an anti-Capitalist platform and largely followed through with it.
tl;dr - most people are too ignorant to realize a Liberal and a Socialist aren't Conservatives

>> No.9266493
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>Hitler would be a prime example of The True Right.
>They are the remnants of classical liberals.
Remember, folks - the average product of modern education firmly believes that Liberals are Conservatives and Left Wingers are Right Wingers and will be confused when people mock them for this

>> No.9266499

Looks like /lit/ has been overrun by uneducated marxists who have no idea what fascism is

>> No.9266515

>Fascism and NatSoc presented themselves as 'Third Ways' neither Liberal nor Conservative; neither Communist/Socialist/Capitalist nor Mercantilism/Distributism, but a different approach that synthesized or avoided the rest
>Morons argue about systems that specifically defined themselves as neither Left nor Right being either Left or Right

>> No.9266525


reminder that marble cliffs is pretty fucking far from what is desired in this thread.

>> No.9266532

>the control of the serf, which is the objective of Christianity.
-Oppressive regimes try to wipe out Christianity because it teaches the common man that morals and virtue trump worldly authority.
-Morons like you say stupid things like this.
No wonder the world is going to hell.

>> No.9266538

>Political definitions change as you move 400 yards over an imaginary line
Sure they do, poindexter.

>> No.9266544

ITT: utter retards.

>> No.9266549


>> No.9266562

I've never understood why people latch on to an ideology propagated by "thinkers" shortsighted and delusional enough to involve their nation in an utterly unwinnable two-front world war.

Isn't success supposed to be more attractive than utter, abject failure?

>> No.9266571

I always come to these threads to see decent right wing authors like Eugene Vodolazkin and always leave disappointed.

>> No.9266574

itt: leftist btfo

Germany made more than 40 peace offerings to Britain but Churchill was a warmonger and fucking crazy in comparison to Adolf Hitler so there was a terrible war because of Britain

Carl Schmitt is better

>> No.9266581

A mix of edge, lack of education, having absolutely no sexual activity and 0 social awareness.

>> No.9266583

>but Churchill was a warmonger and fucking crazy in comparison to Adolf Hitler so there was a terrible war because of Britain

The fact that people are uneducated enough to legitimately believe this is deeply unsettling.

Why would Britain accept a peace which might well result in eventual German domination of the entire European continent, and thus Britain as well, when they could instead fight on with confidence that the USA was very likely to eventually join the war? Peace with Germany in 1940 would make no sense from a strategic perspective once the Battle of Britain secured Britain against Operation Sealion.

>> No.9266585


>> No.9266590
File: 15 KB, 220x325, 220px-WhiteTeeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carl Schmitt is better
I dont care about infantile German far right thinkers in the 20th century. I want modern authors that discuss the interplay of modernity, traditionalism, faith, and degeneracy. You know, the opposite of what the literary press push every day.

>> No.9266594


>Churchill was a warmonger compared to Hitler

Remind me who actually declared the first invasion of World War II, anon? And please, spare us the inevitable response of "Poland".

All Hitler needed to do to embarrass Churchill and shut him out of power was not to start a world war. Churchill was catapulted back into power because he prophesized German aggression for the better part of a decade, and was proven right at every turn.

>> No.9266596

>Why would Britain accept a peace.
They wouldn't, since Churchill was a lap dog of the jews.

>eventual German domination.
Literally nothing wrong.

>thus Britain itself.
Maybe, maybe not.

>fight with confidence with USA
Because fight against Germany was morally wrong unless you are a kike.

Reminder that because of Churchill being a giga kike and not accepting any of the offerings we, instead of fighting against USSR, destroyed Europe instead of squashing communist shits that genocided far more people than Germany in WW2

>> No.9266599


>> No.9266600

>And please, spare us the inevitable response of "Poland".
I appreciate the nuances of diplomacy in 1939-1940, but this reads like "give me the answer to 2+2, and no 4 shills please"

>> No.9266605


>> No.9266606



And so, you show your true colors. Moot's greatest failure was caving to you pathetic edgelords and recreating a politics board.

If you unironically believe that Poland ordered an invasion of Germany, which prompted a "defensive" German attack in return, I really don't know what else to say to you.

>> No.9266610

>muh edgelord meme.
I guess, that counts for another leftist btfo.
Nothing wrong about getting back rightful clay.

>> No.9266611


>> No.9266619

Reminder that You truly think it was morally right to let USSR continue existing and genocide white people in masses that makes German "genocide" look like nothing.

Traitor of your race.

>> No.9266625


>> No.9266626


It baffles me that people who undoubtedly consider themselves patriotic Americans rail against a war that secured unmatched global power and prosperity for America for half a century, all because they hate the idea that somebody had to stop gassing Jews.

If you consider yourself an "America first" political realist, you should be pleased as punch that America used WWII to subordinate Europe and export dizzying amounts of soft power on a global scale.

>> No.9266639

I'm not a fucking American and I'm happy about it.

What makes me think is that how undoubtedly patriotic Americans think it was morally right to attack Germany instead of USSR in Second World War, and for more than 70 years act like a little cuck about USSR and Russia.

>Guys communism is bat.

I swear to God that nation is brainwashed with no chance of return to normal human state.


Truly, fucking nation of cucks and little faggots.

>> No.9266643

As a non-American I think one of the worst aspects of the war was the trials after.
If the trials had been about actual justice, Churchill, Eisenhower, Truman, and several other Allied leaders and generals would have joined the line to the gibbet.
Instead, it was a successful propaganda drive to portray Total War as acceptable if the 'right people' dio it

>> No.9266675

Yeah, the post ww2 trials were a joke and mockery of justice.

>> No.9266703

>On /lit/
>lvl. 0 reading comprehension
Checks out

>> No.9266712



>> No.9266751

Not even professors in law school consider those trials lawful nor justice.

>> No.9266752


You do realize that Germany declared war on the USA in WWII, right? Had Hitler not made such an idiotic move, FDR may well have struggled to drag America into war with Germany.

Or do you think America should have unilaterally declared an unwinnable war on the Soviet Union instead of fighting against the nation that was actually killing American citizens and declaring war on America?

>> No.9266757


No kidding they weren't fair trials. The Nazis lost. Consider this radical notion: if the Nazis didn't want their cities leveled and their party leaders executed, perhaps they shouldn't have started a needless war?

>> No.9266758

Right-Wing extremism is incapable of producing art

>> No.9266761


>> No.9266765

>muh tru communism

never been tried! ;)

>> No.9266774

Besides the point. Please go to law school before you open your ignorant mouth again

>> No.9266778

At least it preserves tradition, unlike left-wing extremism which actively destroys white culture in Europe.

>> No.9266801

found the kike

>> No.9266811
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Would you have preferred the alternative of just letting partisans kill everyone involved in the fascist regimes after the war on the spot? Stalin was the one that convinced Roosevelt and Churchill that trials would be a good idea instead of allowing that to happen. Trials were never necessary but they were more humanitarian than the alternative outcome.
Also you're not going to make Total Wars illegal as long as states exist, the stronger states are not going to accept that, the only way to prevent such things is to make populations not accept it.

>> No.9266823

Why are the lads taking a sunbath in such a position

>> No.9266876


A fine rebuttal, anon. It's always nice to have a reminder that edgy 15-year-olds comprise such a large percent of the /pol/ userbase.

>> No.9266914

no, it fetishizes tradition

>> No.9266919

>"Liberals are Conservatives, guise! For realz!"

>> No.9266939
File: 28 KB, 306x400, fracoist spain art 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9266942

>War justifies any atrocity
Found the American

>> No.9266950

>Would you have preferred the alternative of just letting partisans kill everyone involved in the fascist regimes after the war on the spot?
False dichotomy.
The alternative to a kangaroo court that only considers the crimes of the losers is *not* only letting gangs kill people in the street
>the only way to prevent such things is to make populations not accept it.
The post you are referring to was pointing out that the true goal of the trials was to make the populace accept Total War.
Damn. it is like you did actually understand the topic

>> No.9266964

well, when you're not really the one that started it, i think you deserve a bit of a pass

>> No.9266974

I think you can easily make the case that Churchill and FDR were both fascists in their own, benign, domestic way. FDR especially, seeing as he expanded the breadth and depth of the executive office's power at every opportunity, and very likely would have tried to stay in power till his death, maybe even orchestrate some sort of party/nepotism apparatus to monopolize the office for the foreseeable future after his death. The trappings and mechanics were the only real differences.

But post-war continental Europe was a bombed out, war-torn gutter, run by disorganized governments of exile. The only countries with competitive violence monopolies were the USA and USSR, and they each essentially convicted the other in absentia of being the new Nazis.

Everyone knows everyone was engaged in various genocides, colonial or domestic, martial or civilian, throughout the early 20th c..Had the Axis Powers won, I'm sure FDR, Churchill, and Stalin would have been publicly tried, summarily executed, and had domestic para-governmental fascist parties enthroned in their absence.

>> No.9266993

>implying I was arguing any of that instead just insisting that they are not socialists
>complete morons fail to read so that they can be smug

>> No.9267001

USA is ~55 white you idiot. I don't want to live in a third world shithole.

>> No.9267014

>to make populations not accept it.

Heh. I'd take a self-interested industrial autocrat over a population out for the common good any day. At least the former's abuse meets a clear, material end. A population will guillotine itself out of existence for literally no reason.

>> No.9267023

Morality has no 'pass'

>> No.9267035

and you have a very specific view of morality, I can see that

>> No.9267036


>an-cap isn't right wing

What kind of ridiculouslenss is this??? The core concepts of an-cap/libertarianism is inequality through competition and free markets.

Not to mention, an-cap gives private property owners the right to discriminate and set their own rules. So they can kick all the gay people out of their private village if they want to. You think most lefties would like that?

>> No.9267047


I'm not surprised that somebody who clings to a romanticized version of failed fascist ideals would also celebrate the absurd notion of "honorable" war.

War is horrific, but it is the height of absurdity to expect a nation to refrain from an avenue of attack based on anything other than dispassionate, ruthless military strategy. The very notion of "rules" in war is simply absurd. They are a convenient fiction cast aside as soon as an advantage may be gained by their absence.

Yes, the strategic bombing campaigns waged by the Allies inflicted horrific casualties on civilian populations. No, it doesn't deserve an apology. The Axis powers would have done the same, had they possessed the means.

>> No.9267126


The purpose of the free market is to give everyone an equal opportunity to compete. Don't conflate equal opportunity with equal outcome, to get the latter you would have to artificially create it with government force which is what libertarians oppose because it is inherently immoral. This can be demonstrated simply by taking the idea of enforced equality to the extreme: some people are blind and can't see, therefore the government should take people by gunpoint and poke their eyes out to make every equal.

Why shouldn't private business owners be allowed to discriminate? You don't have a right to my services or labor. It is immoral to force me to work for you against my will but that's essentially what you're doing by using the government to force my business to cater to you.

>> No.9267192

>The Axis powers would have done the same, had they possessed the means.

We [Allies] were still tumbling gravity bombs out of planes even after we went nuclear. ICBM deliveries were all built off the V2, with the assistance of the Nazi scientists and engineers.

>> No.9267219

Yeah, it is called 'having morality'

>> No.9267224

The focus on an/cap is maximizing personal liberty and equality of opportunity - both core Liberal concepts

>> No.9267228

The archaeo-futurism guy is good. Guillerme or something.

>> No.9267250

>I'm not surprised that somebody who clings to a romanticized version of failed fascist ideals would also celebrate the absurd notion of "honorable" war.
I am no fascist.
>Yes, the strategic bombing campaigns waged by the Allies inflicted horrific casualties on civilian populations. No, it doesn't deserve an apology.
The purposeful, deliberate murder of women and children needs no apology?
Typical Modernist. 'The ends justify the means' bullshit.
Here's the point - if it was wrong for the japanese to do it, the Italians to do it, and the Germans to do it (they were put on trial for these things, convicted for them, and sentenced to prison or death for them) why not for the Allies, too?
That's the point, poindexter - at the post war War Crimes trials the men who ordered the starvation of rural Japanese villages, the firebombing of residential areas, and the breaking of dams to drown women and children condemned the other side for doing those same things often to a lesser degree.
If there are no rules of war, why did those self-safe men appeal to them?

>> No.9267292


That could be explained by the collateral effects of avoiding a greater evil.

I'm not the one you're quoting.

>> No.9267300


>> No.9267313

>Using same, or even more extreme, tactics
>avoiding a greater evil
Good luck

>> No.9267348


Two nukes wasn't exactly the same.

>> No.9267451

My point, too
>Purposeful campaign to starve the Japanese people, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths of women and children
>Indiscriminate firebombing of cities resulting in the death of millions of women and children
>Refusals of offers to let Japan surender so that nukes could be used - nukes dropped on populations centers to kills tens of thousands of women and children
After the war
>Tried Japanese leaders for the crimes of starving non-combatants, bombing non-combatants
The hypocrisy is the problem

>> No.9268087


Yes, politicians are hypocritical and self-serving. My, what a remarkable truth you've uncovered.

Obviously there's no defense for strategic bombing that will satisfy a moralist, but there doesn't need to be. The Axis initiated the most destructive war in human history, and in so doing fully embraced the possibility that they might be dashed on the rocks. War is a horror, but railing against "hypocrisy" in war is utterly futile. WWII was a clash of nations on a truly epic scale - each side had to paint the other as demons to bolster themselves. As others have observed, the trials were a means of enforcing the will of the victors on the defeated governments. You aren't seriously suggesting that key Axis figures could have been allowed to circulate in governments which needed to be broken down and reforged, are you? I suppose they could've always been summarily executed on the spot, of course.

>> No.9268310

>Right Wing

Pick one.

I really wish /pol/ would go home, they have no idea what right wing means.

>> No.9268370

>Social and economic conservatism

But that's wrong. Right wing = smaller government and a focus on individual rights to empower citizens. Left wing = larger government with a focus on few rights to empower government. Conservatism vs progressive is a completely different spectrum.

>> No.9268425


Are you saying Nazi Germany wasn't right wing as fuck? They had big govt. and fucking massive focus on collective group working for the govt. and for the goal set by govt.

Hell working for govt. was the best job you could have inside Germany according to Germans of that era they lvoed BIG fucking government so fucking much

>> No.9268685

Nazi Germany was not "right winged" at all, they were a socialist welfare state where the government completely controlled the means of production the exact opposite of right and have more in common with Stalin's Russia.

They were Nationalist (as apposed to globalist), but on the left (socialism). Nationalism is not a value of right wingers, in fact it's the opposite, right wingers hate government, because government only adds bureaucracy and waste.

The spectrum are

Right and Left (Individual rights vs Governmental power)
Nationalist and Globalist (blood and soil patriotism vs Globalization)
Conservative and Progressive (wanting things to stay the same vs change with a focus on human rights)

Some times they are taken as a package but it's not necessarily so. Trump is a Left winged Nationalist, he wants big government to do big things and wants to put Americans first. He is similar to Hitler in that respect, but he is NOT a conservative.

The problem is that people use left and right interchangeably with Conservatism/Nationalism and Progressives/globalism which is just incorrect you can have a mixed bag. The U.N. is a Right Wing Globalist organization, right wing because they don't have much power by design, globalist because it crosses national lines. The EU is a Left Wing Globalist organization, Left because it has massive powers, globalist because it crosses national lines. National Socialism is still socialism is still lefty in nature.

>> No.9268791

what is Futurism?

>> No.9268829

No it's not you dumb american idiot.
Right and left relate to the political positions during the french revolution where right-wingers supported the monarchy.

>> No.9268970

>implying I'm not an advocate for moral and virtue
>implying I am the common man